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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2021 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include <boost/container/stable_vector.hpp>
#include <renderdoc_app.h>
#include <common/linear_allocator.h>
#include <gpu/megabuffer.h>
#include "command_nodes.h"
namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect {
* @brief Thread responsible for recording Vulkan commands from the execution nodes and submitting them
class CommandRecordThread {
* @brief Single execution slot, buffered back and forth between the GPFIFO thread and the record thread
struct Slot {
vk::raii::CommandPool commandPool; //!< Use one command pool per slot since command buffers from different slots may be recorded into on multiple threads at the same time
vk::raii::CommandBuffer commandBuffer;
vk::raii::Fence fence;
vk::raii::Semaphore semaphore;
std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> cycle;
boost::container::stable_vector<node::NodeVariant> nodes;
LinearAllocatorState<> allocator;
u32 executionNumber;
bool capture{}; //!< If this slot's Vulkan commands should be captured using the renderdoc API
Slot(GPU &gpu);
Slot(Slot &&other);
* @brief Waits on the fence and resets the command buffer
* @note A new fence cycle for the reset command buffer
std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> Reset(GPU &gpu);
const DeviceState &state;
CircularQueue<Slot *> incoming; //!< Slots pending recording
CircularQueue<Slot *> outgoing; //!< Slots that have been submitted, may still be active on the GPU
std::thread thread;
void ProcessSlot(Slot *slot);
void Run();
CommandRecordThread(const DeviceState &state);
* @return A free slot, `Reset` needs to be called before accessing it
Slot *AcquireSlot();
* @brief Submit a slot to be recorded
void ReleaseSlot(Slot *slot);
* @brief Assembles a Vulkan command stream with various nodes and manages execution of the produced graph
* @note This class is **NOT** thread-safe and should **ONLY** be utilized by a single thread
class CommandExecutor {
const DeviceState &state;
GPU &gpu;
CommandRecordThread recordThread;
CommandRecordThread::Slot *slot{};
node::RenderPassNode *renderPass{};
size_t subpassCount{}; //!< The number of subpasses in the current render pass
bool preserveLocked{};
* @brief A wrapper of a Texture object that has been locked beforehand and must be unlocked afterwards
struct LockedTexture {
std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture;
explicit LockedTexture(std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture);
LockedTexture(const LockedTexture &) = delete;
constexpr LockedTexture(LockedTexture &&other);
constexpr Texture *operator->() const;
std::vector<LockedTexture> preserveAttachedTextures;
std::vector<LockedTexture> attachedTextures; //!< All textures that are attached to the current execution
* @brief A wrapper of a Buffer object that has been locked beforehand and must be unlocked afterwards
struct LockedBuffer {
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer;
LockedBuffer(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer);
LockedBuffer(const LockedBuffer &) = delete;
constexpr LockedBuffer(LockedBuffer &&other);
constexpr Buffer *operator->() const;
std::vector<LockedBuffer> preserveAttachedBuffers;
std::vector<LockedBuffer> attachedBuffers; //!< All textures that are attached to the current execution
std::vector<TextureView *> lastSubpassAttachments; //!< The storage backing for attachments used in the last subpass
span<TextureView *> lastSubpassInputAttachments; //!< The set of input attachments used in the last subpass
span<TextureView *> lastSubpassColorAttachments; //!< The set of color attachments used in the last subpass
TextureView *lastSubpassDepthStencilAttachment{}; //!< The depth stencil attachment used in the last subpass
std::vector<std::function<void()>> flushCallbacks; //!< Set of persistent callbacks that will be called at the start of Execute in order to flush data required for recording
std::vector<std::function<void()>> pipelineChangeCallbacks; //!< Set of persistent callbacks that will be called after any non-Maxwell 3D engine changes the active pipeline
void RotateRecordSlot();
* @brief Create a new render pass and subpass with the specified attachments, if one doesn't already exist or the current one isn't compatible
* @param noSubpassCreation Forces creation of a renderpass when a new subpass would otherwise be created
* @note This also checks for subpass coalescing and will merge the new subpass with the previous one when possible
* @return If the next subpass must be started prior to issuing any commands
bool CreateRenderPassWithSubpass(vk::Rect2D renderArea, span<TextureView *> inputAttachments, span<TextureView *> colorAttachments, TextureView *depthStencilAttachment, bool noSubpassCreation = false);
* @brief Ends a render pass if one is currently active and resets all corresponding state
void FinishRenderPass();
* @brief Execute all the nodes and submit the resulting command buffer to the GPU
* @note It is the responsibility of the caller to handle resetting of command buffers, fence cycle and megabuffers
void SubmitInternal();
* @brief Resets all the internal state, this must be called before starting a new submission as it clears everything from a past submission
void ResetInternal();
std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> cycle; //!< The fence cycle that this command executor uses to wait for the GPU to finish executing commands
LinearAllocatorState<> *allocator;
ContextTag tag; //!< The tag associated with this command executor, any tagged resource locking must utilize this tag
size_t submissionNumber{};
u32 executionNumber{};
bool captureNextExecution{};
CommandExecutor(const DeviceState &state);
* @brief Attach the lifetime of the texture to the command buffer
* @return If this is the first usage of the backing of this resource within this execution
* @note The supplied texture will be locked automatically until the command buffer is submitted and must **not** be locked by the caller
* @note This'll automatically handle syncing of the texture in the most optimal way possible
bool AttachTexture(TextureView *view);
* @brief Attach the lifetime of a buffer view to the command buffer
* @return If this is the first usage of the backing of this resource within this execution
* @note The supplied buffer will be locked automatically until the command buffer is submitted and must **not** be locked by the caller
* @note This'll automatically handle syncing of the buffer in the most optimal way possible
bool AttachBuffer(BufferView &view);
* @brief Attach the lifetime of a buffer view that's already locked to the command buffer
* @note The supplied buffer **must** be locked with the executor's tag
* @note There must be no other external locks on the buffer aside from the supplied lock
* @note This'll automatically handle syncing of the buffer in the most optimal way possible
void AttachLockedBufferView(BufferView &view, ContextLock<BufferView> &&lock);
* @brief Attach the lifetime of a buffer object that's already locked to the command buffer
* @note The supplied buffer **must** be locked with the executor's tag
* @note There must be no other external locks on the buffer aside from the supplied lock
* @note This'll automatically handle syncing of the buffer in the most optimal way possible
void AttachLockedBuffer(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer, ContextLock<Buffer> &&lock);
* @brief Attach the lifetime of the fence cycle dependency to the command buffer
void AttachDependency(const std::shared_ptr<void> &dependency);
* @brief Adds a command that needs to be executed inside a subpass configured with certain attachments
* @param exclusiveSubpass If this subpass should be the only subpass in a render pass
* @note Any supplied texture should be attached prior and not undergo any persistent layout transitions till execution
void AddSubpass(std::function<void(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &, GPU &, vk::RenderPass, u32)> &&function, vk::Rect2D renderArea, span<TextureView *> inputAttachments = {}, span<TextureView *> colorAttachments = {}, TextureView *depthStencilAttachment = {}, bool noSubpassCreation = false);
* @brief Adds a subpass that clears the entirety of the specified attachment with a color value, it may utilize VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR for a more efficient clear when possible
* @note Any supplied texture should be attached prior and not undergo any persistent layout transitions till execution
void AddClearColorSubpass(TextureView *attachment, const vk::ClearColorValue &value);
* @brief Adds a subpass that clears the entirety of the specified attachment with a depth/stencil value, it may utilize VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR for a more efficient clear when possible
* @note Any supplied texture should be attached prior and not undergo any persistent layout transitions till execution
void AddClearDepthStencilSubpass(TextureView *attachment, const vk::ClearDepthStencilValue &value);
* @brief Adds a command that needs to be executed outside the scope of a render pass
void AddOutsideRpCommand(std::function<void(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &, GPU &)> &&function);
* @brief Adds a persistent callback that will be called at the start of Execute in order to flush data required for recording
void AddFlushCallback(std::function<void()> &&callback);
* @brief Adds a persistent callback that will be called after any non-Maxwell 3D engine changes the active pipeline
void AddPipelineChangeCallback(std::function<void()> &&callback);
* @brief Calls all registered pipeline change callbacks
void NotifyPipelineChange();
* @brief Execute all the nodes and submit the resulting command buffer to the GPU
void Submit();
* @brief Locks all preserve attached buffers/textures
* @note This **MUST** be called before attaching any buffers/textures to an execution
void LockPreserve();
* @brief Unlocks all preserve attached buffers/textures
* @note This **MUST** be called when there is no GPU work left to be done to avoid deadlocks where the guest will try to lock a buffer/texture but the GPFIFO thread has no work so won't periodically unlock it
void UnlockPreserve();