Dima 79683f7beb Add setting to enable internet
Co-authored-by: PabloG02 <>
2023-05-02 16:01:36 +03:00

105 lines
4.4 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include "language.h"
namespace skyline {
* @brief The Settings class provides a simple interface to access user-defined settings, update values and subscribe callbacks to observe changes.
class Settings {
template<typename T>
class Setting {
using Callback = std::function<void(const T &)>;
std::vector<Callback> callbacks; //!< Callbacks to be called when this setting changes
T value;
std::mutex valueMutex;
std::mutex callbackMutex;
* @brief Calls all callbacks registered for this setting
* @note Locking of the setting value must be handled by the caller
void OnSettingChanged() {
std::scoped_lock lock{callbackMutex};
for (const auto &callback : callbacks)
* @return The underlying setting value
const T &operator*() {
std::scoped_lock lock{valueMutex};
return value;
* @brief Sets the underlying setting value, signalling any callbacks if necessary
void operator=(T newValue) {
std::scoped_lock lock{valueMutex};
if (value != newValue) {
value = std::move(newValue);
* @brief Register a callback to be run when this setting changes
void AddCallback(Callback callback) {
std::scoped_lock lock{callbackMutex};
// System
Setting<bool> isDocked; //!< If the emulated Switch should be handheld or docked
Setting<std::string> usernameValue; //!< The user name to be supplied to the guest
Setting<std::string> profilePictureValue; //!< The profile picture path to be supplied to the guest
Setting<language::SystemLanguage> systemLanguage; //!< The system language
Setting<region::RegionCode> systemRegion; //!< The system region
Setting<bool> isInternetEnabled; //!< If emulator uses internet
// Display
Setting<bool> forceTripleBuffering; //!< If the presentation engine should always triple buffer even if the swapchain supports double buffering
Setting<bool> disableFrameThrottling; //!< Allow the guest to submit frames without any blocking calls
Setting<bool> disableShaderCache; //!< Prevents cached shaders from being loaded and disables caching of new shaders
// GPU
Setting<std::string> gpuDriver; //!< The label of the GPU driver to use
Setting<std::string> gpuDriverLibraryName; //!< The name of the GPU driver library to use
Setting<u32> executorSlotCountScale; //!< Number of GPU executor slots that can be used concurrently
Setting<u32> executorFlushThreshold; //!< Number of commands that need to accumulate before they're flushed to the GPU
Setting<bool> useDirectMemoryImport; //!< If buffer emulation should be done by importing guest buffer mappings
Setting<bool> forceMaxGpuClocks; //!< If the GPU should be forced to run at maximum clocks
Setting<bool> freeGuestTextureMemory; //!< If guest textrue memory should be freed when the owning texture is GPU dirty
// Hacks
Setting<bool> enableFastGpuReadbackHack; //!< If the CPU texture readback skipping hack should be used
Setting<bool> enableFastReadbackWrites; //!< If buffers should be treated as CPU dirty when written with the readback hack
Setting<bool> disableSubgroupShuffle; //!< If shader subgroup suffle operations should be ignored
// Audio
Setting<bool> isAudioOutputDisabled; //!< Disables audio output
// Debug
Setting<bool> validationLayer; //!< If the vulkan validation layer is enabled
Settings() = default;
virtual ~Settings() = default;
* @brief Updates settings with the given values
* @note This method is platform-specific and must be overridden
virtual void Update() = 0;