◱ PixelyIon 7ad2e11705 Milestone 3 - Services API
This commit adds the Services API and implements some services. It also changes the name of the application to Skyline and replaces the icon.
2019-09-25 02:28:25 +05:30

247 lines
9.4 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include "../common.h"
namespace skyline::kernel::ipc {
* @brief This bit-field structure holds the header of an IPC command. (
struct CommandHeader {
u16 type : 16;
u8 x_no : 4;
u8 a_no : 4;
u8 b_no : 4;
u8 w_no : 4;
u32 raw_sz : 10;
u8 c_flag : 4;
u32 : 17;
bool handle_desc : 1;
static_assert(sizeof(CommandHeader) == 8);
* @brief This reflects the value in CommandStruct::type
enum class CommandType : u16 {
Invalid = 0, LegacyRequest = 1, Close = 2, LegacyControl = 3, Request = 4, Control = 5, RequestWithContext = 6, ControlWithContext = 7
* @brief This reflects the value in CommandStruct::c_flags
enum class BufferCFlag : u8 {
None = 0, InlineDescriptor = 1, SingleDescriptor = 2
* @brief This bit-field structure holds the handle descriptor of a received IPC command. (
struct HandleDescriptor {
bool send_pid : 1;
u32 copy_count : 4;
u32 move_count : 4;
u32 : 23;
static_assert(sizeof(HandleDescriptor) == 4);
* @brief This bit-field structure holds the domain's header of an IPC request command. (
struct DomainHeaderRequest {
u8 command;
u8 input_count;
u16 payload_sz;
u32 object_id;
u32 : 32;
u32 token;
static_assert(sizeof(DomainHeaderRequest) == 16);
* @brief This reflects the value of DomainHeaderRequest::command
enum class DomainCommand : u8 {
SendMessage = 1, CloseVHandle = 2
* @brief This bit-field structure holds the domain's header of an IPC response command. (
struct DomainHeaderResponse {
u32 output_count;
u32 : 32;
u64 : 64;
static_assert(sizeof(DomainHeaderResponse) == 16);
* @brief This bit-field structure holds the data payload of an IPC command. (
struct PayloadHeader {
u32 magic;
u32 version;
u32 value;
u32 token;
static_assert(sizeof(PayloadHeader) == 16);
* @brief This reflects which function PayloadHeader::value refers to when a control request is sent (
enum class ControlCommand : u32 {
ConvertCurrentObjectToDomain = 0, CopyFromCurrentDomain = 1, CloneCurrentObject = 2, QueryPointerBufferSize = 3, CloneCurrentObjectEx = 4
* @brief This is a buffer descriptor for X buffers:
struct BufferDescriptorX {
u16 counter_0_5 : 6;
u16 address_36_38 : 3;
u16 counter_9_11 : 3;
u16 address_32_35 : 4;
u16 size : 16;
u32 address_0_31 : 32;
BufferDescriptorX(u64 address, u16 counter, u16 size) : size(size) {
// TODO: Test this, the AND mask might be the other way around
address_0_31 = static_cast<u32>(address & 0x7FFFFFFF80000000);
address_32_35 = static_cast<u16>(address & 0x78000000);
address_36_38 = static_cast<u16>(address & 0x7000000);
counter_0_5 = static_cast<u16>(address & 0x7E00);
counter_9_11 = static_cast<u16>(address & 0x38);
inline u64 Address() const {
return static_cast<u64>(address_0_31) | static_cast<u64>(address_32_35) << 32 | static_cast<u64>(address_36_38) << 36;
inline u16 Counter() const {
return static_cast<u16>(counter_0_5) | static_cast<u16>(counter_9_11) << 9;
static_assert(sizeof(BufferDescriptorX) == 8);
* @brief This is a buffer descriptor for A/B/W buffers:
struct BufferDescriptorABW {
u32 size_0_31 : 32;
u32 address_0_31 : 32;
u8 flags : 2;
u8 address_36_38 : 3;
u32 : 19;
u8 size_32_35 : 4;
u8 address_32_35 : 4;
BufferDescriptorABW(u64 address, u64 size) {
address_0_31 = static_cast<u32>(address & 0x7FFFFFFF80000000);
address_32_35 = static_cast<u8>(address & 0x78000000);
address_36_38 = static_cast<u8>(address & 0x7000000);
size_0_31 = static_cast<u32>(size & 0x7FFFFFFF80000000);
size_32_35 = static_cast<u8>(size & 0x78000000);
inline u64 Address() const {
return static_cast<u64>(address_0_31) | static_cast<u64>(address_32_35) << 32 | static_cast<u64>(address_36_38) << 36;
inline u64 Size() const {
return static_cast<u64>(size_0_31) | static_cast<u64>(size_32_35) << 32;
static_assert(sizeof(BufferDescriptorABW) == 12);
* @brief This is a buffer descriptor for C buffers:
struct BufferDescriptorC {
u64 address : 48;
u16 size : 16;
BufferDescriptorC(u64 address, u16 size) : address(address), size(size) {}
static_assert(sizeof(BufferDescriptorC) == 8);
* @brief This class encapsulates an IPC Request (
class IpcRequest {
const DeviceState &state; //!< The state of the device
std::array<u8, constant::TlsIpcSize> tls; //!< A static-sized array where TLS data is actually copied to
CommandHeader *header{}; //!< The header of the request
HandleDescriptor *handleDesc{}; //!< The handle descriptor in case CommandHeader::handle_desc is true in the header
bool isDomain{}; //!< If this is a domain request
DomainHeaderRequest *domain{}; //!< In case this is a domain request, this holds data regarding it
PayloadHeader *payload{}; //!< This is the header of the payload
u8 *cmdArg{}; //!< This is a pointer to the data payload (End of PayloadHeader)
u64 cmdArgSz{}; //!< This is the size of the data payload
std::vector<handle_t> copyHandles; //!< A vector of handles that should be copied from the server to the client process (The difference is just to match application expectations, there is no real difference b/w copying and moving handles)
std::vector<handle_t> moveHandles; //!< A vector of handles that should be moved from the server to the client process rather than copied
std::vector<handle_t> domainObjects; //!< A vector of all input domain objects
std::vector<BufferDescriptorX *> vecBufX; //!< This is a vector of pointers to X Buffer Descriptors
std::vector<BufferDescriptorABW *> vecBufA; //!< This is a vector of pointers to A Buffer Descriptors
std::vector<BufferDescriptorABW *> vecBufB; //!< This is a vector of pointers to B Buffer Descriptors
std::vector<BufferDescriptorABW *> vecBufW; //!< This is a vector of pointers to W Buffer Descriptors
std::vector<BufferDescriptorC *> vecBufC; //!< This is a vector of pointers to C Buffer Descriptors
* @param isDomain If the following request is a domain request
* @param state The state of the device
IpcRequest(bool isDomain, const DeviceState &state);
* @brief This class encapsulates an IPC Response (
class IpcResponse {
std::vector<u8> argVec; //!< This holds all of the contents to be pushed to the payload
const DeviceState &state; //!< The state of the device
bool isDomain{}; //!< If this is a domain request
u32 errorCode{}; //!< The error code to respond with, it is 0 (Success) by default
std::vector<handle_t> copyHandles; //!< A vector of handles to copy
std::vector<handle_t> moveHandles; //!< A vector of handles to move
std::vector<handle_t> domainObjects; //!< A vector of domain objects to write
* @param isDomain If the following request is a domain request
* @param state The state of the device
IpcResponse(bool isDomain, const DeviceState &state);
* @brief Writes an object to the payload
* @tparam ValueType The type of the object to write
* @param value The object to be written
template<typename ValueType>
void WriteValue(const ValueType &value) {
argVec.reserve(argVec.size() + sizeof(ValueType));
auto item = reinterpret_cast<const u8 *>(&value);
for (uint index = 0; sizeof(ValueType) > index; index++) {
* @brief Writes this IpcResponse object's contents into TLS
void WriteTls();