PixelyIon 9b9bf8d300 Introduce ThreadLocal Class + Fix Several GPU Bugs
* Fix `AddClearColorSubpass` bug where it would not generate a `VkCmdNextSubpass` when an attachment clear was utilized
* Fix `AddSubpass` bug where the Depth Stencil texture would not be synced
* Respect `VkCommandPool` external synchronization requirements by making it thread-local with a custom RAII wrapper
* Fix linear RT width calculation as it's provided in terms of bytes rather than format units
* Fix `AllocateStagingBuffer` bug where it would not supply `eTransferDst` as a usage flag
* Fix `AllocateMappedImage` where `VkMemoryPropertyFlags` were not respected resulting in non-`eHostVisible` memory being utilized
* Change feature requirement in `AndroidManifest.xml` to Vulkan 1.1 from OGL 3.1 as this was incorrect
2021-10-16 12:13:30 +01:00

321 lines
16 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2021 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include <gpu.h>
namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect::node {
* @brief A generic node for simply executing a function
template<typename FunctionSignature = void(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &, GPU &)>
struct FunctionNodeBase {
std::function<FunctionSignature> function;
FunctionNodeBase(std::function<FunctionSignature> function) : function(function) {}
template<class... Args>
void operator()(Args &&... args) {
using FunctionNode = FunctionNodeBase<>;
* @brief Creates and begins a VkRenderpass while tying lifetimes of all bound resources to a GPU fence
struct RenderpassNode {
struct Storage : public FenceCycleDependency {
vk::raii::Device *device{};
vk::Framebuffer framebuffer{};
vk::RenderPass renderpass{};
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Texture>> textures;
~Storage() {
if (device) {
if (framebuffer)
(**device).destroy(framebuffer, nullptr, *device->getDispatcher());
if (renderpass)
(**device).destroy(renderpass, nullptr, *device->getDispatcher());
std::shared_ptr<Storage> storage;
std::vector<vk::ImageView> attachments;
std::vector<vk::AttachmentDescription> attachmentDescriptions;
std::vector<vk::AttachmentReference> attachmentReferences;
std::vector<std::vector<u32>> preserveAttachmentReferences; //!< Any attachment that must be preserved to be utilized by a future subpass, these are stored per-subpass to ensure contiguity
constexpr static uintptr_t DepthStencilNull{std::numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::max()}; //!< A sentinel value to denote the lack of a depth stencil attachment in a VkSubpassDescription
* @brief Rebases a pointer containing an offset relative to the beginning of a container
template<typename Container, typename T>
T *RebasePointer(const Container &container, const T *offset) {
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>( + reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(offset));
std::vector<vk::SubpassDescription> subpassDescriptions;
std::vector<vk::SubpassDependency> subpassDependencies;
vk::Rect2D renderArea;
std::vector<vk::ClearValue> clearValues;
RenderpassNode(vk::Rect2D renderArea) : storage(std::make_shared<Storage>()), renderArea(renderArea) {}
* @note Any preservation of attachments from previous subpasses is automatically handled by this
* @return The index of the attachment in the render pass which can be utilized with VkAttachmentReference
u32 AddAttachment(TextureView &view) {
auto &textures{storage->textures};
auto texture{std::find(textures.begin(), textures.end(), view.backing)};
if (texture == textures.end())
auto vkView{view.GetView()};
auto attachment{std::find(attachments.begin(), attachments.end(), vkView)};
if (attachment == attachments.end()) {
// If we cannot find any matches for the specified attachment, we add it as a new one
.format = *view.format,
.initialLayout = view.backing->layout,
.finalLayout = view.backing->layout,
return attachments.size() - 1;
} else {
// If we've got a match from a previous subpass, we need to preserve the attachment till the current subpass
auto attachmentIndex{std::distance(attachments.begin(), attachment)};
auto it{subpassDescriptions.begin()};
for (; it != subpassDescriptions.end(); it++) {
auto referenceBeginIt{attachmentReferences.begin()};
referenceBeginIt += reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(it->pInputAttachments) / sizeof(vk::AttachmentReference);
auto referenceEndIt{referenceBeginIt + it->inputAttachmentCount + it->colorAttachmentCount}; // We depend on all attachments being contiguous for a subpass, this will horribly break if that assumption is broken
if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(it->pDepthStencilAttachment) != DepthStencilNull)
if (std::find_if(referenceBeginIt, referenceEndIt, [&](const vk::AttachmentReference &reference) {
return reference.attachment == attachmentIndex;
}) != referenceEndIt)
break; // The first subpass that utilizes the attachment we want to preserve
if (it == subpassDescriptions.end())
throw exception("Cannot find corresponding subpass for attachment #{}", attachmentIndex);
auto lastUsageIt{it};
for (; it != subpassDescriptions.end(); it++) {
auto referenceBeginIt{attachmentReferences.begin()};
referenceBeginIt += reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(it->pInputAttachments) / sizeof(vk::AttachmentReference);
auto referenceEndIt{referenceBeginIt + it->inputAttachmentCount + it->colorAttachmentCount};
if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(it->pDepthStencilAttachment) != DepthStencilNull)
if (std::find_if(referenceBeginIt, referenceEndIt, [&](const vk::AttachmentReference &reference) {
return reference.attachment == attachmentIndex;
}) != referenceEndIt) {
lastUsageIt = it;
continue; // If a subpass uses an attachment then it doesn't need to be preserved
auto &subpassPreserveAttachments{preserveAttachmentReferences[std::distance(subpassDescriptions.begin(), it)]};
if (std::find(subpassPreserveAttachments.begin(), subpassPreserveAttachments.end(), attachmentIndex) != subpassPreserveAttachments.end())
vk::SubpassDependency dependency{
.srcSubpass = static_cast<u32>(std::distance(subpassDescriptions.begin(), lastUsageIt)),
.dstSubpass = static_cast<uint32_t>(subpassDescriptions.size()), // We assume that the next subpass is using the attachment
.srcStageMask = vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eColorAttachmentOutput,
.dstStageMask = vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eColorAttachmentOutput,
.srcAccessMask = vk::AccessFlagBits::eColorAttachmentWrite,
.dstAccessMask = vk::AccessFlagBits::eColorAttachmentRead,
.dependencyFlags = vk::DependencyFlagBits::eByRegion,
if (std::find(subpassDependencies.begin(), subpassDependencies.end(), dependency) == subpassDependencies.end())
return attachmentIndex;
* @brief Creates a subpass with the attachments bound in the specified order
void AddSubpass(span <TextureView> inputAttachments, span <TextureView> colorAttachments, TextureView *depthStencilAttachment) {
attachmentReferences.reserve(attachmentReferences.size() + inputAttachments.size() + colorAttachments.size() + (depthStencilAttachment ? 1 : 0));
auto inputAttachmentsOffset{attachmentReferences.size() * sizeof(vk::AttachmentReference)};
for (auto &attachment : inputAttachments) {
.attachment = AddAttachment(attachment),
.layout = attachment.backing->layout,
auto colorAttachmentsOffset{attachmentReferences.size() * sizeof(vk::AttachmentReference)};
for (auto &attachment : colorAttachments) {
.attachment = AddAttachment(attachment),
.layout = attachment.backing->layout,
auto depthStencilAttachmentOffset{attachmentReferences.size() * sizeof(vk::AttachmentReference)};
if (depthStencilAttachment) {
.attachment = AddAttachment(*depthStencilAttachment),
.layout = depthStencilAttachment->backing->layout,
preserveAttachmentReferences.emplace_back(); // We need to create storage for any attachments that might need to preserved by this pass
// Note: We encode the offsets as the pointers due to vector pointer invalidation, RebasePointer(...) can be utilized to deduce the real pointer
.pipelineBindPoint = vk::PipelineBindPoint::eGraphics,
.inputAttachmentCount = static_cast<u32>(inputAttachments.size()),
.pInputAttachments = reinterpret_cast<vk::AttachmentReference *>(inputAttachmentsOffset),
.colorAttachmentCount = static_cast<u32>(colorAttachments.size()),
.pColorAttachments = reinterpret_cast<vk::AttachmentReference *>(colorAttachmentsOffset),
.pDepthStencilAttachment = reinterpret_cast<vk::AttachmentReference *>(depthStencilAttachment ? depthStencilAttachmentOffset : DepthStencilNull),
* @brief Clears a color attachment in the current subpass with VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD
* @param colorAttachment The index of the attachment in the attachments bound to the current subpass
* @return If the attachment could be cleared or not due to conflicts with other operations
* @note We require a subpass to be attached during this as the clear will not take place unless it's referenced by a subpass
bool ClearColorAttachment(u32 colorAttachment, const vk::ClearColorValue &value) {
auto attachmentReference{RebasePointer(attachmentReferences, subpassDescriptions.back().pColorAttachments) + colorAttachment};
auto attachmentIndex{attachmentReference->attachment};
for (const auto &reference : attachmentReferences)
if (reference.attachment == attachmentIndex && &reference != attachmentReference)
return false;
auto &attachmentDescription{};
if (attachmentDescription.loadOp == vk::AttachmentLoadOp::eLoad) {
attachmentDescription.loadOp = vk::AttachmentLoadOp::eClear;
clearValues.resize(attachmentIndex + 1);
clearValues[attachmentIndex].color = value;
return true;
} else if (attachmentDescription.loadOp == vk::AttachmentLoadOp::eClear && clearValues[attachmentIndex].color.uint32 == value.uint32) {
return true;
return false;
void operator()(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &cycle, GPU &gpu) {
storage->device = &gpu.vkDevice;
auto preserveAttachmentIt{preserveAttachmentReferences.begin()};
for (auto &subpassDescription : subpassDescriptions) {
subpassDescription.pInputAttachments = RebasePointer(attachmentReferences, subpassDescription.pInputAttachments);
subpassDescription.pColorAttachments = RebasePointer(attachmentReferences, subpassDescription.pColorAttachments);
auto depthStencilAttachmentOffset{reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(subpassDescription.pDepthStencilAttachment)};
if (depthStencilAttachmentOffset != DepthStencilNull)
subpassDescription.pDepthStencilAttachment = RebasePointer(attachmentReferences, subpassDescription.pDepthStencilAttachment);
subpassDescription.pDepthStencilAttachment = nullptr;
subpassDescription.preserveAttachmentCount = preserveAttachmentIt->size();
subpassDescription.pPreserveAttachments = preserveAttachmentIt->data();
for (auto &texture : storage->textures) {
if (texture->cycle.lock() != cycle)
auto renderpass{(*gpu.vkDevice).createRenderPass(vk::RenderPassCreateInfo{
.attachmentCount = static_cast<u32>(attachmentDescriptions.size()),
.pAttachments =,
.subpassCount = static_cast<u32>(subpassDescriptions.size()),
.pSubpasses =,
.dependencyCount = static_cast<u32>(subpassDependencies.size()),
.pDependencies =,
}, nullptr, *gpu.vkDevice.getDispatcher())};
storage->renderpass = renderpass;
auto framebuffer{(*gpu.vkDevice).createFramebuffer(vk::FramebufferCreateInfo{
.renderPass = renderpass,
.attachmentCount = static_cast<u32>(attachments.size()),
.pAttachments =,
.width = renderArea.extent.width,
.height = renderArea.extent.height,
.layers = 1,
}, nullptr, *gpu.vkDevice.getDispatcher())};
storage->framebuffer = framebuffer;
.renderPass = renderpass,
.framebuffer = framebuffer,
.renderArea = renderArea,
.clearValueCount = static_cast<u32>(clearValues.size()),
.pClearValues =,
}, vk::SubpassContents::eInline);
for (auto &texture : storage->textures) {
texture->cycle = cycle;
* @brief A node which progresses to the next subpass during a renderpass
struct NextSubpassNode {
void operator()(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &cycle, GPU &gpu) {
* @brief A FunctionNode which progresses to the next subpass prior to calling the function
struct NextSubpassFunctionNode : private FunctionNode {
using FunctionNode::FunctionNode;
void operator()(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &cycle, GPU &gpu) {
FunctionNode::operator()(commandBuffer, cycle, gpu);
* @brief Ends a VkRenderpass that would be created prior with RenderpassNode
struct RenderpassEndNode {
void operator()(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &cycle, GPU &gpu) {
using NodeVariant = std::variant<FunctionNode, RenderpassNode, NextSubpassNode, NextSubpassFunctionNode, RenderpassEndNode>; //!< A variant encompassing all command nodes types