PixelyIon 9b9bf8d300 Introduce ThreadLocal Class + Fix Several GPU Bugs
* Fix `AddClearColorSubpass` bug where it would not generate a `VkCmdNextSubpass` when an attachment clear was utilized
* Fix `AddSubpass` bug where the Depth Stencil texture would not be synced
* Respect `VkCommandPool` external synchronization requirements by making it thread-local with a custom RAII wrapper
* Fix linear RT width calculation as it's provided in terms of bytes rather than format units
* Fix `AllocateStagingBuffer` bug where it would not supply `eTransferDst` as a usage flag
* Fix `AllocateMappedImage` where `VkMemoryPropertyFlags` were not respected resulting in non-`eHostVisible` memory being utilized
* Change feature requirement in `AndroidManifest.xml` to Vulkan 1.1 from OGL 3.1 as this was incorrect
2021-10-16 12:13:30 +01:00

244 lines
12 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include <vfs/npdm.h>
#include "KThread.h"
#include "KTransferMemory.h"
#include "KSession.h"
#include "KEvent.h"
namespace skyline {
namespace constant {
constexpr u16 TlsSlotSize{0x200}; //!< The size of a single TLS slot
constexpr u8 TlsSlots{PAGE_SIZE / TlsSlotSize}; //!< The amount of TLS slots in a single page
constexpr KHandle BaseHandleIndex{0xD000}; //!< The index of the base handle
namespace kernel::type {
* @brief KProcess manages process-global state such as memory, kernel handles allocated to the process and synchronization primitives
class KProcess : public KSyncObject {
public: // We have intermittent public/private members to ensure proper construction/destruction order
MemoryManager memory;
std::mutex threadMutex; //!< Synchronizes thread creation to prevent a race between thread creation and thread killing
bool disableThreadCreation{}; //!< Whether to disable thread creation, we use this to prevent thread creation after all threads have been killed
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<KThread>> threads;
using SyncWaiters = std::multimap<void *, std::shared_ptr<KThread>>;
std::mutex syncWaiterMutex; //!< Synchronizes all mutations to the map to prevent races
SyncWaiters syncWaiters; //!< All threads waiting on process-wide synchronization primitives (Atomic keys + Address Arbiter)
* @brief The status of a single TLS page (A page is 4096 bytes on ARMv8)
* Each TLS page has 8 slots, each 0x200 (512) bytes in size
* The first slot of the first page is reserved for user-mode exception handling
* @url
struct TlsPage {
u8 index{}; //!< The slots are assigned sequentially, this holds the index of the last TLS slot reserved
std::shared_ptr<KPrivateMemory> memory; //!< A single page sized memory allocation for this TLS page
TlsPage(std::shared_ptr<KPrivateMemory> memory);
* @return A non-null pointer to a TLS page slot on success, a nullptr will be returned if this page is full
* @note This function is not thread-safe and should be called exclusively by one thread at a time
u8 *ReserveSlot();
u8 *tlsExceptionContext{}; //!< A pointer to the TLS exception handling context slot
std::mutex tlsMutex; //!< A mutex to synchronize allocation of TLS pages to prevent extra pages from being created
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TlsPage>> tlsPages; //!< All TLS pages allocated by this process
std::shared_ptr<KPrivateMemory> mainThreadStack; //!< The stack memory of the main thread stack is owned by the KProcess itself
std::shared_ptr<KPrivateMemory> heap;
vfs::NPDM npdm;
std::shared_mutex handleMutex;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<KObject>> handles;
KProcess(const DeviceState &state);
* @brief Kill the main thread/all running threads in the process in a graceful manner
* @param join Return after the main thread has joined rather than instantly
* @param all Whether to kill all running threads or just the main thread
* @param disableCreation Whether to disable further thread creation
* @note If there are no threads then this will silently return
* @note The main thread should eventually kill the rest of the threads itself
void Kill(bool join, bool all = false, bool disableCreation = false);
* @brief This initializes the process heap and TLS Error Context slot pointer, it should be called prior to creating the first thread
* @note This requires VMM regions to be initialized, it will map heap at an arbitrary location otherwise
void InitializeHeapTls();
* @return A 0x200 TLS slot allocated inside the TLS/IO region
u8 *AllocateTlsSlot();
* @return A shared pointer to a KThread initialized with the specified values or nullptr, if thread creation has been disabled
* @note The default values are for the main thread and will use values from the NPDM
std::shared_ptr<KThread> CreateThread(void *entry, u64 argument = 0, void *stackTop = nullptr, std::optional<u8> priority = std::nullopt, std::optional<u8> idealCore = std::nullopt);
* @brief The output for functions that return created kernel objects
* @tparam objectClass The class of the kernel object
template<typename objectClass>
struct HandleOut {
std::shared_ptr<objectClass> item; //!< A shared pointer to the object
KHandle handle; //!< The handle of the object in the process
* @brief Creates a new handle to a KObject and adds it to the process handle_table
* @tparam objectClass The class of the kernel object to create
* @param args The arguments for the kernel object except handle, pid and state
template<typename objectClass, typename ...objectArgs>
HandleOut<objectClass> NewHandle(objectArgs... args) {
std::unique_lock lock(handleMutex);
std::shared_ptr<objectClass> item;
if constexpr (std::is_same<objectClass, KThread>())
item = std::make_shared<objectClass>(state, constant::BaseHandleIndex + handles.size(), args...);
item = std::make_shared<objectClass>(state, args...);
return {item, static_cast<KHandle>((constant::BaseHandleIndex + handles.size()) - 1)};
* @brief Inserts an item into the process handle table
* @return The handle of the corresponding item in the handle table
template<typename objectClass>
KHandle InsertItem(std::shared_ptr<objectClass> &item) {
std::unique_lock lock(handleMutex);
return static_cast<KHandle>((constant::BaseHandleIndex + handles.size()) - 1);
template<typename objectClass = KObject>
std::shared_ptr<objectClass> GetHandle(KHandle handle) {
std::shared_lock lock(handleMutex);
KType objectType;
if constexpr(std::is_same<objectClass, KThread>()) {
constexpr KHandle threadSelf{0xFFFF8000}; // The handle used by threads to refer to themselves
if (handle == threadSelf)
return state.thread;
objectType = KType::KThread;
} else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectClass, KProcess>()) {
constexpr KHandle processSelf{0xFFFF8001}; // The handle used by threads in a process to refer to the process
if (handle == processSelf)
return state.process;
objectType = KType::KProcess;
} else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectClass, KSharedMemory>()) {
objectType = KType::KSharedMemory;
} else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectClass, KTransferMemory>()) {
objectType = KType::KTransferMemory;
} else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectClass, KPrivateMemory>()) {
objectType = KType::KPrivateMemory;
} else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectClass, KSession>()) {
objectType = KType::KSession;
} else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectClass, KEvent>()) {
objectType = KType::KEvent;
} else {
throw exception("KProcess::GetHandle couldn't determine object type");
try {
auto &item{ - constant::BaseHandleIndex)};
if (item != nullptr && item->objectType == objectType)
return std::static_pointer_cast<objectClass>(item);
else if (item == nullptr)
throw exception("GetHandle was called with a deleted handle: 0x{:X}", handle);
throw exception("Tried to get kernel object (0x{:X}) with different type: {} when object is {}", handle, objectType, item->objectType);
} catch (const std::out_of_range &) {
throw std::out_of_range(fmt::format("GetHandle was called with an invalid handle: 0x{:X}", handle));
std::shared_ptr<KObject> GetHandle<KObject>(KHandle handle) {
std::shared_lock lock(handleMutex);
auto &item{ - constant::BaseHandleIndex)};
if (item != nullptr)
return item;
throw std::out_of_range(fmt::format("GetHandle was called with a deleted handle: 0x{:X}", handle));
* @brief Retrieves a kernel memory object that owns the specified address
* @param address The address to look for
* @return A shared pointer to the corresponding KMemory object
std::optional<HandleOut<KMemory>> GetMemoryObject(u8 *ptr);
* @brief Closes a handle in the handle table
void CloseHandle(KHandle handle) { - constant::BaseHandleIndex) = nullptr;
* @brief Clear the process handle table
* @note A handle created prior to clearing must not be retrieved after this is run
void ClearHandleTable();
* @brief Locks the mutex at the specified address
* @param ownerHandle The psuedo-handle of the current mutex owner
* @param tag The handle of the thread which is requesting this lock
Result MutexLock(u32 *mutex, KHandle ownerHandle, KHandle tag);
* @brief Unlocks the mutex at the specified address
void MutexUnlock(u32 *mutex);
* @brief Waits on the conditional variable at the specified address
Result ConditionalVariableWait(u32 *key, u32 *mutex, KHandle tag, i64 timeout);
* @brief Signals the conditional variable at the specified address
void ConditionalVariableSignal(u32 *key, i32 amount);
* @brief Waits on the supplied address with the specified arbitration function
Result WaitForAddress(u32 *address, u32 value, i64 timeout, bool(*arbitrationFunction)(u32 *address, u32 value));
* @brief Signals a variable amount of waiters at the supplied address
Result SignalToAddress(u32 *address, u32 value, i32 amount, bool(*mutateFunction)(u32 *address, u32 value, u32 waiterCount) = nullptr);