◱ PixelyIon a54f5ff578 Milestone 2 - Memory & IPC Marshalling
This commit introduces a new memory model that supports true shared memory with separate permissions for remote and local processes, implements svcQueryMemory and completes svcGetInfo further, adds IPC support with the IpcRequest and IpcResponse classes.
2019-09-25 02:28:25 +05:30

181 lines
8.1 KiB

#include <sched.h>
#include <linux/uio.h>
#include <linux/elf.h>
#include "os.h"
#include "nce.h"
extern bool halt;
namespace lightSwitch {
void NCE::ReadRegisters(user_pt_regs &registers, pid_t pid) const {
iovec iov = {&registers, sizeof(registers)};
long status = ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGSET, pid ? pid : curr_pid, NT_PRSTATUS, &iov);
if (status == -1) throw exception(fmt::format("Cannot read registers, PID: {}, Error: {}", pid, strerror(errno)));
void NCE::WriteRegisters(user_pt_regs &registers, pid_t pid) const {
iovec iov = {&registers, sizeof(registers)};
long status = ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGSET, pid ? pid : curr_pid, NT_PRSTATUS, &iov);
if (status == -1) throw exception(fmt::format("Cannot write registers, PID: {}, Error: {}", pid, strerror(errno)));
instr::brk NCE::ReadBrk(u64 address, pid_t pid) const {
long status = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, pid ? pid : curr_pid, address, NULL);
if (status == -1) throw exception(fmt::format("Cannot read instruction from memory, Address: {}, PID: {}, Error: {}", address, pid, strerror(errno)));
return *(reinterpret_cast<instr::brk *>(&status));
void NCE::Initialize(const device_state &state) {
this->state = &state;
void NCE::Execute() {
int status = 0;
while (!halt && !state->os->process_map.empty() && ((curr_pid = wait(&status)) != -1)) {
if (WIFSTOPPED(status) && (WSTOPSIG(status) == SIGTRAP || WSTOPSIG(status) == SIGSTOP)) { // NOLINT(hicpp-signed-bitwise)
auto &curr_regs = register_map[curr_pid];
auto instr = ReadBrk(curr_regs.pc);
if (instr.verify()) {
// We store the instruction value as the immediate value in BRK. 0x0 to 0x7F are SVC, 0x80 to 0x9E is MRS for TPIDRRO_EL0.
if (instr.value <= constant::svc_last) {
state->os->SvcHandler(static_cast<u16>(instr.value), curr_pid);
} else if (instr.value > constant::svc_last && instr.value <= constant::svc_last + constant::num_regs) {
// Catch MRS that reads the value of TPIDRRO_EL0 (TLS)
SetRegister(static_cast<xreg>(instr.value - (constant::svc_last + 1)), state->os->>>tls);
state->logger->Write(Logger::DEBUG, "\"MRS X{}, TPIDRRO_EL0\" has been called", instr.value - (constant::svc_last + 1));
} else if (instr.value == constant::brk_rdy)
throw exception(fmt::format("Received unhandled BRK: 0x{:X}", static_cast<u64>(instr.value)));
curr_regs.pc += 4; // Increment program counter by a single instruction (32 bits)
} else {
state->logger->Write(Logger::DEBUG, "Thread threw unknown signal, PID: {}, Stop Signal: {}", curr_pid, strsignal(WSTOPSIG(status))); // NOLINT(hicpp-signed-bitwise)
void brk_lr() {
asm("BRK #0xFF"); // BRK #constant::brk_rdy
void NCE::ExecuteFunction(void *func, user_pt_regs &func_regs, pid_t pid) {
pid = pid ? pid : curr_pid;
bool was_running = PauseProcess(pid);
user_pt_regs backup_regs{};
ReadRegisters(backup_regs, pid);
func_regs.pc = reinterpret_cast<u64>(func);
func_regs.sp = backup_regs.sp;
func_regs.regs[static_cast<uint>(xreg::x30)] = reinterpret_cast<u64>(brk_lr); // Set LR to 'brk_lr' so the application will hit a breakpoint after the function returns [LR is where the program goes after it returns from a function]
WriteRegisters(func_regs, pid);
func_regs = WaitRdy(pid);
WriteRegisters(backup_regs, pid);
if (was_running)
user_pt_regs NCE::WaitRdy(pid_t pid) {
int status;
user_pt_regs regs{};
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
if (WIFSTOPPED(status) && (WSTOPSIG(status) == SIGTRAP)) { // NOLINT(hicpp-signed-bitwise)
ReadRegisters(regs, pid);
auto instr = ReadBrk(regs.pc, pid);
if (instr.verify() && instr.value == constant::brk_rdy) {
regs.pc += 4; // Increment program counter by a single instruction (32 bits)
WriteRegisters(regs, pid);
return regs;
} else
throw exception(fmt::format("An unknown BRK was hit during WaitRdy, PID: {}, BRK value: {}", pid, static_cast<u64>(instr.value)));
} else
throw exception(fmt::format("An unknown signal was caused during WaitRdy, PID: {}, Status: 0x{:X}, Signal: {}", pid, status, strsignal(WSTOPSIG(status)))); // NOLINT(hicpp-signed-bitwise)
bool NCE::PauseProcess(pid_t pid) const {
pid = pid ? pid : curr_pid;
int status = 0;
waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG);
bool was_stopped = WIFSTOPPED(status); // NOLINT(hicpp-signed-bitwise)
if (was_stopped) {
if ((kill(pid, SIGSTOP) != -1) && (waitpid(pid, nullptr, 0) != -1)) return true;
else throw exception(fmt::format("Cannot pause process: {}, Error: {}", pid, strerror(errno)));
} else return false;
void NCE::ResumeProcess(pid_t pid) const {
long status = ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, pid ? pid : curr_pid, NULL, NULL);
if (status == -1) throw exception(fmt::format("Cannot resume process: {}, Error: {}", pid, strerror(errno)));
void NCE::StartProcess(u64 entry_point, u64 entry_arg, u64 stack_top, u32 handle, pid_t pid) const {
user_pt_regs regs{0};
regs.sp = stack_top;
regs.pc = entry_point;
regs.regs[0] = entry_arg;
regs.regs[1] = handle;
WriteRegisters(regs, pid);
u64 NCE::GetRegister(xreg reg_id, pid_t pid) {
return ? pid : curr_pid).regs[static_cast<uint>(reg_id)];
void NCE::SetRegister(xreg reg_id, u64 value, pid_t pid) { ? pid : curr_pid).regs[static_cast<uint>(reg_id)] = value;
u64 NCE::GetRegister(wreg reg_id, pid_t pid) {
return (reinterpret_cast<u32 *>(& ? pid : curr_pid).regs))[static_cast<uint>(reg_id) * 2];
void NCE::SetRegister(wreg reg_id, u32 value, pid_t pid) {
(reinterpret_cast<u32 *>(& ? pid : curr_pid).regs))[static_cast<uint>(reg_id) * 2] = value;
u64 NCE::GetRegister(sreg reg_id, pid_t pid) {
pid = pid ? pid : curr_pid;
switch (reg_id) {
case sreg::pc:
case sreg::sp:
case sreg::pstate:
void NCE::SetRegister(sreg reg_id, u32 value, pid_t pid) {
pid = pid ? pid : curr_pid;
switch (reg_id) {
case sreg::pc: = value;
case sreg::sp: = value;
case sreg::pstate: = value;
std::shared_ptr<kernel::type::KSharedMemory> NCE::MapSharedRegion(const u64 address, const size_t size, const Memory::Permission local_permission, const Memory::Permission remote_permission, const Memory::Type type, const Memory::Region region) {
auto item = std::make_shared<kernel::type::KSharedMemory>(*state, size, local_permission, remote_permission, type, 0, 0);
memory_map[item->address] = item;
memory_region_map[region] = item;
return item;
size_t NCE::GetSharedSize() {
size_t shared_size = 0;
for (auto &region : memory_map) {
shared_size += region.second->size;
return shared_size;