lynxnb a799cb63f1 Add separate L3 and R3 buttons to OSC
As part of this commit, a `defaultEnabled` property was added to `OnScreenButton` to determine the default visibility of buttons. This is required because L3 and R3 should be hidden by default and only enabled by the user on demand.
Additionally, the buttons' mask values were added to `ButtonId` members, as adding entries in the middle of the class conflicted with the `ordinal` enum property, making it unfit to use for our purposes.
Finally, the `ControllerType` class was extended with an array of optional buttons. Optional buttons represent buttons that are allowed to be displayed on screen, but shouldn't be included in the controller mapping activity.
2023-04-02 18:16:10 +02:00

388 lines
16 KiB

* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* Copyright © 2022 Skyline Team and Contributors (
package emu.skyline.input
import android.content.Context
import android.hardware.Sensor
import android.hardware.SensorEvent
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener
import android.hardware.SensorManager
import android.view.*
import androidx.core.content.getSystemService
import emu.skyline.settings.EmulationSettings
import emu.skyline.utils.ByteBufferSerializable
import emu.skyline.utils.u64
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.ByteOrder
import kotlin.math.abs
* Handles input events during emulation
class InputHandler(private val inputManager : InputManager, private val emulationSettings : EmulationSettings) : SensorEventListener {
companion object {
* This initializes a guest controller in libskyline
* @param index The arbitrary index of the controller, this is to handle matching with a partner Joy-Con
* @param type The type of the host controller
* @param partnerIndex The index of a partner Joy-Con if there is one
* @note This is blocking and will stall till input has been initialized on the guest
external fun setController(index : Int, type : Int, partnerIndex : Int = -1)
* This flushes the controller updates on the guest
* @note This is blocking and will stall till input has been initialized on the guest
external fun updateControllers()
* This sets the state of the buttons specified in the mask on a specific controller
* @param index The index of the controller this is directed to
* @param mask The mask of the button that are being set
* @param pressed If the buttons are being pressed or released
external fun setButtonState(index : Int, mask : Long, pressed : Boolean)
* This sets the value of a specific axis on a specific controller
* @param index The index of the controller this is directed to
* @param axis The ID of the axis that is being modified
* @param value The value to set the axis to
external fun setAxisValue(index : Int, axis : Int, value : Int)
* This sets the values of the motion sensor on a specific controller
* @param index The index of the controller this is directed to
* @param motionId The ID of the motion sensor that is being modified
* @param value A byte buffer of skyline::input::MotionInput in C++
private external fun setMotionState(index : Int, motionId : Int, value : ByteBuffer)
* This sets the values of the points on the guest touch-screen
* @param points An array of skyline::input::TouchScreenPoint in C++ represented as integers
external fun setTouchState(points : IntArray)
data class MotionSensorInput(
var timestamp : u64 = 0uL,
var deltaTimestamp : u64 = 0uL,
@param:ByteBufferSerializable.ByteBufferSerializableArray(3) var gyroscope : FloatArray = FloatArray(3),
@param:ByteBufferSerializable.ByteBufferSerializableArray(3) var accelerometer : FloatArray = FloatArray(3),
@param:ByteBufferSerializable.ByteBufferSerializableArray(4) var quaternion : FloatArray = FloatArray(4),
@param:ByteBufferSerializable.ByteBufferSerializableArray(9) var orientationMatrix : FloatArray = FloatArray(9),
) : ByteBufferSerializable
* The latest state of the motion sensor
private val motionSensor = MotionSensorInput()
* Buffer for passing motion data to c++
private val motionDataBufferSize = 0x5C
private val motionDataBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(motionDataBufferSize).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
* Used for adjusting motion to phone orientation
private val motionRotationMatrix = FloatArray(9)
private val motionGyroOrientation : FloatArray = FloatArray(3)
private val motionAcelOrientation : FloatArray = FloatArray(3)
private var motionAxisOrientationX = SensorManager.AXIS_Y
private var motionAxisOrientationY = SensorManager.AXIS_X
* Initializes all of the controllers from [InputManager] on the guest
fun initializeControllers() {
for (controller in inputManager.controllers.values) {
if (controller.type != ControllerType.None) {
val type = when (controller.type) {
ControllerType.None -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
ControllerType.HandheldProController -> if (emulationSettings.isDocked) else
ControllerType.ProController, ControllerType.JoyConLeft, ControllerType.JoyConRight ->
val partnerIndex = when (controller) {
is JoyConLeftController -> controller.partnerId
is JoyConRightController -> controller.partnerId
else -> null
setController(, type, partnerIndex ?: -1)
fun initialiseMotionSensors(context : Context) {
val sensorManager = context.getSystemService<SensorManager>() ?: return
val sensorList = sensorManager.getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_ALL)
val hasRotationVector = sensorList.any { sensor -> sensor.type == Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR }
sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)?.also { accelerometer ->
sensorManager.registerListener(this, accelerometer, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME)
sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE)?.also { gyroscope ->
sensorManager.registerListener(this, gyroscope, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME)
sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR)?.also { rotationVector ->
sensorManager.registerListener(this, rotationVector, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME)
// Avoid listening to two rotation vectors at once
if (!hasRotationVector) {
sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR)?.also { rotationVector ->
sensorManager.registerListener(this, rotationVector, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME)
val orientationEventListener = object : OrientationEventListener(context) {
override fun onOrientationChanged(orientation : Int) {
when {
isWithinOrientationRange(orientation, 270) -> {
isWithinOrientationRange(orientation, 90) -> {
private fun isWithinOrientationRange(
currentOrientation : Int, targetOrientation : Int, epsilon : Int = 90
) : Boolean {
return currentOrientation > targetOrientation - epsilon
&& currentOrientation < targetOrientation + epsilon
* Configures motion axis to a 90° angle
fun setMotionOrientation90() {
motionGyroOrientation[0] = 1.0f
motionGyroOrientation[1] = -1.0f
motionGyroOrientation[2] = 1.0f
motionAcelOrientation[0] = -1.0f
motionAcelOrientation[1] = 1.0f
motionAcelOrientation[2] = -1.0f
motionAxisOrientationX = SensorManager.AXIS_Y
motionAxisOrientationY = SensorManager.AXIS_X
* Configures motion axis to a 270° angle
fun setMotionOrientation270() {
motionGyroOrientation[0] = -1.0f
motionGyroOrientation[1] = 1.0f
motionGyroOrientation[2] = 1.0f
motionAcelOrientation[0] = 1.0f
motionAcelOrientation[1] = -1.0f
motionAcelOrientation[2] = -1.0f
// TODO: Find the correct configuration here
motionAxisOrientationX = SensorManager.AXIS_Y
motionAxisOrientationY = SensorManager.AXIS_X
* Handles translating any [KeyHostEvent]s to a [GuestEvent] that is passed into libskyline
fun handleKeyEvent(event : KeyEvent) : Boolean {
if (event.repeatCount != 0)
return false
val action = when (event.action) {
KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> ButtonState.Pressed
KeyEvent.ACTION_UP -> ButtonState.Released
else -> return false
return when (val guestEvent = inputManager.eventMap[KeyHostEvent(event.device.descriptor, event.keyCode)]) {
is ButtonGuestEvent -> {
if (guestEvent.button != ButtonId.Menu)
setButtonState(, guestEvent.button.value, action.state)
is AxisGuestEvent -> {
setAxisValue(, guestEvent.axis.ordinal, (if (action == ButtonState.Pressed) if (guestEvent.polarity) Short.MAX_VALUE else Short.MIN_VALUE else 0).toInt())
else -> false
* The last value of the axes so the stagnant axes can be eliminated to not wastefully look them up
private val axesHistory = FloatArray(MotionHostEvent.axes.size)
* Handles translating any [MotionHostEvent]s to a [GuestEvent] that is passed into libskyline
fun handleMotionEvent(event : MotionEvent) : Boolean {
if ((event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_JOYSTICK) || event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_BUTTON)) && event.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
for (axisItem in MotionHostEvent.axes.withIndex()) {
val axis = axisItem.value
val range : InputDevice.MotionRange? = event.device.getMotionRange(axis, event.source)
var value = event.getAxisValue(axis)
range?.let {
value = if (abs(value) > it.flat)
if (value > 0)
(value - it.flat) / (it.max - it.flat)
-((abs(value) - it.flat) / (abs(it.min) - it.flat))
if ((event.historySize != 0 && value != event.getHistoricalAxisValue(axis, 0)) || axesHistory[axisItem.index] != value) {
var polarity = value > 0 || (value == 0f && axesHistory[axisItem.index] >= 0)
val guestEvent = MotionHostEvent(event.device.descriptor, axis, polarity).let { hostEvent ->
inputManager.eventMap[hostEvent] ?: if (value == 0f) {
polarity = false
inputManager.eventMap[hostEvent.copy(polarity = false)]
} else {
when (guestEvent) {
is ButtonGuestEvent -> {
val action = if (abs(value) >= guestEvent.threshold) ButtonState.Pressed.state else ButtonState.Released.state
if (guestEvent.button != ButtonId.Menu)
setButtonState(, guestEvent.button.value, action)
is AxisGuestEvent -> {
value = guestEvent.value(value)
value = if (polarity) abs(value) else -abs(value)
value = if (guestEvent.axis == AxisId.LX || guestEvent.axis == AxisId.RX) value else -value
setAxisValue(, guestEvent.axis.ordinal, (value * Short.MAX_VALUE).toInt())
axesHistory[axisItem.index] = value
return true
return false
override fun onAccuracyChanged(sensor : Sensor?, accuracy : Int) {}
* This handles translating any [SensorEvent]s to a [GuestEvent] that is passed into libskyline
override fun onSensorChanged(event : SensorEvent) {
when (event.sensor.type) {
motionSensor.accelerometer[0] = motionAcelOrientation[0] * event.values[1] / SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH
motionSensor.accelerometer[1] = motionAcelOrientation[1] * event.values[0] / SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH
motionSensor.accelerometer[2] = motionAcelOrientation[2] * event.values[2] / SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH
// Investigate why sensor value is off by 12x
motionSensor.gyroscope[0] = motionGyroOrientation[0] * event.values[1] / 12.0f
motionSensor.gyroscope[1] = motionGyroOrientation[1] * event.values[0] / 12.0f
motionSensor.gyroscope[2] = motionGyroOrientation[2] * event.values[2] / 12.0f
motionSensor.quaternion[0] = event.values[1]
motionSensor.quaternion[1] = event.values[0]
motionSensor.quaternion[2] = event.values[2]
motionSensor.quaternion[3] = event.values[3]
SensorManager.getRotationMatrixFromVector(motionRotationMatrix, motionSensor.quaternion)
SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem(motionRotationMatrix, motionAxisOrientationX, motionAxisOrientationY, motionSensor.orientationMatrix)
motionSensor.quaternion[0] = event.values[1]
motionSensor.quaternion[1] = event.values[0]
motionSensor.quaternion[2] = event.values[2]
motionSensor.quaternion[3] = event.values[3]
SensorManager.getRotationMatrixFromVector(motionRotationMatrix, motionSensor.quaternion)
SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem(motionRotationMatrix, motionAxisOrientationX, motionAxisOrientationY, motionSensor.orientationMatrix)
else -> {}
// Only update state on accelerometer data
if (event.sensor.type != Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)
motionSensor.deltaTimestamp = event.timestamp.toULong() - motionSensor.timestamp
motionSensor.timestamp = event.timestamp.toULong()
setMotionState(0, 0, motionSensor.writeToByteBuffer(motionDataBuffer))
setMotionState(0, 1, motionSensor.writeToByteBuffer(motionDataBuffer))
setMotionState(0, 2, motionSensor.writeToByteBuffer(motionDataBuffer))
fun handleTouchEvent(view : View, event : MotionEvent) : Boolean {
val count = event.pointerCount
val points = IntArray(count * 7) // This is an array of skyline::input::TouchScreenPoint in C++ as that allows for efficient transfer of values to it
var offset = 0
for (index in 0 until count) {
val pointer = MotionEvent.PointerCoords()
event.getPointerCoords(index, pointer)
val x = 0f.coerceAtLeast(pointer.x * 1280 / view.width).toInt()
val y = 0f.coerceAtLeast(pointer.y * 720 / view.height).toInt()
val attribute = when (event.action) {
MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> 1
MotionEvent.ACTION_UP -> 2
else -> 0
points[offset++] = attribute
points[offset++] = event.getPointerId(index)
points[offset++] = x
points[offset++] = y
points[offset++] = pointer.touchMinor.toInt()
points[offset++] = pointer.touchMajor.toInt()
points[offset++] = (pointer.orientation * 180 / Math.PI).toInt()
return true
fun getFirstControllerType() : ControllerType {
return inputManager.controllers[0]?.type ?: ControllerType.None