PixelyIon b2132fd7aa Implement Fence Cycle, Memory Manager and Command Scheduler
Implements a wrapper over fences to track a single cycle of activation, implement a Vulkan memory manager that wraps the Vulkan-Memory-Allocator library and a command scheduler for scheduling Vulkan command buffers
2021-07-12 21:27:49 +05:30

48 lines
1.5 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2021 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include <vk_mem_alloc.h>
#include "fence_cycle.h"
namespace skyline::gpu::memory {
* @brief A view into a CPU mapping of a Vulkan buffer
* @note The mapping **should not** be used after the lifetime of the object has ended
struct StagingBuffer : public span<u8>, FenceCycleDependency {
VmaAllocator vmaAllocator;
VmaAllocation vmaAllocation;
vk::Buffer vkBuffer;
constexpr StagingBuffer(u8 *pointer, size_t size, VmaAllocator vmaAllocator, vk::Buffer vkBuffer, VmaAllocation vmaAllocation) : vmaAllocator(vmaAllocator), vkBuffer(vkBuffer), vmaAllocation(vmaAllocation), span(pointer, size) {}
* @brief An abstraction over memory operations done in Vulkan, it's used for all allocations on the host GPU
class MemoryManager {
const GPU &gpu;
VmaAllocator vmaAllocator{VK_NULL_HANDLE};
* @brief If the result isn't VK_SUCCESS then an exception is thrown
static void ThrowOnFail(VkResult result, const char *function = __builtin_FUNCTION());
MemoryManager(const GPU &gpu);
* @brief Creates a buffer which is optimized for staging (Transfer Source)
std::shared_ptr<StagingBuffer> AllocateStagingBuffer(vk::DeviceSize size);