
154 lines
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
package emu.skyline.input
import emu.skyline.R.string
import java.util.Objects
import kotlin.math.abs
* This enumerates all of the buttons that the emulator recognizes
enum class ButtonId(val value : Long, val short : String? = null, val long : Int? = null) {
A(1 shl 0, "A", string.a_button),
B(1 shl 1, "B", string.b_button),
X(1 shl 2, "X", string.x_button),
Y(1 shl 3, "Y", string.y_button),
LeftStick(1 shl 4, "L", string.left_stick),
RightStick(1 shl 5, "R", string.right_stick),
L3(1 shl 4, "L3", string.left_stick_button),
R3(1 shl 5, "R3", string.right_stick_button),
L(1 shl 6, "L", string.left_shoulder),
R(1 shl 7, "R", string.right_shoulder),
ZL(1 shl 8, "ZL", string.left_trigger),
ZR(1 shl 9, "ZR", string.right_trigger),
Plus(1 shl 10, "+", string.plus_button),
Minus(1 shl 11, "-", string.minus_button),
DpadLeft(1 shl 12, "◀︎", string.left),
DpadUp(1 shl 13, "▲︎", string.up),
DpadRight(1 shl 14, "▶︎", string.right),
DpadDown(1 shl 15, "▼︎", string.down),
LeftStickLeft(1 shl 16),
LeftStickUp(1 shl 17),
LeftStickRight(1 shl 18),
LeftStickDown(1 shl 19),
RightStickLeft(1 shl 20),
RightStickUp(1 shl 21),
RightStickRight(1 shl 22),
RightStickDown(1 shl 23),
LeftSL(1 shl 24, "SL", string.left_shoulder),
LeftSR(1 shl 25, "SR", string.right_shoulder),
RightSL(1 shl 26, "SL", string.left_shoulder),
RightSR(1 shl 27, "SR", string.right_shoulder),
Menu(1 shl 28, "⌂︎", string.emu_menu_button),
All(0x1FFFFFFF, "All");
* This enumerates the states of a button and denotes their Boolean values in [state]
enum class ButtonState(val state : Boolean) {
* This enumerates all of the axes on a controller that the emulator recognizes
enum class AxisId {
* This enumerates all the sticks on a controller with all their components
* @param xAxis The [AxisId] corresponding to movement on the X-axis for the stick
* @param yAxis The [AxisId] corresponding to movement on the Y-axis for the stick
* @param button The [ButtonId] of the button activated when the stick is pressed
enum class StickId(val xAxis : AxisId, val yAxis : AxisId, val button : ButtonId) {
Left(AxisId.LX, AxisId.LY, ButtonId.LeftStick),
Right(AxisId.RX, AxisId.RY, ButtonId.RightStick);
override fun toString() = "$name Stick"
* This an abstract class for all guest events that is inherited by all other event classes
* @param id The ID of the guest controller this event corresponds to
abstract class GuestEvent(val id : Int) : Serializable {
* The equality function is abstract so that equality checking will be for the derived classes rather than this abstract class
abstract override fun equals(other : Any?) : Boolean
* The hash function is abstract so that hashes will be generated for the derived classes rather than this abstract class
abstract override fun hashCode() : Int
* This class is used for all guest events that correspond to a button
* @param button The ID of the button that this represents
* @param threshold The threshold of a corresponding [MotionHostEvent]'s axis value for this to be "pressed"
class ButtonGuestEvent(id : Int, val button : ButtonId, val threshold : Float = 0f) : GuestEvent(id) {
* This does some basic equality checking for the type of [other] and all members in the class except [threshold] as that is irrelevant for a lookup
override fun equals(other : Any?) : Boolean = if (other is ButtonGuestEvent) == && this.button == other.button else false
* This computes the hash for all members of the class except [threshold] as that is irrelevant for a lookup
override fun hashCode() : Int = Objects.hash(id, button)
* This class is used for all guest events that correspond to a specific pole of an axis
* @param axis The ID of the axis that this represents
* @param polarity The polarity of the axis this represents
* @param max The maximum recorded value of the corresponding [MotionHostEvent] to scale the axis value
class AxisGuestEvent(id : Int, val axis : AxisId, val polarity : Boolean, var max : Float = 1f) : GuestEvent(id) {
* This does some basic equality checking for the type of [other] and all members in the class except [max] as that is irrelevant for a lookup
override fun equals(other : Any?) : Boolean = if (other is AxisGuestEvent) == && this.axis == other.axis && this.polarity == other.polarity else false
* This computes the hash for all members of the class except [max] as that is irrelevant for a lookup
override fun hashCode() : Int = Objects.hash(id, axis, polarity)
* This is used to retrieve the scaled value/update the maximum value of this axis
* @param axis The unscaled value of the axis to scale
* @return The scaled value of this axis
fun value(axis : Float) : Float {
if (max == 1f) return axis
val axisAbs = abs(axis)
if (axisAbs >= max) {
max = axisAbs
return 1f
return axis + (axis * (1f - max))