lynxnb 180d1efd4d Revert "Toggle DisableFrameThrottling setting by clicking on FPS"
This commit reverts PR #2037. Passing `NativeSettings` to emulation code through a member reference, instead of a local variable, caused unpredictable crashes when using custom GPU drivers (v615+) on some Qualcomm SoCs.
The exact cause of the issue remains unknown, my best guess is that it was caused by an incorrect optimization performed on the Kotlin bytecode in release mode, which caused an issue when reading memory that had been forked, because of running emulation in a separate process.
Runtime settings modification will be reimplemented in the future via an alternative method.
2023-02-27 19:00:52 +01:00

198 lines
7.5 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include "common.h"
#include <jni.h>
namespace skyline {
* @brief A wrapper over std::string that supports construction using a JNI jstring
class JniString : public std::string {
static std::string GetJString(JNIEnv *env, jstring jString);
JniString(JNIEnv *env, jstring jString) : std::string(GetJString(env, jString)) {}
* @brief A wrapper over the `Settings` Kotlin class
* @note The lifetime of this class must not exceed that of the JNI environment
* @note Copy construction of this class is disallowed to avoid issues with the JNI environment lifetime
class KtSettings {
JNIEnv *env; //!< A pointer to the current jni environment
jclass settingsClass; //!< The settings class
jobject settingsInstance; //!< The settings instance
KtSettings(JNIEnv *env, jobject settingsInstance) : env(env), settingsInstance(settingsInstance), settingsClass(env->GetObjectClass(settingsInstance)) {}
KtSettings(const KtSettings &) = delete;
void operator=(const KtSettings &) = delete;
KtSettings(KtSettings &&) = default;
* @param key A null terminated string containing the key of the setting to get
template<typename T>
requires std::is_integral_v<T> || std::is_enum_v<T>
T GetInt(const std::string_view &key) {
return static_cast<T>(env->GetIntField(settingsInstance, env->GetFieldID(settingsClass,, "I")));
* @param key A null terminated string containing the key of the setting to get
bool GetBool(const std::string_view &key) {
return env->GetBooleanField(settingsInstance, env->GetFieldID(settingsClass,, "Z")) == JNI_TRUE;
* @param key A null terminated string containing the key of the setting to get
JniString GetString(const std::string_view &key) {
return {env, static_cast<jstring>(env->GetObjectField(settingsInstance, env->GetFieldID(settingsClass,, "Ljava/lang/String;")))};
* @brief The JvmManager class is used to simplify transactions with the Java component
class JvmManager {
using KeyboardHandle = jobject;
using KeyboardConfig = std::array<u8, 0x4C8>;
using KeyboardCloseResult = u32;
using KeyboardTextCheckResult = u32;
jobject instance; //!< A reference to the activity
jclass instanceClass; //!< The class of the activity
* @param env A pointer to the JNI environment
* @param instance A reference to the activity
JvmManager(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance);
* @brief Returns a pointer to the JNI environment for the current thread
static JNIEnv *GetEnv();
* @brief Retrieves a specific field of the given type from the activity
* @tparam objectType The type of the object in the field
* @param key The name of the field in the activity class
* @return The contents of the field as objectType
template<typename objectType>
objectType GetField(const char *key) {
JNIEnv *env{GetEnv()};
if constexpr(std::is_same<objectType, jboolean>())
return env->GetBooleanField(instance, env->GetFieldID(instanceClass, key, "Z"));
else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectType, jbyte>())
return env->GetByteField(instance, env->GetFieldID(instanceClass, key, "B"));
else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectType, jchar>())
return env->GetCharField(instance, env->GetFieldID(instanceClass, key, "C"));
else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectType, jshort>())
return env->GetShortField(instance, env->GetFieldID(instanceClass, key, "S"));
else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectType, jint>())
return env->GetIntField(instance, env->GetFieldID(instanceClass, key, "I"));
else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectType, jlong>())
return env->GetLongField(instance, env->GetFieldID(instanceClass, key, "J"));
else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectType, jfloat>())
return env->GetFloatField(instance, env->GetFieldID(instanceClass, key, "F"));
else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectType, jdouble>())
return env->GetDoubleField(instance, env->GetFieldID(instanceClass, key, "D"));
throw exception("GetField: Unhandled object type");
* @brief Retrieves a specific field from the activity as a jobject
* @param key The name of the field in the activity class
* @param signature The signature of the field
* @return A jobject of the contents of the field
jobject GetField(const char *key, const char *signature);
* @brief Checks if a specific field from the activity is null or not
* @param key The name of the field in the activity class
* @param signature The signature of the field
* @return If the field is null or not
bool CheckNull(const char *key, const char *signature);
* @brief Checks if a specific jobject is null or not
* @param object The jobject to check
* @return If the object is null or not
static bool CheckNull(jobject &object);
* @brief A call to EmulationActivity.initializeControllers in Kotlin
void InitializeControllers();
* @brief A call to EmulationActivity.vibrateDevice in Kotlin
void VibrateDevice(jint index, const span<jlong> &timings, const span<jint> &amplitudes);
* @brief A call to EmulationActivity.clearVibrationDevice in Kotlin
void ClearVibrationDevice(jint index);
* @brief A call to EmulationActivity.showKeyboard in Kotlin
KeyboardHandle ShowKeyboard(KeyboardConfig &config, std::u16string initialText);
* @brief A call to EmulationActivity.waitForSubmitOrCancel in Kotlin
std::pair<KeyboardCloseResult, std::u16string> WaitForSubmitOrCancel(KeyboardHandle dialog);
* @brief A call to EmulationActivity.closeKeyboard in Kotlin
void CloseKeyboard(KeyboardHandle dialog);
* @brief A call to EmulationActivity.showValidationResult in Kotlin
KeyboardCloseResult ShowValidationResult(KeyboardHandle dialog, KeyboardTextCheckResult checkResult, std::u16string message);
* @brief A call to EmulationActivity.getVersionCode in Kotlin
* @return A version code in Vulkan's format with 14-bit patch + 10-bit major and minor components
i32 GetVersionCode();
jmethodID initializeControllersId;
jmethodID vibrateDeviceId;
jmethodID clearVibrationDeviceId;
jmethodID showKeyboardId;
jmethodID waitForSubmitOrCancelId;
jmethodID closeKeyboardId;
jmethodID showValidationResultId;
jmethodID getVersionCodeId;
jmethodID getIntegerValueId;