PixelyIon fe5061a8e0 Address CR Comments (#132) + Change Core Migration API
This addresses all CR comments including more codebase-wide changes arising from certain review comments like proper usage of its/it's and consistent contraction of it is into it's. 

An overhaul was made to the presentation and formatting of `KThread.h` and `LoadBalance` works has been superseded by `GetOptimalCoreForThread` which can be used alongside `InsertThread` or `MigrateToCore`. It makes the API far more atomic and neater. This was a major point of contention for the design prior, it's simplified some code and potentially improved performance.
2021-03-05 14:55:34 +05:30

454 lines
17 KiB

* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
package emu.skyline
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.*
import android.util.Log
import android.view.*
import androidx.core.view.isGone
import androidx.core.view.isInvisible
import emu.skyline.input.*
import emu.skyline.loader.getRomFormat
import emu.skyline.utils.Settings
import kotlin.math.abs
class EmulationActivity : AppCompatActivity(), SurfaceHolder.Callback, View.OnTouchListener {
companion object {
private val Tag =
init {
System.loadLibrary("skyline") //
* A map of [Vibrator]s that correspond to [InputManager.controllers]
private var vibrators = HashMap<Int, Vibrator>()
* The surface object used for displaying frames
private var surface : Surface? = null
* A boolean flag denoting if the emulation thread should call finish() or not
private var shouldFinish : Boolean = true
* The Kotlin thread on which emulation code executes
private lateinit var emulationThread : Thread
private val settings by lazy { Settings(this) }
* This is the entry point into the emulation code for libskyline
* @param romUri The URI of the ROM as a string, used to print out in the logs
* @param romType The type of the ROM as an enum value
* @param romFd The file descriptor of the ROM object
* @param preferenceFd The file descriptor of the Preference XML
* @param appFilesPath The full path to the app files directory
private external fun executeApplication(romUri : String, romType : Int, romFd : Int, preferenceFd : Int, appFilesPath : String)
* @return If it successfully caused the [emulationThread] to gracefully stop
private external fun stopEmulation() : Boolean
* This sets the surface object in libskyline to the provided value, emulation is halted if set to null
* @param surface The value to set surface to
* @return If the value was successfully set
private external fun setSurface(surface : Surface?) : Boolean
var fps : Int = 0
var frametime : Float = 0.0f
* Writes the current performance statistics into [fps] and [frametime] fields
private external fun updatePerformanceStatistics()
* This initializes a guest controller in libskyline
* @param index The arbitrary index of the controller, this is to handle matching with a partner Joy-Con
* @param type The type of the host controller
* @param partnerIndex The index of a partner Joy-Con if there is one
* @note This is blocking and will stall till input has been initialized on the guest
private external fun setController(index : Int, type : Int, partnerIndex : Int = -1)
* This flushes the controller updates on the guest
* @note This is blocking and will stall till input has been initialized on the guest
private external fun updateControllers()
* This sets the state of the buttons specified in the mask on a specific controller
* @param index The index of the controller this is directed to
* @param mask The mask of the button that are being set
* @param pressed If the buttons are being pressed or released
private external fun setButtonState(index : Int, mask : Long, pressed : Boolean)
* This sets the value of a specific axis on a specific controller
* @param index The index of the controller this is directed to
* @param axis The ID of the axis that is being modified
* @param value The value to set the axis to
private external fun setAxisValue(index : Int, axis : Int, value : Int)
* This sets the values of the points on the guest touch-screen
* @param points An array of skyline::input::TouchScreenPoint in C++ represented as integers
private external fun setTouchState(points : IntArray)
* This initializes all of the controllers from [InputManager] on the guest
private fun initializeControllers() {
for (controller in InputManager.controllers.values) {
if (controller.type != ControllerType.None) {
val type = when (controller.type) {
ControllerType.None -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
ControllerType.HandheldProController -> if (settings.operationMode) else
ControllerType.ProController, ControllerType.JoyConLeft, ControllerType.JoyConRight ->
val partnerIndex = when (controller) {
is JoyConLeftController -> controller.partnerId
is JoyConRightController -> controller.partnerId
else -> null
setController(, type, partnerIndex ?: -1)
* This executes the specified ROM
* @param rom The URI of the ROM to execute
private fun executeApplication(rom : Uri) {
val romType = getRomFormat(rom, contentResolver).ordinal
val romFd = contentResolver.openFileDescriptor(rom, "r")!!
val preferenceFd ="${applicationInfo.dataDir}/shared_prefs/${applicationInfo.packageName}_preferences.xml"), ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_WRITE)
emulationThread = Thread {
executeApplication(rom.toString(), romType, romFd.detachFd(), preferenceFd.detachFd(), applicationContext.filesDir.canonicalPath + "/")
if (shouldFinish)
runOnUiThread {
* This makes the window fullscreen, sets up the performance statistics and finally calls [executeApplication] for executing the application
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState : Bundle?) {
window.insetsController?.hide(WindowInsets.Type.navigationBars() or WindowInsets.Type.systemBars() or WindowInsets.Type.systemGestures() or WindowInsets.Type.statusBars())
window.insetsController?.systemBarsBehavior = WindowInsetsController.BEHAVIOR_SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
} else {
window.decorView.systemUiVisibility = (View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY
if (settings.perfStats) {
perf_stats.postDelayed(object : Runnable {
override fun run() {
perf_stats.text = "$fps FPS\n${frametime}ms"
perf_stats.postDelayed(this, 250)
}, 250)
@Suppress("DEPRECATION") val display = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.R) display!! else windowManager.defaultDisplay
display?.supportedModes?.maxByOrNull { it.refreshRate + (it.physicalHeight * it.physicalWidth) }?.let { window.attributes.preferredDisplayModeId = it.modeId }
// Hide on screen controls when first controller is not set
on_screen_controller_view.isGone = !InputManager.controllers[0]!!.type.firstController || !settings.onScreenControl
on_screen_controller_toggle.isGone = on_screen_controller_toggle.isGone
on_screen_controller_toggle.setOnClickListener {
on_screen_controller_view.isInvisible = !on_screen_controller_view.isInvisible
* This is used to stop the currently executing ROM and replace it with the one specified in the new intent
override fun onNewIntent(intent : Intent?) {
shouldFinish = false
while (emulationThread.isAlive)
if (stopEmulation())
vibrators.forEach { (_, vibrator) -> vibrator.cancel() }
shouldFinish = true
override fun onDestroy() {
shouldFinish = false
while (emulationThread.isAlive)
if (stopEmulation())
vibrators.forEach { (_, vibrator) -> vibrator.cancel() }
* This sets [surface] to [holder].surface and passes it into libskyline
override fun surfaceCreated(holder : SurfaceHolder) {
Log.d(Tag, "surfaceCreated Holder: $holder")
surface = holder.surface
while (emulationThread.isAlive)
if (setSurface(surface))
* This is purely used for debugging surface changes
override fun surfaceChanged(holder : SurfaceHolder, format : Int, width : Int, height : Int) {
Log.d(Tag, "surfaceChanged Holder: $holder, Format: $format, Width: $width, Height: $height")
* This sets [surface] to null and passes it into libskyline
override fun surfaceDestroyed(holder : SurfaceHolder) {
Log.d(Tag, "surfaceDestroyed Holder: $holder")
surface = null
while (emulationThread.isAlive)
if (setSurface(surface))
* This handles translating any [KeyHostEvent]s to a [GuestEvent] that is passed into libskyline
override fun dispatchKeyEvent(event : KeyEvent) : Boolean {
if (event.repeatCount != 0)
return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event)
val action = when (event.action) {
KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> ButtonState.Pressed
KeyEvent.ACTION_UP -> ButtonState.Released
else -> return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event)
return when (val guestEvent = InputManager.eventMap[KeyHostEvent(event.device.descriptor, event.keyCode)]) {
is ButtonGuestEvent -> {
if (guestEvent.button != ButtonId.Menu)
setButtonState(, guestEvent.button.value(), action.state)
is AxisGuestEvent -> {
setAxisValue(, guestEvent.axis.ordinal, (if (action == ButtonState.Pressed) if (guestEvent.polarity) Short.MAX_VALUE else Short.MIN_VALUE else 0).toInt())
else -> super.dispatchKeyEvent(event)
* The last value of the axes so the stagnant axes can be eliminated to not wastefully look them up
private val axesHistory = arrayOfNulls<Float>(MotionHostEvent.axes.size)
* The last value of the HAT axes so it can be ignored in [onGenericMotionEvent] so they are handled by [dispatchKeyEvent] instead
private var oldHat = PointF()
* This handles translating any [MotionHostEvent]s to a [GuestEvent] that is passed into libskyline
override fun onGenericMotionEvent(event : MotionEvent) : Boolean {
if ((event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_JOYSTICK) || event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_BUTTON)) && event.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
val hat = PointF(event.getAxisValue(MotionEvent.AXIS_HAT_X), event.getAxisValue(MotionEvent.AXIS_HAT_Y))
if (hat == oldHat) {
for (axisItem in MotionHostEvent.axes.withIndex()) {
val axis = axisItem.value
var value = event.getAxisValue(axis)
if ((event.historySize != 0 && value != event.getHistoricalAxisValue(axis, 0)) || (axesHistory[axisItem.index]?.let { it == value } == false)) {
var polarity = value >= 0
val guestEvent = MotionHostEvent(event.device.descriptor, axis, polarity).let { hostEvent ->
InputManager.eventMap[hostEvent] ?: if (value == 0f) {
polarity = false
InputManager.eventMap[hostEvent.copy(polarity = false)]
} else {
when (guestEvent) {
is ButtonGuestEvent -> {
if (guestEvent.button != ButtonId.Menu)
setButtonState(, guestEvent.button.value(), if (abs(value) >= guestEvent.threshold) ButtonState.Pressed.state else ButtonState.Released.state)
is AxisGuestEvent -> {
value = guestEvent.value(value)
value = if (polarity) abs(value) else -abs(value)
value = if (guestEvent.axis == AxisId.LX || guestEvent.axis == AxisId.RX) value else -value // TODO: Test this
setAxisValue(, guestEvent.axis.ordinal, (value * Short.MAX_VALUE).toInt())
axesHistory[axisItem.index] = value
return true
} else {
oldHat = hat
return super.onGenericMotionEvent(event)
override fun onTouch(view : View, event : MotionEvent) : Boolean {
val count = if (event.action != MotionEvent.ACTION_UP && event.action != MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) event.pointerCount else 0
val points = IntArray(count * 5) // This is an array of skyline::input::TouchScreenPoint in C++ as that allows for efficient transfer of values to it
var offset = 0
for (index in 0 until count) {
val pointer = MotionEvent.PointerCoords()
event.getPointerCoords(index, pointer)
val x = 0f.coerceAtLeast(pointer.x * 1280 / view.width).toInt()
val y = 0f.coerceAtLeast(pointer.y * 720 / view.height).toInt()
points[offset++] = x
points[offset++] = y
points[offset++] = pointer.touchMinor.toInt()
points[offset++] = pointer.touchMajor.toInt()
points[offset++] = (pointer.orientation * 180 / Math.PI).toInt()
return true
private fun onButtonStateChanged(buttonId : ButtonId, state : ButtonState) = setButtonState(0, buttonId.value(), state.state)
private fun onStickStateChanged(buttonId : ButtonId, position : PointF) {
val stickId = when (buttonId) {
ButtonId.LeftStick -> StickId.Left
ButtonId.RightStick -> StickId.Right
else -> error("Invalid button ID")
setAxisValue(0, stickId.xAxis.ordinal, (position.x * Short.MAX_VALUE).toInt())
setAxisValue(0, stickId.yAxis.ordinal, (-position.y * Short.MAX_VALUE).toInt()) // Y is inverted, since drawing starts from top left
fun vibrateDevice(index : Int, timing : LongArray, amplitude : IntArray) {
val vibrator = if (vibrators[index] != null) {
} else {
InputManager.controllers[index]!!.rumbleDeviceDescriptor?.let {
if (it == "builtin") {
val vibrator = getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE) as Vibrator
vibrators[index] = vibrator
} else {
for (id in InputDevice.getDeviceIds()) {
val device = InputDevice.getDevice(id)
if (device.descriptor == InputManager.controllers[index]!!.rumbleDeviceDescriptor) {
vibrators[index] = device.vibrator
val effect = VibrationEffect.createWaveform(timing, amplitude, 0)
fun clearVibrationDevice(index : Int) {