mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 23:06:44 +01:00
removed files which shouldn't have been there.
These should have been removed in previous revisions (whoops).
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
In order to compile Snes9xGx 2.0 with actual libogc, you need to:
1/ download last libogc source (04-02-2007)
2/ replace gu_psasm.S in /LIBBOGC directory located in root libogc source directory by the one included with this release
3/ recompile and reinstall libogc in your devkitPP environment (type 'make' then 'make install')
4/ compile snes9xgx source (type 'make' in snes9xgx folder)
@ -1,694 +0,0 @@
#include <asm.h>
#define A00_A01 fr0
#define A02_A03 fr1
#define A10_A11 fr2
#define A12_A13 fr3
#define A20_A21 fr4
#define A22_A23 fr5
#define B00_B01 fr6
#define B02_B03 fr7
#define B10_B11 fr8
#define B12_B13 fr9
#define B20_B21 fr10
#define B22_B23 fr11
#define D00_D01 fr12
#define D02_D03 fr13
#define D10_D11 fr14
#define D12_D13 fr15
#define D20_D21 fr2
#define D22_D23 fr0
#define UNIT01 fr31
#define RET_REG fr1
#define V1_XY fr2
#define V1_Z fr3
#define V2_XY fr4
#define V2_Z fr5
#define D1_XY fr6
#define D1_Z fr7
#define D2_XY fr8
#define D2_Z fr9
#define W1_XY fr10
#define W1_Z fr11
#define W2_XY fr12
#define W2_Z fr13
.globl ps_guMtxConcat
//r3 = mtxA, r4 = mtxB, r5 = mtxAB
stwu r1,-64(r1)
psq_l A00_A01,0(r3),0,0
stfd fr14,8(r1)
psq_l B00_B01,0(r4),0,0
lis r6,Unit01@ha
psq_l B02_B03,8(r4),0,0
stfd fr15,16(r1)
addi 6,6,Unit01@l
stfd fr31,40(r1)
psq_l B10_B11,16(r4),0,0
ps_muls0 D00_D01,B00_B01,A00_A01
psq_l A10_A11,16(r3),0,0
ps_muls0 D02_D03,B02_B03,A00_A01
psq_l UNIT01,0(r6),0,0
ps_muls0 D10_D11,B00_B01,A10_A11
psq_l B12_B13,24(r4),0,0
ps_muls0 D12_D13,B02_B03,A10_A11
psq_l A02_A03,8(r3),0,0
ps_madds1 D00_D01,B10_B11,A00_A01,D00_D01
psq_l A12_A13,24(r3),0,0
ps_madds1 D10_D11,B10_B11,A10_A11,D10_D11
psq_l B20_B21,32(r4),0,0
ps_madds1 D02_D03,B12_B13,A00_A01,D02_D03
psq_l B22_B23,40(r4),0,0
ps_madds1 D12_D13,B12_B13,A10_A11,D12_D13
psq_l A20_A21,32(r3),0,0
psq_l A22_A23,40(r3),0,0
ps_madds0 D00_D01,B20_B21,A02_A03,D00_D01
ps_madds0 D02_D03,B22_B23,A02_A03,D02_D03
ps_madds0 D10_D11,B20_B21,A12_A13,D10_D11
ps_madds0 D12_D13,B22_B23,A12_A13,D12_D13
psq_st D00_D01,0(r5),0,0
ps_muls0 D20_D21,B00_B01,A20_A21
ps_madds1 D02_D03,UNIT01,A02_A03,D02_D03
ps_muls0 D22_D23,B02_B03,A20_A21
psq_st D10_D11,16(r5),0,0
ps_madds1 D12_D13,UNIT01,A12_A13,D12_D13
psq_st D02_D03,8(r5),0,0
ps_madds1 D20_D21,B10_B11,A20_A21,D20_D21
ps_madds1 D22_D23,B12_B13,A20_A21,D22_D23
ps_madds0 D20_D21,B20_B21,A22_A23,D20_D21
lfd fr14,8(r1)
psq_st D12_D13,24(r5),0,0
ps_madds0 D22_D23,B22_B23,A22_A23,D22_D23
psq_st D20_D21,32(r5),0,0
ps_madds1 D22_D23,UNIT01,A22_A23,D22_D23
lfd fr15,16(r1)
psq_st D22_D23,40(r5),0,0
lfd fr31,40(r1)
addi r1,r1,64
.globl ps_guMtxIdentity
//r3 == mtx
lis r9,Unit01@ha
addi r9,r9,Unit01@l
lfs fr0,0(r9)
lfs fr1,4(r9)
psq_st fr0,8(r3),0,0
ps_merge01 fr2,fr0,fr1
psq_st fr0,24(r3),0,0
ps_merge10 fr3,fr1,fr0
psq_st fr0,32(r3),0,0
psq_st fr2,16(r3),0,0
psq_st fr3,0(r3),0,0
psq_st fr3,40(r3),0,0
.globl ps_guMtxCopy
//r3 = src, r4 = dst
psq_l fr0,0(r3),0,0
psq_st fr0,0(r4),0,0
psq_l fr1,8(r3),0,0
psq_st fr1,8(r4),0,0
psq_l fr2,16(r3),0,0
psq_st fr2,16(r4),0,0
psq_l fr3,24(r3),0,0
psq_st fr3,24(r4),0,0
psq_l fr4,32(r3),0,0
psq_st fr4,32(r4),0,0
psq_l fr5,40(r3),0,0
psq_st fr5,40(r4),0,0
.globl ps_guMtxTranspose
//r3 = src, r4 = xpose
lis r9,Unit01@ha
addi r9,r9,Unit01@l
lfs fr0,0(r9)
psq_l fr1,0(r3),0,0
stfs fr0,44(r4)
psq_l fr2,16(r3),0,0
ps_merge00 fr5,fr1,fr2
psq_l fr3,8(r3),1,0
ps_merge11 fr6,fr1,fr2
psq_l fr4,24(r3),1,0
psq_st fr5,0(r4),0,0
psq_l fr1,32(r3),0,0
ps_merge00 fr7,fr3,fr4
psq_st fr6,16(r4),0,0
ps_merge00 fr5,fr1,fr0
psq_st fr7,32(r4),0,0
ps_merge10 fr6,fr1,fr0
psq_st fr5,8(r4),0,0
lfs fr3,40(r3)
psq_st fr6,24(r4),0,0
stfs fr3,40(r4)
.globl ps_guMtxInverse
//r3 = src, r4 = inv
psq_l fr0,0(r3),1,0
psq_l fr1,4(r3),0,0
psq_l fr2,16(r3),1,0
ps_merge10 fr6,fr1,fr0
psq_l fr3,20(r3),0,0
psq_l fr4,32(r3),1,0
ps_merge10 fr7,fr3,fr2
psq_l fr5,36(r3),0,0
ps_mul fr11,fr3,fr6
ps_mul fr13,fr5,fr7
ps_merge10 fr8,fr5,fr4
ps_msub fr11,fr1,fr7,fr11
ps_mul fr12,fr1,fr8
ps_msub fr13,fr3,fr8,fr13
ps_mul fr10,fr3,fr4
ps_msub fr12,fr5,fr6,fr12
ps_mul fr9,fr0,fr5
ps_mul fr8,fr1,fr2
ps_sub fr6,fr6,fr6
ps_msub fr10,fr2,fr5,fr10
ps_mul fr7,fr0,fr13
ps_msub fr9,fr1,fr4,fr9
ps_madd fr7,fr2,fr12,fr7
ps_msub fr8,fr0,fr3,fr8
ps_madd fr7,fr4,fr11,fr7
ps_cmpo0 cr0,fr7,fr6
bne 0f
li r3,0
0: fres fr0,fr7
ps_add fr6,fr0,fr0
ps_mul fr5,fr0,fr0
ps_nmsub fr0,fr7,fr5,fr6
lfs fr1,12(r3)
ps_muls0 fr13,fr13,fr0
lfs fr2,28(r3)
ps_muls0 fr12,fr12,fr0
lfs fr3,44(r3)
ps_muls0 fr11,fr11,fr0
ps_merge00 fr5,fr13,fr12
ps_muls0 fr10,fr10,fr0
ps_merge11 fr4,fr13,fr12
ps_muls0 fr9,fr9,fr0
psq_st fr5,0(r4),0,0
ps_mul fr6,fr13,fr1
psq_st fr4,16(r4),0,0
ps_muls0 fr8,fr8,fr0
ps_madd fr6,fr12,fr2,fr6
psq_st fr10,32(r4),1,0
ps_nmadd fr6,fr11,fr3,fr6
psq_st fr9,36(r4),1,0
ps_mul fr7,fr10,fr1
ps_merge00 fr5,fr11,fr6
psq_st fr8,40(r4),1,0
ps_merge11 fr4,fr11,fr6
psq_st fr5,8(r4),0,0
ps_madd fr7,fr9,fr2,fr7
psq_st fr4,24(r4),0,0
ps_nmadd fr7,fr8,fr3,fr7
li r3,1
psq_st fr7,44(r4),1,0
.globl ps_guMtxInvXpos
//r3 = src, r4 = invx
psq_l fr0, 0(r3), 1, 0
psq_l fr1, 4(r3), 0, 0
psq_l fr2, 16(r3), 1, 0
ps_merge10 fr6, fr1, fr0
psq_l fr3, 20(r3), 0, 0
psq_l fr4, 32(r3), 1, 0
ps_merge10 fr7, fr3, fr2
psq_l fr5, 36(r3), 0, 0
ps_mul fr11, fr3, fr6
ps_merge10 fr8, fr5, fr4
ps_mul fr13, fr5, fr7
ps_msub fr11, fr1, fr7, fr11
ps_mul fr12, fr1, fr8
ps_msub fr13, fr3, fr8, fr13
ps_msub fr12, fr5, fr6, fr12
ps_mul fr10, fr3, fr4
ps_mul fr9, fr0, fr5
ps_mul fr8, fr1, fr2
ps_msub fr10, fr2, fr5, fr10
ps_msub fr9, fr1, fr4, fr9
ps_msub fr8, fr0, fr3, fr8
ps_mul fr7, fr0, fr13
ps_sub fr1, fr1, fr1
ps_madd fr7, fr2, fr12, fr7
ps_madd fr7, fr4, fr11, fr7
ps_cmpo0 cr0, fr7, fr1
bne 0f
addi r3, 0, 0
0: fres fr0, fr7
psq_st fr1, 12(r4), 1, 0
ps_add fr6, fr0, fr0
ps_mul fr5, fr0, fr0
psq_st fr1, 28(r4), 1, 0
ps_nmsub fr0, fr7, fr5, fr6
psq_st fr1, 44(r4), 1, 0
ps_muls0 fr13, fr13, fr0
ps_muls0 fr12, fr12, fr0
ps_muls0 fr11, fr11, fr0
psq_st fr13, 0(r4), 0, 0
psq_st fr12, 16(r4), 0, 0
ps_muls0 fr10, fr10, fr0
ps_muls0 fr9, fr9, fr0
psq_st fr11, 32(r4), 0, 0
psq_st fr10, 8(r4), 1, 0
ps_muls0 fr8, fr8, fr0
addi r3, 0, 1
psq_st fr9, 24(r4), 1, 0
psq_st fr8, 40(r4), 1, 0
.globl ps_guMtxScale
//r3 = mtx,fr1 = xS,fr2 = yS,fr3 = zS
lis r9,Unit01@ha
addi r9,r9,Unit01@l
lfs fr0,0(r9)
stfs fr1,0(r3)
psq_st fr0,4(r3),0,0
psq_st fr0,12(r3),0,0
stfs fr2,20(r3)
psq_st fr0,24(r3),0,0
psq_st fr0,32(r3),0,0
stfs fr3,40(r3)
stfs fr0,44(r3)
.globl ps_guMtxScaleApply
//r3 = src,r4 = dst,fr1 = xS,fr2 = yS,fr3 = zS
psq_l fr4,0(r3),0,0
psq_l fr5,8(r3),0,0
ps_muls0 fr4,fr4,fr1
psq_l fr6,16(r3),0,0
ps_muls0 fr5,fr5,fr1
psq_l fr7,24(r3),0,0
ps_muls0 fr6,fr6,fr2
psq_l fr8,32(r3),0,0
psq_st fr4,0(r4),0,0
ps_muls0 fr7,fr7,fr2
psq_l fr2,40(r3),0,0
psq_st fr5,8(r4),0,0
ps_muls0 fr8,fr8,fr3
psq_st fr6,16(r4),0,0
ps_muls0 fr2,fr2,fr3
psq_st fr7,24(r4),0,0
psq_st fr8,32(r4),0,0
psq_st fr2,40(r4),0,0
.globl ps_guMtxTrans
//r3 = mtx,fr1 = xT,fr2 = yT,fr3 = zT
lis r9,Unit01@ha
addi r9,r9,Unit01@l
lfs fr4,0(r9)
lfs fr5,4(r9)
stfs fr1,12(r3)
stfs fr2,28(r3)
psq_st fr4,4(r3),0,0
psq_st fr4,32(r3),0,0
stfs fr5,20(r3)
stfs fr4,24(r3)
stfs fr5,40(r3)
stfs fr3,44(r3)
stfs fr5,0(r3)
.globl ps_guMtxTransApply
//r3 = src,r4 = dst,fr1 = xT,fr2 = yT,fr3 = zT
psq_l fr4,0(r3),0,0
psq_l fr5,8(r3),0,0
psq_l fr7,24(r3),0,0
psq_l fr8,40(r3),0,0
ps_sum1 fr5,fr1,fr5,fr5
psq_l fr6,16(r3),0,0
ps_sum1 fr7,fr2,fr7,fr7
psq_l fr9,32(r3),0,0
ps_sum1 fr8,fr3,fr8,fr8
psq_st fr4,0(r4),0,0
psq_st fr5,8(r4),0,0
psq_st fr6,16(r4),0,0
psq_st fr7,24(r4),0,0
psq_st fr9,32(r4),0,0
psq_st fr8,40(r4),0,0
.globl ps_guMtxRotTrig
//r3 = mt,r4 = axis,fr1 = sinA,fr2 = cosA
lis r9,Unit01@ha
addi r9,r9,Unit01@l
lfs fr3,0(r9)
lfs fr4,4(r9)
ori r4,r4,0x20
ps_neg fr5,fr1
cmplwi r4,'x'
beq 0f
cmplwi r4,'y'
beq 1f
cmplwi r4,'z'
beq 2f
b 3f
psq_st fr4,0(r3),1,0
psq_st fr3,4(r3),0,0
ps_merge00 fr6,fr1,fr2
psq_st fr3,12(r3),0,0
ps_merge00 fr7,fr2,fr5
psq_st fr3,28(r3),0,0
psq_st fr3,44(r3),1,0
psq_st fr6,36(r3),0,0
psq_st fr7,20(r3),0,0
b 3f
ps_merge00 fr6,fr2,fr3
ps_merge00 fr7,fr3,fr4
psq_st fr3,24(r3),0,0
psq_st fr6,0(r3),0,0
ps_merge00 fr8,fr5,fr3
ps_merge00 fr9,fr1,fr3
psq_st fr6,40(r3),0,0
psq_st fr7,16(r3),0,0
psq_st fr9,8(r3),0,0
psq_st fr8,32(r3),0,0
b 3f
psq_st fr3,8(r3),0,0
ps_merge00 fr6,fr1,fr2
ps_merge00 fr8,fr2,fr5
psq_st fr3,24(r3),0,0
psq_st fr3,32(r3),0,0
ps_merge00 fr7,fr4,fr3
psq_st fr6,16(r3),0,0
psq_st fr8,0(r3),0,0
psq_st fr7,40(r3),0,0
.globl ps_guMtxReflect
//r3 = mtx,r4 = vec1,r5 = vec2
lis r9,Unit01@ha
addi r9,r9,Unit01@l
lfs fr0,4(r9)
psq_l fr1,8(r5),1,0
psq_l fr2,0(r5),0,0
psq_l fr3,0(r4),0,0
ps_nmadd fr5,fr1,fr0,fr1
psq_l fr4,8(r4),1,0
ps_nmadd fr6,fr2,fr0,fr2
ps_muls0 fr7,fr2,fr5
ps_mul fr8,fr6,fr3
ps_muls0 fr9,fr2,fr6
ps_sum0 fr8,fr8,fr8,fr8
ps_muls1 fr10,fr2,fr6
psq_st fr7,32(r3),0,0
ps_sum0 fr2,fr2,fr2,fr0
ps_nmadd fr8,fr5,fr4,fr8
ps_sum1 fr10,fr0,fr10,fr10
psq_st fr9,0(r3),0,0
ps_muls0 fr11,fr2,fr8
ps_merge00 fr12,fr5,fr8
psq_st fr10,16(r3),0,0
ps_merge00 fr13,fr7,fr11
ps_muls0 fr12,fr12,fr1
ps_merge11 fr11,fr7,fr11
psq_st fr13,8(r3),0,0
ps_sum0 fr12,fr12,fr12,fr0
psq_st fr11,24(r3),0,0
psq_st fr12,40(r3),0,0
.globl ps_guVecAdd
//r3 = v1,r4 = v2,r5 = dst
psq_l V1_XY,0(r3),0,0
psq_l V2_XY,0(r4),0,0
ps_add D1_XY,V1_XY,V2_XY
psq_st D1_XY,0(r5),0,0
psq_l V1_Z,8(r3),1,0
psq_l V2_Z,8(r4),1,0
ps_add D1_Z,V1_Z,V2_Z
psq_st D1_Z,8(r5),1,0
.globl ps_guVecSub
//r3 = v1,r4 = v2,r5 = dst
psq_l V1_XY,0(r3),0,0
psq_l V2_XY,0(r4),0,0
ps_sub D1_XY,V1_XY,V2_XY
psq_st D1_XY,0(r5),0,0
psq_l V1_Z,8(r3),1,0
psq_l V2_Z,8(r4),1,0
ps_sub D1_Z,V1_Z,V2_Z
psq_st D1_Z,8(r5),1,0
.globl ps_guVecScale
//r3 = src,r4 = dst,fr1 = S
psq_l fr2,0(r3),0,0
psq_l fr3,8(r3),1,0
ps_muls0 fr4,fr2,fr1
psq_st fr4,0(r4),0,0
ps_muls0 fr4,fr3,fr1
psq_st fr4,8(r4),1,0
.globl ps_guVecNormalize
//r3 = v
lis r9,NrmData@ha
addi r9,r9,NrmData@l
lfs fr0,0(r9)
lfs fr1,4(r9)
psq_l fr2,0(r3),0,0
ps_mul fr4,fr2,fr2
psq_l fr3,8(r3),1,0
ps_madd fr5,fr3,fr3,fr4
ps_sum0 fr6,fr5,fr3,fr4
frsqrte fr7,fr6
fmuls fr8,fr7,fr7
fmuls fr9,fr7,fr0
fnmsubs fr8,fr8,fr6,fr1
fmuls fr7,fr8,fr9
ps_muls0 fr2,fr2,fr7
psq_st fr2,0(r3),0,0
ps_muls0 fr3,fr3,fr7
psq_st fr3,8(r3),1,0
.globl ps_guVecCross
//r3 = v1,r4 = v2,r5 = v12
psq_l fr1,0(r4),0,0
lfs fr2,8(r3)
psq_l fr0,0(r3),0,0
ps_merge10 fr6,fr1,fr1
lfs fr3,8(r4)
ps_mul fr4,fr1,fr2
ps_muls0 fr7,fr1,fr0
ps_msub fr5,fr0,fr3,fr4
ps_msub fr8,fr0,fr6,fr7
ps_merge11 fr9,fr5,fr5
ps_merge01 fr10,fr5,fr8
psq_st fr9,0(r5),1,0
ps_neg fr10,fr10
psq_st fr10,4(r5),0,0
.globl ps_guVecDotProduct
//r3 = vec1,r4 = vec2
psq_l fr2,4(r3),0,0
psq_l fr3,4(r4),0,0
ps_mul fr2,fr2,fr3
psq_l fr5,0(r3),0,0
psq_l fr4,0(r4),0,0
ps_madd fr3,fr5,fr4,fr2
ps_sum0 fr1,fr3,fr2,fr2
.globl ps_guVecMultiply
psq_l fr0,0(r4),0,0
psq_l fr2,0(r3),0,0
psq_l fr1,8(r4),1,0
ps_mul fr4,fr2,fr0
psq_l fr3,8(r3),0,0
ps_madd fr5,fr3,fr1,fr4
psq_l fr8,16(r3),0,0
ps_sum0 fr6,fr5,fr6,fr5
psq_l fr9,24(r3),0,0
ps_mul fr10,fr8,fr0
psq_st fr6,0(r5),1,0
ps_madd fr11,fr9,fr1,fr10
psq_l fr2,32(r3),0,0
ps_sum0 fr12,fr11,fr12,fr11
psq_l fr3,40(r3),0,0
ps_mul fr4,fr2,fr0
psq_st fr12,4(r5),1,0
ps_madd fr5,fr3,fr1,fr4
ps_sum0 fr6,fr5,fr6,fr5
psq_st fr6,8(r5),1,0
.globl ps_guVecMultiplySR
// r3 = mt, r4 = src, r5 = dst
psq_l fr0,0(r3),0,0 // m[0][0], m[0][1] GQR0 = 0
// fp6 - x y
psq_l fr6,0(r4),0,0
psq_l fr2,16(r3),0,0 // m[1][0], m[1][1]
// fp8 = m00x m01y // next X
ps_mul fr8,fr0,fr6
psq_l fr4,32(r3),0,0 // m[2][0], m[2][1]
// fp10 = m10x m11y // next Y
ps_mul fr10,fr2,fr6
psq_l fr7,8(r4),1,0 // fp7 - z,1.0
// fp12 = m20x m21y // next Z
ps_mul fr12,fr4,fr6 // YYY last FP6 usage
psq_l fr3,24(r3),0,0 // m[1][2], m[1][3]
ps_sum0 fr8,fr8,fr8,fr8
psq_l fr5,40(r3),0,0 // m[2][2], m[2][3]
ps_sum0 fr10,fr10,fr10,fr10
psq_l fr1,8(r3),0,0 // m[0][2], m[0][3]
ps_sum0 fr12,fr12,fr12,fr12
ps_madd fr9,fr1,fr7,fr8
psq_st fr9,0(r5),1,0 // store X
ps_madd fr11,fr3,fr7,fr10
psq_st fr11,4(r5),1,0 // store Y
ps_madd fr13,fr5,fr7,fr12
psq_st fr13,8(r5),1,0 // sore Z
.globl ps_guQuatAdd
//r3 = a, r4 = b, r5 = ab
psq_l fr0,0(r3),0,0
psq_l fr1,0(r4),0,0
ps_add fr1,fr0,fr1
psq_st fr1,0(r5),0,0
psq_l fr0,8(r3),0,0
psq_l fr1,8(r4),0,0
ps_add fr1,fr0,fr1
psq_st fr1,8(r5),0,0
.globl ps_guQuatSub
//r3 = a, r4 = b, r5 = ab
psq_l fr0,0(r3),0,0
psq_l fr1,0(r4),0,0
ps_sub fr1,fr0,fr1
psq_st fr1,0(r5),0,0
psq_l fr0,8(r3),0,0
psq_l fr1,8(r4),0,0
ps_sub fr1,fr0,fr1
psq_st fr1,8(r5),0,0
.globl ps_guQuatMultiply
//r3 = a, r4 = b, r5 = ab
psq_l fr0,0(r3),0,0
psq_l fr1,8(r3),0,0
psq_l fr2,0(r4),0,0
ps_neg fr4,fr0
psq_l fr3,8(r4),0,0
ps_neg fr5,fr1
ps_merge01 fr6,fr4,fr0
ps_muls0 fr8,fr1,fr2
ps_muls0 fr9,fr4,fr2
ps_merge01 fr7,fr5,fr1
ps_muls1 fr11,fr6,fr2
ps_madds0 fr8,fr6,fr3,fr8
ps_muls1 fr10,fr7,fr2
ps_madds0 fr9,fr7,fr3,fr9
ps_madds1 fr11,fr5,fr3,fr11
ps_merge10 fr8,fr8,fr8
ps_madds1 fr10,fr0,fr3,fr10
ps_merge10 fr9,fr9,fr9
ps_add fr8,fr8,fr8
psq_st fr8,0(r5),0,0
ps_sub fr9,fr9,fr9
psq_st fr9,8(r5),0,0
.globl ps_quQuatScale
//r3 = q,r4 = r, fr1 = scale
psq_l fr4,0(r3),0,0
psq_l fr5,8(r3),0,0
ps_muls0 fr4,fr4,fr1
psq_st fr4,0(r4),0,0
ps_muls0 fr5,fr5,fr1
psq_st fr5,8(r4),0,0
.globl ps_guQuatDotProduct
//r3 = p, r4 = q ; fr1 = res
psq_l fr2,0(r3),0,0
psq_l fr4,0(r4),0,0
ps_mul fr1,fr2,fr4
psq_l fr3,8(r3),0,0
psq_l fr5,8(r4),0,0
ps_madd fr1,fr3,fr5,fr1
ps_sum0 fr1,fr1,fr1,fr1
.globl ps_guQuatNormalize
//r3 = src, r4 = unit
lis r9,NrmData@ha
addi r9,r9,NrmData@l
lfs fr9,0(r9)
lfs fr10,4(r9)
lis r9,QuatEpsilon@ha
lfs fr8,QuatEpsilon@l(r9)
psq_l fr0,0(r3),0,0
ps_mul fr2,fr0,fr0
psq_l fr1,8(r3),0,0
ps_sub fr5,fr8,fr8
ps_madd fr2,fr2,fr2,fr2
frsqrte fr3,fr2
ps_sub fr4,fr2,fr8
fmul fr6,fr3,fr3
fmul fr7,fr3,fr9
fnmsub fr6,fr6,fr2,fr10
fmul fr3,fr6,fr7
ps_sel fr3,fr4,fr3,fr5
ps_muls0 fr0,fr0,fr3
ps_muls0 fr1,fr1,fr3
psq_st fr0,0(r4),0,0
psq_st fr1,8(r4),0,0
.section .data
.balign 4
.float 0.00001
.float 0.0, 1.0
.float 0.5, 3.0
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
inject.exe : inject.c
@gcc -O2 -Wall inject.c -o inject.exe
@strip inject.exe
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
* Snes9x-GX 2.0
* Developer ROM injector.
* You should set ROMOFFSET to match aram.cpp, as this will change as the
* binary expands and/or contracts.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DOLHEADERLENGTH 256 // GC DOL Header Length
#define MAXTEXT 7 // Maximum 7 Text Sections
#define MAXDATA 11 // Maximum 11 Data Sections
unsigned int textOffsets[MAXTEXT];
unsigned int dataOffsets[MAXDATA];
unsigned int textAddress[MAXTEXT];
unsigned int dataAddress[MAXDATA];
unsigned int textLength[MAXTEXT];
unsigned int dataLength[MAXDATA];
unsigned int bssAddress;
unsigned int bssLength;
unsigned int entryPoint;
unsigned int unused[MAXTEXT];
} dolheader;
unsigned int FLIP32(unsigned int b)
unsigned int c;
c = ( b & 0xff000000 ) >> 24;
c |= ( b & 0xff0000 ) >> 8;
c |= ( b & 0xff00 ) << 8;
c |= ( b & 0xff ) << 24;
return c;
#define ROMOFFSET 0x81000000
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
FILE *infile, *outfile;
char *dol;
char *rom;
int dollen, romlen, outlen;
char *sig = "SNESROM0";
if ( argc != 4 )
printf("Usage : %s snes9xGx201.dol snesrom.smc output.dol\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
/*** Try to open all three handles ***/
infile = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
if ( infile == NULL )
printf("Unable to open %s for reading\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
/*** Allocate and load ***/
fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_END);
fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_SET);
dol = calloc(sizeof(char), dollen + 32);
if ( fread(dol, 1, dollen, infile ) != dollen )
printf("Error reading %s\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
infile = fopen(argv[2], "rb");
if ( infile == NULL )
printf("Unable to open %s for reading\n", argv[2]);
return 1;
/*** Allocate and load ***/
fseek( infile, 0, SEEK_END);
romlen = ftell(infile);
fseek( infile, 0, SEEK_SET);
rom = calloc( sizeof(char), romlen + 48 );
if ( fread(rom, 1, romlen, infile) != romlen )
printf("Error reading %s\n", argv[2]);
return 1;
/*** Ok, now have both in memory - so update the dol header and get this file done -;) ***/
memcpy(&dolheader, dol, DOLHEADERLENGTH);
/*** Align to 32 bytes - no real reason, I just like it -;) ***/
if ( dollen & 0x1f )
dollen = ( dollen & ~0x1f ) + 0x20;
dolheader.dataOffsets[1] = FLIP32(dollen);
dolheader.dataAddress[1] = FLIP32(ROMOFFSET);
dolheader.dataLength[1] = FLIP32(romlen + 32);
/*** Move the updated header back ***/
memcpy(dol, &dolheader, DOLHEADERLENGTH);
outfile = fopen(argv[3], "wb");
if ( outfile == NULL )
printf("Unable to open %s for writing!\n", argv[3]);
/*** Now simply update the files ***/
fwrite(dol, 1, dollen, outfile);
fwrite(sig, 1, 8, outfile);
outlen = FLIP32(romlen);
fwrite(&outlen, 1, 4, outfile);
char align[32];
memset(align, 0, 32);
fwrite(align, 1, 20, outfile);
fwrite(rom, 1, romlen, outfile);
printf("Output file %s created successfully\n", argv[3]);
return 0;
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
echo Compiling inject.c for ${OS}...
cp makefiles/Makefile-inject-${OS} Makefile
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
inject.exe : inject.c
@gcc -O2 -Wall inject.c -o inject
@strip inject
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
inject.exe : inject.c
@gcc -O2 -arch i386 -arch ppc -Wall inject.c -o inject
@strip inject
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
inject.exe : inject.c
@gcc -O2 -Wall inject.c -o inject.exe
@strip inject.exe
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
touch source/ngc/snes9xGX.h
cp makefiles/Makefile-mcslota Makefile
touch source/ngc/snes9xGX.h
cp makefiles/Makefile-sdslota Makefile
touch source/ngc/snes9xGX.h
cp makefiles/Makefile-sdslotb Makefile
touch source/ngc/snes9xGX.h
cp makefiles/Makefile-smb Makefile
touch source/ngc/snes9xGX.h
cp makefiles/Makefile-noload Makefile
touch source/ngc/snes9xGX.h
cp makefiles/Makefile-mcslotb Makefile
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
# Generic makefile for Gamecube projects
# Tab stops set to 4
# | | | |
# 0 1 2 3
# Clear the implicit built in rules
# TARGET is the name of the output
# BUILD is the directory where object files & intermediate files will be placed
# SOURCES is a list of directories containing source code
# INCLUDES is a list of directories containing extra header files
TARGET := bin/snes9xGx201b8-mcslota
BUILD := build
SOURCES := source/snes9x source/unzip source/ngc source/smb
INCLUDES := source/snes9x source/unzip source/ngc source/smb
# options for code generation
MACHDEP = -DGEKKO -mcpu=750 -meabi -mhard-float
CFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall $(MACHDEP) $(INCLUDE) \
-fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions -Wno-unused-parameter \
LDFLAGS = $(MACHDEP) -mogc -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $@).map -Wl,--cref
PREFIX := powerpc-gekko-
#export PATH:=/c/devkitPPC_r11/bin:/bin
# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
# include and lib
# any extra libraries we wish to link with
LIBS := -logc -lm -lz -logcsys -lfreetype -lbba -lsdcard
# no real need to edit anything past this point unless you need to add additional
# rules for different file extensions
ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))
export CC := $(PREFIX)gcc
export CXX := $(PREFIX)g++
export AR := $(PREFIX)ar
export OBJCOPY := $(PREFIX)objcopy
# automatically build a list of object files for our project
CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
sFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.S)))
# use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C
ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),)
export LD := $(CC)
export LD := $(CXX)
export OFILES := $(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) $(sFILES:.s=.o) $(SFILES:.S=.o)
# build a list of include paths
export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
$(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \
# build a list of library paths
export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib)
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean
@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir $@
@make --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile
@echo clean ...
@rm -fr $(BUILD) *.elf
psoload $(TARGET).dol
psoload -r $(TARGET).dol
DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
# main targets
$(OUTPUT).dol: $(OUTPUT).elf
@echo output ... $(notdir $@)
@$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
$(OUTPUT).elf: $(OFILES)
@echo linking ... $(notdir $@)
@$(LD) $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBPATHS) $(LIBS) -o $@
# Compile Targets for C/C++
%.o : %.cpp
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
@$(CXX) -MMD $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.c
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
@$(CC) -MMD $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.S
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
%.o : %.s
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
# canned command sequence for binary data
define bin2o
cp $(<) $(*).tmp
$(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf32-powerpc -B powerpc \
--rename-section .data=.rodata,readonly,data,contents,alloc \
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_start=$*\
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_end=$*_end\
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_size=$*_size\
$(*).tmp $(@)
echo "extern const u8" $(*)"[];" > $(*).h
echo "extern const u32" $(*)_size[]";" >> $(*).h
rm $(*).tmp
-include $(DEPENDS)
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
# Generic makefile for Gamecube projects
# Tab stops set to 4
# | | | |
# 0 1 2 3
# Clear the implicit built in rules
# TARGET is the name of the output
# BUILD is the directory where object files & intermediate files will be placed
# SOURCES is a list of directories containing source code
# INCLUDES is a list of directories containing extra header files
TARGET := bin/snes9xGx201b8-mcslotb
BUILD := build
SOURCES := source/snes9x source/unzip source/ngc source/smb
INCLUDES := source/snes9x source/unzip source/ngc source/smb
# options for code generation
MACHDEP = -DGEKKO -mcpu=750 -meabi -mhard-float
CFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall $(MACHDEP) $(INCLUDE) \
-fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions -Wno-unused-parameter \
LDFLAGS = $(MACHDEP) -mogc -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $@).map -Wl,--cref
PREFIX := powerpc-gekko-
#export PATH:=/c/devkitPPC_r11/bin:/bin
# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
# include and lib
# any extra libraries we wish to link with
LIBS := -logc -lm -lz -logcsys -lfreetype -lbba -lsdcard
# no real need to edit anything past this point unless you need to add additional
# rules for different file extensions
ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))
export CC := $(PREFIX)gcc
export CXX := $(PREFIX)g++
export AR := $(PREFIX)ar
export OBJCOPY := $(PREFIX)objcopy
# automatically build a list of object files for our project
CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
sFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.S)))
# use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C
ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),)
export LD := $(CC)
export LD := $(CXX)
export OFILES := $(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) $(sFILES:.s=.o) $(SFILES:.S=.o)
# build a list of include paths
export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
$(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \
# build a list of library paths
export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib)
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean
@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir $@
@make --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile
@echo clean ...
@rm -fr $(BUILD) *.elf
psoload $(TARGET).dol
psoload -r $(TARGET).dol
DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
# main targets
$(OUTPUT).dol: $(OUTPUT).elf
@echo output ... $(notdir $@)
@$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
$(OUTPUT).elf: $(OFILES)
@echo linking ... $(notdir $@)
@$(LD) $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBPATHS) $(LIBS) -o $@
# Compile Targets for C/C++
%.o : %.cpp
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
@$(CXX) -MMD $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.c
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
@$(CC) -MMD $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.S
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
%.o : %.s
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
# canned command sequence for binary data
define bin2o
cp $(<) $(*).tmp
$(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf32-powerpc -B powerpc \
--rename-section .data=.rodata,readonly,data,contents,alloc \
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_start=$*\
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_end=$*_end\
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_size=$*_size\
$(*).tmp $(@)
echo "extern const u8" $(*)"[];" > $(*).h
echo "extern const u32" $(*)_size[]";" >> $(*).h
rm $(*).tmp
-include $(DEPENDS)
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
# Generic makefile for Gamecube projects
# Tab stops set to 4
# | | | |
# 0 1 2 3
# Clear the implicit built in rules
# TARGET is the name of the output
# BUILD is the directory where object files & intermediate files will be placed
# SOURCES is a list of directories containing source code
# INCLUDES is a list of directories containing extra header files
TARGET := bin/snes9xGx201b8-noload
BUILD := build
SOURCES := source/snes9x source/unzip source/ngc source/smb
INCLUDES := source/snes9x source/unzip source/ngc source/smb
# options for code generation
MACHDEP = -DGEKKO -mcpu=750 -meabi -mhard-float
CFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall $(MACHDEP) $(INCLUDE) \
-fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions -Wno-unused-parameter \
LDFLAGS = $(MACHDEP) -mogc -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $@).map -Wl,--cref
PREFIX := powerpc-gekko-
#export PATH:=/c/devkitPPC_r11/bin:/bin
# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
# include and lib
# any extra libraries we wish to link with
LIBS := -logc -lm -lz -logcsys -lfreetype -lbba -lsdcard
# no real need to edit anything past this point unless you need to add additional
# rules for different file extensions
ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))
export CC := $(PREFIX)gcc
export CXX := $(PREFIX)g++
export AR := $(PREFIX)ar
export OBJCOPY := $(PREFIX)objcopy
# automatically build a list of object files for our project
CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
sFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.S)))
# use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C
ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),)
export LD := $(CC)
export LD := $(CXX)
export OFILES := $(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) $(sFILES:.s=.o) $(SFILES:.S=.o)
# build a list of include paths
export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
$(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \
# build a list of library paths
export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib)
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean
@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir $@
@make --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile
@echo clean ...
@rm -fr $(BUILD) *.elf
psoload $(TARGET).dol
psoload -r $(TARGET).dol
DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
# main targets
$(OUTPUT).dol: $(OUTPUT).elf
@echo output ... $(notdir $@)
@$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
$(OUTPUT).elf: $(OFILES)
@echo linking ... $(notdir $@)
@$(LD) $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBPATHS) $(LIBS) -o $@
# Compile Targets for C/C++
%.o : %.cpp
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
@$(CXX) -MMD $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.c
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
@$(CC) -MMD $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.S
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
%.o : %.s
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
# canned command sequence for binary data
define bin2o
cp $(<) $(*).tmp
$(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf32-powerpc -B powerpc \
--rename-section .data=.rodata,readonly,data,contents,alloc \
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_start=$*\
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_end=$*_end\
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_size=$*_size\
$(*).tmp $(@)
echo "extern const u8" $(*)"[];" > $(*).h
echo "extern const u32" $(*)_size[]";" >> $(*).h
rm $(*).tmp
-include $(DEPENDS)
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
# Generic makefile for Gamecube projects
# Tab stops set to 4
# | | | |
# 0 1 2 3
# Clear the implicit built in rules
# TARGET is the name of the output
# BUILD is the directory where object files & intermediate files will be placed
# SOURCES is a list of directories containing source code
# INCLUDES is a list of directories containing extra header files
TARGET := bin/snes9xGx201b8-sdslota
BUILD := build
SOURCES := source/snes9x source/unzip source/ngc source/smb
INCLUDES := source/snes9x source/unzip source/ngc source/smb
# options for code generation
MACHDEP = -DGEKKO -mcpu=750 -meabi -mhard-float
CFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall $(MACHDEP) $(INCLUDE) \
-fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions -Wno-unused-parameter \
LDFLAGS = $(MACHDEP) -mogc -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $@).map -Wl,--cref
PREFIX := powerpc-gekko-
#export PATH:=/c/devkitPPC_r11/bin:/bin
# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
# include and lib
# any extra libraries we wish to link with
LIBS := -logc -lm -lz -logcsys -lfreetype -lbba -lsdcard
# no real need to edit anything past this point unless you need to add additional
# rules for different file extensions
ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))
export CC := $(PREFIX)gcc
export CXX := $(PREFIX)g++
export AR := $(PREFIX)ar
export OBJCOPY := $(PREFIX)objcopy
# automatically build a list of object files for our project
CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
sFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.S)))
# use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C
ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),)
export LD := $(CC)
export LD := $(CXX)
export OFILES := $(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) $(sFILES:.s=.o) $(SFILES:.S=.o)
# build a list of include paths
export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
$(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \
# build a list of library paths
export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib)
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean
@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir $@
@make --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile
@echo clean ...
@rm -fr $(BUILD) *.elf
psoload $(TARGET).dol
psoload -r $(TARGET).dol
DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
# main targets
$(OUTPUT).dol: $(OUTPUT).elf
@echo output ... $(notdir $@)
@$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
$(OUTPUT).elf: $(OFILES)
@echo linking ... $(notdir $@)
@$(LD) $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBPATHS) $(LIBS) -o $@
# Compile Targets for C/C++
%.o : %.cpp
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
@$(CXX) -MMD $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.c
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
@$(CC) -MMD $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.S
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
%.o : %.s
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
# canned command sequence for binary data
define bin2o
cp $(<) $(*).tmp
$(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf32-powerpc -B powerpc \
--rename-section .data=.rodata,readonly,data,contents,alloc \
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_start=$*\
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_end=$*_end\
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_size=$*_size\
$(*).tmp $(@)
echo "extern const u8" $(*)"[];" > $(*).h
echo "extern const u32" $(*)_size[]";" >> $(*).h
rm $(*).tmp
-include $(DEPENDS)
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
# Generic makefile for Gamecube projects
# Tab stops set to 4
# | | | |
# 0 1 2 3
# Clear the implicit built in rules
# TARGET is the name of the output
# BUILD is the directory where object files & intermediate files will be placed
# SOURCES is a list of directories containing source code
# INCLUDES is a list of directories containing extra header files
TARGET := bin/snes9xGx201b8-sdslotb
BUILD := build
SOURCES := source/snes9x source/unzip source/ngc source/smb
INCLUDES := source/snes9x source/unzip source/ngc source/smb
# options for code generation
MACHDEP = -DGEKKO -mcpu=750 -meabi -mhard-float
CFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall $(MACHDEP) $(INCLUDE) \
-fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions -Wno-unused-parameter \
LDFLAGS = $(MACHDEP) -mogc -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $@).map -Wl,--cref
PREFIX := powerpc-gekko-
#export PATH:=/c/devkitPPC_r11/bin:/bin
# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
# include and lib
# any extra libraries we wish to link with
LIBS := -logc -lm -lz -logcsys -lfreetype -lbba -lsdcard
# no real need to edit anything past this point unless you need to add additional
# rules for different file extensions
ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))
export CC := $(PREFIX)gcc
export CXX := $(PREFIX)g++
export AR := $(PREFIX)ar
export OBJCOPY := $(PREFIX)objcopy
# automatically build a list of object files for our project
CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
sFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.S)))
# use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C
ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),)
export LD := $(CC)
export LD := $(CXX)
export OFILES := $(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) $(sFILES:.s=.o) $(SFILES:.S=.o)
# build a list of include paths
export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
$(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \
# build a list of library paths
export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib)
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean
@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir $@
@make --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile
@echo clean ...
@rm -fr $(BUILD) *.elf
psoload $(TARGET).dol
psoload -r $(TARGET).dol
DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
# main targets
$(OUTPUT).dol: $(OUTPUT).elf
@echo output ... $(notdir $@)
@$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
$(OUTPUT).elf: $(OFILES)
@echo linking ... $(notdir $@)
@$(LD) $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBPATHS) $(LIBS) -o $@
# Compile Targets for C/C++
%.o : %.cpp
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
@$(CXX) -MMD $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.c
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
@$(CC) -MMD $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.S
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
%.o : %.s
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
# canned command sequence for binary data
define bin2o
cp $(<) $(*).tmp
$(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf32-powerpc -B powerpc \
--rename-section .data=.rodata,readonly,data,contents,alloc \
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_start=$*\
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_end=$*_end\
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_size=$*_size\
$(*).tmp $(@)
echo "extern const u8" $(*)"[];" > $(*).h
echo "extern const u32" $(*)_size[]";" >> $(*).h
rm $(*).tmp
-include $(DEPENDS)
@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
# Generic makefile for Gamecube projects
# Tab stops set to 4
# | | | |
# 0 1 2 3
# Clear the implicit built in rules
# TARGET is the name of the output
# BUILD is the directory where object files & intermediate files will be placed
# SOURCES is a list of directories containing source code
# INCLUDES is a list of directories containing extra header files
TARGET := bin/snes9xGx201b8-smb
BUILD := build
SOURCES := source/snes9x source/unzip source/ngc source/smb
INCLUDES := source/snes9x source/unzip source/ngc source/smb
# options for code generation
MACHDEP = -DGEKKO -mcpu=750 -meabi -mhard-float
CFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall $(MACHDEP) $(INCLUDE) \
-DGC_IP='""' \
-DGW_IP='""' \
-DMASK='""' \
-DSMB_USER='"Guest"' \
-DSMB_PWD='"password"' \
-DSMB_GCID='"gamecube"' \
-DSMB_SVID='"mypc"' \
-DSMB_SHARE='"gcshare"' \
-DSMB_IP='""' \
-fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions -Wno-unused-parameter \
LDFLAGS = $(MACHDEP) -mogc -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $@).map -Wl,--cref
PREFIX := powerpc-gekko-
#export PATH:=/c/devkitPPC_r11/bin:/bin
# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
# include and lib
# any extra libraries we wish to link with
LIBS := -logc -lm -lz -logcsys -lfreetype -lbba -lsdcard
# no real need to edit anything past this point unless you need to add additional
# rules for different file extensions
ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))
export CC := $(PREFIX)gcc
export CXX := $(PREFIX)g++
export AR := $(PREFIX)ar
export OBJCOPY := $(PREFIX)objcopy
# automatically build a list of object files for our project
CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
sFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.S)))
# use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C
ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),)
export LD := $(CC)
export LD := $(CXX)
export OFILES := $(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) $(sFILES:.s=.o) $(SFILES:.S=.o)
# build a list of include paths
export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
$(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \
# build a list of library paths
export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib)
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean
@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir $@
@make --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile
@echo clean ...
@rm -fr $(BUILD) *.elf
psoload $(TARGET).dol
psoload -r $(TARGET).dol
DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
# main targets
$(OUTPUT).dol: $(OUTPUT).elf
@echo output ... $(notdir $@)
@$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
$(OUTPUT).elf: $(OFILES)
@echo linking ... $(notdir $@)
@$(LD) $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBPATHS) $(LIBS) -o $@
# Compile Targets for C/C++
%.o : %.cpp
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
@$(CXX) -MMD $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.c
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
@$(CC) -MMD $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
%.o : %.S
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
%.o : %.s
@echo Compiling ... $(notdir $<)
# canned command sequence for binary data
define bin2o
cp $(<) $(*).tmp
$(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf32-powerpc -B powerpc \
--rename-section .data=.rodata,readonly,data,contents,alloc \
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_start=$*\
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_end=$*_end\
--redefine-sym _binary_$*_tmp_size=$*_size\
$(*).tmp $(@)
echo "extern const u8" $(*)"[];" > $(*).h
echo "extern const u32" $(*)_size[]";" >> $(*).h
rm $(*).tmp
-include $(DEPENDS)
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
* gctime.cpp
#include "gctime.h"
#define TB_CLOCK 40500000
unsigned long tb_diff_msec(tb_t *end, tb_t *start)
unsigned long upper, lower;
upper = end->u - start->u;
if (start->l > end->l)
lower = end->l - start->l;
return ((upper*((unsigned long)0x80000000/(TB_CLOCK/2000))) + (lower/(TB_CLOCK/1000)));
unsigned long tb_diff_usec(tb_t *end, tb_t *start)
unsigned long upper, lower;
upper = end->u - start->u;
if (start->l > end->l)
lower = end->l - start->l;
return ((upper*((unsigned long)0x80000000/(TB_CLOCK/2000000))) + (lower/(TB_CLOCK/1000000)));
void udelay(unsigned int us)
tb_t start, end;
while (1)
if (tb_diff_usec(&end, &start) >= us)
void mdelay(unsigned int ms)
tb_t start, end;
while (1)
if (tb_diff_msec(&end, &start) >= ms)
@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
* Snes9x 1.50
* Nintendo Gamecube Unzip - borrowed from the GPP
* softdev July 2006
#include <gccore.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include "dvd.h"
#include "video.h"
#include "ftfont.h"
#include "ngcunzip.h"
* PKWare Zip Header - adopted into zip standard
#define PKZIPID 0x504b0304
#define MAXROM 0x500000
#define ZIPCHUNK 2048
* Zip files are stored little endian
* Support functions for short and int types
FLIP32 (u32 b)
unsigned int c;
c = (b & 0xff000000) >> 24;
c |= (b & 0xff0000) >> 8;
c |= (b & 0xff00) << 8;
c |= (b & 0xff) << 24;
return c;
FLIP16 (u16 b)
u16 c;
c = (b & 0xff00) >> 8;
c |= (b & 0xff) << 8;
return c;
* IsZipFile
* Returns TRUE when PKZIPID is first four characters of buffer
IsZipFile (char *buffer)
unsigned int *check;
check = (unsigned int *) buffer;
if (check[0] == PKZIPID)
return 1;
return 0;
* unzip
* It should be noted that there is a limit of 5MB total size for any ROM
UnZipBuffer (unsigned char *outbuffer, u64 discoffset, int length)
int zipoffset = 0;
int zipchunk = 0;
char out[ZIPCHUNK];
z_stream zs;
int res;
int bufferoffset = 0;
int have = 0;
char readbuffer[2048];
char msg[128];
/*** Read Zip Header ***/
dvd_read (readbuffer, 2048, discoffset);
/*** Copy PKZip header to local, used as info ***/
memcpy (&pkzip, readbuffer, sizeof (PKZIPHEADER));
sprintf (msg, "Unzipping %d bytes ... Wait",
FLIP32 (pkzip.uncompressedSize));
ShowAction (msg);
/*** Prepare the zip stream ***/
memset (&zs, 0, sizeof (z_stream));
zs.zalloc = Z_NULL;
zs.zfree = Z_NULL;
zs.opaque = Z_NULL;
zs.avail_in = 0;
zs.next_in = Z_NULL;
res = inflateInit2 (&zs, -MAX_WBITS);
if (res != Z_OK)
return 0;
/*** Set ZipChunk for first pass ***/
zipoffset =
(sizeof (PKZIPHEADER) + FLIP16 (pkzip.filenameLength) +
FLIP16 (pkzip.extraDataLength));
zipchunk = ZIPCHUNK - zipoffset;
/*** Now do it! ***/
zs.avail_in = zipchunk;
zs.next_in = (Bytef *) & readbuffer[zipoffset];
/*** Now inflate until input buffer is exhausted ***/
zs.avail_out = ZIPCHUNK;
zs.next_out = (Bytef *) & out;
res = inflate (&zs, Z_NO_FLUSH);
if (res == Z_MEM_ERROR)
inflateEnd (&zs);
return 0;
have = ZIPCHUNK - zs.avail_out;
if (have)
/*** Copy to normal block buffer ***/
memcpy (&outbuffer[bufferoffset], &out, have);
bufferoffset += have;
while (zs.avail_out == 0);
/*** Readup the next 2k block ***/
zipoffset = 0;
zipchunk = ZIPCHUNK;
discoffset += 2048;
dvd_read (readbuffer, 2048, discoffset);
while (res != Z_STREAM_END);
inflateEnd (&zs);
if (res == Z_STREAM_END)
if (FLIP32 (pkzip.uncompressedSize) == (u32) bufferoffset)
return bufferoffset;
return FLIP32 (pkzip.uncompressedSize);
return 0;
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
* Snes9x 1.50
* Nintendo Gamecube Unzip - borrowed from the GPP
* softdev July 2006
#ifndef _NGCUNZIP_
#define _NGCUNZIP_
extern int IsZipFile (char *buffer);
int UnZipBuffer (unsigned char *outbuffer, u64 discoffset, int length);
* Zip file header definition
typedef struct
unsigned int zipid __attribute__ ((__packed__)); // 0x04034b50
unsigned short zipversion __attribute__ ((__packed__));
unsigned short zipflags __attribute__ ((__packed__));
unsigned short compressionMethod __attribute__ ((__packed__));
unsigned short lastmodtime __attribute__ ((__packed__));
unsigned short lastmoddate __attribute__ ((__packed__));
unsigned int crc32 __attribute__ ((__packed__));
unsigned int compressedSize __attribute__ ((__packed__));
unsigned int uncompressedSize __attribute__ ((__packed__));
unsigned short filenameLength __attribute__ ((__packed__));
unsigned short extraDataLength __attribute__ ((__packed__));
u32 FLIP32 (u32 b);
u16 FLIP16 (u16 b);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user