- added: alphabetical file sorting
- added: background logo/backdrop + nicer menus
- added: scrolling in ROM selector
- fixed: switching between pal/ntsc ROMS doesn't mess up timings
- fixed: GC controller config works now
- fixed: freeze autoloading on ROM load
- fixed: zipped ROMS should now load in a reasonable time
- fixed: precompiled dols for autosaving to various locations (see readme)
- changed: GC default quickload slot (to sd) (thanks kerframil)
- changed: default load/save dirs are now "/snes9x/roms" and
"/snes9x/saves/" (thanks kerframil)
- changed: Classic X and Y defaults aren't switched
- changed: if autosave is enabled, it doesn't ask to save SRAM
anymore. It is saved in the background.
- updated README
- compiles with latest devkitppc (r15)
- now uses libfat (can use front sd slot on wii)
- updated menu items a bit
- wiimote support
- fixed: autoload sram/freeze
- fixed: rom plays immediately after loading