#ifdef HW_RVL #include #define MAYFLASH_VID 0x0E8F #define MAYFLASH_PID 0x3013 static bool setup = false; static bool replugRequired = false; static s32 deviceId = 0; static u8 endpoint = 0; static u8 bMaxPacketSize = 0; static u32 jpMayflash[2]; static bool isMayflashGamepad(usb_device_entry dev) { return dev.vid == MAYFLASH_VID && dev.pid == MAYFLASH_PID; } static u8 getEndpoint(usb_devdesc devdesc) { if (devdesc.configurations == NULL || devdesc.configurations->interfaces == NULL || devdesc.configurations->interfaces->endpoints == NULL) { return -1; } return devdesc.configurations->interfaces->endpoints->bEndpointAddress; } static int removal_cb(int result, void *usrdata) { s32 fd = (s32) usrdata; if (fd == deviceId) { deviceId = 0; } return 1; } static void open() { if (deviceId != 0) { return; } usb_device_entry dev_entry[8]; u8 dev_count; if (USB_GetDeviceList(dev_entry, 8, USB_CLASS_HID, &dev_count) < 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < dev_count; ++i) { if (!isMayflashGamepad(dev_entry[i])) { continue; } s32 fd; if (USB_OpenDevice(dev_entry[i].device_id, dev_entry[i].vid, dev_entry[i].pid, &fd) < 0) { continue; } usb_devdesc devdesc; if (USB_GetDescriptors(fd, &devdesc) < 0) { // You have to replug the controller! replugRequired = true; USB_CloseDevice(&fd); break; } deviceId = fd; replugRequired = false; endpoint = getEndpoint(devdesc); bMaxPacketSize = devdesc.bMaxPacketSize0; USB_DeviceRemovalNotifyAsync(fd, &removal_cb, (void*) fd); break; } setup = true; } void Mayflash_ScanPads() { if (deviceId == 0) { return; } uint8_t ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32) buf[bMaxPacketSize]; s32 res = USB_ReadIntrMsg(deviceId, endpoint, sizeof(buf), buf); if (res < 0) { return; } // buf[0] contains the port returned // you have to make 2 calls to get the status, even if you're only interested in one port // because it is not sure which port is returned first // 1 = Right port // 2 = Left port // Button layout // A=5,2F // B=5,4F // X=5,1F // Y=5,8F // Select=6,10 // Start=6,20 // Up=4,00 // Right=3,FF // Left=3,00 // Down=4,FF // L=6,04 // R=6,08 u32 jp = 0; jp |= (buf[4] == 0x00) ? PAD_BUTTON_UP : 0; jp |= (buf[4] == 0xFF) ? PAD_BUTTON_DOWN : 0; jp |= (buf[3] == 0x00) ? PAD_BUTTON_LEFT : 0; jp |= (buf[3] == 0xFF) ? PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT : 0; jp |= ((buf[5] & 0x2F) == 0x2F) ? PAD_BUTTON_A : 0; jp |= ((buf[5] & 0x4F) == 0x4F) ? PAD_BUTTON_B : 0; jp |= ((buf[5] & 0x1F) == 0x1F) ? PAD_BUTTON_X : 0; jp |= ((buf[5] & 0x8F) == 0x8F) ? PAD_BUTTON_Y : 0; jp |= ((buf[6] & 0x04) == 0x04) ? PAD_TRIGGER_L : 0; jp |= ((buf[6] & 0x08) == 0x08) ? PAD_TRIGGER_R : 0; jp |= ((buf[6] & 0x20) == 0x20) ? PAD_BUTTON_START : 0; jp |= ((buf[6] & 0x10) == 0x10) ? PAD_TRIGGER_Z : 0; // SNES select button maps to Z // Required, otherwise if the returned port isn't the one we are looking for, jp will be set to zero, // and held buttons are not possible jpMayflash[buf[0] - 1] = jp; } u32 Mayflash_ButtonsHeld(int chan) { if(!setup) { open(); } if (deviceId == 0) { return 0; } return jpMayflash[chan]; } char* Mayflash_Status() { open(); if (replugRequired) return "please replug"; return deviceId ? "connected" : "not found"; } #endif