dborth 850b301978 [What Was New 003 - July 25, 2008]
- added: alphabetical file sorting
- added: background logo/backdrop + nicer menus
- added: scrolling in ROM selector
- fixed: switching between pal/ntsc ROMS doesn't mess up timings
- fixed: GC controller config works now
- fixed: freeze autoloading on ROM load
- fixed: zipped ROMS should now load in a reasonable time
- fixed: precompiled dols for autosaving to various locations (see readme)
- changed: GC default quickload slot (to sd) (thanks kerframil)
- changed: default load/save dirs are now "/snes9x/roms" and 
           "/snes9x/saves/"  (thanks kerframil)
- changed: Classic X and Y defaults aren't switched
- changed: if autosave is enabled, it doesn't ask to save SRAM 
           anymore. It is saved in the background.
- updated README
2008-10-16 01:50:21 +00:00

420 lines
11 KiB

* Snes9x 1.50
* Nintendo Gamecube Port
* softdev July 2006
* crunchy2 May 2007
* sdload.cpp
* Load ROMS from SD Card
#include <gccore.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ogcsys.h>
#include "sdload.h"
#include "unzip.h"
#include "memmap.h"
#include "video.h"
#include "ftfont.h"
#include "dvd.h"
#include "filesel.h"
#include "sram.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include <zlib.h>
extern unsigned char savebuffer[];
extern char output[16384];
FILE * filehandle;
char currSDdir[MAXPATHLEN];
extern int offset;
extern int selection;
extern FILEENTRIES filelist[MAXFILES];
* FileSortCallback
* Quick sort callback to sort file entries with the following order:
* .
* ..
* <dirs>
* <files>
static int FileSortCallback(const void *f1, const void *f2)
/* Special case for implicit directories */
if(((FILEENTRIES *)f1)->filename[0] == '.' || ((FILEENTRIES *)f2)->filename[0] == '.')
if(strcmp(((FILEENTRIES *)f1)->filename, ".") == 0) { return -1; }
if(strcmp(((FILEENTRIES *)f2)->filename, ".") == 0) { return 1; }
if(strcmp(((FILEENTRIES *)f1)->filename, "..") == 0) { return -1; }
if(strcmp(((FILEENTRIES *)f2)->filename, "..") == 0) { return 1; }
/* If one is a file and one is a directory the directory is first. */
if(((FILEENTRIES *)f1)->flags == 1 && ((FILEENTRIES *)f2)->flags == 0) return -1;
if(((FILEENTRIES *)f1)->flags == 0 && ((FILEENTRIES *)f2)->flags == 1) return 1;
return stricmp(((FILEENTRIES *)f1)->filename, ((FILEENTRIES *)f2)->filename);
* Update SDCARD curent directory name
int updateSDdirname()
int size=0;
char *test;
char temp[1024];
/* current directory doesn't change */
if (strcmp(filelist[selection].filename,".") == 0) return 0;
/* go up to parent directory */
else if (strcmp(filelist[selection].filename,"..") == 0)
/* determine last subdirectory namelength */
test = strtok(temp,"/");
while (test != NULL) {
size = strlen(test);
test = strtok(NULL,"/");
/* remove last subdirectory name */
size = strlen(currSDdir) - size - 1;
currSDdir[size] = 0;
/* handles root name */
if (strcmp(currSDdir, "/") == 0)
return 1;
else /* Open a directory */
/* test new directory namelength */
if ((strlen(currSDdir)+1+strlen(filelist[selection].filename)) < MAXPATHLEN)
/* handles root name */
sprintf(temp, "/%s/..", SNESROMDIR);
if (strcmp(currSDdir, temp) == 0)
/* update current directory name */
sprintf(currSDdir, "%s/%s",currSDdir, filelist[selection].filename);
return 1;
} else {
WaitPrompt((char*)"Dirname is too long !");
return -1;
* Browse SDCARD subdirectories
int parseSDdirectory() {
int nbfiles = 0;
DIR_ITER *sddir;
char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
struct stat filestat;
char msg[128];
/* initialize selection */
selection = offset = 0;
/* open the directory */
sddir = diropen(currSDdir);
if (sddir == NULL) {
sprintf(currSDdir,"%s",ROOTSDDIR); // if we can't open the previous dir, open root dir
sddir = diropen(currSDdir);
if (sddir == NULL) {
sprintf(msg, "Error opening %s", currSDdir);
return 0;
/* Move to DVD structure - this is required for the file selector */
while(dirnext(sddir,filename,&filestat) == 0) {
if(strcmp(filename,".") != 0) {
memset(&filelist[nbfiles], 0, sizeof(FILEENTRIES));
strncpy(filelist[nbfiles].filename, filename, MAXPATHLEN);
strncpy(filelist[nbfiles].displayname, filename, MAXDISPLAY+1); // crop name for display
filelist[nbfiles].length = filestat.st_size;
filelist[nbfiles].flags = (filestat.st_mode & _IFDIR) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
/*** close directory ***/
/* Sort the file list */
qsort(filelist, nbfiles, sizeof(FILEENTRIES), FileSortCallback);
return nbfiles;
* LoadSDFile
extern int haveSDdir;
LoadSDFile (char *filename, int length)
char zipbuffer[2048];
char filepath[MAXPATHLEN];
FILE *handle;
unsigned char *rbuffer;
u32 size;
rbuffer = (unsigned char *) Memory.ROM;
/* Check filename length */
if ((strlen(currSDdir)+1+strlen(filelist[selection].filename)) < MAXPATHLEN)
sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s",currSDdir,filelist[selection].filename);
WaitPrompt((char*) "Maximum Filename Length reached !");
haveSDdir = 0; // reset everything before next access
return -1;
handle = fopen (filepath, "rb");
if (handle > 0)
fread (zipbuffer, 1, 2048, handle);
if (IsZipFile (zipbuffer))
/*** Unzip the ROM ***/
size = UnZipBuffer (rbuffer, 0, 0, handle); // unzip from SD
fclose (handle);
return size;
/*** Just load the file up ***/
fseek(handle, 0, SEEK_END);
length = ftell(handle); // get filesize
fseek(handle, 2048, SEEK_SET); // seek back to point where we left off
sprintf (filepath, "Loading %d bytes", length);
ShowAction (filepath);
memcpy (rbuffer, zipbuffer, 2048); // copy what we already read
fread (rbuffer + 2048, 1, length - 2048, handle);
fclose (handle);
return length;
WaitPrompt((char*) "Error opening file");
return 0;
return 0;
* Load savebuffer from SD card file
LoadBufferFromSD (char *filepath, bool silent)
FILE *handle;
int offset = 0;
int read = 0;
handle = fopen (filepath, "rb");
if (handle <= 0)
if ( !silent )
char msg[100];
sprintf(msg, "Couldn't open %s", filepath);
WaitPrompt (msg);
return 0;
memset (savebuffer, 0, 0x22000);
/*** This is really nice, just load the file and decode it ***/
while ((read = fread (savebuffer + offset, 1, 1024, handle)) > 0)
offset += read;
fclose (handle);
return offset;
* Write savebuffer to SD card file
SaveBufferToSD (char *filepath, int datasize, bool silent)
FILE *handle;
if (datasize)
handle = fopen (filepath, "wb");
if (handle <= 0)
char msg[100];
sprintf(msg, "Couldn't save %s", filepath);
WaitPrompt (msg);
return 0;
fwrite (savebuffer, 1, datasize, handle);
fclose (handle);
return datasize;
* Save SRAM to SD Card
void SaveSRAMToSD (bool silent)
char filepath[1024];
int datasize;
int offset;
if (!silent)
ShowAction ((char*) "Saving SRAM to SD...");
#ifdef SDUSE_LFN
sprintf (filepath, "%s/%s/%s.srm", ROOTSDDIR, SNESSAVEDIR, Memory.ROMName);
sprintf (filepath, "%s/%s/%08x.srm", ROOTSDDIR, SNESSAVEDIR, Memory.ROMCRC32);
datasize = prepareEXPORTsavedata ();
if ( datasize )
offset = SaveBufferToSD (filepath, datasize, silent);
if ( (offset > 0) && (!silent) )
sprintf (filepath, "Wrote %d bytes", offset);
WaitPrompt (filepath);
* Load SRAM From SD Card
LoadSRAMFromSD (bool silent)
char filepath[1024];
int offset = 0;
ShowAction ((char*) "Loading SRAM from SD...");
#ifdef SDUSE_LFN
sprintf (filepath, "%s/%s/%s.srm", ROOTSDDIR, SNESSAVEDIR, Memory.ROMName);
sprintf (filepath, "%s/%s/%08x.srm", ROOTSDDIR, SNESSAVEDIR, Memory.ROMCRC32);
offset = LoadBufferFromSD (filepath, silent);
if (offset > 0)
decodesavedata (offset);
if ( !silent )
sprintf (filepath, "Loaded %d bytes", offset);
* Save Preferences to SD Card
SavePrefsToSD (bool silent)
char filepath[1024];
int datasize;
int offset;
if (!silent)
ShowAction ((char*) "Saving prefs to SD...");
#ifdef SDUSE_LFN
sprintf (filepath, "%s/%s/%s", ROOTSDDIR, SNESSAVEDIR, PREFS_FILE_NAME);
sprintf (filepath, "%s/%s/%s", ROOTSDDIR, SNESSAVEDIR, PREFS_FILE_NAME);
datasize = preparePrefsData ();
offset = SaveBufferToSD (filepath, datasize, silent);
if ( (offset > 0) && (!silent) )
sprintf (filepath, "Wrote %d bytes", offset);
WaitPrompt (filepath);
* Load Preferences from SD Card
LoadPrefsFromSD (bool silent)
char filepath[1024];
int offset = 0;
ShowAction ((char*) "Loading prefs from SD...");
#ifdef SDUSE_LFN
sprintf (filepath, "%s/%s/%s", ROOTSDDIR, SNESSAVEDIR, PREFS_FILE_NAME);
sprintf (filepath, "%s/%s/%s", ROOTSDDIR, SNESSAVEDIR, PREFS_FILE_NAME);
offset = LoadBufferFromSD (filepath, silent);
if (offset > 0)
decodePrefsData ();
if ( !silent )
sprintf (filepath, "Loaded %d bytes", offset);