
417 lines
9.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* A collection of ugly and random junk brought in from Win32
* which desparately needs to be tidied up
#include "sysconfig.h"
#include "sysdeps.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "newcpu.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "uae.h"
#include "autoconf.h"
#include "traps.h"
#include "enforcer.h"
#include "picasso96.h"
static uae_u32 REGPARAM2 misc_demux (TrapContext *context)
//use the extern int (6 #13)
// d0 0=opensound d1=unit d2=samplerate d3=blksize ret: sound frequency
// d0 1=closesound d1=unit
// d0 2=writesamples d1=unit a0=addr write blksize samples to card
// d0 3=readsamples d1=unit a0=addr read samples from card ret: d0=samples read
// make sure you have from amigaside blksize*4 mem alloced
// d0=-1 no data available d0=-2 no recording open
// d0 > 0 there are more blksize Data in the que
// do the loop until d0 get 0
// if d0 is greater than 200 bring a message
// that show the user that data is lost
// maximum blocksbuffered are 250 (8,5 sec)
// d0 4=writeinterrupt d1=unit d0=0 no interrupt happen for this unit
// d0=-2 no playing open
//note units for now not support use only unit 0
// d0=10 get clipboard size d0=size in bytes
// d0=11 get clipboard data a0=clipboarddata
//Note: a get clipboard size must do before
// d0=12 write clipboard data a0=clipboarddata
// d0=13 setp96mouserate d1=hz value
// d0=100 open dll d1=dll name in windows name conventions
// d0=101 get dll function addr d1=dllhandle a0 function/var name
// d0=102 exec dllcode a0=addr of function (see 101)
// d0=103 close dll
// d0=104 screenlost
// d0=105 mem offset
// d0=106 16Bit byteswap
// d0=107 32Bit byteswap
// d0=108 free swap array
// d0=200 ahitweak d1=offset for dsound position pointer
int opcode = m68k_dreg (&context->regs, 0);
switch (opcode) {
int i, slen, t, todo, byte1, byte2;
uae_u32 src, num_vars;
static int cap_pos, clipsize;
#if 0
LPTSTR p, p2, pos1, pos2;
static LPTSTR clipdat;
int cur_pos;
* AHI emulation support
#ifdef AHI
case 0:
cap_pos = 0;
sound_freq_ahi = m68k_dreg (&context->regs, 2);
amigablksize = m68k_dreg (&context->regs, 3);
sound_freq_ahi = ahi_open_sound();
return sound_freq_ahi;
case 1:
sound_freq_ahi = 0;
return 0;
case 2:
addr=(char *)m68k_areg (&context->regs, 0);
for (i = 0; i < (amigablksize*4); i += 4) {
ahisndbufpt[0] = get_long((unsigned int)addr + i);
/*ahisndbufpt[0]=chipmem_bget((unsigned int)addr+i+2);
ahisndbufpt[0]=chipmem_bget((unsigned int)addr+i+1);
ahisndbufpt[0]=chipmem_bget((unsigned int)addr+i);
return amigablksize;
case 3:
if (norec)
return -1;
if (!ahi_on)
return -2;
i = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_GetCurrentPosition (lpDSB2r, &t, &cur_pos);
t = amigablksize*4;
if (cap_pos <= cur_pos)
todo = cur_pos - cap_pos;
todo = cur_pos + (RECORDBUFFER * t) - cap_pos;
if (todo < t) {
//if no complete buffer ready exit
return -1;
i = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Lock (lpDSB2r, cap_pos, t, &pos1, &byte1, &pos2, &byte2, 0);
if ((cap_pos + t) < (t * RECORDBUFFER)) {
} else {
cap_pos = 0;
addr= (char *) m68k_areg (&context->regs, 0);
sndbufrecpt= (unsigned int*) pos1;
t = t / 4;
for (i=0; i < t; i++) {
put_long ((uae_u32) addr, sndbufrecpt[0]);
addr += 4;
sndbufrecpt += 1;
t = t * 4;
i = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Unlock (lpDSB2r, pos1, byte1, pos2, byte2);
return (todo - t) / t;
case 4:
if (!ahi_on)
return -2;
i = intcount;
intcount = 0;
return i;
case 5:
if (!ahi_on)
return 0;
ahi_updatesound (1);
return 1;
#if 0
* Support for clipboard hack
case 10:
i = OpenClipboard (0);
clipdat = GetClipboardData (CF_TEXT);
if (clipdat) {
return clipsize;
} else {
return 0;
case 11:
addr = (char *) m68k_areg (&context->regs, 0);
for (i=0; i < clipsize; i++) {
put_byte ((uae_u32) addr, clipdat[0]);
CloseClipboard ();
return 0;
case 12:
addr = (char *) m68k_areg (&context->regs, 0);
addr = (char *) get_real_address ((uae_u32)addr);
i = OpenClipboard (0);
EmptyClipboard ();
slen = strlen (addr);
p = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE, slen + 2);
p2 = GlobalLock (p);
memcpy (p2, addr, slen);
p2[slen] = 0;
GlobalUnlock (p);
i = (int) SetClipboardData (CF_TEXT, p2);
CloseClipboard ();
GlobalFree (p);
return 0;
* Hack for higher P96 mouse draw rate
#ifdef PICASSO96
case 13: {
extern int p96hack_vpos2;
extern int hack_vpos;
extern int p96refresh_active;
extern uae_u16 vtotal;
extern unsigned int new_beamcon0;
p96hack_vpos2 = 15625 / m68k_dreg (&context->regs, 1);
p96refresh_active = 1;
if (!picasso_on)
return 0;
vtotal = p96hack_vpos2; // only do below if P96 screen is visible
new_beamcon0 |= 0x80;
hack_vpos = vtotal;
return 0;
* Support for enforcer emulation
case 20:
return enforcer_enable ();
case 21:
return enforcer_disable ();
#if 0
case 25:
flushprinter ();
return 0;
#if 0
case 100: { // open dll
char *dllname;
uae_u32 result;
dllname = (char *) m68k_areg (&context->regs, 0);
dllname = (char *) get_real_address ((uae_u32)dllname);
result = (uae_u32) LoadLibrary (dllname);
write_log ("%s windows dll/alib loaded at %d (0 mean failure)\n", dllname, result);
return result;
case 101: { //get dll label
char *funcname;
m = (HMODULE) m68k_dreg (&context->regs, 1);
funcname = (char *) m68k_areg (&context->regs, 0);
funcname = (char *) get_real_address ((uae_u32)funcname);
return (uae_u32) GetProcAddress (m, funcname);
case 102: //execute native code
return emulib_ExecuteNativeCode2 ();
case 103: { //close dll
HMODULE libaddr;
libaddr = (HMODULE) m68k_dreg (&context->regs, 1);
FreeLibrary (libaddr);
return 0;
case 104: { //screenlost
static int oldnum=0;
if (uaevar.changenum == oldnum)
return 0;
oldnum = uaevar.changenum;
return 1;
case 105: //returns memory offset
return (uae_u32) get_real_address (0);
case 106: //byteswap 16bit vars
//a0 = start address
//d1 = number of 16bit vars
//returns address of new array
src = m68k_areg (&context->regs, 0);
num_vars = m68k_dreg (&context->regs, 1);
if (bswap_buffer_size < num_vars * 2) {
bswap_buffer_size = (num_vars + 1024) * 2;
free (bswap_buffer);
bswap_buffer = (void*) malloc (bswap_buffer_size);
__asm {
mov esi, dword ptr [src]
mov edi, dword ptr [bswap_buffer]
mov ecx, num_vars
mov ebx, ecx
and ecx, 3
mov ax, [esi]
mov ax, [esi]
mov dl, al
mov al, ah
mov ah, dl
mov [edi], ax
add esi, 2
add edi, 2
mov ecx, ebx
shr ecx, 2
mov ax, [esi]
mov dl, al
mov al, ah
mov ah, dl
mov [edi], ax
mov ax, [esi+2]
mov dl, al
mov al, ah
mov ah, dl
mov [edi+2], ax
mov ax, [esi+4]
mov dl, al
mov al, ah
mov ah, dl
mov [edi+4], ax
mov ax, [esi+6]
mov dl, al
mov al, ah
mov ah, dl
mov [edi+6], ax
add esi, 8
add edi, 8
return (uae_u32) bswap_buffer;
case 107: //byteswap 32bit vars - see case 106
//a0 = start address
//d1 = number of 32bit vars
//returns address of new array
src = m68k_areg (&context->regs, 0);
num_vars = m68k_dreg (&context->regs, 1);
if (bswap_buffer_size < num_vars * 4) {
bswap_buffer_size = (num_vars + 16384) * 4;
free (bswap_buffer);
bswap_buffer = (void*) malloc (bswap_buffer_size);
__asm {
mov esi, dword ptr [src]
mov edi, dword ptr [bswap_buffer]
mov ecx, num_vars
mov ebx, ecx
and ecx, 3
mov eax, [esi]
bswap eax
mov [edi], eax
add esi, 4
add edi, 4
mov ecx, ebx
shr ecx, 2
mov eax, [esi]
bswap eax
mov [edi], eax
mov eax, [esi+4]
bswap eax
mov [edi+4], eax
mov eax, [esi+8]
bswap eax
mov [edi+8], eax
mov [edi+8], eax
mov eax, [esi+12]
bswap eax
mov [edi+12], eax
add esi, 16
add edi, 16
return (uae_u32) bswap_buffer;
case 108: //frees swap array
bswap_buffer_size = 0;
free (bswap_buffer);
bswap_buffer = NULL;
return 0;
case 200:
ahitweak = m68k_dreg (&context->regs, 1);
return 1;
return 0x12345678; // Code for not supported function
void misc_hsync_stuff (void)
static int misc_demux_installed;
#ifdef AHI
static int count;
if (ahi_on) {
//15625/count freebuffer check
if (count > 20) {
ahi_updatesound (1);
count = 0;
if (!misc_demux_installed) {
uaecptr a = here ();
org (RTAREA_BASE + 0xFFC0);
calltrap (deftrap (misc_demux));
dw (0x4e75);// rts
org (a);
misc_demux_installed = 1;