wii.rom_path=/uae/roms kickstart_rom_file=/uae/roms/kick.rom kickstart_key_file=$(FILE_PATH)/rom.key floppy0=/uae/floppies/ #Examples of hardfile (hard drive partition) #hardfile2=rw,DH0:/uae/HD/hardfile.hdf,32,1,2,512,0, #Examples of hardfile (full partitionable hard disk /RDB) #hardfile2=rw,:/uae/HD/hardfile.hdf,0,0,0,0,0, #You can also use hardfile from a real usb harddisk #hardfile2=rw,DH0:usb:/HD/hardfile.hdf,32,1,2,512,0, #You can also use hardfile from wifi connection with SMB #hardfile2=rw,DH0:smb:/hardfile.hdf,32,1,2,512,0, #Examples of virtual filesystem #filesystem2=rw,DH0:harddir:/uae/harddir,-127 # CPU Type (values are: 68000, 68010, 68020, 68020/68881, 68040 and 68060) cpu_type=68000 #68000 has 24 bit address space cpu_24bit_addressing=true # Chipset type (values are: ocs, ecs_agnus, ecs_denise, ecs, aga) chipset=ecs_agnus # Slow Memory (Values are: 0 = 0MB, 1 = 256KB, 2 = 512KB, 3 = 1MB and 4 = 1.7MB) bogomem_size=2 # Chip Memory (Values are: 0 = 0MB, 1 = 512KB, 2 = 1MB, 3 = 1.5MB and 4 = 2MB) chipmem_size=1 # Fast Memory (Values are: 0 = 0MB, 4 = 2MB and 8 = 8MB) fastmem_size=0 # Accellerator Memory (Values are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 which are MB) z3mem_size=0 # Picasso96 Memory (Values are between 0 and 32 which are MB) gfxcard_size=0 # Emulation precision cpu_compatible=true cpu_cycle_exact=false # Alters CPU speed (values are: real, max, 1 through 20) # i.e. setting of 4 = 20% CHIPSET and 80% CPU cpu_speed=real #Immediate blits helps with speed immediate_blits=true collision_level=playfields # Enable 2 floppies floppy0type=0 floppy1type=0 floppy2type=-1 floppy3type=-1 # Enable floppy sound floppy0sound=1 floppy1sound=1 floppy2sound=1 floppy3sound=1 floppy_volume=33 floppy0soundext=/uae/wave/ floppy1soundext=/uae/wave/ floppy2soundext=/uae/wave/ floppy3soundext=/uae/wave/ # Floppy speed, can cause incompatbility with certain floppy loaders # (Values are: 0 = Turbo, 100 = Standard and 800 = 800% faster) floppy_speed=100 # Sound configuration sound_output=normal sound_frequency=48000 sound_latency=100 # Graphic configuration # Necessary to get the relative coordinates from mouse emulated with wiimote IR pointer gfx_fullscreen_amiga=true # Set the screen dimensions gfx_width_windowed=640 gfx_height_windowed=480 gfx_width_fullscreen=640 gfx_height_fullscreen=480 gfx_center_horizontal=true gfx_center_vertical=true # Vsync enabled along with full screen enables double buffer and refresh rate setting # Vsync false is faster gfx_vsync=false # Set the refresh rate (1-60), 0 disabled gfx_refreshrate=0 # Set true to adapt the Amiga screen to Wii SDL screen (640X480) gfx_correct_aspect=false # Set the screen correct % ratio when gfx_correct_aspect is true - possible values 80-100 gfx_correct_ratio=93 # Set the framerate (Values are between 1 and 20) gfx_framerate=2 # Enable the on-screen leds show_leds=true # Set keyboard language. Possible values are de, dk, es, us, se, fr, it kbd_lang=us # Keyboard setup input.config=1 input.1.keyboard.0.button.96=SPC_ENTERGUI # Mouse emulated by Wiimote 1 input.1.mouse.0.disabled=0 input.1.mouse.0.axis.0=MOUSE1_HORIZ input.1.mouse.0.axis.1=MOUSE1_VERT #input.1.mouse.0.axis.2=MOUSE1_WHEEL # Mouse 2 disabled by default since Wii SDL uses wiimote 1 only input.1.mouse.1.disabled=1 # Mouse Left Button - Wimote 1 button 'A' input.1.mouse.0.button.0=JOY1_FIRE_BUTTON # Mouse Right Button - Wimote 1 button 'B' input.1.mouse.0.button.1=JOY1_2ND_BUTTON # Mouse Middle Button not emulated by Wii SDL #input.1.mouse.0.button.2=JOY1_3RD_BUTTON # Joystick configuration. Wiimote 1 is both mouse 1 and joystick 2, with # the mouse buttons being the A and B keys. Wiimote 2 is Joystick 1 only # See http://wiibrew.org/wiki/SDL for the button numbers # Wiimote 1 - axis input.1.joystick.0.disabled=0 input.1.joystick.0.axis.0=JOY2_HORIZ input.1.joystick.0.axis.1=JOY2_VERT input.1.joystick.0.axis.2=JOY2_HORIZ input.1.joystick.0.axis.3=JOY2_VERT # The "hat" on the wiimote (dpad) input.1.joystick.0.axis.9=JOY2_HORIZ input.1.joystick.0.axis.10=JOY2_VERT # Wiimote 2 - axis input.1.joystick.1.disabled=0 input.1.joystick.1.axis.0=JOY1_HORIZ input.1.joystick.1.axis.1=JOY1_VERT input.1.joystick.1.axis.2=JOY1_HORIZ input.1.joystick.1.axis.3=JOY1_VERT # The "hat" on the wiimote (dpad) input.1.joystick.1.axis.9=JOY1_HORIZ input.1.joystick.1.axis.10=JOY1_VERT # Fire: '2' on wiimote and 'a' on classic controller input.1.joystick.0.button.3=JOY2_FIRE_BUTTON input.1.joystick.0.button.9=JOY2_FIRE_BUTTON input.1.joystick.1.button.3=JOY1_FIRE_BUTTON input.1.joystick.1.button.9=JOY1_FIRE_BUTTON # Home button input.1.joystick.0.button.6=SPC_ENTERGUI input.1.joystick.0.button.19=SPC_ENTERGUI input.1.joystick.1.button.6=SPC_ENTERGUI input.1.joystick.1.button.19=SPC_ENTERGUI # "+" button input.1.joystick.0.button.5=SPC_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD input.1.joystick.0.button.18=SPC_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD input.1.joystick.1.button.5=SPC_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD input.1.joystick.1.button.18=SPC_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD # Joy 2nd Button: 'Z' on nunchunk and 'x' Classic Controller - Delete # if you want to use them #input.1.joystick.0.button.7=JOY2_2ND_BUTTON #input.1.joystick.0.button.11=JOY2_2ND_BUTTON #input.1.joystick.1.button.7=JOY2_2ND_BUTTON #input.1.joystick.1.button.11=JOY2_2ND_BUTTON #Joy1 3rd Button: 'C' on nunchunk and 'y' on Classic Controller - Delete # if you want to use them #input.1.joystick.0.button.8=JOY2_3RD_BUTTON #input.1.joystick.0.button.12=JOY2_3RD_BUTTON #input.1.joystick.1.button.7=JOY2_2ND_BUTTON #input.1.joystick.1.button.11=JOY2_2ND_BUTTON #GAME PAD 1 as Joystick 2 input.1.joystick.4.disabled=0 input.1.joystick.4.axis.0=JOY2_HORIZ input.1.joystick.4.axis.1=JOY2_VERT #The C Joystick #input.1.joystick.4.axis.2=JOY2_HORIZ #input.1.joystick.4.axis.3=JOY2_VERT #Buttons A, start and B input.1.joystick.4.button.0=JOY2_FIRE_BUTTON input.1.joystick.4.button.7=SPC_ENTERGUI #input.1.joystick.4.button.1=JOY2_2ND_BUTTON # The "hat" on the gamepad (dpad) input.1.joystick.4.axis.6=JOY2_HORIZ input.1.joystick.4.axis.7=JOY2_VERT #GAME PAD 2 as Joystick 1 #input.1.joystick.5.disabled=0 #input.1.joystick.5.axis.0=JOY1_HORIZ #input.1.joystick.5.axis.1=JOY1_VERT #The C Joystick #input.1.joystick.5.axis.2=JOY2_HORIZ #input.1.joystick.5.axis.3=JOY2_VERT #Buttons A, start and B #input.1.joystick.5.button.0=JOY1_FIRE_BUTTON #input.1.joystick.5.button.7=SPC_ENTERGUI #input.1.joystick.5.button.1=JOY2_2ND_BUTTON # The "hat" on the gamepad (dpad) #input.1.joystick.5.axis.6=JOY2_HORIZ #input.1.joystick.5.axis.7=JOY2_VERT