
580 lines
15 KiB

* UAE - The Un*x Amiga Emulator
* Enforcer Like Support
* Copyright 2000-2003 Bernd Roesch and Sebastian Bauer
* Copyright 2004 Richard Drummond
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sysconfig.h"
#include "sysdeps.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "newcpu.h"
#include "enforcer.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
#define console_out printf
#define console_out(...) do {;} while (0)
/* Configurable options */
#define ENFORCESIZE 1024
#define STACKLINES 5
#define ISILLEGAL(addr) (addr < 4 || (addr > 4 && addr < ENFORCESIZE))
extern uae_u32 natmem_offset;
int flashscreen = 0;
static int enforcer_installed = 0;
static int enforcer_hit = 0; /* set to 1 if displaying the hit */
#define ENFORCER_BUF_SIZE 4096
static char enforcer_buf[ENFORCER_BUF_SIZE];
#define GET_PC m68k_getpc (&regs)
static addrbank saved_dummy_bank;
static addrbank saved_chipmem_bank;
Returns the first node entry of an exec list or 0 if
static uae_u32 amiga_list_first (uae_u32 list)
uae_u32 node = get_long (list); /* lh_Head */
if (!node)
return 0;
if (!get_long (node))
return 0; /* ln_Succ */
return node;
Returns the next node of an exec node or 0 if it was the
last element
static uae_u32 amiga_node_next (uae_u32 node)
uae_u32 next = get_long (node); /* ln_Succ */
if (!next)
return 0;
if (!get_long (next))
return 0; /* ln_Succ */
return next;
Converts an amiga address to a native one or NULL if this
is not possible, Size specified the number of bytes you
want to access
static uae_u8 *amiga2native (uae_u32 aptr, int size)
addrbank bank = get_mem_bank (aptr);
/* Check if the address can be translated to native */
if (bank.check (aptr,size)) {
return bank.xlateaddr (aptr);
return NULL;
Writes the Hunk and Offset of the given Address into buf
static int enforcer_decode_hunk_and_offset (char *buf, uae_u32 pc)
uae_u32 sysbase = get_long(4);
uae_u32 semaphore_list = sysbase + 532;
/* First step is searching for the SegTracker semaphore */
uae_u32 node = amiga_list_first (semaphore_list);
while (node) {
uae_u32 string = get_long (node + 10); /* ln_Name */
uae_u8 *native_string = amiga2native (string, 100);
if (native_string) {
if (!strcmp ((char *) native_string, "SegTracker"))
node = amiga_node_next (node);
if (node) {
/* We have found the segtracker semaphore. Soon after the
* public documented semaphore structure Segtracker holds
* an own list of all segements. We will use this list to
* find out the hunk and offset (simliar to segtracker).
* Source of segtracker can be found at:
uae_u32 seg_list = node + 46 + 4; /* sizeof(struct SignalSemaphore) + seg find */
node = amiga_list_first (seg_list);
while (node) {
uae_u32 seg_entry = node + 12;
uae_u32 address, size;
int hunk = 0;
/* Go through all entries until an address is 0
* or the segment has been found */
while ((address = get_long (seg_entry))) {
size = get_long (seg_entry + 4);
if (pc >= address && pc < address + size) {
uae_u32 name, offset;
const char *native_name;
offset = pc - address - 4;
name = get_long (node + 8); /* ln_Name */
if (name) {
native_name = (char *) amiga2native (name, 100);
if (!native_name)
native_name = "Unknown";
} else
native_name = "Unknown";
sprintf (buf, "----> %08lx - \"%s\" Hunk %04lx Offset %08lx\n", pc,
native_name, hunk, offset);
return 1;
seg_entry += 8;
node = amiga_node_next (node);
return 0;
Display the enforcer hit
static void enforcer_display_hit (const char *addressmode, uae_u32 pc, uaecptr addr)
uae_u32 a7;
uae_u32 sysbase;
uae_u32 this_task;
uae_u32 task_name;
const char *native_task_name;
int i, j;
static char buf[256], instrcode[256];
static char lines[INSTRUCTIONLINES/2][256];
static uaecptr bestpc_array[INSTRUCTIONLINES/2][5];
static int bestpc_idxs[INSTRUCTIONLINES/2];
char *enforcer_buf_ptr = enforcer_buf;
uaecptr bestpc, pospc, nextpc, temppc;
if (enforcer_hit) return; /* our function itself generated a hit ;), avoid endless loop */
enforcer_hit = 1;
if (!(sysbase = get_long (4)))
if (!(this_task = get_long (sysbase + 276)))
task_name = get_long (this_task + 10); /* ln_Name */
native_task_name = (char *) amiga2native (task_name, 100);
strcpy (enforcer_buf_ptr, "Enforcer Hit! Bad program\n");
enforcer_buf_ptr += strlen (enforcer_buf_ptr);
sprintf (buf, "Illegal %s: %08lx", addressmode, addr);
sprintf (enforcer_buf_ptr,"%-48sPC: %0lx\n", buf, pc);
enforcer_buf_ptr += strlen (enforcer_buf_ptr);
/* Data registers */
sprintf (enforcer_buf_ptr, "Data: %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",
m68k_dreg (&regs, 0), m68k_dreg (&regs, 1), m68k_dreg (&regs, 2), m68k_dreg (&regs, 3),
m68k_dreg (&regs, 4), m68k_dreg (&regs, 5), m68k_dreg (&regs, 6), m68k_dreg (&regs, 7));
enforcer_buf_ptr += strlen (enforcer_buf_ptr);
/* Address registers */
sprintf (enforcer_buf_ptr, "Addr: %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",
m68k_areg (&regs, 0), m68k_areg (&regs, 1), m68k_areg (&regs, 2), m68k_areg (&regs, 3),
m68k_areg (&regs, 4), m68k_areg (&regs, 5), m68k_areg (&regs, 6), m68k_areg (&regs, 7));
enforcer_buf_ptr += strlen(enforcer_buf_ptr);
/* Stack */
a7 = m68k_areg (&regs, 7);
for (i = 0; i < 8 * STACKLINES; i++) {
a7 -= 4;
if (!(i % 8)) {
strcpy (enforcer_buf_ptr,"Stck:");
enforcer_buf_ptr += strlen (enforcer_buf_ptr);
sprintf (enforcer_buf_ptr," %08lx", get_long (a7));
enforcer_buf_ptr += strlen (enforcer_buf_ptr);
if (i%8 == 7)
*enforcer_buf_ptr++ = '\n';
/* Segtracker output */
a7 = m68k_areg (&regs, 7);
if (get_long (a7-4) != pc) {
if (enforcer_decode_hunk_and_offset (buf, pc)) {
strcpy (enforcer_buf_ptr, buf);
enforcer_buf_ptr += strlen (enforcer_buf_ptr);
for (i = 0; i < 8 * STACKLINES; i++) {
a7 -= 4;
if (enforcer_decode_hunk_and_offset (buf, get_long (a7))) {
int l = strlen (buf);
if (ENFORCER_BUF_SIZE - (enforcer_buf_ptr - enforcer_buf) > l + 256) {
strcpy(enforcer_buf_ptr, buf);
enforcer_buf_ptr += l;
/* Decode the instructions around the pc where the enforcer hit was caused.
* At first, the area before the pc, this not always done correctly because
* it's done backwards */
temppc = pc;
memset (bestpc_array, 0, sizeof (bestpc_array));
for (i = 0; i < INSTRUCTIONLINES / 2; i++)
bestpc_idxs[i] = -1;
for (i = 0; i < INSTRUCTIONLINES / 2; i++) {
pospc = temppc;
bestpc = 0;
if (bestpc_idxs[i] == -1) {
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
pospc -= 2;
sm68k_disasm (buf, NULL, pospc, &nextpc);
if (nextpc == temppc) {
bestpc_idxs[i] = j;
bestpc_array[i][j] = bestpc = pospc;
} else {
bestpc = bestpc_array[i][bestpc_idxs[i]];
if (!bestpc) {
/* there was no best pc found, so it is high probable that
* a former used best pc was wrong.
* We trace back and use the former best pc instead
int former_idx;
int leave = 0;
do {
if (!i) {
leave = 1;
former_idx = bestpc_idxs[i];
bestpc_idxs[i] = -1;
bestpc_array[i][former_idx] = 0;
for (j = former_idx - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (bestpc_array[i][j]) {
bestpc_idxs[i] = j;
} while (bestpc_idxs[i] == -1);
if (leave)
if (i)
temppc = bestpc_array[i-1][bestpc_idxs[i-1]];
else temppc = pc;
i--; /* will be increased in after continue */
sm68k_disasm (buf, instrcode, bestpc, NULL);
sprintf (lines[i], "%08lx : %-20s %s\n", bestpc, instrcode, buf);
temppc = bestpc;
for (; i>=0; i--) {
strcpy (enforcer_buf_ptr,lines[i]);
enforcer_buf_ptr += strlen (enforcer_buf_ptr);
/* Now the instruction after the pc including the pc */
temppc = pc;
for (i=0; i < (INSTRUCTIONLINES+1) / 2; i++) {
sm68k_disasm (buf, instrcode, temppc, &nextpc);
sprintf (enforcer_buf_ptr, "%08lx : %s %-20s %s\n", temppc,
(i == 0 ? "*" : " "), instrcode, buf);
enforcer_buf_ptr += strlen (enforcer_buf_ptr);
temppc = nextpc;
if (!native_task_name)
native_task_name = "Unknown";
sprintf (enforcer_buf_ptr, "Name: \"%s\"\n\n", native_task_name);
enforcer_buf_ptr += strlen (enforcer_buf_ptr);
console_out (enforcer_buf);
write_log (enforcer_buf);
enforcer_hit = 0;
flashscreen = 30;
* Replacement chipmem accessors
static uae_u32 chipmem_lget2 (uaecptr addr) REGPARAM;
static uae_u32 chipmem_wget2 (uaecptr addr) REGPARAM;
static uae_u32 chipmem_bget2 (uaecptr addr) REGPARAM;
static void chipmem_lput2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 l) REGPARAM;
static void chipmem_wput2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 w) REGPARAM;
static void chipmem_bput2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 b) REGPARAM;
static int chipmem_check2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 size) REGPARAM;
static uae_u8 * chipmem_xlate2 (uaecptr addr) REGPARAM;
static uae_u32 REGPARAM2 chipmem_lget2 (uaecptr addr)
uae_u32 *m;
addr -= chipmem_start & chipmem_mask;
addr &= chipmem_mask;
m = (uae_u32 *)(chipmemory + addr);
if (ISILLEGAL (addr))
enforcer_display_hit ("LONG READ from", GET_PC, addr);
return do_get_mem_long (m);
static uae_u32 REGPARAM2 chipmem_wget2 (uaecptr addr)
uae_u16 *m;
addr -= chipmem_start & chipmem_mask;
addr &= chipmem_mask;
m = (uae_u16 *)(chipmemory + addr);
if (ISILLEGAL (addr))
enforcer_display_hit ("WORD READ from", GET_PC, addr);
return do_get_mem_word (m);
static uae_u32 REGPARAM2 chipmem_bget2 (uaecptr addr)
addr -= chipmem_start & chipmem_mask;
addr &= chipmem_mask;
if (ISILLEGAL (addr))
enforcer_display_hit ("BYTE READ from", GET_PC, addr);
return chipmemory[addr];
static void REGPARAM2 chipmem_lput2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 l)
uae_u32 *m;
addr -= chipmem_start & chipmem_mask;
addr &= chipmem_mask;
m = (uae_u32 *)(chipmemory + addr);
if (ISILLEGAL (addr))
enforcer_display_hit ("LONG WRITE to", GET_PC, addr);
do_put_mem_long (m, l);
static void REGPARAM2 chipmem_wput2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 w)
uae_u16 *m;
addr -= chipmem_start & chipmem_mask;
addr &= chipmem_mask;
m = (uae_u16 *)(chipmemory + addr);
if (ISILLEGAL (addr))
enforcer_display_hit ("WORD WRITE to", GET_PC, addr);
do_put_mem_word (m, w);
static void REGPARAM2 chipmem_bput2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 b)
addr -= chipmem_start & chipmem_mask;
addr &= chipmem_mask;
if (ISILLEGAL (addr))
enforcer_display_hit ("BYTE WRITE to", GET_PC, addr);
chipmemory[addr] = b;
static int REGPARAM2 chipmem_check2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 size)
addr -= chipmem_start & chipmem_mask;
addr &= chipmem_mask;
return (addr + size) <= allocated_chipmem;
static uae_u8 * REGPARAM2 chipmem_xlate2 (uaecptr addr)
addr -= chipmem_start & chipmem_mask;
addr &= chipmem_mask;
return chipmemory + addr;
static const addrbank enforcer_chipmem_bank = {
chipmem_lget2, chipmem_wget2, chipmem_bget2,
chipmem_lput2, chipmem_wput2, chipmem_bput2,
chipmem_xlate2, chipmem_check2, NULL
* Replacement dummy memory accessors
static uae_u32 dummy_lget2 (uaecptr addr) REGPARAM;
static uae_u32 dummy_wget2 (uaecptr addr) REGPARAM;
static uae_u32 dummy_bget2 (uaecptr addr) REGPARAM;
static void dummy_lput2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 l) REGPARAM;
static void dummy_wput2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 w) REGPARAM;
static void dummy_bput2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 b) REGPARAM;
static int dummy_check2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 size) REGPARAM;
static uae_u32 REGPARAM2 dummy_lget2 (uaecptr addr)
#ifdef JIT
special_mem |= SPECIAL_MEM_READ;
enforcer_display_hit ("LONG READ from", GET_PC, addr);
return 0xbadedeef;
#ifdef JIT
static int warned_JIT_0xF10000 = 0;
static uae_u32 REGPARAM2 dummy_wget2 (uaecptr addr)
#ifdef JIT
special_mem |= SPECIAL_MEM_READ;
if (addr >= 0x00F10000 && addr <= 0x00F7FFFF) {
if (!warned_JIT_0xF10000) {
warned_JIT_0xF10000 = 1;
enforcer_display_hit ("LONG READ from", GET_PC, addr);
return 0;
enforcer_display_hit ("WORD READ from", GET_PC, addr);
return 0xbadf;
static uae_u32 REGPARAM2 dummy_bget2 (uaecptr addr)
#ifdef JIT
special_mem |= SPECIAL_MEM_READ;
enforcer_display_hit ("BYTE READ from", GET_PC, addr);
return 0xbadedeef;
static void REGPARAM2 dummy_lput2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 l)
#ifdef JIT
special_mem |= SPECIAL_MEM_WRITE;
enforcer_display_hit ("LONG WRITE to", GET_PC, addr);
static void REGPARAM2 dummy_wput2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 w)
#ifdef JIT
special_mem |= SPECIAL_MEM_WRITE;
enforcer_display_hit ("WORD WRITE to", GET_PC, addr);
static void REGPARAM2 dummy_bput2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 b)
#ifdef JIT
special_mem |= SPECIAL_MEM_WRITE;
enforcer_display_hit ("BYTE WRITE to", GET_PC, addr);
static int REGPARAM2 dummy_check2 (uaecptr addr, uae_u32 size)
#ifdef JIT
special_mem |= SPECIAL_MEM_READ;
enforcer_display_hit ("CHECK from ", GET_PC, addr);
return 0;
const addrbank enforcer_dummy_bank = {
dummy_lget2, dummy_wget2, dummy_bget2,
dummy_lput2, dummy_wput2, dummy_bput2,
default_xlate, dummy_check2, NULL
enable the enforcer like support, maybe later this make MMU
exceptions so enforcer can use it. Returns 1 if enforcer
is enabled
int enforcer_enable (void)
extern addrbank chipmem_bank, dummy_bank;
if (!enforcer_installed) {
saved_dummy_bank = dummy_bank;
saved_chipmem_bank = chipmem_bank;
dummy_bank = enforcer_dummy_bank;
chipmem_bank = enforcer_chipmem_bank;
enforcer_installed = 1;
write_log ("Enforcer enabled\n");
return 1;
Disable Enforcer like support
int enforcer_disable (void)
if (enforcer_installed) {
dummy_bank = saved_dummy_bank;
chipmem_bank = saved_chipmem_bank;
enforcer_installed = 0;
return 1;