2009-05-05 15:36:48 +00:00

548 lines
16 KiB

* UAE - The Un*x Amiga Emulator
* Interface to the Cocoa Mac OS X GUI
* Copyright 1996 Bernd Schmidt
* Copyright 2004 Steven J. Saunders
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "sysconfig.h"
#include "sysdeps.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "inputdevice.h"
#include "disk.h"
#ifdef USE_SDL
#include "SDL.h"
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
/* These prototypes aren't declared in the sdlgfx header for some reason */
extern void toggle_fullscreen (void);
extern int is_fullscreen (void);
/* Defined in SDLmain.m */
extern NSString *getApplicationName(void);
/* Prototypes */
int ensureNotFullscreen (void);
void restoreFullscreen (void);
/* Globals */
static NSString *currentFloppyPath = nil;
static BOOL wasFullscreen = NO; // used by ensureNotFullscreen() and restoreFullscreen()
/* This global is expected to be set (by code someplace else -
currently SDLMain.m) to the complete path to a config file if the app
was launched via the finder. */
NSString *finderLaunchFilename = nil;
extern BOOL gFinderLaunch; /* Set to YES by SDLMain.m if app launched from the finder */
/* Objective-C class for an object to respond to events */
@interface EuaeGui : NSObject
NSString *applicationName;
NSArray *diskImageTypes;
+ (id) sharedInstance;
- (void)createMenus;
- (void)createMenuItemInMenu:(NSMenu *)menu withTitle:(NSString *)title action:(SEL)anAction
keyEquivalent:(NSString *)keyEquiv tag:(int)tag;
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(id <NSMenuItem>)menuItem;
- (void)insertDisk:(id)sender;
- (void)ejectDisk:(id)sender;
- (void)changePort0:(id)sender;
- (void)changePort1:(id)sender;
- (void)displayOpenPanelForInsertIntoDriveNumber:(int)driveNumber;
- (void)openPanelDidEnd:(NSOpenPanel *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo;
@implementation EuaeGui
+ (id) sharedInstance
static id sharedInstance = nil;
if (sharedInstance == nil) sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
-(EuaeGui *) init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
applicationName = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:getApplicationName()];
diskImageTypes =[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"adf", @"adz",
@"zip", @"dms", @"fdi", nil]; // Note: Use lowercase for these
return self;
-(void) dealloc
[applicationName release];
[diskImageTypes release];
[super dealloc];
-(NSArray *) diskImageTypes
return diskImageTypes;
-(NSString *)applicationName
return applicationName;
- (void)createMenus
int driveNumber;
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
NSString *menuTitle;
// Create a menu for disk operations
NSMenu *diskMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Disk"];
for (driveNumber=0; driveNumber<4; driveNumber++) {
menuTitle = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Insert DF%d:",driveNumber];
[self createMenuItemInMenu:diskMenu withTitle:menuTitle action:@selector(insertDisk:) keyEquivalent:@"" tag:driveNumber];
[menuTitle release];
[diskMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
for (driveNumber=0; driveNumber<4; driveNumber++) {
menuTitle = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Eject DF%d:",driveNumber];
[self createMenuItemInMenu:diskMenu withTitle:menuTitle action:@selector(ejectDisk:) keyEquivalent:@"" tag:driveNumber];
[menuTitle release];
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Disk" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
[menuItem setSubmenu:diskMenu];
[[NSApp mainMenu] insertItem:menuItem atIndex:1];
[diskMenu release];
[menuItem release];
// Create a menu for input settings
NSMenu *inputMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Devices"];
NSMenu *port0Menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Joystick Port 0"];
NSMenu *port1Menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Joystick Port 1"];
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port0Menu withTitle:@"None" action:@selector(changePort0:) keyEquivalent:@"" tag:JSEM_NONE];
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port0Menu withTitle:@"Mouse" action:@selector(changePort0:) keyEquivalent:@"" tag:JSEM_MICE];
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port0Menu withTitle:@"First Joystick" action:@selector(changePort0:) keyEquivalent:@""
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port0Menu withTitle:@"Second Joystick" action:@selector(changePort0:) keyEquivalent:@""
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port0Menu withTitle:@"Numeric Keypad 2/4/6/8 + 5" action:@selector(changePort0:)
keyEquivalent:@"" tag:JSEM_KBDLAYOUT];
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port0Menu withTitle:@"Cursor Keys + Right Ctrl/Alt" action:@selector(changePort0:)
keyEquivalent:@"" tag:JSEM_KBDLAYOUT+1];
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port0Menu withTitle:@"Keyboard T/B/F/H + Left Alt" action:@selector(changePort0:)
keyEquivalent:@"" tag:JSEM_KBDLAYOUT+2];
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Joystick Port 0" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
[menuItem setSubmenu:port0Menu];
[inputMenu addItem:menuItem];
[menuItem release];
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port1Menu withTitle:@"None" action:@selector(changePort1:) keyEquivalent:@"" tag:JSEM_NONE];
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port1Menu withTitle:@"Mouse" action:@selector(changePort1:) keyEquivalent:@"" tag:JSEM_MICE];
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port1Menu withTitle:@"First Joystick" action:@selector(changePort1:) keyEquivalent:@""
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port1Menu withTitle:@"Second Joystick" action:@selector(changePort1:) keyEquivalent:@""
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port1Menu withTitle:@"Numeric Keypad 2/4/6/8 + 5" action:@selector(changePort1:)
keyEquivalent:@"" tag:JSEM_KBDLAYOUT];
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port1Menu withTitle:@"Cursor Keys + Right Ctrl/Alt" action:@selector(changePort1:)
keyEquivalent:@"" tag:JSEM_KBDLAYOUT+1];
[self createMenuItemInMenu:port1Menu withTitle:@"Keyboard T/B/F/H + Left Alt" action:@selector(changePort1:)
keyEquivalent:@"" tag:JSEM_KBDLAYOUT+2];
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Joystick Port 1" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
[menuItem setSubmenu:port1Menu];
[inputMenu addItem:menuItem];
[menuItem release];
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Devices" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
[menuItem setSubmenu:inputMenu];
[[NSApp mainMenu] insertItem:menuItem atIndex:2];
[inputMenu release];
[menuItem release];
- (void)createMenuItemInMenu:(NSMenu *)menu withTitle:(NSString *)title action:(SEL)anAction
keyEquivalent:(NSString *)keyEquiv tag:(int)tag;
NSMenuItem *menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:title action:anAction keyEquivalent:keyEquiv];
[menuItem setTag:tag];
[menuItem setTarget:self];
[menu addItem:menuItem];
[menuItem release];
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(id <NSMenuItem>)menuItem
SEL menuAction = [menuItem action];
int tag = [menuItem tag];
// Disabled drives can't have disks inserted or ejected
if (((menuAction == @selector(insertDisk:)) || (menuAction == @selector(ejectDisk:))) &&
return NO;
// Eject DFx should be disabled if there's no disk in DFx
if ((menuAction == @selector(ejectDisk:)) && (disk_empty(tag)))
return NO;
// The current settings for the joystick/mouse ports should be indicated
if (menuAction == @selector(changePort0:)) {
if (currprefs.jport0 == tag) [menuItem setState:NSOnState];
else [menuItem setState:NSOffState];
// and joystick options should be unavailable if there are no joysticks
if ((tag == JSEM_JOYS) || (tag == (JSEM_JOYS+1))) {
if ((tag - JSEM_JOYS) >= inputdevice_get_device_total (IDTYPE_JOYSTICK))
return NO;
// and we should not allow both ports to be set to the same setting
if ((tag != JSEM_NONE) && (currprefs.jport1 == tag))
return NO;
return YES;
if (menuAction == @selector(changePort1:)) {
if (currprefs.jport1 == tag) [menuItem setState:NSOnState];
else [menuItem setState:NSOffState];
// and joystick options should be unavailable if there are no joysticks
if ((tag == JSEM_JOYS) || (tag == (JSEM_JOYS+1))) {
if ((tag - JSEM_JOYS) >= inputdevice_get_device_total (IDTYPE_JOYSTICK))
return NO;
// and we should not allow both ports to be set to the same setting
if ((tag != JSEM_NONE) && (currprefs.jport0 == tag))
return NO;
return YES;
return YES;
// Invoked when the user selects one of the 'Insert DFx:' menu items
- (void)insertDisk:(id)sender
[self displayOpenPanelForInsertIntoDriveNumber:[((NSMenuItem*)sender) tag]];
// Invoked when the user selects one of the 'Eject DFx:' menu items
- (void)ejectDisk:(id)sender
disk_eject([((NSMenuItem*)sender) tag]);
// Invoked when the user selects an option from the 'Port 0' menu
- (void)changePort0:(id)sender
changed_prefs.jport0 = [((NSMenuItem*)sender) tag];
if( changed_prefs.jport0 != currprefs.jport0 )
// Invoked when the user selects an option from the 'Port 1' menu
- (void)changePort1:(id)sender
changed_prefs.jport1 = [((NSMenuItem*)sender) tag];
if( changed_prefs.jport1 != currprefs.jport1 )
- (void)displayOpenPanelForInsertIntoDriveNumber:(int)driveNumber
NSOpenPanel *oPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[oPanel setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: Insert Disk Image",applicationName]];
// Make sure setMessage (OS X 10.3+) is available before calling it
if ([oPanel respondsToSelector:@selector(setMessage:)])
[oPanel setMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Select a Disk Image for DF%d:", driveNumber]];
[oPanel setPrompt:@"Choose"];
NSString *contextInfo = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d",driveNumber];
[oPanel beginSheetForDirectory:currentFloppyPath file:nil
modalForWindow:[NSApp mainWindow]
// Called when a floppy selection panel ended
- (void)openPanelDidEnd:(NSOpenPanel *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
#if 0 // This currently breaks
if (returnCode != NSOKButton) return;
int drive = [((NSString*)contextInfo) intValue];
[((NSString*)contextInfo) release];
if ((drive >= 0) && (drive < 4)) {
NSArray *files = [sheet filenames];
NSString *file = [files objectAtIndex:0];
strncpy (changed_prefs.df[drive], [file lossyCString], 255);
changed_prefs.df[drive][255] = '\0';
if (currentFloppyPath != nil) {
[currentFloppyPath release];
currentFloppyPath = nil;
* Revert to windowed mode if in fullscreen mode. Returns 1 if the
* mode was initially fullscreen and was successfully changed. 0 otherwise.
int ensureNotFullscreen (void)
int result = 0;
if (is_fullscreen ()) {
toggle_fullscreen ();
if (is_fullscreen ())
write_log ("Cannot activate GUI in full-screen mode\n");
else {
result = 1;
wasFullscreen = YES;
#ifdef USE_SDL
// Un-hide the mouse
return result;
void restoreFullscreen (void)
#ifdef USE_SDL
// Re-hide the mouse
if ((!is_fullscreen ()) && (wasFullscreen == YES))
wasFullscreen = NO;
void gui_init (int argc, char **argv)
int gui_open (void)
int result;
NSString *nsHome;
char *envhome = getenv("HOME");
[[EuaeGui sharedInstance] createMenus];
if (gFinderLaunch == YES) {
static int run_once = 0;
if (finderLaunchFilename == nil && !run_once) {
// Launched from finder without a config file filename, request one from the user
NSArray *fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"uaerc", nil];
NSOpenPanel *oPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[oPanel setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: Open Configuration File",
[[EuaeGui sharedInstance] applicationName]]];
result = [oPanel runModalForDirectory:nil file:nil types:fileTypes];
if (result == NSOKButton) {
NSArray *files = [oPanel filenames];
NSString *file = [files objectAtIndex:0];
cfgfile_load(&changed_prefs, [file lossyCString], 0);
} else
return -2;
} else {
// Looks like UAE was launched from the Finder with a file selected
// What type of file is it?
NSString *ext = [[finderLaunchFilename pathExtension] lowercaseString];
// If it's a config file, load it
if ([ext compare:@"uaerc"] == NSOrderedSame)
cfgfile_load(&changed_prefs, [finderLaunchFilename lossyCString], 0);
else {
// If it's a disk image file, insert it into DF0
// TODO: Make the drive it goes in configurable?
if ([[[EuaeGui sharedInstance] diskImageTypes] containsObject:ext]) {
strncpy (changed_prefs.df[0], [finderLaunchFilename lossyCString], 255);
changed_prefs.df[0][255] = '\0';
[finderLaunchFilename release];
finderLaunchFilename = nil;
/* Slight hack: We want to set the path that the file requester in gui_display()
will start in to be the floppy_path from the config file, but only if a floppy_path
was specified in the config. If none was specified prefs.path_floppy will
be "$HOME/", so compare with that here. If it is "$HOME/" we assume that no
floppy_path was set in the config file and leave currentFloppyPath as nil,
which should cause OS X to choose something useful (such as the last used directory
if uae has been run before.) */
if ((currentFloppyPath == nil) && (envhome != NULL)) {
const char *floppy_path = prefs_get_attr("floppy_path");
nsHome = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s/",envhome];
if ((floppy_path != NULL) && ([nsHome compare:[NSString stringWithCString:floppy_path]] != NSOrderedSame)) {
currentFloppyPath = [NSString stringWithCString:floppy_path];
[currentFloppyPath retain];
return -1;
int gui_update (void)
return 0;
void gui_exit (void)
if (currentFloppyPath != nil) {
[currentFloppyPath release];
currentFloppyPath = nil;
if (finderLaunchFilename != nil) {
[finderLaunchFilename release];
finderLaunchFilename = nil;
void gui_fps (int fps, int idle)
gui_data.fps = fps;
gui_data.idle = idle;
void gui_led (int led, int on)
void gui_hd_led (int led)
static int resetcounter;
int old = gui_data.hd;
if (led == 0) {
if (resetcounter > 0)
gui_data.hd = led;
resetcounter = 6;
if (old != gui_data.hd)
gui_led (5, gui_data.hd);
void gui_cd_led (int led)
static int resetcounter;
int old =;
if (led == 0) {
if (resetcounter > 0)
} = led;
resetcounter = 6;
if (old !=
gui_led (6,;
void gui_filename (int num, const char *name)
static void getline (char *p)
void gui_handle_events (void)
void gui_notify_state (int state)
void gui_display (int shortcut)
int result;
if ((shortcut >= 0) && (shortcut < 4)) {
[[EuaeGui sharedInstance] displayOpenPanelForInsertIntoDriveNumber:shortcut];
void gui_message (const char *format,...)
char msg[2048];
va_list parms;
ensureNotFullscreen ();
va_start (parms,format);
vsprintf (msg, format, parms);
va_end (parms);
NSRunAlertPanel(nil, [NSString stringWithCString:msg], nil, nil, nil);
write_log (msg);
restoreFullscreen ();