
101 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#ifndef COVER_H
#define COVER_H
#include "gui.h"
//!Display, manage, and manipulate images in the GUI
class CoverImage : public GuiElement
CoverImage(const char * imgPath, const u8 * buffer);
//!Sets up a new image from the image data specified
//!\param img
//!\param w Image width
//!\param h Image height
CoverImage(u8 * img, int w, int h);
CoverImage(GuiImageData *img);
//!Creates an image filled with the specified color
//!\param w Image width
//!\param h Image height
//!\param c Image color
CoverImage(int w, int h, GXColor c);
//! Copy Constructor
CoverImage(CoverImage &srcimage);
CoverImage(CoverImage *srcimage);
//! = operator for copying images
CoverImage &operator=(CoverImage &srcimage);
//!Sets the image rotation angle for drawing
//!\param a Angle (in degrees)
void SetAngle(float a);
//!Gets the image rotation angle for drawing
float GetAngle();
//!Sets the number of times to draw the image horizontally
//!\param t Number of times to draw the image
void SetTile(int t);
// true set horizontal scale to 0.8 //added
void SetWidescreen(bool w);
//!Constantly called to draw the image
void Draw();
//!Gets the image data
//!\return pointer to image data
u8 * GetImage();
//!Sets up a new image using the CoverImageData object specified
//!\param img Pointer to CoverImageData object
void SetImage(GuiImageData * img);
//!\param img Pointer to image data
//!\param w Width
//!\param h Height
void SetImage(u8 * img, int w, int h);
//!Gets the pixel color at the specified coordinates of the image
//!\param x X coordinate
//!\param y Y coordinate
GXColor GetPixel(int x, int y);
//!Sets the pixel color at the specified coordinates of the image
//!\param x X coordinate
//!\param y Y coordinate
//!\param color Pixel color
void SetPixel(int x, int y, GXColor color);
//!Directly modifies the image data to create a color-striped effect
//!Alters the RGB values by the specified amount
//!\param s Amount to increment/decrement the RGB values in the image
void ColorStripe(int s);
//!Sets a stripe effect on the image, overlaying alpha blended rectangles
//!Does not alter the image data
//!\param s Alpha amount to draw over the image
void SetStripe(int s);
s32 z;
void SetSkew(int XX1, int YY1,int XX2, int YY2,int XX3, int YY3,int XX4, int YY4);
int xx1;
int yy1;
int xx2;
int yy2;
int xx3;
int yy3;
int xx4;
int yy4;
int rxx1;
int ryy1;
int rxx2;
int ryy2;
int rxx3;
int ryy3;
int rxx4;
int ryy4;
int imgType; //!< Type of image data (IMAGE_TEXTURE, IMAGE_COLOR, IMAGE_DATA)
u8 * image; //!< Poiner to image data. May be shared with CoverImageData data
f32 imageangle; //!< Angle to draw the image
int tile; //!< Number of times to draw (tile) the image horizontally
int stripe; //!< Alpha value (0-255) to apply a stripe effect to the texture
short widescreen; //added