*Changed back to installer of usbloader 1.5 with a slower update rate for progressbar

*Some new languagefiles again
This commit is contained in:
dimok321 2009-05-20 13:14:52 +00:00
parent ef285a4977
commit f4df20c9c3
13 changed files with 464 additions and 463 deletions

View File

@ -1,182 +1,181 @@
Specialthanksto = Agradecimento a Specialthanksto = Agradecimento a
t3Covers = Capas 3D t3Covers = Capas 3D
t3Covers = Capas 3D AppLanguage = Idioma
AppLanguage = Idioma Areyousure = Tem a certeza?
Areyousure = Tem certeza? AutoPatch = Patch automático
AutoPatch = Mudança Automática Back = Voltar
Back = Voltar BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Voltar ao Loader/Menu da Wii
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Voltar ao HBC ou Menu do Wii BacktoLoader = Voltar ao Loader
BacktoLoader = Voltar ao HBC BacktoWiiMenu = Voltar ao Menu da Wii
BacktoWiiMenu = Voltar ao Menu BootStandard = Arranque/Standard
BootStandard = Boot/Standard Both = Ambos
BootStandard = Iniciar com Cantcreatedirectory = Não foi possível criar a pasta
Both = Ambos Cancel = Cancelar
Cantcreatedirectory = Não foi possível criar o diretório Cantbeformated = Não pode pode ser formatado
Cancel = Cancelar Cantdelete = Não foi possível apagar:
Cantbeformated = Não pode pôde ser formatado ClicktoDownloadCovers = Carregue para descarregar capas
Cantdelete = Não foi possível apagar: Clock = Relógio
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Aperte para baixar Capas Continueinstallgame = Continuar instalação do jogo?
Clock = Relógio ConsoleDefault = Predefinição Consola
Continueinstallgame = Continuar instalação do jogo? Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = É necessário desbloquear a configuração para poder modificar o parâmetro.
ConsoleDefault = Padrão do Console ConsoleLocked = Configuração Bloqueada
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Você precisa primeiro desbloquear para poder modificar. CorrectPassword = Password Correcta
ConsoleLocked = Console Bloqueado Couldnotinitializenetwork = Não foi possível incializar a Ligação de Rede!
CorrectPassword = Senha Correta CouldnotopenDisc = Não foi possível abrir o Disco
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Não foi possível inciar a Conexão! CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Não foi possível inicializar o módulo DIP!
CouldnotopenDisc = Não foi possível abrir o Disco CoverDownload = Download de Capas
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Não foi possível iniciar o módulo DIP! CoverPath = Pasta Capas
CoverDownload = Baixar Capas CoverpathChanged = Pasta das Capas alterado
CoverPath = Local Capas Coverpathchange = Alterar Pasta das Capas
CoverpathChanged = Local Capas alterado Credits = Créditos
Coverpathchange = Alterar local Capas DiscImages = Imagens de Disco
Credits = Créditos DiscimagePath = Pasta Imagens Disco
DiscImages = Imagem Disco DiscpathChanged = Pasta das Imagens Disco alterada
DiscimagePath = Local Imagem Disco Discpathchange = Alterar da Pasta das Imagens de Disco
DiscpathChanged = Local Imagem Disco alterado DiscDefault = Predefinição Disco
Discpathchange = Alterar local Imagem Disco Display = Mostrar
DiscDefault = Padrão do Disco Doyouwanttoformat = Deseja FORMATAR:
Display = Mostrar Doyoureallywanttodelete = Quer mesmo REMOVER o jogo:
Doyouwanttoformat = Deseja FORMATAR: Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Deseja tentar novamente dentro de 30 segs?
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Quer realmente APAGAR: Downloadingfile = Descarregando ficheiro:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Deseja tentar novamente em 30 segs? DownloadBoxartimage = Descarregar imagem da Caixa?
Downloadingfile = Baixando arquivo: Downloadfinished = Download Terminado
DownloadBoxartimage = Baixar imagem da Caixa? Error = Erro !
DownloadBoxartimage = Baixar imagem da Caixa? BOOTERROR = ERRO DE ARRANQUE
Downloadfinished = Pronto ErrorreadingDisc = Erro ao ler o Disco
Error = Erro ! ExitUSBISOLoader = Pretende sair do USB Loader GX?
BOOTERROR = ERRO DE INÍCIO InitializingNetwork = Inicializando Ligação de Rede
ErrorreadingDisc = Erro ao ler o Disco InsertDisk = Insira o Disco
ExitUSBISOLoader = Deseja sair do USB Loader GX? InsertaWiiDisc = Insira um Disco da Wii!
InitializingNetwork = Iniciando Conexão InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insira um cartão SD para descarregar as imagens.
InsertDisk = Insira o Disco InsertaSDCardtosave = Insira um cartão SD para guardar.
InsertaWiiDisc = Insira um Disco de Wii! InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = As configurações estão desbloqueadas.
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insira um SD para baixar imagens. Installerror = Erro de Instalação!
InsertaSDCardtosave = Insira um SD para guardar. Installagame = Instalar um jogo
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = As configurações estão bloqueadas. Installinggame = Instalando jogo:
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = As configurações estão desbloqueadas. Failedtoboot = Falha ao arrancar:
Installerror = Erro de Instalação! FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Falha ao montar cartão SD
Installagame = Instalar um jogo FailedtosetUSB = Falha ao iniciar USB:
Installinggame = Instalando jogo: Failedformating = Falha ao formatar
Failedtoboot = Falha ao iniciar: Filenotfound = Ficheiro não encontrado.
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Falha ao montar SD filesnotfoundontheserver = ficheiros não encontrados no servidor!
FailedtosetUSB = Falha ao iniciar USB: filesleft = ficheiros(s) restante(s)
Failedformating = Falha ao formatar FlipX = Paginação Horizontal
Filenotfound = Arquivo não encontrado. Force = Forçar
filesnotfoundontheserver = arquivos não encontrados no servidor! Youneedtoformatapartition = É necessário FORMATAR a partição
filesleft = arquivo(s) restante(s) Format = Formatar
FlipX = Paginação Horizontal Formattingpleasewait = Formatando, por favor aguarde...
Force = Forçar formated = formatado!
Youneedtoformatapartition = Você precisa FORMATAR a partição free = livres
Format = Formatar FreeSpace = Espaço Livre
Formattingpleasewait = Formatando, por favor aguarde... FullShutdown = Desligar
formated = FORMATADO! GameID = ID do Jogo
free = livres Games = Jogos
FreeSpace = Espaço Livre Gameisalreadyinstalled = Este jogo já está instalado:
FullShutdown = Desligar GameRegion = Região
GameID = ID do Jogo GameSize = Tamanho do Jogo
Games = Jogos GoBack = Voltar
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Este jogo já está instalado: //GotoPage = Ir para a Página
GameRegion = Região HowtoShutdown = Como desligar a consola?
GameSize = Tamañho do Jogo Keyboard = Teclado
GoBack = Voltar Language = Idioma
//GotoPage = Ir a Página Langchange = Alterar Idioma
HowtoShutdown = Quer Desligar? Left = Esquerda
keyboard = Teclado LikeSysMenu = Igual ao Menu da Wii
Language = Idioma LoadingincIOS = Carregando com o cIOS249
Langchange = Alterar Idioma Loadingstandardlanguage = Carregado idioma padrão.
Left = Esquerda Lock = Bloquear
LikeSysMenu = Igual ao Menu do Wii. LockConsole = Bloquear Configurações
LoadingincIOS = Carregando no cIOS249 MP3Menu = Menu MP3
Loadingstandardlanguage = Carregado idioma padrão. Missingfiles = Ficheiros em falta
Lock = Bloquear Networkiniterror = Erro ao inicializar ligação de rede
LockConsole = Bloquear console Neither = Nenhum
MP3Menu = Menu MP3 Next = Próximo
Missingfiles = Arquivos faltando No = Não
Networkiniterror = Erro ao iniciar conexão Nofilemissing = Não há ficheiros em falta!
Neither = Nenhum NoHDDfound = Não foi encontrado nenhum Disco Rígido!
Next = Próximo NoSDcardinserted = Cartão SD não inserido!
No = Não Nopartitionsfound = Não foram encontradas partições
Nofilemissing = Não há arquivos faltando! NoUSBDevice = Nenhum dispositivo USB encontrado
NoHDDfound = Disco Rígido não encontrado! NoWBFSpartitionfound = Não foi encontrada nenhuma partição WBFS
NoSDcardinserted = SD não inserido! NormalCovers = Capas Normais
Nopartitionsfound = Partições não encontradas Normal = Normal
NoUSBDevice = Dispositivo USB não encontrado NotaWiiDisc = Não é um Disco da Wii
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Partição WBFS não encontrada NoUSBDevicefound = Nenhum dispositivo USB encontrado.
NormalCovers = Capas Normais Notenoughfreespace = Não há espaço livre suficiente!
Normal = Normal notset = não há
NotaWiiDisc = Não é um Disco de Wii of = de
NoUSBDevicefound = Dispositivo USB não encontrado. OFF = Desligado
Notenoughfreespace = Não há espaço livre suficiente! OfficialSite = Site Oficial
notset = não há ok = OK
of = de ON = Ligado
OFF = Desligado Parentalcontrol = Controlo Parental
OfficialSite = Site Oficial Partition = Partição
ok = OK Password = Password
ON = Ligado PasswordChanged = Password Alterada
Parentalcontrol = Controle de Pais Passwordhasbeenchanged = A Password foi alterada
Partition = Partição Passwordchange = Alterar Password
Password = Senha PowerofftheWii = Desligar a Wii
PasswordChanged = Senha alterada Prev = Anterior
Passwordhasbeenchanged = A Senha foi alterada PromptsButtons = Mensagens/Botões
Passwordchange = Alterar Senha ReloadSD = Actualizar SD
PowerofftheWii = Desligar o Wii RenameGameonWBFS = Alterar nome do jogo na partição WBFS
Prev = Anterior Restart = Reiniciar
PromptsButtons = Botões Return = Voltar
ReloadSD = Recarregar SD ReturntoWii = Menu da Wii
RenameGameonWBFS = Renomear jogo na partição WBFS Right = Direita
Restart = Reiniciar Rumble = Vibração
Return = Voltar QuickBoot = Arranque Rápido
ReturntoWii = Voltar ao Menu do Wii Save = Gravar
Right = Direita SaveFailed = Falha ao Gravar
Rumble = Vibração Specialthanksto = Agradecimentos
QuickBoot = Inicio Rápido Titlestxtpath = Pasta Titles.txt
Save = Guardar TitlestxtpathChanged = Pasta do ficheiro titles.txt alterada.
SaveFailed = Falha ao Guardar Titlestxtpathchange = Alterar pasta do titles.txt
Specialthanksto = Agradecimentos For = pelo
Titlestxtpath = Local Titles.txt theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = e ter disponibilizado o código fonte
TitlestxtpathChanged = Local titles.txt alterado secondsleft = segundos restantes
Titlestxtpathchange = Alterar local titles.txt SelectthePartition = Seleccione a Partição
For = pelo youwanttoformat = Deseja formatar?
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = UBS Loader e ter liberado o código fonte settings = Configurações
secondsleft = segundos restantes ShutdowntoIdle = Standby
SelectthePartition = Selecione a partição ShutdownSystem = Desligar
youwanttoformat = Deseja formatar? Success = Sucesso:
settings = Configurações Successfullyinstalled = Instalado com Sucesso:
ShutdowntoIdle = Em espera Successfullydeleted = Apagado com Sucesso:
ShutdownSystem = Apagar Sistema SuccessfullySaved = Gravado com Sucesso
Success = Sucesso: SystemDefault = Predefinição Sistema
Successfullyinstalled = Instalado com Sucesso: ThemePath = Pasta Temas
Successfullydeleted = Apagado com Sucesso: ThemepathChanged = Pasta dos Temas alterada
SuccessfullySaved = Guardado com Sucesso Themepathchange = Alterar pasta dos Temas
SystemDefault = Pradrão do Sistema Try = Tentar
ThemePath = Local Temas Tooltips = Dicas
ThemepathChanged = Local Temas alterado Timeleft = Tempo restante:
Themepathchange = Alterar local Temas Unlock = Desbloquear
Try = Tentar Unicodefix = Corrigir Unicode
Tooltips = Dicas Uninstall = Remover
Timeleft = Tempo restante: USBLoaderisprotected = O USB Loader GX está bloqueado
Unlock = Desbloquear USBDevicenotfound = Dispositivo USB não encontrado
Unicodefix = Corrigir Unicode VideoMode = Modo de Vídeo
Uninstall = Desinstalar VIDTVPatch = Patch VIDTV
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX está bloqueado Volume = Volume
USBDevicenotfound = Dispositivo USB não encontrado Waiting = Aguardando...
VideoMode = Modo de Vídeo WaitingforUSBDevice = Aguardando pelo Dispositivo USB
VIDTVPatch = Corrigir VIDTV WidescreenFix = Correcção Widescreen
Volume = Volume WiiMenu = Menu da Wii
Waiting = Aguardando... WrongPassword = Password incorreta
WaitingforUSBDevice = Aguardando o Dispositivo USB Yes = Sim
WidescreenFix = Corrigir Widescreen YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 não instalado
WiiMenu = Menu do Wii Close = Fechar
WrongPassword = Senha incorreta Japanese = Japonês
Yes = Sim German = Alemão
YoudonthavecIOS = Você não tem o cIOS222 English = Inglês
Japanese = Japonês French = Francês
German = Alemão Spanish = Espanhol
English = Inglês Italian = Italiano
French = Francês Dutch = Holandês
Spanish = Espanhol SChinese = Chinês Simplificado
Italian = Italiano TChinese = Chinês Tradicional
Dutch = Holandês Korean = Coreano
SChinese = Chinês Simplificado // Portuguese(pt-pt) Translation File for GUI USB Loader v1 rev360
TChinese = Chinês Tradicional // Translated by Sky8000
Korean = Coreano

Languages/russian Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
Specialthanksto = Отдельное спасибо :
t3Covers = 3D Обложки
AppLanguage = Язык приложения
Areyousure = Вы уверены ?
AutoPatch = Авто Патч
Back = Назад
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Вернуться в HBC или меню Wii
BacktoLoader = Вернуться в загрузчик
BacktoWiiMenu = Вернуться в меню Wii
BootStandard = Загрузка/Стандарт
BothBoth = Оба
Cantcreatedirectory = Не могу создать папку
Cancel = Отмена
Cantbeformated = Невозможно отформатировать
Cantdelete = Невозможно удалить:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Нажми, чтобы скачать обложки
Clock = Часы
Continueinstallgame = Продолжить установку игры ?
ConsoleDefault = По умолчанию (консоль)
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Для изменения консоль должна быть разблокирована.
ConsoleLocked = Консоль заблокирована
CorrectPassword = Правильный пароль
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Не могу инициализировать сеть!
CouldnotopenDisc = Не могу прочесть диск
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Не могу запустить модуль DIP!
CoverDownload = Скачать обложку
CoverPath = Путь к обложкам
CoverpathChanged = Путь к обложкам был изменен.
Coverpathchange = Сменить путь к обложкам
Credits = Об авторах
DiscImages = Изображения дисков
DiscimagePath = путь к изображениям дисков
DiscpathChanged = путь к изображениям дисков изменен
Discpathchange = изменить путь к изображениям дисков
DiscDefault = По умолчанию (диск)
Display = Отображать
Doyouwanttoformat = Вы хотите отформатировать:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Вы хотите удалить:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Хотите попробовать еще раз на 30 секунд?
Downloadingfile = Скачиваю файл:
DownloadBoxartimage = Скачать обложку диска?
Downloadfinished =Скачивание завершено
Error = Ошибка !
ErrorreadingDisc = Ошибка чтения диска
ExitUSBISOLoader = Выйти из USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Инициализирую сеть
InsertDisk = Вставьте диск
InsertaWiiDisc = Вставьте диск от Wii!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Для скачивания изображений вставьте SD карту.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Для сохранения вставьте SD карту.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Все функции USB Loader GX разблокированы.
Installerror = Ошибка установки!
Installagame = Установить игру
Installinggame = Устанавливаю игру:
Failedtoboot = Ошибка загрузки:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Ошибка при монтировании SD карты
FailedtosetUSB = Ошибка инициализации USB:
Failedformating = Форматирование не удалось
filesnotfoundontheserver = файлы не найдены на сервере!
filesleft = осталось файлов:
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Принудительно
Youneedtoformatapartition = Требуется форматирование раздела
Format = Форматировать
Formattingpleasewait = Форматирую, пожалуйста подождите...
formated = форматирование завершено!
free = свободно
FreeSpace = Свободное пространство
FullShutdown = Полное отключение
GameID = ID игры
Games = Игры
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Игра уже установлена:
GameRegion = Регион
GameSize = Размер игры
GoBack = Назад
//GotoPage = Go to Page
HowtoShutdown = Способ отключения?
Language = Язык
Langchange = Сменить язык
Left = Налево
LikeSysMenu = как SysMenu
LoadingincIOS = загружаю с cIOS249
Lock = Заблокировать
LockConsole = Заблокировать консоль
MP3Menu = Меню MP3
Missingfiles = Отсутствующие файлы
Networkiniterror = Ошибка инициализации сети
Neither = Ни то, ни другое
Next = Следующий
No = Нет
Nofilemissing = Файл не найден!
NoHDDfound = HDD не найден!
NoSDcardinserted = SD карта не вставлена!
Nopartitionsfound = Разделы не найдены
NoUSBDevice = Нет USB устройств
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Не найден раздел WBFS
NormalCovers = Обычные обложки
Normal = Обычный
NotaWiiDisc = Это не диск Wii
NoUSBDevicefound =USB устройств не обнаружено
Notenoughfreespace = Не хватает свободного места!
notset = не установлено
of = из
OfficialSite = Официальный сайт
ok = OK
Parentalcontrol = Родительский контроль
Partition = Раздел
Password = Пароль
PasswordChanged = Пароль изменен
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Пароль был изменен
Passwordchange = Сменить пароль
PowerofftheWii = Выключить Wii
Prev = Предыдущий
PromptsButtons = Кнопки приглашения
ReloadSD = Перечитать SD карту
RenameGameonWBFS = Переименовать игры в WBFS
Restart = Перезапустить
Return = Вернуться
ReturntoWii = Вернуться в меню Wii
Right = Направо
Rumble = Вибрация
QuickBoot = Быстрая загрузка
Save = Сохранить
SaveFailed = Сохранение не удалось
Specialthanksto = Отдельные благодарности
For = за
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = и публикацию исходного кода
secondsleft = секунд осталось
SelectthePartition = Выберите раздел
youwanttoformat = вы хотите отформатировать
settings = Установки
ShutdowntoIdle = Перевести в режим сна
ShutdownSystem = Выключить систему
Success = Успех:
Successfullyinstalled = Успешно установлено:
Successfullydeleted = Успешно удалено:
SuccessfullySaved = Успешно сохранено
SystemDefault = По умолчанию
ThemePath = Путь к темам
ThemepathChanged = путь к темам изменён
Themepathchange = изменить путь к темам
Try = Попытка
Tooltips = Подсказки
Timeleft = Осталось времени:
Unlock = Разблокировать
Uninstall = Деинсталлировать
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX заблокирован
USBDevicenotfound = USB устройство не найдено
VideoMode = Видео режим
VIDTVPatch = патч VIDTV
Volume = Громкость
Waiting = Ожидание...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Ожидание USB устройства
WidescreenFix = Широкоформатный фикс
WiiMenu = Меню Wii
WrongPassword = Неверный пароль
Yes = Да
YoudonthavecIOS = У вас не установлен cIOS222
Japanese = Японский
German = Немецкий
English = Английский
French = Французский
Spanish = Испанский
Italian = Итальянский
Dutch = Голландский
SChinese = Упрощенный китайский
TChinese = Традиционный китайский
Korean = Корейский
Russian = Русский

View File

@ -507,14 +507,6 @@ void cfg_set(char *name, char *val)
strcopy(CFG.unlockCode, val, sizeof(CFG.unlockCode)); strcopy(CFG.unlockCode, val, sizeof(CFG.unlockCode));
return; return;
} }
/*if (strcmp(name, "lang_path") == 0) {
strcopy(, val, sizeof(CFG.unlockCode));
} }

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ int SDCard_Init()
if (!isSdInserted()){ if (!isSdInserted()){
return -1; return -1;
} }
if (fatMountSimple("SD", &__io_wiisd)) { if (fatMount("SD", &__io_wiisd, 0, CACHE, SECTORS)) {
return 1; return 1;
} }
return -1; return -1;

View File

@ -206,18 +206,6 @@ extern const u32 player3_point_png_size;
extern const u8 player4_point_png[]; extern const u8 player4_point_png[];
extern const u32 player4_point_png_size; extern const u32 player4_point_png_size;
extern const u8 player1_grab_png[];
extern const u32 player1_grab_png_size;
extern const u8 player2_grab_png[];
extern const u32 player2_grab_png_size;
extern const u8 player3_grab_png[];
extern const u32 player3_grab_png_size;
extern const u8 player4_grab_png[];
extern const u32 player4_grab_png_size;
extern const u8 battery_png[]; extern const u8 battery_png[];
extern const u32 battery_png_size; extern const u32 battery_png_size;

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.9 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.0 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.1 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.0 KiB

View File

@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ snprintf(LANGUAGE.InsertDisk, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertDisk), "Insert Disk");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.InsertaWiiDisc, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertaWiiDisc), "Insert a Wii Disc!"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.InsertaWiiDisc, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertaWiiDisc), "Insert a Wii Disc!");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages), "Insert an SD-Card to download images."); snprintf(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages), "Insert an SD-Card to download images.");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave), "Insert an SD-Card to save."); snprintf(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave), "Insert an SD-Card to save.");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtousethatoption, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtousethatoption), "Insert an SD-Card to use this option.");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked), "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."); snprintf(LANGUAGE.InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked), "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked.");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Installerror, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Installerror), "Install Error!"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.Installerror, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Installerror), "Install Error!");
snprintf(LANGUAGE.Installagame, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Installagame), "Install a game"); snprintf(LANGUAGE.Installagame, sizeof(LANGUAGE.Installagame), "Install a game");
@ -439,6 +440,10 @@ void language_set(char *name, char *val)
strcopy(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages)); strcopy(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages));
return; return;
} }
if (strcmp(name, "InsertaSDCardtousethatoption") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtousethatoption, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtousethatoption));
if (strcmp(name, "InsertaSDCardtosave") == 0) { if (strcmp(name, "InsertaSDCardtosave") == 0) {
strcopy(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave)); strcopy(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, val, sizeof(LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave));
return; return;

View File

@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ struct LANGUAGE
char InsertaWiiDisc[50]; char InsertaWiiDisc[50];
char InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages[80]; char InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages[80];
char InsertaSDCardtosave[60]; char InsertaSDCardtosave[60];
char InsertaSDCardtousethatoption[100];
char InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked[100]; char InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked[100];
char Installerror[50]; char Installerror[50];
char Installagame[50]; char Installagame[50];

View File

@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ u32 wbfs_add_disc(wbfs_t*p,read_wiidisc_callback_t read_src_wii_disc,
info = wbfs_ioalloc(p->disc_info_sz); info = wbfs_ioalloc(p->disc_info_sz);
read_src_wii_disc(callback_data,0,0x100,info->disc_header_copy); read_src_wii_disc(callback_data,0,0x100,info->disc_header_copy);
copy_buffer = wbfs_ioalloc(p->wbfs_sec_sz); copy_buffer = wbfs_ioalloc(p->wii_sec_sz);
if(!copy_buffer) if(!copy_buffer)
ERROR("alloc memory"); ERROR("alloc memory");
tot=0; tot=0;
@ -439,26 +439,31 @@ u32 wbfs_add_disc(wbfs_t*p,read_wiidisc_callback_t read_src_wii_disc,
if(spinner){ if(spinner){
// count total number to write for spinner // count total number to write for spinner
for(i=0; i<p->n_wbfs_sec_per_disc;i++) for(i=0; i<p->n_wbfs_sec_per_disc;i++)
if(copy_1_1 || block_used(used,i,wii_sec_per_wbfs_sect)) tot++; if(copy_1_1 || block_used(used,i,wii_sec_per_wbfs_sect)) tot += wii_sec_per_wbfs_sect;
spinner(0,tot); spinner(0,tot);
} }
for(i=0; i<p->n_wbfs_sec_per_disc;i++){ for(i=0; i<p->n_wbfs_sec_per_disc;i++){
u16 bl = 0; u16 bl = 0;
if(copy_1_1 || block_used(used,i,wii_sec_per_wbfs_sect)) { if(copy_1_1 || block_used(used,i,wii_sec_per_wbfs_sect)) {
u16 j;
bl = alloc_block(p); bl = alloc_block(p);
if (bl==0xffff) if (bl==0xffff)
ERROR("no space left on device (disc full)"); ERROR("no space left on device (disc full)");
read_src_wii_disc(callback_data,i*(p->wbfs_sec_sz>>2),p->wbfs_sec_sz,copy_buffer); for(j=0; j<wii_sec_per_wbfs_sect;j++) {
u32 offset = (i*(p->wbfs_sec_sz>>2)) + (j*(p->wii_sec_sz>>2));
//fix the partition table. read_src_wii_disc(callback_data,offset,p->wii_sec_sz,copy_buffer);
wd_fix_partition_table(d, sel, copy_buffer+(0x40000&(p->wbfs_sec_sz-1)));
p->write_hdsector(p->callback_data,p->part_lba+bl*(p->wbfs_sec_sz/p->hd_sec_sz), //fix the partition table
p->wbfs_sec_sz/p->hd_sec_sz,copy_buffer); if(offset == (0x40000>>2))
cur++; wd_fix_partition_table(d, sel, copy_buffer);
if(spinner) p->write_hdsector(p->callback_data,p->part_lba+bl*(p->wbfs_sec_sz/p->hd_sec_sz)+j*(p->wii_sec_sz/p->hd_sec_sz),
spinner(cur,tot); p->wii_sec_sz/p->hd_sec_sz,copy_buffer);
} }
info->wlba_table[i] = wbfs_htons(bl); info->wlba_table[i] = wbfs_htons(bl);
} }
@ -479,6 +484,7 @@ error:
return 0; return 0;
} }
u32 wbfs_rm_disc(wbfs_t*p, u8* discid) u32 wbfs_rm_disc(wbfs_t*p, u8* discid)
{ {
wbfs_disc_t *d = wbfs_open_disc(p,discid); wbfs_disc_t *d = wbfs_open_disc(p,discid);

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ static GuiImageData * pointer[4];
static GuiImage * bgImg = NULL; static GuiImage * bgImg = NULL;
static GuiButton * btnLogo = NULL; static GuiButton * btnLogo = NULL;
static GuiImageData * background = NULL; static GuiImageData * background = NULL;
static char prozent[10] = "0%"; static char prozent[10] = " ";
static char timet[50] = " "; static char timet[50] = " ";
static char sizeshow[20] = " "; static char sizeshow[20] = " ";
static GuiText prTxt(prozent, 26, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255}); //{0, 0, 0, 255}); static GuiText prTxt(prozent, 26, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255}); //{0, 0, 0, 255});
@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ int GameWindowPrompt()
GuiText btn3Txt(LANGUAGE.settings, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255}); //{0, 0, 0, 255}); GuiText btn3Txt(LANGUAGE.settings, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255}); //{0, 0, 0, 255});
GuiImage btn3Img(&btnOutline); GuiImage btn3Img(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){ if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
btn3Img.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);}/////////// btn3Img.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);}
GuiButton btn3(btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight()); GuiButton btn3(btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight());
btn3.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_BOTTOM); btn3.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_BOTTOM);
btn3.SetPosition(50, -40); btn3.SetPosition(50, -40);
@ -1099,7 +1099,6 @@ int GameWindowPrompt()
btnLeft.SetPosition(20, 0); btnLeft.SetPosition(20, 0);
btnLeft.SetImage(&btnLeftImg); btnLeft.SetImage(&btnLeftImg);
btnLeft.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver); btnLeft.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver);
btnLeft.SetTrigger(&trigA); btnLeft.SetTrigger(&trigA);
btnLeft.SetTrigger(&trigL); btnLeft.SetTrigger(&trigL);
btnLeft.SetTrigger(&trigMinus); btnLeft.SetTrigger(&trigMinus);
@ -1111,7 +1110,6 @@ int GameWindowPrompt()
btnRight.SetPosition(-20, 0); btnRight.SetPosition(-20, 0);
btnRight.SetImage(&btnRightImg); btnRight.SetImage(&btnRightImg);
btnRight.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver); btnRight.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver);
btnRight.SetTrigger(&trigA); btnRight.SetTrigger(&trigA);
btnRight.SetTrigger(&trigR); btnRight.SetTrigger(&trigR);
btnRight.SetTrigger(&trigPlus); btnRight.SetTrigger(&trigPlus);
@ -1706,19 +1704,14 @@ ShowProgress (s32 done, s32 total)
static time_t start; static time_t start;
static u32 expected; static u32 expected;
f32 percent; //, size;
u32 d, h, m, s; u32 d, h, m, s;
static int last_percent; static time_t last_time;
static u32 last_d; time_t time_now = 0;
static int last_gamesizedone;
//first time //first time
if (!done) { if (!done) {
start = time(0); start = time(0);
expected = 300; expected = 300;
last_percent = -1;
last_d = 0;
last_gamesizedone = -1;
} }
//Elapsed time //Elapsed time
@ -1738,39 +1731,34 @@ ShowProgress (s32 done, s32 total)
m = (d / 60) % 60; m = (d / 60) % 60;
s = d % 60; s = d % 60;
//Calculate percentage/size if(last_time == 0)
percent = (done * 100.0) / total; time(&last_time);
//size = (hdd->wbfs_sec_sz / GB_SIZE) * total;
if(last_percent != (int)(percent*100)) time(&time_now);
last_percent = (int)(percent*100);
sprintf(prozent, "%d.%.2d", last_percent/100, last_percent%100);
if(last_d != d)
last_d = d;
sprintf(timet,"%s %d:%02d:%02d",LANGUAGE.Timeleft,h,m,s);
float gamesizedone = 0.00; /** Update that crap only every 0.5 secs **/
if (difftime(time_now,last_time) > 0.5) {
gamesizedone = gamesize * done/total; //Calculate percentage/size
f32 percent = (done * 100.0) / total;
sprintf(prozent, "%0.2f", percent);
sprintf(timet,"%s %d:%02d:%02d",LANGUAGE.Timeleft,h,m,s);
f32 gamesizedone = gamesize * done/total;
sprintf(sizeshow,"%0.2fGB/%0.2fGB", gamesizedone, gamesize);
if(last_gamesizedone != (int)(gamesizedone*100));
last_gamesizedone = (int)(gamesizedone*100);
int int_gamesize = (int)(gamesize*100);
sprintf(sizeshow,"%d.%.2dGB/%d.%.2dGB", last_gamesizedone/100, last_gamesizedone%100, int_gamesize/100, int_gamesize%100);
// timeTxt.SetFont(fontClock);
if ((Settings.wsprompt == yes) && (CFG.widescreen)){ if ((Settings.wsprompt == yes) && (CFG.widescreen)){
progressbarImg.SetTile(80*done/total);} progressbarImg.SetTile((int)(80*done/total));}
else {progressbarImg.SetTile(100*done/total);} else {progressbarImg.SetTile((int)(100*done/total));}
last_time = 0;
} }
@ -1905,7 +1893,6 @@ ProgressDownloadWindow(int choice2)
{ {
int i = 0, cntNotFound = 0; int i = 0, cntNotFound = 0;
// char filename[11];
GuiWindow promptWindow(472,320); GuiWindow promptWindow(472,320);
promptWindow.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_MIDDLE); promptWindow.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_MIDDLE);
@ -1928,7 +1915,6 @@ ProgressDownloadWindow(int choice2)
snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sprogressbar_outline.png", CFG.theme_path); snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sprogressbar_outline.png", CFG.theme_path);
GuiImageData progressbarOutline(imgPath, progressbar_outline_png); GuiImageData progressbarOutline(imgPath, progressbar_outline_png);
//GuiImageData progressbarOutline(progressbar_outline_png);
GuiImage progressbarOutlineImg(&progressbarOutline); GuiImage progressbarOutlineImg(&progressbarOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){ if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
progressbarOutlineImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);} progressbarOutlineImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);}
@ -1937,7 +1923,6 @@ ProgressDownloadWindow(int choice2)
snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sprogressbar_empty.png", CFG.theme_path); snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sprogressbar_empty.png", CFG.theme_path);
GuiImageData progressbarEmpty(imgPath, progressbar_empty_png); GuiImageData progressbarEmpty(imgPath, progressbar_empty_png);
//GuiImageData progressbarEmpty(progressbar_empty_png);
GuiImage progressbarEmptyImg(&progressbarEmpty); GuiImage progressbarEmptyImg(&progressbarEmpty);
progressbarEmptyImg.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE); progressbarEmptyImg.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE);
progressbarEmptyImg.SetPosition(25, 40); progressbarEmptyImg.SetPosition(25, 40);
@ -1945,7 +1930,6 @@ ProgressDownloadWindow(int choice2)
snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sprogressbar.png", CFG.theme_path); snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sprogressbar.png", CFG.theme_path);
GuiImageData progressbar(imgPath, progressbar_png); GuiImageData progressbar(imgPath, progressbar_png);
//GuiImageData progressbar(progressbar_png);
progressbarImg.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE); progressbarImg.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE);
progressbarImg.SetPosition(25, 40); progressbarImg.SetPosition(25, 40);
@ -2373,10 +2357,7 @@ static int MenuInstall()
GuiSound btnSoundOver(button_over_pcm, button_over_pcm_size, SOUND_PCM, vol); GuiSound btnSoundOver(button_over_pcm, button_over_pcm_size, SOUND_PCM, vol);
//GuiImageData battery(battery_png); char imgPath[100];
//GuiImageData batteryRed(battery_red_png);
//GuiImageData batteryBar(battery_bar_png);
char imgPath[100];
snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sbattery.png", CFG.theme_path); snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sbattery.png", CFG.theme_path);
GuiImageData battery(imgPath, battery_png); GuiImageData battery(imgPath, battery_png);
@ -2621,7 +2602,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
f32 freespace, used, size = 0.0; f32 freespace, used, size = 0.0;
u32 nolist; u32 nolist;
char text[MAX_CHARACTERS + 4]; //text2[20]; char text[MAX_CHARACTERS + 4];
int choice = 0, selectedold = 100; int choice = 0, selectedold = 100;
s32 ret; s32 ret;
@ -2687,11 +2668,11 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
GuiTooltip installBtnTT(LANGUAGE.Installagame); GuiTooltip installBtnTT(LANGUAGE.Installagame);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
installBtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);/////////// installBtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiImage installBtnImg(&btnInstall); GuiImage installBtnImg(&btnInstall);
GuiImage installBtnImgOver(&btnInstallOver); GuiImage installBtnImgOver(&btnInstallOver);
installBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); //added installBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
installBtnImgOver.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); //added installBtnImgOver.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiButton installBtn(btnInstall.GetWidth(), btnInstall.GetHeight()); GuiButton installBtn(btnInstall.GetWidth(), btnInstall.GetHeight());
installBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); installBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP);
installBtn.SetPosition(THEME.install_x, THEME.install_y); installBtn.SetPosition(THEME.install_x, THEME.install_y);
@ -2705,12 +2686,12 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
GuiTooltip settingsBtnTT(LANGUAGE.settings); GuiTooltip settingsBtnTT(LANGUAGE.settings);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
settingsBtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);/////////// settingsBtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiImage settingsBtnImg(&btnSettings); GuiImage settingsBtnImg(&btnSettings);
settingsBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); //added settingsBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiImage settingsBtnImgOver(&btnSettingsOver); GuiImage settingsBtnImgOver(&btnSettingsOver);
settingsBtnImgOver.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); //added settingsBtnImgOver.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiButton settingsBtn(btnSettings.GetWidth(), btnSettings.GetHeight()); GuiButton settingsBtn(btnSettings.GetWidth(), btnSettings.GetHeight());
settingsBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); settingsBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP);
settingsBtn.SetPosition(THEME.setting_x, THEME.setting_y); settingsBtn.SetPosition(THEME.setting_x, THEME.setting_y);
@ -2724,19 +2705,18 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
GuiTooltip homeBtnTT(LANGUAGE.BacktoHBCorWiiMenu); GuiTooltip homeBtnTT(LANGUAGE.BacktoHBCorWiiMenu);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
homeBtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);/////////// homeBtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiImage homeBtnImg(&btnhome); GuiImage homeBtnImg(&btnhome);
homeBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); //added homeBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiImage homeBtnImgOver(&btnhomeOver); GuiImage homeBtnImgOver(&btnhomeOver);
homeBtnImgOver.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); //added homeBtnImgOver.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiButton homeBtn(btnhome.GetWidth(), btnhome.GetHeight()); GuiButton homeBtn(btnhome.GetWidth(), btnhome.GetHeight());
homeBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); homeBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP);
homeBtn.SetPosition(THEME.home_x, THEME.home_y); homeBtn.SetPosition(THEME.home_x, THEME.home_y);
homeBtn.SetImage(&homeBtnImg); homeBtn.SetImage(&homeBtnImg);
homeBtn.SetImageOver(&homeBtnImgOver); homeBtn.SetImageOver(&homeBtnImgOver);
homeBtn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver); homeBtn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver);
homeBtn.SetTrigger(&trigA); homeBtn.SetTrigger(&trigA);
homeBtn.SetTrigger(&trigHome); homeBtn.SetTrigger(&trigHome);
homeBtn.SetEffectGrow(); homeBtn.SetEffectGrow();
@ -2744,8 +2724,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
GuiTooltip poweroffBtnTT(LANGUAGE.PowerofftheWii); GuiTooltip poweroffBtnTT(LANGUAGE.PowerofftheWii);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
poweroffBtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);/////////// poweroffBtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiImage poweroffBtnImg(&btnpwroff); GuiImage poweroffBtnImg(&btnpwroff);
GuiImage poweroffBtnImgOver(&btnpwroffOver); GuiImage poweroffBtnImgOver(&btnpwroffOver);
@ -2765,7 +2744,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
GuiTooltip sdcardBtnTT(LANGUAGE.ReloadSD); GuiTooltip sdcardBtnTT(LANGUAGE.ReloadSD);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
sdcardBtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);/////////// sdcardBtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiImage sdcardImg(&btnsdcard); GuiImage sdcardImg(&btnsdcard);
sdcardImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); sdcardImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
@ -2782,7 +2761,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
GuiImage wiiBtnImg(&dataID); GuiImage wiiBtnImg(&dataID);
wiiBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); wiiBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiButton wiiBtn(wiiBtnImg.GetWidth(), wiiBtnImg.GetHeight()); GuiButton wiiBtn(wiiBtnImg.GetWidth(), wiiBtnImg.GetHeight());
wiiBtn.SetPosition(0,-10); wiiBtn.SetPosition(0,-10);
wiiBtn.SetImage(&wiiBtnImg); wiiBtn.SetImage(&wiiBtnImg);
wiiBtn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver); wiiBtn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver);
@ -2792,11 +2771,11 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
//Downloading Covers //Downloading Covers
GuiTooltip DownloadBtnTT(LANGUAGE.ClicktoDownloadCovers); GuiTooltip DownloadBtnTT(LANGUAGE.ClicktoDownloadCovers);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
DownloadBtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);/////////// DownloadBtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiButton DownloadBtn(160,224); GuiButton DownloadBtn(160,224);
DownloadBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); DownloadBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP);
DownloadBtn.SetPosition(THEME.cover_x,THEME.cover_y);//(20, 300); DownloadBtn.SetPosition(THEME.cover_x,THEME.cover_y);
if (CFG.godmode == 1) if (CFG.godmode == 1)
{//only make the button have trigger & tooltip if in godmode {//only make the button have trigger & tooltip if in godmode
@ -2806,48 +2785,6 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
} }
else else
DownloadBtn.SetRumble(false); DownloadBtn.SetRumble(false);
#ifdef HW_RVL
int i = 0, level;
char txt[3];
GuiText * batteryTxt[4];
GuiImage * batteryImg[4];
GuiImage * batteryBarImg[4];
GuiButton * batteryBtn[4];
for(i=0; i < 4; i++)
if(i == 0)
sprintf(txt, "P%d", i+1);
sprintf(txt, "P%d", i+1);
batteryTxt[i] = new GuiText(txt, 22, (GXColor){THEME.info_r, THEME.info_g, THEME.info_b, 255});
batteryTxt[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE);
batteryImg[i] = new GuiImage(&battery);
batteryImg[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE);
batteryImg[i]->SetPosition(36, 0);
batteryBarImg[i] = new GuiImage(&batteryBar);
batteryBarImg[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE);
batteryBarImg[i]->SetPosition(33, 0);
batteryBtn[i] = new GuiButton(40, 20);
batteryBtn[i]->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP);
batteryBtn[0]->SetPosition(THEME.battery1_x, THEME.battery1_y);
batteryBtn[1]->SetPosition(THEME.battery2_x, THEME.battery2_y);
batteryBtn[2]->SetPosition(THEME.battery3_x, THEME.battery3_y);
batteryBtn[3]->SetPosition(THEME.battery4_x, THEME.battery4_y);
GuiGameBrowser gameBrowser(THEME.selection_w, THEME.selection_h, gameList, gameCnt, CFG.theme_path, bg_options_png, startat, offset); GuiGameBrowser gameBrowser(THEME.selection_w, THEME.selection_h, gameList, gameCnt, CFG.theme_path, bg_options_png, startat, offset);
gameBrowser.SetPosition(THEME.selection_x, THEME.selection_y); gameBrowser.SetPosition(THEME.selection_x, THEME.selection_y);
@ -2888,17 +2825,7 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
w.Append(&clockTimeBack); w.Append(&clockTimeBack);
w.Append(&clockTime); w.Append(&clockTime);
} }
if (THEME.showBattery)
#ifdef HW_RVL
mainWindow->Append(&gameBrowser); mainWindow->Append(&gameBrowser);
mainWindow->Append(&w); mainWindow->Append(&w);
@ -2934,43 +2861,10 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
sprintf(buf, "%i", (dataed-1)); sprintf(buf, "%i", (dataed-1));
clockTime.SetText(buf); clockTime.SetText(buf);
//delete buf;
} }
} }
if ((datagB<1)&&(Settings.cios==1)&&(Settings.video == ntsc)&&(Settings.hddinfo == hr12)&&(Settings.qboot==1)&&(Settings.wsprompt==0)&&(Settings.language==ger)&&(Settings.tooltips==0)){dataed=1;dataef=1;}if (dataef==1){if (cosa>7){cosa=1;}datag++;if (sina==3){wiiBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT,ALIGN_BOTTOM);wiiBtnImg.SetAngle(0);if(datag>163){datag=1;}else if (datag<62){wiiBtn.SetPosition(((cosa)*70),(-2*(datag)+120));}else if(62<=datag){wiiBtn.SetPosition(((cosa)*70),((datag*2)-130));}if (datag>162){wiiBtn.SetPosition(700,700);w.Remove(&wiiBtn);datagB=2;cosa++;sina=lastrawtime%4;}w.Append(&wiiBtn);}if (sina==2){wiiBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_RIGHT,ALIGN_TOP);wiiBtnImg.SetAngle(270);if(datag>163){datag=1;}else if (datag<62){wiiBtn.SetPosition(((-2*(datag)+130)),((cosa)*50));}else if(62<=datag){wiiBtn.SetPosition((2*(datag)-120),((cosa)*50));}if (datag>162){wiiBtn.SetPosition(700,700);w.Remove(&wiiBtn);datagB=2;cosa++;sina=lastrawtime%4;}w.Append(&wiiBtn);}if (sina==1){wiiBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_TOP,ALIGN_LEFT);wiiBtnImg.SetAngle(180);if(datag>163){datag=1;}else if (datag<62){wiiBtn.SetPosition(((cosa)*70),(2*(datag)-120));}else if(62<=datag){wiiBtn.SetPosition(((cosa)*70),(-2*(datag)+130));}if (datag>162){wiiBtn.SetPosition(700,700);w.Remove(&wiiBtn);datagB=2;cosa++;sina=lastrawtime%4;}w.Append(&wiiBtn);}if (sina==0){wiiBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_TOP,ALIGN_LEFT);wiiBtnImg.SetAngle(90);if(datag>163){datag=1;}else if (datag<62){wiiBtn.SetPosition(((2*(datag)-130)),((cosa)*50));}else if(62<=datag){wiiBtn.SetPosition((-2*(datag)+120),((cosa)*50));}if (datag>162){wiiBtn.SetPosition(700,700);w.Remove(&wiiBtn);datagB=2;cosa++;sina=lastrawtime%4;}w.Append(&wiiBtn);}}
//////////////////////end clock code//////////////////////////////
if ((datagB<1)&&(Settings.cios==1)&&(Settings.video == ntsc)&&(Settings.hddinfo == hr12)&&(Settings.qboot==1)&&(Settings.wsprompt==0)&&(Settings.language==ger)&&(Settings.tooltips==0)){dataed=1;dataef=1;}if (dataef==1){if (cosa>7){cosa=1;}datag++;if (sina==3){wiiBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT,ALIGN_BOTTOM);wiiBtnImg.SetAngle(0);if(datag>163){datag=1;}else if (datag<62){wiiBtn.SetPosition(((cosa)*70),(-2*(datag)+120));}else if(62<=datag){wiiBtn.SetPosition(((cosa)*70),((datag*2)-130));}if (datag>162){wiiBtn.SetPosition(700,700);w.Remove(&wiiBtn);datagB=2;cosa++;sina=lastrawtime%4;}w.Append(&wiiBtn);}if (sina==2){wiiBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_RIGHT,ALIGN_TOP);wiiBtnImg.SetAngle(270);if(datag>163){datag=1;}else if (datag<62){wiiBtn.SetPosition(((-2*(datag)+130)),((cosa)*50));}else if(62<=datag){wiiBtn.SetPosition((2*(datag)-120),((cosa)*50));}if (datag>162){wiiBtn.SetPosition(700,700);w.Remove(&wiiBtn);datagB=2;cosa++;sina=lastrawtime%4;}w.Append(&wiiBtn);}if (sina==1){wiiBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_TOP,ALIGN_LEFT);wiiBtnImg.SetAngle(180);if(datag>163){datag=1;}else if (datag<62){wiiBtn.SetPosition(((cosa)*70),(2*(datag)-120));}else if(62<=datag){wiiBtn.SetPosition(((cosa)*70),(-2*(datag)+130));}if (datag>162){wiiBtn.SetPosition(700,700);w.Remove(&wiiBtn);datagB=2;cosa++;sina=lastrawtime%4;}w.Append(&wiiBtn);}if (sina==0){wiiBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_TOP,ALIGN_LEFT);wiiBtnImg.SetAngle(90);if(datag>163){datag=1;}else if (datag<62){wiiBtn.SetPosition(((2*(datag)-130)),((cosa)*50));}else if(62<=datag){wiiBtn.SetPosition((-2*(datag)+120),((cosa)*50));}if (datag>162){wiiBtn.SetPosition(700,700);w.Remove(&wiiBtn);datagB=2;cosa++;sina=lastrawtime%4;}w.Append(&wiiBtn);}}
#ifdef HW_RVL
for(i=0; i < 4; i++)
if(WPAD_Probe(i, NULL) == WPAD_ERR_NONE) // controller connected
level = (userInput[i].wpad.battery_level / 100.0) * 4;
if(level > 4) level = 4;
if(level == 0)
else // controller not connected
// respond to button presses // respond to button presses
if(shutdown == 1) if(shutdown == 1)
{ {
@ -3029,7 +2923,6 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
if (*(unsigned int*) 0x80001800) exit(0); if (*(unsigned int*) 0x80001800) exit(0);
// Channel Version // Channel Version
SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0);
//exit(0); //Back to HBC
} else { } else {
homeBtn.ResetState(); homeBtn.ResetState();
gameBrowser.SetFocus(1); gameBrowser.SetFocus(1);
@ -3059,10 +2952,10 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
else if(sdcardBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) else if(sdcardBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED)
{ {
SDCard_deInit(); SDCard_deInit();
SDCard_Init(); SDCard_Init();
sdcardBtn.ResetState(); sdcardBtn.ResetState();
} }
else if(DownloadBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) else if(DownloadBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED)
@ -3094,11 +2987,9 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
{ {
char tempCnt[40]; char tempCnt[40];
//i = 0;
sprintf(tempCnt,"%i %s",cntMissFiles,LANGUAGE.Missingfiles); sprintf(tempCnt,"%i %s",cntMissFiles,LANGUAGE.Missingfiles);
choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.DownloadBoxartimage,tempCnt,LANGUAGE.Yes,LANGUAGE.No,0,0); choice = WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.DownloadBoxartimage,tempCnt,LANGUAGE.Yes,LANGUAGE.No,0,0);
//WindowPrompt("Downloading","Please Wait Downloading Covers",0,0);
if (choice == 1) if (choice == 1)
{ {
ret = ProgressDownloadWindow(choice2); ret = ProgressDownloadWindow(choice2);
@ -3134,7 +3025,6 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
//Get selected game under cursor //Get selected game under cursor
int selectimg;//, promptnumber; int selectimg;//, promptnumber;
//promptnumber = 0;
char ID[4]; char ID[4];
char IDfull[7]; char IDfull[7];
selectimg = gameBrowser.GetSelectedOption(); selectimg = gameBrowser.GetSelectedOption();
@ -3154,7 +3044,6 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
snprintf (ID,sizeof(ID),"%c%c%c", header->id[0], header->id[1], header->id[2]); snprintf (ID,sizeof(ID),"%c%c%c", header->id[0], header->id[1], header->id[2]);
snprintf (IDfull,sizeof(IDfull),"%c%c%c%c%c%c", header->id[0], header->id[1], header->id[2],header->id[3], header->id[4], header->id[5]); snprintf (IDfull,sizeof(IDfull),"%c%c%c%c%c%c", header->id[0], header->id[1], header->id[2],header->id[3], header->id[4], header->id[5]);
w.Remove(&DownloadBtn); w.Remove(&DownloadBtn);
// w.Remove(coverImg);
if (GameIDTxt) if (GameIDTxt)
{ {
@ -3526,17 +3415,6 @@ static int MenuDiscList()
} }
HaltGui(); HaltGui();
#ifdef HW_RVL
for(i=0; i < 4; i++)
delete batteryTxt[i];
delete batteryImg[i];
delete batteryBarImg[i];
delete batteryBtn[i];
mainWindow->Remove(&gameBrowser); mainWindow->Remove(&gameBrowser);
mainWindow->Remove(&w); mainWindow->Remove(&w);
ResumeGui(); ResumeGui();
@ -3773,7 +3651,6 @@ static int MenuFormat()
if(choice == 1) if(choice == 1)
{ {
SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0);
//exit(0); //zum debuggen schneller
} }
} }
} }
@ -3852,7 +3729,7 @@ static int MenuSettings()
backBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth()-30); backBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth()-30);
GuiImage backBtnImg(&btnOutline); GuiImage backBtnImg(&btnOutline);
if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){ if (Settings.wsprompt == yes){
backBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);}////// backBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);}
GuiButton backBtn(btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight()); GuiButton backBtn(btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight());
backBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); backBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP);
backBtn.SetPosition(-180, 400); backBtn.SetPosition(-180, 400);
@ -3863,7 +3740,7 @@ static int MenuSettings()
backBtn.SetTrigger(&trigA); backBtn.SetTrigger(&trigA);
backBtn.SetTrigger(&trigB); backBtn.SetTrigger(&trigB);
backBtn.SetEffectGrow(); backBtn.SetEffectGrow();
GuiImage tab1Img(&tab1); GuiImage tab1Img(&tab1);
GuiImage tab2Img(&tab2); GuiImage tab2Img(&tab2);
GuiImage tab3Img(&tab3); GuiImage tab3Img(&tab3);
@ -3872,30 +3749,16 @@ static int MenuSettings()
tabBtn.SetPosition(-202, 90); tabBtn.SetPosition(-202, 90);
tabBtn.SetImage(&tab1Img); tabBtn.SetImage(&tab1Img);
GuiButton page1Btn(40, 96); GuiButton page1Btn(40, 96);
page1Btn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); page1Btn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP);
page1Btn.SetPosition(-202, 90); page1Btn.SetPosition(-202, 90);
page1Btn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver); page1Btn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver);
page1Btn.SetSoundClick(&btnClick); page1Btn.SetSoundClick(&btnClick);
page1Btn.SetTrigger(0, &trigA); page1Btn.SetTrigger(0, &trigA);
//GuiTooltip page1BtnTT("Go to Page 1");
//if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
// page1BtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);///////////
//page1Btn.SetToolTip(&page1BtnTT,105, 15);
//GuiImage page2Img(&page2);
//GuiImage page2dImg(&page2d);
GuiButton page2Btn(40, 96); GuiButton page2Btn(40, 96);
page2Btn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); page2Btn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP);
page2Btn.SetPosition(-202, 186); page2Btn.SetPosition(-202, 186);
page2Btn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver); page2Btn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver);
page2Btn.SetSoundClick(&btnClick); page2Btn.SetSoundClick(&btnClick);
page2Btn.SetTrigger(0, &trigA); page2Btn.SetTrigger(0, &trigA);
@ -3905,29 +3768,19 @@ static int MenuSettings()
GuiButton page3Btn(40, 96); GuiButton page3Btn(40, 96);
page3Btn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); page3Btn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP);
page3Btn.SetPosition(-202, 282); page3Btn.SetPosition(-202, 282);
page3Btn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver); page3Btn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver);
page3Btn.SetSoundClick(&btnClick); page3Btn.SetSoundClick(&btnClick);
page3Btn.SetTrigger(0, &trigA); page3Btn.SetTrigger(0, &trigA);
page3Btn.SetTrigger(1, &trigR); page3Btn.SetTrigger(1, &trigR);
page3Btn.SetTrigger(2, &trigPlus); page3Btn.SetTrigger(2, &trigPlus);
// GuiTooltip page2BtnTT("%s 2",LANGUAGE.GotoPage);
// if (Settings.wsprompt == yes)
// page2BtnTT.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);///////////
// page2Btn.SetToolTip(&page2BtnTT,105,0);
const char * text = LANGUAGE.Unlock; const char * text = LANGUAGE.Unlock;
if (CFG.godmode == 1) if (CFG.godmode == 1)
text = LANGUAGE.Lock; text = LANGUAGE.Lock;
GuiText lockBtnTxt(text, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255}); //{0, 0, 0, 255}); GuiText lockBtnTxt(text, 22, (GXColor){THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255});
lockBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth()-30); lockBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth()-30);
GuiImage lockBtnImg(&btnOutline); GuiImage lockBtnImg(&btnOutline);
lockBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);////// lockBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen);
GuiButton lockBtn(btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight()); GuiButton lockBtn(btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight());
lockBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); lockBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP);
lockBtn.SetPosition(180, 400); lockBtn.SetPosition(180, 400);
@ -4034,8 +3887,6 @@ static int MenuSettings()
sprintf(options2.name[6],"%s", LANGUAGE.CoverPath); sprintf(options2.name[6],"%s", LANGUAGE.CoverPath);
sprintf(options2.name[7],"%s", LANGUAGE.DiscimagePath); sprintf(options2.name[7],"%s", LANGUAGE.DiscimagePath);
sprintf(options2.name[8],"%s", LANGUAGE.ThemePath); sprintf(options2.name[8],"%s", LANGUAGE.ThemePath);
} }
else if ( pageToDisplay == 3 ) else if ( pageToDisplay == 3 )
{ {
@ -4066,8 +3917,6 @@ static int MenuSettings()
sprintf(options2.name[7], " "); sprintf(options2.name[7], " ");
sprintf(options2.name[8], "%s",LANGUAGE.MP3Menu); sprintf(options2.name[8], "%s",LANGUAGE.MP3Menu);
} }
while(menu == MENU_NONE) while(menu == MENU_NONE)
{ {
@ -4101,14 +3950,9 @@ static int MenuSettings()
else if (Settings.video == pal60) sprintf (options2.value[0],"%s PAL60",LANGUAGE.Force); else if (Settings.video == pal60) sprintf (options2.value[0],"%s PAL60",LANGUAGE.Force);
else if (Settings.video == ntsc) sprintf (options2.value[0],"%s NTSC",LANGUAGE.Force); else if (Settings.video == ntsc) sprintf (options2.value[0],"%s NTSC",LANGUAGE.Force);
//if (Settings.vpatch == on) sprintf (options2.value[1],"%s",LANGUAGE.ON);
//else if (Settings.vpatch == off) sprintf (options2.value[1],"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (Settings.vpatch == on) sprintf (options2.value[1],"%s",LANGUAGE.ON); if (Settings.vpatch == on) sprintf (options2.value[1],"%s",LANGUAGE.ON);
else if (Settings.vpatch == off) sprintf (options2.value[1],"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF); else if (Settings.vpatch == off) sprintf (options2.value[1],"%s",LANGUAGE.OFF);
if (Settings.language == ConsoleLangDefault) sprintf (options2.value[2],"%s",LANGUAGE.ConsoleDefault); if (Settings.language == ConsoleLangDefault) sprintf (options2.value[2],"%s",LANGUAGE.ConsoleDefault);
else if (Settings.language == jap) sprintf (options2.value[2],"%s",LANGUAGE.Japanese); else if (Settings.language == jap) sprintf (options2.value[2],"%s",LANGUAGE.Japanese);
else if (Settings.language == ger) sprintf (options2.value[2],"%s",LANGUAGE.German); else if (Settings.language == ger) sprintf (options2.value[2],"%s",LANGUAGE.German);
@ -4417,7 +4261,6 @@ static int MenuSettings()
} else { } else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0); WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtosave, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
} }
/////load new theme//////////////
mainWindow->Remove(bgImg); mainWindow->Remove(bgImg);
CFG_Load(); CFG_Load();
CFG_LoadGlobal(); CFG_LoadGlobal();
@ -4613,14 +4456,21 @@ static int MenuSettings()
Settings.unicodefix++; Settings.unicodefix++;
break; break;
case 4: case 4:
menu = MENU_OGG; if(isSdInserted() == 1) {
pageToDisplay = 0; menu = MENU_OGG;
pageToDisplay = 0;
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtousethatoption, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
break; break;
case 8: case 8:
menu = MENU_MP3; if(isSdInserted() == 1) {
pageToDisplay = 0; menu = MENU_MP3;
pageToDisplay = 0;
} else {
WindowPrompt(LANGUAGE.NoSDcardinserted, LANGUAGE.InsertaSDCardtousethatoption, LANGUAGE.ok, 0,0,0);
break; break;
} }
} }
@ -4634,8 +4484,6 @@ static int MenuSettings()
{ {
pageToDisplay = 1; pageToDisplay = 1;
page1Btn.ResetState(); page1Btn.ResetState();
tabBtn.SetImage(&tab1Img); tabBtn.SetImage(&tab1Img);
menu = MENU_NONE; menu = MENU_NONE;
break; break;
@ -4646,8 +4494,6 @@ static int MenuSettings()
pageToDisplay = 2; pageToDisplay = 2;
menu = MENU_NONE; menu = MENU_NONE;
page2Btn.ResetState(); page2Btn.ResetState();
tabBtn.SetImage(&tab2Img); tabBtn.SetImage(&tab2Img);
break; break;
} }
@ -5550,7 +5396,6 @@ int MenuMp3()
cancelBtn.SetTrigger(&trigA); cancelBtn.SetTrigger(&trigA);
cancelBtn.SetEffectGrow(); cancelBtn.SetEffectGrow();
// bool isplaying = false;
int songPlaying=0; int songPlaying=0;
GuiTrigger trigHome; GuiTrigger trigHome;
@ -5564,7 +5409,6 @@ int MenuMp3()
GuiTrigger trigPlus; GuiTrigger trigPlus;
trigPlus.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_PLUS | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_PLUS, 0); trigPlus.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_PLUS | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_PLUS, 0);
// int playerIsUp=0;
snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sarrow_next.png", CFG.theme_path); snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sarrow_next.png", CFG.theme_path);
GuiImageData next(imgPath, arrow_next_png); GuiImageData next(imgPath, arrow_next_png);
snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sarrow_previous.png", CFG.theme_path); snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sarrow_previous.png", CFG.theme_path);
@ -5667,9 +5511,7 @@ int MenuMp3()
sprintf(fullpath,"%s%s", mp3path,mp3files[ret]); sprintf(fullpath,"%s%s", mp3path,mp3files[ret]);
PlayMp3(fullpath); PlayMp3(fullpath);
SetMp3Volume(127); SetMp3Volume(127);
//playBtn.SetImage(&playBtnImg);isplaying=true; playBtn.ResetState();
//if (isplaying==true){playBtn.SetImage(&pauseBtnImg);isplaying=false;}
} }
@ -5678,24 +5520,20 @@ int MenuMp3()
StopMp3(); StopMp3();
songPlaying++; songPlaying++;
if (songPlaying>(countmp3 - 1)){songPlaying=0;} if (songPlaying>(countmp3 - 1)){songPlaying=0;}
//ret = (optionBrowser4.GetSelectedOption()+1);
sprintf(fullpath,"%s%s", mp3path,mp3files[songPlaying]); sprintf(fullpath,"%s%s", mp3path,mp3files[songPlaying]);
PlayMp3(fullpath); PlayMp3(fullpath);
SetMp3Volume(127); SetMp3Volume(127);
nextBtn.ResetState(); nextBtn.ResetState();
} }
if(prevBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) if(prevBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED)
{ {
StopMp3(); StopMp3();
songPlaying--; songPlaying--;
if (songPlaying<0){songPlaying=(countmp3 - 1);} if (songPlaying<0){songPlaying=(countmp3 - 1);}
//ret = (optionBrowser4.GetSelectedOption()-1);
sprintf(fullpath,"%s%s", mp3path,mp3files[songPlaying]); sprintf(fullpath,"%s%s", mp3path,mp3files[songPlaying]);
PlayMp3(fullpath); PlayMp3(fullpath);
SetMp3Volume(127); SetMp3Volume(127);
prevBtn.ResetState(); prevBtn.ResetState();
} }
if(stopBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) if(stopBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED)
{ StopMp3(); { StopMp3();