now, when doing a full update/full channel update, whatever .lang files are in the language path should get updated as well.
changed thread priority (70->75) for GX thread since it wasn't originally created to be drawing as many different images at once as we are throwing at it. hopefully this will fix some of the black artifacts that are popping up on the screen during the gameinfo and homebrew info windows.
no button to create a new file and a little bug with the scrolling, but better than typing stuff in.
added channel launcher. currently doesnt show the actual name, only the u32 and ID. also, it is only showing 0x00010001 channels, so no Mii, weather, or other crappy channels, just the good stuff.
fixed bug that showed the MacOS hidden files as extra homebrew entries.
*Added HomebrewFiles Class
NOTE 1: In settings/custompaths you can change the HomebrewPath and the standard is SD:/apps/. Our browser searches for EVERY .dol and .elf file in the directory even if its not called boot.dol.
NOTE 2: Giantpune and me tested the homebrewbooting and it worked for every homebrew we tested except our own application. (a bit ironic)
NOTE 3: Right now the information on the Buttons is the path to the Homebrew. This and the BootPrompt will be replaced with the XML information inside the path of the homebrew later but for now i am taking a break
NOTE 4: Right now the button to the HomebrewMenu is next to WiiMenuButton and has the same image as the listgamebrowser. I didnt have any images so i took what i had and cyrex will change the images when he is back. Also there will be a no icon image added later.
Added option to download txtcode if none is found. The error checking for this is really weak so you might get a "file not found" page saved as a cheat text. But its bettor than nothing.
*Added Browser for AlternateDOL from disc feature
NOTE: Right now the browser isn't working right and crashing from time to time so you i would not recommend to use it yet. It's also showing all files on the disc for test purpose. I'll try to fix it later right now i don't have time for it.
*Changed some minor codes and moved cheats to its own folder
*Added Japanese UnicodeFix made by Rudolph (thanks) (you still need to compile with a japanese font.ttf to have it work)
*Added missing languagevariables
issue 517, issue 515, issue 519
NOTE: If your loader is rebooting when you try to start a game its because you initialized Network! Right now initializing the network by trying to update or trying to download covers/discimages the Loader has Issues with booting games. Try booting games directly without initializing the Network.