*Added initial source for support for virtual sector size other than 512 bytes per sector on wbfs partitions. This still doesn't work (not tested) and will still cause many code dumps because of some unfinished things. So don't use it yet.
*New ehcmodule for Hermes IOS versions. This gives a big boost in compatibility to usb drives using Hermes cIOSes. Now many drives should work with it. Hermes cIOSes have now probably the best compatibility to usb devices. (big thanks to rodries here) (more to come ;))
*Added support for older Hermes IOS too (rev 2 and rev 3)
*Changed Alternative Dol Browser to get the filelist (fst) with functions from libwbfs (like banner sounds) instead of from an emulated disk. This should fix all the weird crashes with it.