Added option to download txtcode if none is found. The error checking for this is really weak so you might get a "file not found" page saved as a cheat text. But its bettor than nothing.
*Added Browser for AlternateDOL from disc feature
NOTE: Right now the browser isn't working right and crashing from time to time so you i would not recommend to use it yet. It's also showing all files on the disc for test purpose. I'll try to fix it later right now i don't have time for it.
*Changed some minor codes and moved cheats to its own folder
*Added Japanese UnicodeFix made by Rudolph (thanks) (you still need to compile with a japanese font.ttf to have it work)
*Added missing languagevariables
issue 517, issue 515, issue 519
NOTE: If your loader is rebooting when you try to start a game its because you initialized Network! Right now initializing the network by trying to update or trying to download covers/discimages the Loader has Issues with booting games. Try booting games directly without initializing the Network.