* Added initial (untested!) support for the zip file format, which is supported by the HBC
* Began working on compressed wad files. Uncompressing fails for now, so uploading WAD files should be done with the previous version of Wiiload.
* Fixed issue 902 (hence the large commit).
formatted the code to make it easier to read. no functional changes at all.
i didn't put anything from the libwiigui folder or banner folder in the beautifier.
my automated .bat seems to have done a good job. the only places i see it fucked up was on (GXColor){blablabla}. it treated the brackets in the color like all the other brackets and put the color on a new line and indented it. i think i fixed most of them. not sure if it messed up anywhere else. also not sure about how it handled different linebreaks. it looks fine on windows. if it looks messed up on linux, it can be reverted.
the code still compiles and runs fine.
NOTE: If your loader is rebooting when you try to start a game its because you initialized Network! Right now initializing the network by trying to update or trying to download covers/discimages the Loader has Issues with booting games. Try booting games directly without initializing the Network.
NOTE: When you change Global cIOS boot you need to restart for it to take effect.
NOTE2: Best way of launching games (most compatibility) is avoiding an IOS Reload by not initializing the network and not have different boot IOS than the one set in GameSettings.
NOTE3: Know issue: IOS249 boots slower now at the starts. IOS222 boots fast as always.
*Merging CleanUp source into main.
NOTE: You might not want to update right away because there might still be some issues. New issue reports to this are of course welcome ;).
* clean up the wild mounts and unmounts (this and the new libfat fix the download-bug)
* reorganize shutdowns and reboots use now the functions Sys_Reboot(), Sys_Shutdown(), Sys_ShutdownToIdel(), Sys_ShutdownToStandby() and Sys_BackToLoader()
this functions stops the GUI-Thread, Shutdowns the Audio, Video, WPad and unmounts the SD and USB