69 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
f3296b3570 * insert last SVN-Rev (#define SVN_REV) also in use of TortoiseSVN
* all files that refere SVN_REV are automatically recompile
2009-07-24 16:16:31 +00:00
71adda33e0 *Made a little HBC inside our loader
*Added HomebrewFiles Class

NOTE 1: In settings/custompaths you can change the HomebrewPath and the standard is SD:/apps/. Our browser searches for EVERY .dol and .elf file in the directory even if its not called boot.dol.

NOTE 2: Giantpune and me tested the homebrewbooting and it worked for every homebrew we tested except our own application. (a bit ironic)

NOTE 3: Right now the information on the Buttons is the path to the Homebrew. This and the BootPrompt will be replaced with the XML information inside the path of the homebrew later but for now i am taking a break

NOTE 4: Right now the button to the HomebrewMenu is next to WiiMenuButton and has the same image as the listgamebrowser. I didnt have any images so i took what i had and cyrex will change the images when he is back. Also there will be a no icon image added later.
2009-07-19 09:10:25 +00:00
9c8243aec2 added a function to auto select the alt dol based on a list. there are only a few on the list right now.
changed the xml url again to allow up to 500 games to be called for.

changed the magic 0x address in the makefile to hopefully fix some alt dol stuff.
2009-07-16 06:37:33 +00:00
928020b32f *Added AlternateDOL from disc feature
*Added Browser for AlternateDOL from disc feature

NOTE: Right now the browser isn't working right and crashing from time to time so you i would not recommend to use it yet. It's also showing all files on the disc for test purpose. I'll try to fix it later right now i don't have time for it.

*Changed some minor codes and moved cheats to its own folder
2009-07-15 17:20:45 +00:00
6937ff5a51 Moved Banner stuff in own directory and added extraction 2009-07-14 14:28:17 +00:00
57f0ce0ed4 Added functions/vars to GuiText to allow showing & hiding rows when it is wrapped.
new vars are
firstLine = 1;
numLines = -1;
totalLines = 1;
totalLines is not changed until the text is set to wrap and Draw() is called 1 time.
The other 2 are set with functions.
new functions are
void GuiText::SetNumLines(int n)
void GuiText::SetFirstLine(int n)
int GuiText::GetNumLines()
int GuiText::GetFirstLine()
int GuiText::GetTotalLines()
int GuiText::GetLineHeight(int n) 
These should be self explanatory. GetLineHeight relies on total lines so it needs to be called after the first Draw();
Raised the chars[] to 3000 for the synopsis because people are writing books in there.
Used those new fancy functions make the synopsis fit in the info window.  Press up/down to scroll the text.  Arrows may come later for the buttons.  Also put a home buttononlytrigger on the game prompt.  moved disable mainWindow to the beginning of the infoprompt to keep from loading images and stuff from the sd at the same time we are reading the xml file.
2009-07-13 11:19:31 +00:00
c5b6d02cb6 Wad stuff in it´s own directory 2009-07-11 15:33:57 +00:00
9b46eb613a apply flipX settings to gamewall and carousel, fix screensaver bug to keep it from coming on when it is turned off. added support for updating full channel. in order to make the full channel updatable, comment/remove "#define NOTFULLCHANNEL" from promptwindow.h. also there must be a wad to update to (saved as a txt file) on the update server. for some reason the ticket was corrupted when it was stored as a wad.
also there are 6 compile warnings from the conversion of wad.c to .cpp but everything still works and installs fine.
2009-07-11 05:55:29 +00:00
a38c04d73a *Updated to new libogc (you need to update libogc files to be able to compile)
*Added Metaphrasis to the source instead of having it as lib
2009-07-08 21:25:35 +00:00
d73fac1add change the handling of language-files. now use GNU gettext.(i hope, i have no file forgotten) 2009-06-23 18:59:28 +00:00
fd4b98714f * little changes
* remove using of rev.txt
2009-06-13 12:56:24 +00:00
8601abdf29 *Sorting files a bit 2009-06-13 00:24:36 +00:00
940fa4b441 *Reverted cyrex changes to the settings
*Added Japanese UnicodeFix made by Rudolph (thanks) (you still need to compile with a japanese font.ttf to have it work)
*Added missing languagevariables 

issue 517, issue 515, issue 519
2009-06-12 20:11:59 +00:00
0c2c543f46 minor change to use mxml that is included with libogc (identical version) 2009-06-11 18:21:19 +00:00
62fa4e4285 Added support to read game information from xml. The first draft of the xml is in the downloads section of googlecode. Put the file (still zipped) in your titles.txt path. then highlite a game and press 2 to view stuff about the game. If a synopsis exists for that game in the file, you can see it by pressing a. Currently only 1 game has a synopsis.
There are lots of fields that are wrong/missing on the xml but don't tell us about it.  Somebody else (Lustar) will be in charge of keeping up with it.
2009-06-09 05:20:49 +00:00
fa68ab959d *Added support for compiling the revision number into the binary. This is then shown in the credits window, and may be used for online updates eventually.
*Note: Compiling this requires a real (CLI) SVN client.

**For the following operating systems, I recommend these clients.
*Windows: SilkSVN (http://www.silksvn.com/en/download)
*Red Hat based GNU/Linux: SummerSoft (http://the.earth.li/pub/subversion/summersoft.fay.ar.us/pub/subversion/latest/)
*Solaris: Sunfreeware (http://www.sunfreeware.com/)

**For the following operating systems, you can simply type in these shell commands.
*Debian based GNU/Linux: apt-get install subversion
*Fedora based GNU/Linux: yum install subversion
*OpenBSD: pkg_add subversion
*FreeBSD: cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion; make install

**Mac OS X usually comes with subversion, but you can download updates here: openCollabNet (http://downloads.open.collab.net/binaries.html)

**For any operating system not listed above, you can obtain the source here: Tigris (http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=260&expandFolder=74)
2009-05-24 20:11:59 +00:00
bcff8dfd58 *Added MP3 functions and MP3 Menu
2009-05-13 15:56:16 +00:00
d3d8b79873 fixed issue255 2009-05-11 23:57:43 +00:00
c152f5c3d4 *Added Standard IOS option to global settings. This decides with what IOS the Loader is gonna boot next. 2009-05-03 18:53:31 +00:00