*Added URL_List class that gets all Links of an http url.
*Made HomebrewList class dynamic allocated like the URL_List class too now. This saves lots of unused memory.
*Small cleanups
NOTE: Punes made an update too (i didnt know he was doing it). We decided to have both in because of:
Punes update updates only the files that are available on the SD/USB and only when you are doing a complete update.
My update is downloading ALL files from the SVN Link (getting the whole list). These is mainly for people that are getting started or those who want to update the whole LanguageList
disable the screen while saving wad to sd because idiots were misusing it and breaking shit
change the exit prompt so you can exit to HBC even if you didn't came from there
NOTE 1: For this the network has to be initialized!! You can initialize the network with the button at the right bottom of the
Homebrew Launcher or by AutoInit Network.
*Added background Network initialize
*Added AutoUpdateCheck if AutoInit Network Setting is turned on. You will get a prompt if a new Update is available.
NOTE: AutoInit Network can be turned on under GUI Settings.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All those features require network being initialized. Be aware that when network is initialized some games seem
to not want to run, this means its lowers the game load compatibility. Most of the games don't have any problem with it but some
do. Thats why there is an option for the AutoInit Network.
This should fix the weird freezes and crashes while
installing. The ProgressWindow is now in its own thread
and updates the values fast again.
*Added Speed to InstallProgressWindow
Lets see who got the fastest WiiDiskDrive :P (i got up to 5.8MB/s)