#include #include #include #include "language/gettext.h" #include "language/UpdateLanguage.h" #include "prompts/PromptWindows.h" #include "prompts/ProgressWindow.h" #include "libwiigui/gui.h" #include "libwiigui/gui_customoptionbrowser.h" #include "settings/CSettings.h" #include "settings/Gametitles.h" #include "themes/CTheme.h" #include "network/URL_List.h" #include "FileOperations/fileops.h" #include "FileOperations/DirList.h" #include "main.h" #include "filelist.h" #include "prompts/filebrowser.h" #include "sys.h" #include "menu/menus.h" /*** Extern variables ***/ extern u8 shutdown; extern u8 reset; /**************************************************************************** * MenuOGG ***************************************************************************/ bool MenuBackgroundMusic() { bool ret = false; char entered[1024]; int result = -1; snprintf( entered, sizeof( entered ), "%s", Settings.ogg_path ); if ( strcmp( entered, "" ) == 0 ) { sprintf( entered, "%s", Settings.BootDevice ); } else { char * pathptr = strrchr( entered, '/' ); if ( pathptr ) { pathptr++; int choice = WindowPrompt( tr( "Playing Music:" ), pathptr, tr( "Play Previous" ), tr( "Play Next" ), tr( "Change Play Path" ), tr( "Cancel" ) ); if ( choice == 1 ) { return bgMusic->PlayPrevious(); } else if ( choice == 2 ) { return bgMusic->PlayNext(); } else if ( choice == 3 ) { pathptr[0] = 0; } else return true; } else sprintf( entered, "%s", Settings.BootDevice ); } result = BrowseDevice( entered, sizeof( entered ), FB_DEFAULT ); if ( result ) { if ( !bgMusic->Load( entered ) ) { WindowPrompt( tr( "Not supported format!" ), tr( "Loading standard music." ), tr( "OK" ) ); } else ret = true; bgMusic->Play(); bgMusic->SetVolume( Settings.volume ); } return ret; } /**************************************************************************** * MenuLanguageSelect ***************************************************************************/ int MenuLanguageSelect() { int cnt = 0; int ret = 0, choice = 0; int returnhere = 0; char OldLangCode[10]; snprintf(OldLangCode, sizeof(OldLangCode), Settings.db_language); GuiImageData btnOutline(Resources::GetFile("button_dialogue_box.png"), Resources::GetFileSize("button_dialogue_box.png")); GuiImageData settingsbg(Resources::GetFile("settings_background.png"), Resources::GetFileSize("settings_background.png")); GuiTrigger trigA; trigA.SetSimpleTrigger( -1, WPAD_BUTTON_A | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_A, PAD_BUTTON_A ); GuiTrigger trigB; trigB.SetButtonOnlyTrigger( -1, WPAD_BUTTON_B | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_B, PAD_BUTTON_B ); char fullpath[100]; DirList Dir(Settings.languagefiles_path, ".lang"); if ( !strcmp( "", Settings.language_path ) ) { sprintf( fullpath, "%s", tr( "Default" ) ); } else { sprintf( fullpath, "%s", Settings.languagefiles_path ); } GuiText titleTxt( fullpath, 24, ( GXColor ) {0, 0, 0, 255} ); titleTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_MIDDLE ); titleTxt.SetPosition( 0, 0 ); GuiButton pathBtn( 300, 50 ); pathBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP ); pathBtn.SetPosition( 0, 28 ); pathBtn.SetLabel( &titleTxt ); pathBtn.SetSoundOver( btnSoundOver ); pathBtn.SetSoundClick( btnSoundClick2 ); pathBtn.SetTrigger( &trigA ); pathBtn.SetEffectGrow(); GuiImage oggmenubackground( &settingsbg ); oggmenubackground.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP ); oggmenubackground.SetPosition( 0, 0 ); GuiText backBtnTxt( tr( "Back" ) , 22, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows text color")); backBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth( btnOutline.GetWidth() - 30 ); GuiImage backBtnImg( &btnOutline ); if ( Settings.wsprompt == ON ) { backBtnTxt.SetWidescreen( Settings.widescreen ); backBtnImg.SetWidescreen( Settings.widescreen ); } GuiButton backBtn( btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight() ); backBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP ); backBtn.SetPosition( -190, 400 ); backBtn.SetLabel( &backBtnTxt ); backBtn.SetImage( &backBtnImg ); backBtn.SetSoundOver( btnSoundOver ); backBtn.SetSoundClick( btnSoundClick2 ); backBtn.SetTrigger( &trigA ); backBtn.SetTrigger( &trigB ); backBtn.SetEffectGrow(); GuiText defaultBtnTxt( tr( "Default" ) , 22, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows text color")); defaultBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth( btnOutline.GetWidth() - 30 ); GuiImage defaultBtnImg( &btnOutline ); if ( Settings.wsprompt == ON ) { defaultBtnTxt.SetWidescreen( Settings.widescreen ); defaultBtnImg.SetWidescreen( Settings.widescreen ); } GuiButton defaultBtn( btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight() ); defaultBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP ); defaultBtn.SetPosition( 190, 400 ); defaultBtn.SetLabel( &defaultBtnTxt ); defaultBtn.SetImage( &defaultBtnImg ); defaultBtn.SetSoundOver( btnSoundOver ); defaultBtn.SetSoundClick( btnSoundClick2 ); defaultBtn.SetTrigger( &trigA ); defaultBtn.SetEffectGrow(); GuiText updateBtnTxt( tr( "Update Files" ) , 22, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows text color")); updateBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth( btnOutline.GetWidth() - 30 ); GuiImage updateBtnImg( &btnOutline ); if ( Settings.wsprompt == ON ) { updateBtnTxt.SetWidescreen( Settings.widescreen ); updateBtnImg.SetWidescreen( Settings.widescreen ); } GuiButton updateBtn( btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight() ); updateBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP ); updateBtn.SetPosition( 0, 400 ); updateBtn.SetLabel( &updateBtnTxt ); updateBtn.SetImage( &updateBtnImg ); updateBtn.SetSoundOver( btnSoundOver ); updateBtn.SetSoundClick( btnSoundClick2 ); updateBtn.SetTrigger( &trigA ); updateBtn.SetEffectGrow(); OptionList options2; for ( cnt = 0; cnt < Dir.GetFilecount(); cnt++ ) { char filename[64]; strlcpy( filename, Dir.GetFilename( cnt ), sizeof( filename ) ); char *dot = strchr( filename, '.' ); if ( dot ) *dot = '\0'; options2.SetName( cnt, "%s", filename ); options2.SetValue( cnt, NULL ); } GuiCustomOptionBrowser optionBrowser4( 396, 280, &options2, "bg_options_settings.png"); optionBrowser4.SetPosition( 0, 90 ); optionBrowser4.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP ); HaltGui(); GuiWindow w( screenwidth, screenheight ); w.Append( &oggmenubackground ); w.Append( &pathBtn ); w.Append( &backBtn ); w.Append( &defaultBtn ); w.Append( &updateBtn ); w.Append( &optionBrowser4 ); mainWindow->Append( &w ); w.SetEffect( EFFECT_FADE, 20 ); ResumeGui(); while ( w.GetEffect() > 0 ) usleep( 50 ); while ( !returnhere ) { usleep(100); if ( shutdown == 1 ) Sys_Shutdown(); else if ( reset == 1 ) Sys_Reboot(); else if ( backBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED ) { backBtn.ResetState(); break; } else if ( defaultBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED ) { choice = WindowPrompt( tr( "Loading standard language." ), 0, tr( "OK" ), tr( "Cancel" ) ); if ( choice == 1 ) { Settings.LoadLanguage(NULL, CONSOLE_DEFAULT); Settings.Save(); returnhere = 2; } defaultBtn.ResetState(); //optionBrowser4.SetFocus(1); // commented out to prevent crash } else if ( updateBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED ) { choice = WindowPrompt( tr( "Update all Language Files" ), tr( "Do you wish to update/download all language files?" ), tr( "OK" ), tr( "Cancel" ) ); if ( choice == 1 ) { if (IsNetworkInit() || NetworkInitPrompt()) { if(DownloadAllLanguageFiles() > 0) WindowPrompt(tr("Update successfull"), 0, tr("OK")); returnhere = 1; break; } } updateBtn.ResetState(); //optionBrowser4.SetFocus(1); // commented out to prevent crash } else if ( pathBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED ) { w.Remove( &optionBrowser4 ); w.Remove( &backBtn ); w.Remove( &pathBtn ); w.Remove( &defaultBtn ); char entered[43] = ""; strlcpy( entered, Settings.languagefiles_path, sizeof( entered ) ); int result = OnScreenKeyboard( entered, 43, 0 ); w.Append( &optionBrowser4 ); w.Append( &pathBtn ); w.Append( &backBtn ); w.Append( &defaultBtn ); if (result == 1) { if (entered[strlen(entered)-1] != '/') strcat (entered, "/"); snprintf(Settings.languagefiles_path, sizeof(Settings.languagefiles_path), entered); WindowPrompt(tr("Languagepath changed."), 0, tr("OK")); } if ( Dir.GetFilecount() > 0 ) { optionBrowser4.SetFocus( 1 ); } pathBtn.ResetState(); } ret = optionBrowser4.GetClickedOption(); if (ret >= 0) { choice = WindowPrompt( tr( "Do you want to change language?" ), 0, tr( "Yes" ), tr( "Cancel" ) ); if (choice == 1) { char newLangPath[150]; snprintf(Settings.languagefiles_path, sizeof( Settings.languagefiles_path ), "%s", Dir.GetFilepath(ret)); char * ptr = strrchr(Settings.languagefiles_path, '/'); if(ptr) ptr[1] = 0; snprintf(newLangPath, sizeof(newLangPath), "%s", Dir.GetFilepath(ret)); if (!CheckFile(newLangPath)) { WindowPrompt(tr("File not found."), tr("Loading standard language."), tr("OK")); Settings.LoadLanguage(NULL, CONSOLE_DEFAULT); } else { Settings.LoadLanguage(newLangPath); } Settings.Save(); returnhere = 2; break; } optionBrowser4.SetFocus( 1 ); } } //! Reload game list in new language if(strcmp(Settings.db_language, OldLangCode) != 0) { GameTitles.LoadTitlesFromWiiTDB(Settings.titlestxt_path); } w.SetEffect( EFFECT_FADE, -20 ); while ( w.GetEffect() > 0 ) usleep( 50 ); HaltGui(); mainWindow->Remove( &w ); ResumeGui(); return returnhere; } /**************************************************************************** * MenuThemeSelect ***************************************************************************/ int MenuThemeSelect() { int cnt = 0; int ret = 0, choice = 0; int returnVal = 0; GuiImageData btnOutline(Resources::GetFile("button_dialogue_box.png"), Resources::GetFileSize("button_dialogue_box.png")); GuiImageData settingsbg(Resources::GetFile("settings_background.png"), Resources::GetFileSize("settings_background.png")); GuiTrigger trigA; trigA.SetSimpleTrigger( -1, WPAD_BUTTON_A | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_A, PAD_BUTTON_A ); GuiTrigger trigB; trigB.SetButtonOnlyTrigger( -1, WPAD_BUTTON_B | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_B, PAD_BUTTON_B ); GuiText titleTxt(Settings.theme_path, 24, ( GXColor ) {0, 0, 0, 255} ); titleTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_MIDDLE ); titleTxt.SetPosition( 0, 0 ); GuiButton pathBtn( 300, 50 ); pathBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP ); pathBtn.SetPosition( 0, 28 ); pathBtn.SetLabel( &titleTxt ); pathBtn.SetSoundOver( btnSoundOver ); pathBtn.SetSoundClick( btnSoundClick2 ); pathBtn.SetTrigger( &trigA ); pathBtn.SetEffectGrow(); GuiImage backgroundImg( &settingsbg ); backgroundImg.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP ); backgroundImg.SetPosition( 0, 0 ); GuiText backBtnTxt( tr( "Back" ) , 22, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows text color")); backBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth( btnOutline.GetWidth() - 30 ); GuiImage backBtnImg( &btnOutline ); if ( Settings.wsprompt == ON ) { backBtnTxt.SetWidescreen( Settings.widescreen ); backBtnImg.SetWidescreen( Settings.widescreen ); } GuiButton backBtn( btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight() ); backBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP ); backBtn.SetPosition( -190, 400 ); backBtn.SetLabel( &backBtnTxt ); backBtn.SetImage( &backBtnImg ); backBtn.SetSoundOver( btnSoundOver ); backBtn.SetSoundClick( btnSoundClick2 ); backBtn.SetTrigger( &trigA ); backBtn.SetTrigger( &trigB ); backBtn.SetEffectGrow(); GuiText defaultBtnTxt( tr( "Default" ) , 22, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows text color")); defaultBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth( btnOutline.GetWidth() - 30 ); GuiImage defaultBtnImg( &btnOutline ); if ( Settings.wsprompt == ON ) { defaultBtnTxt.SetWidescreen( Settings.widescreen ); defaultBtnImg.SetWidescreen( Settings.widescreen ); } GuiButton defaultBtn( btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight() ); defaultBtn.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP ); defaultBtn.SetPosition( 190, 400 ); defaultBtn.SetLabel( &defaultBtnTxt ); defaultBtn.SetImage( &defaultBtnImg ); defaultBtn.SetSoundOver( btnSoundOver ); defaultBtn.SetSoundClick( btnSoundClick2 ); defaultBtn.SetTrigger( &trigA ); defaultBtn.SetEffectGrow(); DirList * Dir = new DirList(Settings.theme_path, ".them"); OptionList options2; for ( cnt = 0; cnt < Dir->GetFilecount(); cnt++ ) { char filename[64]; strlcpy( filename, Dir->GetFilename( cnt ), sizeof( filename ) ); char *dot = strchr( filename, '.' ); if ( dot ) *dot = '\0'; options2.SetName( cnt, "%s", filename ); options2.SetValue( cnt, NULL ); } GuiCustomOptionBrowser optionBrowser4( 396, 280, &options2, "bg_options_settings.png"); optionBrowser4.SetPosition( 0, 90 ); optionBrowser4.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP ); HaltGui(); GuiWindow w( screenwidth, screenheight ); w.Append( &backgroundImg ); w.Append( &pathBtn ); w.Append( &backBtn ); w.Append( &optionBrowser4 ); mainWindow->Append( &w ); w.SetEffect( EFFECT_FADE, 20 ); ResumeGui(); while ( w.GetEffect() > 0 ) usleep(100); while (returnVal == 0) { usleep(100); if (shutdown) Sys_Shutdown(); else if (reset) Sys_Reboot(); else if ( backBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED ) break; else if ( defaultBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED ) { choice = WindowPrompt( tr( "Loading default theme." ), 0, tr( "OK" ), tr( "Cancel" ) ); if ( choice == 1 ) { snprintf(Settings.theme_path, sizeof(Settings.theme_path), "%stheme/", Settings.ConfigPath); strcpy(Settings.theme, ""); Theme::SetDefault(); Settings.Save(); returnVal = 1; } defaultBtn.ResetState(); } else if ( pathBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED ) { w.Remove( &optionBrowser4 ); w.Remove( &backBtn ); w.Remove( &pathBtn ); w.Remove( &defaultBtn ); int result = BrowseDevice(Settings.theme_path, sizeof(Settings.theme_path), FB_DEFAULT, noFILES); w.Append( &optionBrowser4 ); w.Append( &pathBtn ); w.Append( &backBtn ); w.Append( &defaultBtn ); if (result == 1) { if (Settings.theme_path[strlen(Settings.theme_path)-1] != '/') strcat(Settings.theme_path, "/"); HaltGui(); delete Dir; Dir = new DirList(Settings.theme_path, ".them"); options2.ClearList(); for ( cnt = 0; cnt < Dir->GetFilecount(); cnt++ ) { char filename[64]; strlcpy( filename, Dir->GetFilename( cnt ), sizeof( filename ) ); char *dot = strchr( filename, '.' ); if ( dot ) *dot = '\0'; options2.SetName( cnt, "%s", filename ); options2.SetValue( cnt, NULL ); } titleTxt.SetText(Settings.theme_path); ResumeGui(); WindowPrompt( tr( "Theme path is changed." ), 0, tr( "OK" ) ); } pathBtn.ResetState(); } ret = optionBrowser4.GetClickedOption(); if (ret >= 0 && ret < Dir->GetFilecount()) { choice = WindowPrompt( tr( "Do you want to load this theme?" ), Dir->GetFilename(ret), tr( "Yes" ), tr( "Cancel" ) ); if ( choice == 1 ) { snprintf(Settings.theme, sizeof( Settings.theme ), "%s", Dir->GetFilepath(ret)); if ( !CheckFile( Settings.theme ) ) { WindowPrompt( tr( "File not found." ), tr( "Loading default theme." ), tr( "OK" ) ); Theme::SetDefault(); strcpy(Settings.theme, ""); } else { HaltGui(); Theme::Load(Settings.theme); ResumeGui(); } Settings.Save(); returnVal = 1; break; } optionBrowser4.SetFocus( 1 ); } } w.SetEffect( EFFECT_FADE, -20 ); while ( w.GetEffect() > 0 ) usleep(100); HaltGui(); mainWindow->Remove( &w ); ResumeGui(); delete Dir; return returnVal; }