# USB Loader GX language source file.
# japanese.lang - r1142
# don't delete/change this line (e).
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: USB Loader GX\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-06-15 16:02+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-10-01 01:00+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: hosigumayuugi\n"
"Language-Team: hosigumayuugi\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: \n"

msgid " could not be downloaded."
msgstr "ダウンロードできませんでした"

msgid " has been Saved.  The text has not been verified.  Some of the code may not work right with each other.  If you experience trouble, open the text in a real text editor for more information."
msgstr "に保存されました。使用は 自己責任でお願いします"

msgid " is not on the server."
msgstr "はサーバーにありません"

#, c-format
msgid "%i files not found on the server!"
msgstr "%i 個のファイルがサーバーにありません"

#, c-format
msgid "%i missing files"
msgstr "%i 個のファイルが不足しています"

#, c-format
msgid "%i WAD file(s) not processed!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%i WAD found."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s only accepts GameCube backups in ISO format."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s requires AHB access! Please launch USBLoaderGX from HBC or from an updated channel or forwarder."
msgstr ""

msgid "--==       Devolution"
msgstr ""

msgid "--==       Nintendont"
msgstr ""

msgid "--==   DIOS MIOS (Lite) "
msgstr ""

msgid "--==  DM(L) + Nintendont"
msgstr ""

msgid "/\\/\\"
msgstr ""

msgid "0 (Everyone)"
msgstr "セットしない"

msgid "1 (Child 7+)"
msgstr "7歳以上を制限"

msgid "1 hour"
msgstr "1時間"

msgid "10 min"
msgstr "10分"

msgid "2 (Teen 12+)"
msgstr "12歳以上を制限"

msgid "20 min"
msgstr "20分"

msgid "2D Cover Path"
msgstr "2Dカバー"

msgid "3 (Mature 16+)"
msgstr "16歳以上を制限"

msgid "3 min"
msgstr "3分"

msgid "30 min"
msgstr "30分"

msgid "3D Cover Path"
msgstr "3Dカバー"

msgid "3D Covers"
msgstr "3Dカバー"

msgid "4 (Adults Only 18+)"
msgstr "CERO Zを制限"

msgid "480p Pixel Fix Patch"
msgstr ""

msgid "5 min"
msgstr "5分"

msgid "=== GameCube Settings"
msgstr ""

msgid "AUTO"
msgstr "自動"

msgid "AXNextFrame"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add category"
msgstr "カテゴリを追加"

msgid "Adjust Overscan X"
msgstr "オーバースキャン調整 X"

msgid "Adjust Overscan Y"
msgstr "オーバースキャン調整 Y"

msgid "After zoom"
msgstr "ズーム後"

msgid "All"
msgstr "全て"

msgid "All Partitions"
msgstr "全ての領域"

msgid "All files extracted."
msgstr "全てのファイルを書き出しました"

msgid "All images downloaded successfully."
msgstr "全ての画像をダウンロードしました"

msgid "All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked."
msgstr "使用制限が解除されました"

msgid "All WAD files processed successfully."
msgstr ""

msgid "Alternate DOL"
msgstr "代替DOL起動"

msgid "AltWFC"
msgstr ""

msgid "An example file was created here:"
msgstr "テンプレファイルが作成されました:"

msgid "Animation Start"
msgstr "アニメ開始"

msgid "App Language"
msgstr "使用言語"

msgid "Apply"
msgstr "適用"

msgid "Apr"
msgstr "4月"

msgid "Are you really sure you want to delete all selected games from the SD card?"
msgstr "選択した全てのゲームをSDカードから削除しますか?"

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this category?"
msgstr "カテゴリを削除しますか?"

msgid "Are you sure you want to import game categories from GameTDB?"
msgstr "GameTDBからカテゴリをインポートしますか?"

msgid "Are you sure you want to install on SD?"
msgstr "SDカードにインストールしますか?"

msgid "Are you sure you want to lock USB Loader GX?"
msgstr "USB Loader GXをロックしますか?"

msgid "Are you sure you want to remount SD?"
msgstr "SDカードを再マウントしますか?"

msgid "Are you sure you want to reset?"
msgstr "リセットしますか?"

msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "よろしいですか?"

msgid "Aspect Ratio"
msgstr "アスペクト比"

msgid "Attention!"
msgstr "注意!"

msgid "Attention: All savegames will be deleted."
msgstr ""

msgid "Aug"
msgstr "8月"

msgid "Author(s):"
msgstr "制作者:"

msgid "Auto"
msgstr "自動"

msgid "Auto Boot"
msgstr ""

msgid "AutoInit Network"
msgstr "自動ネット接続"

msgid "BCA Codes Path"
msgstr "BCAコード"

msgid "Back"
msgstr "もどる"

msgid "Back to HBC or Wii Menu"
msgstr "HBC/Wiiメニューへ"

msgid "Background Music"
msgstr "BGM"

msgid "Banner Animation"
msgstr "バナーアニメ"

msgid "Banner Animation Settings"
msgstr "バナーアニメ設定"

msgid "Banner On Channels"
msgstr "チャンネル上のバナー"

msgid "Banner grid layout is only available with AHBPROT! Please consider installing new HBC version."
msgstr "バナーグリッドレイアウトはAHBPROTが有効でないといけません!新しいHBCに更新してください"

msgid "Banner window is only available with AHBPROT! Please consider installing new HBC version."
msgstr "バナーウインドウはAHBPROTが有効でないといけません!新しいHBCに更新してください"

msgid "Big thanks to:"
msgstr "協力:"

msgid "Block Categories Menu"
msgstr "カテゴリメニューを制限"

msgid "Block Categories Modify"
msgstr "カテゴリの編集を制限"

msgid "Block Cover Downloads"
msgstr "カバーのダウンロードを制限"

msgid "Block Custom Paths"
msgstr "パスの変更を制限"

msgid "Block Feature Settings"
msgstr "機能設定を制限"

msgid "Block Game Install"
msgstr "ゲームの追加を制限"

msgid "Block Game Settings"
msgstr "ゲーム設定を制限"

msgid "Block GameID Change"
msgstr "ゲームIDの変更を制限"

msgid "Block Global Settings"
msgstr "設定を全て制限"

msgid "Block Gui Settings"
msgstr "基本設定を制限"

msgid "Block HBC Menu"
msgstr "HBCメニューを制限"

msgid "Block Hard Drive Settings"
msgstr "HDD設定を制限"

msgid "Block IOS Reload"
msgstr "IOS再読み込み防止"

msgid "Block Loader Layout Button"
msgstr ""

msgid "Block Loader Mode Button"
msgstr "ローダーモードボタンを制限"

msgid "Block Loader Settings"
msgstr "ローダーの設定を制限"

msgid "Block Parental Settings"
msgstr "使用制限設定を制限"

msgid "Block Priiloader Override"
msgstr "Priiloader上書きを制限"

msgid "Block Reset Settings"
msgstr "設定の初期化を制限"

msgid "Block SD Reload Button"
msgstr "SD再読み込みボタンを制限"

msgid "Block Sound Settings"
msgstr "サウンド設定を制限"

msgid "Block Theme Downloader"
msgstr "テーマのダウンロードを制限"

msgid "Block Theme Menu"
msgstr "テーマメニューを制限"

msgid "Block Title Launcher"
msgstr "タイトル起動を制限"

msgid "Block Updates"
msgstr "更新を制限"

msgid "Boot Content"
msgstr "起動コンテンツ"

msgid "Boot Neek System Menu"
msgstr ""

msgid "Boot?"
msgstr "起動しますか?"

msgid "Both"
msgstr "IDとリージョンを表示"

msgid "Both Ports"
msgstr "両方のポート"

msgid "CC Rumble"
msgstr ""

msgid "Cache BNR Files"
msgstr "BNRファイルをキャッシュ"

msgid "Cache BNR Files Path"
msgstr "BNRファイルキャッシュ"

msgid "Cache Path"
msgstr ""

msgid "Cache Titles"
msgstr "ゲーム名のキャッシュ"

msgid "Can't be formatted"
msgstr "初期化できません"

msgid "Can't create directory"
msgstr "フォルダを作れません"

#, c-format
msgid "Can't create file: %s"
msgstr "ファイルを作成できません: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Can't create path: %s"
msgstr "パスを作成できません: %s"

msgid "Can't delete:"
msgstr "削除できません:"

msgid "Can't mount or unknown disc format."
msgstr "マウントできないか不明なディスク形式です"

#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file for write: %s"
msgstr "ファイルを開けません: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Can't open file: %s"
msgstr "ファイルを開けません: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Can't read file: %s"
msgstr "ファイルを読み込めません: %s"

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "やめる"

msgid "Can't write to destination."
msgstr "出力先に書き込めません"

msgid "Categories"
msgstr "カテゴリ"

msgid "Categories:"
msgstr "カテゴリ:"

msgid "Change Play Path"
msgstr "パスの変更"

msgid "Channel Launcher"
msgstr "チャンネルランチャー"

msgid "Channel Path"
msgstr ""

msgid "Channels"
msgstr "チャンネル"

msgid "Cheatfile is blank"
msgstr "チートファイルがありません"

msgid "Clear"
msgstr "クリア"

msgid "Click to download covers"
msgstr "クリックでカバーをダウンロード"

msgid "Click to view information"
msgstr ""

msgid "Clock"
msgstr "時計の表示"

msgid "Clock Scale Factor"
msgstr "時計のサイズ"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "とじる"

msgid "Code Download"
msgstr "コードをダウンロード"

#, c-format
msgid "Coded by: %s"
msgstr "開発: %s"

msgid "Coding:"
msgstr "開発者:"

msgid "Connection to server timed out."
msgstr "接続がタイムアウトしました"

msgid "Console"
msgstr "状態"

msgid "Console Default"
msgstr "初期値"

msgid "Console Locked"
msgstr "GXはロックされています"

msgid "Console must be unlocked for this option."
msgstr "変更にはロックの解除が必要です"

msgid "Console must be unlocked to be able to use this."
msgstr "これを使うにはロックの解除が必要です"

msgid "Console should be unlocked to modify it."
msgstr "変更にはロックの解除が必要です"

msgid "Continue"
msgstr "続行"

msgid "Continue to install game?"
msgstr "このゲームをインストールしますか?"

msgid "Continue?"
msgstr "続行しますか?"

msgid "Controllevel"
msgstr "制限レベル"

msgid "Copy"
msgstr "コピー"

msgid "Copying Canceled"
msgstr "コピーを中止しました"

msgid "Copying GC game..."
msgstr "GCゲームをコピー中..."

msgid "Copying files..."
msgstr "ファイルをコピー中..."

msgid "Correct Password"
msgstr "正しい暗証番号です"

msgid "Could not connect to the server."
msgstr "サーバーに再接続できません"

msgid "Could not create GCT file"
msgstr "GCTファイルを作成できませんでした"

#, c-format
msgid "Could not create path: %s"
msgstr "パスを作成できません: %s"

msgid "Could not extract files for:"
msgstr "書き出しできません:"

msgid "Could not find info for this game in the wiitdb.xml."
msgstr "wiitdb.xmlにこのゲームの情報が見つかりませんでした"

msgid "Could not get free device space for game."
msgstr "空き容量を取得できませんでした"

msgid "Could not initialize DIP module!"
msgstr "DIPモジュールを初期化できません!"

msgid "Could not initialize network!"
msgstr "ネットに接続できませんでした!"

msgid "Could not initialize network, time out!"
msgstr "ネットワークに接続できませんでした"

msgid "Could not open Disc"
msgstr "ディスクを開けませんでした"

msgid "Could not open the WiiTDB.xml file."
msgstr "wiitdb.xmlを開けませんでした"

msgid "Could not open wiitdb.xml."
msgstr "wiitdb.xmlを開けませんでした"

msgid "Could not save."
msgstr "保存できませんでした"

msgid "Could not write file."
msgstr "ファイルを書き込めません"

msgid "Could not write to:"
msgstr "書き込めません:"

msgid "Cover Action"
msgstr ""

msgid "Cover Download"
msgstr "何をダウンロードしますか"

msgid "Create"
msgstr "作成"

msgid "Credits"
msgstr "提供・協力"

msgid "Crop Overscan"
msgstr ""

msgid "Current neek files are not neek2o. Game autoboot disabled."
msgstr ""

msgid "Custom Address"
msgstr "カスタム アドレス"

msgid "Custom Banners"
msgstr "カスタムバナー"

msgid "Custom Game IOS"
msgstr ""

msgid "Custom Games IOS"
msgstr ""

msgid "Custom Paths"
msgstr "パスを変更"

msgid "Custom"
msgstr "カスタム"

msgid "Customs"
msgstr "カスタム"

msgid "Customs/Original"
msgstr "カスタムを優先"

msgid "D Buttons"
msgstr ""

msgid "DOL Path"
msgstr "代替DOL"

msgid "Debug"
msgstr "デバッグ"

msgid "Debug Wait"
msgstr "デバッグ待機"

msgid "Debugger Paused Start"
msgstr "デバッガ待機スタート"

msgid "Dec"
msgstr "12月"

msgid "Default"
msgstr "初期値"

msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "設定を初期化"

msgid "Deflicker Filter"
msgstr ""

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "削除しますか"

msgid "Delete Cached Banner"
msgstr "キャッシュ済みバナーを削除"

msgid "Delete Cheat GCT"
msgstr "GCTファイルを削除"

msgid "Delete Cheat TXT"
msgstr "TXTコードを削除"

msgid "Delete Cover Artwork"
msgstr "カバー画像を削除"

msgid "Delete Disc Artwork"
msgstr "ディスク画像を削除"

msgid "Delete category"
msgstr "カテゴリを削除"

msgid "Deleting directories..."
msgstr "ディレクトリを削除中..."

msgid "Deleting files..."
msgstr "ファイルを削除中..."

msgid "Design:"
msgstr "デザイン:"

msgid "Details"
msgstr "詳細"

msgid "Developed by"
msgstr "開発者:"

msgid "Developer:"
msgstr "開発者:"

msgid "Devolution"
msgstr "Devolution"

msgid "Devolution Loader Path"
msgstr "Devolutionローダー"

msgid "Devolution's loader.bin file can't be loaded."
msgstr "Devolutionのloader.binが読み込めません"

msgid "Directory does not exist!"
msgstr "フォルダがありません"

msgid "Disc"
msgstr ""

msgid "Disc 1"
msgstr ""

msgid "Disc 2"
msgstr ""

msgid "Disc Artwork"
msgstr ""

msgid "Disc Artwork Download"
msgstr "使用するディスク画像"

msgid "Disc Artwork Path"
msgstr "ディスク画像"

msgid "Disc Default"
msgstr "ディスクの初期値"

msgid "Disc Insert Detected"
msgstr "ディスクの挿入を検知しました"

msgid "Disc Read Delay"
msgstr ""

msgid "Disc read error."
msgstr "読み込みエラー"

msgid "Disc-Select Prompt"
msgstr ""

msgid "Disc2 needs to be installed in uncompressed format to work with DM(L) v2.6+, are you sure you want to install in compressed format?"
msgstr ""

msgid "DiskFlip"
msgstr "ディスクの回転風"

msgid "Display"
msgstr "ゲーム情報"

msgid "Display as a carousel"
msgstr "回転トレイ風に表示"

msgid "Display as a channel grid"
msgstr "チャンネルグリッドで表示"

msgid "Display as a grid"
msgstr "格子風に表示"

msgid "Display as a list"
msgstr "リスト表示"

msgid "Display favorites only"
msgstr "お気に入りのみ表示"

msgid "Do you want to apply it now?"
msgstr "適用しますか?"

msgid "Do you want to apply this theme?"
msgstr "このテーマを使いますか?"

msgid "Do you want to change language?"
msgstr "言語を変更しますか?"

msgid "Do you want to continue with next game?"
msgstr "次のゲームに続行しますか?"

msgid "Do you want to copy now?"
msgstr "コピーしますか?"

msgid "Do you want to copy the game to SD or delete a game on SD?"
msgstr "ゲームをSDにコピーするか削除しますか?"

msgid "Do you want to delete a game on SD?"
msgstr "SDのゲームを削除しますか?"

msgid "Do you want to discard changes?"
msgstr "変更を破棄しますか?"

msgid "Do you want to download this theme?"
msgstr "ダウンロードしますか?"

msgid "Do you want to extract all the save games?"
msgstr "全てのセーブを書き出しますか?"

msgid "Do you want to extract the save game?"
msgstr "セーブデータを書き出しますか?"

msgid "Do you want to format:"
msgstr "初期化しますか?"

msgid "Do you want to install selected games?"
msgstr "選択したゲームをインストールしますか?"

msgid "Do you want to load the default theme?"
msgstr "標準のテーマを読み込みますか?"

msgid "Do you want to move the file(s)? Any existing ones will be deleted!"
msgstr ""

msgid "Do you want to re-init network?"
msgstr "ネットワークに再接続しますか?"

msgid "Do you want to start the game now?"
msgstr "ゲームを起動しますか?"

msgid "Do you want to sync free space info sector on all FAT32 partitions?"
msgstr "全てのFAT32領域のセクタで空き容量情報を同期しますか?"

msgid "Do you wish to update/download all language files?"
msgstr "すべての言語をダウンロードしますか?"

msgid "Dol Video Patch"
msgstr ""

msgid "Download"
msgstr "ダウンロード"

msgid "Download Now"
msgstr "ダウンロード"

msgid "Download finished"
msgstr "ダウンロードが終了しました"

msgid "Downloading 3D Covers"
msgstr "両面カバーをダウンロード中"

msgid "Downloading Custom Banners"
msgstr "カスタムバナーをダウンロード中"

msgid "Downloading Flat Covers"
msgstr "正面カバーをダウンロード中"

msgid "Downloading Full HQ Covers"
msgstr "フルカバー(精細)をダウンロード中"

msgid "Downloading Full LQ Covers"
msgstr "フルカバー(普通)をダウンロード中"

msgid "Downloading Custom Disc Artwork"
msgstr ""

msgid "Downloading file..."
msgstr "ダウンロード中です..."

msgid "Downloading image:"
msgstr "画像をダウンロード中"

msgid "Downloading Original Disc Artwork"
msgstr ""

msgid "Downloading pagelist:"
msgstr "リストをダウンロード中:"

msgid "Dump NAND to EmuNAND"
msgstr "NANDをエミュNANDへダンプ"

msgid "During zoom"
msgstr "ズーム中"

msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "オランダ語"

msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "エラー"

msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "エラー:"

msgid "ERROR: Can't set up theme."
msgstr "テーマを適用できませんでした"

msgid "EmuNAND WAD Manager"
msgstr ""

msgid "EmuNAND Channel Mode"
msgstr ""

msgid "EmuNAND Channel Path"
msgstr ""

msgid "EmuNAND Channels"
msgstr "エミュNANDチャンネル"

msgid "EmuNAND Save Mode"
msgstr ""

msgid "EmuNAND Save Path"
msgstr ""

msgid "Emulated NAND"
msgstr "エミュNAND"

msgid "English"
msgstr "英語"

msgid "Enter Path"
msgstr "パスを入力"

msgid "Error"
msgstr "エラー"

msgid "Error !"
msgstr "エラー!"

#, c-format
msgid "Error creating path: %s"
msgstr "パスの作成エラー: %s"

msgid "Error opening downloaded file"
msgstr "ダウンロードしたファイルを開けません"

msgid "Error reading Disc"
msgstr "読み込みに失敗しました"

msgid "Error reading disc"
msgstr "ディスク読み込みエラー"

#, c-format
msgid "Error when downloading file: %i"
msgstr "ダウンロードに失敗: %i"

msgid "Error while downloding file"
msgstr "ダウンロードに失敗しました"

msgid "Error while opening the zip."
msgstr "zipファイルを開けません"

msgid "Error while transfering data."
msgstr "転送中にエラーが発生しました"

msgid "Error while updating USB Loader GX."
msgstr "更新中にエラーが発生しました"

msgid "Error writing the data."
msgstr "データの書き込み中にエラーが発生しました"

msgid "Error:"
msgstr "エラー:"

msgid "Error: Not enough space on SD."
msgstr "エラー:SDの空き容量が不足しています"

msgid "Errors occured."
msgstr "エラーが発生しました"

msgid "Everything"
msgstr "全て"

msgid "Exit"
msgstr "終了"

msgid "Exit to where?"
msgstr "どこに移動しますか?"

msgid "Export All Saves to EmuNAND"
msgstr "全てのセーブをエミュNANDに転送"

msgid "Export Miis to EmuNAND"
msgstr "MiiをエミュNANDに転送"

msgid "Export SYSCONF to EmuNAND"
msgstr "SYSCONFをエミュNANDに転送"

msgid "Extract Miis to the EmuNAND?"
msgstr "エミュNANDにMiiを書き出しますか?"

msgid "Extract SYSCONF to the EmuNAND?"
msgstr "エミュNANDにSYSCONFを書き出しますか?"

msgid "Extract Save to EmuNAND"
msgstr "セーブをエミュNANDに書き出す"

msgid "Extracting file:"
msgstr "書き出し中:"

msgid "Extracting files..."
msgstr "解凍中です…"

msgid "Extracting files:"
msgstr "書き出し中:"

msgid "Extracting NAND files:"
msgstr "NANDファイルを書き出し中:"

msgid "F-Zero AX"
msgstr ""

msgid "Failed"
msgstr "失敗"

msgid "Failed copying file"
msgstr "コピー失敗"

msgid "Failed formating"
msgstr "初期化に失敗しました"

msgid "Failed to extract all files. Savegame might not exist."
msgstr "全てのファイルを書き出せません。セーブがありません"

msgid "Failed to extract."
msgstr "解凍に失敗しました"

msgid "Failed to initialize the USB storage device."
msgstr "USBデバイスを初期化できませんでした"

msgid "Failed to open partition"
msgstr "領域を開けませんでした"

msgid "Failed to read ticket."
msgstr "チケットを読み込めません"

msgid "Failed to read tmd file."
msgstr "TMDファイルを読み込めません"

msgid "Failed to read WAD header."
msgstr "WADヘッダを読み込めません"

msgid "Failed updating"
msgstr "更新に失敗しました"

msgid "Favorite Level"
msgstr "お気に入りレベル"

msgid "Features"
msgstr "機能"

msgid "Features Settings"
msgstr "機能設定"

msgid "Feb"
msgstr "2月"

msgid "File"
msgstr ""

msgid "File not found."
msgstr "ファイルが見つかりません"

msgid "File read/write error."
msgstr "ファイルの読み書きエラー"

msgid "Files extracted successfully."
msgstr "ファイルを書き出しました"

#, c-format
msgid "Filesize is %i Byte."
msgstr "ファイルサイズが%iバイトです"

msgid "Filesize is 0 Byte."
msgstr "ファイルサイズが0バイトです"

msgid "Flat Covers"
msgstr "正面カバー"

msgid "Flip-X"
msgstr "ゲームリストの回転"

msgid "Folder"
msgstr ""

msgid "Font Scale Factor"
msgstr "文字サイズの補正率"

msgid "Force 16:9"
msgstr "16:9に強制"

msgid "Force 4:3"
msgstr "4:3に強制"

msgid "Force NTSC"
msgstr "NTSCに強制"

msgid "Force NTSC480p"
msgstr "NTSC480pに強制"

msgid "Force PAL480p"
msgstr "PAL480pに強制"

msgid "Force PAL50"
msgstr "PAL50に強制"

msgid "Force PAL60"
msgstr "PAL60に強制"

msgid "Force Widescreen"
msgstr ""

msgid "Format"
msgstr "初期化"

msgid "Formatting, please wait..."
msgstr "初期化中です、お待ち下さい..."

msgid "Found missing images"
msgstr "不足画像が見つかりました"

msgid "Frame"
msgstr "フレーム"

msgid "Frame Projection Height"
msgstr "フレーム角の高さ"

msgid "Frame Projection Width"
msgstr "フレーム角の幅"

msgid "Frame Projection X-Offset"
msgstr "フレーム角のXオフセット"

msgid "Frame Projection Y-Offset"
msgstr "フレーム角のyオフセット"

msgid "Framebuffer"
msgstr ""

msgid "Frames"
msgstr "フレーム"

msgid "Free Space"
msgstr "空き"

msgid "French"
msgstr "フランス語"

msgid "Full"
msgstr "フル"

msgid "Full Cover Path"
msgstr "フルカバー"

msgid "Full Covers"
msgstr "フルカバー"

msgid "Full Menu"
msgstr "完全なメニュー"

msgid "Full Covers Download"
msgstr "フルカバーのダウンロード"

msgid "Full shutdown"
msgstr "シャットダウン"

msgid "GAMEID_Gamename"
msgstr "ゲームID_ゲーム名"

msgid "GC Banner Scale"
msgstr "GCバナーの大きさ"

msgid "GC Games"
msgstr "GCゲーム"

msgid "GC Install 32K Aligned"
msgstr "GCインストール時に32K整列"

msgid "GC Install Compressed"
msgstr "GCインストール時の圧縮"

msgid "GCT Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr "GCTチート"

msgid "GCT File created"
msgstr "GCTファイルを作成しました"

msgid "GUI Settings"
msgstr "基本設定"

msgid "GXDraw"
msgstr ""

msgid "GXFlush"
msgstr ""

msgid "GameCube Games Delete"
msgstr "GCゲームの削除"

msgid "GameCube Install Menu"
msgstr "GCインストールメニュー"

msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "IDのみ"

msgid "Game IOS"
msgstr "使用するIOS"

msgid "Game Language"
msgstr "ゲームの言語"

msgid "Game Load"
msgstr "ゲームの起動方法"

msgid "Game Lock"
msgstr "ロック"

msgid "Game Only"
msgstr "ゲームのみ"

msgid "Game Region"
msgstr "リージョンのみ"

msgid "Game Size"
msgstr "容量"

msgid "Game Sound Mode"
msgstr "サウンドモード"

msgid "Game Sound Volume"
msgstr "サウンドの音量"

msgid "Game Split Size"
msgstr "ゲームの分割サイズ"

msgid "Game Window Mode"
msgstr "ゲームウインドウ表示"

msgid "Game is already installed:"
msgstr "このゲームは既にインストールされています:"

msgid "Games IOS"
msgstr ""

msgid "Game/Install Partition"
msgstr "ゲームのインストール領域"

msgid "GameCube"
msgstr "ゲームキューブ"

msgid "GameCube Controller"
msgstr ""

msgid "GameCube Mode"
msgstr "GCモード"

msgid "GameCube Source"
msgstr ""

msgid "Gamename [GAMEID]"
msgstr "ゲーム名 [ゲームID]"

msgid "GameTDB"
msgstr ""

msgid "Games"
msgstr "ゲーム"

msgid "Generating GXGameCategories.xml"
msgstr "GXGameCategories.xmlを作成中です"

msgid "Genre:"
msgstr "ジャンル:"

msgid "German"
msgstr "ドイツ語"

msgid "Getting file list..."
msgstr "ファイルリストを取得中..."

msgid "Getting game folder size..."
msgstr "フォルダサイズを取得中..."

msgid "Global Settings"
msgstr "基本設定"

msgid "Grid Scroll Speed"
msgstr "グリッドスクロール速度"

msgid "HOME Menu"
msgstr "HOMEボタンメニュー"

msgid "Hard Drive Settings"
msgstr "HDD設定"

msgid "High Quality"
msgstr "高品質"

msgid "High/Low"
msgstr "高/低"

msgid "Homebrew Apps Path"
msgstr "Homebrewアプリ"

msgid "Homebrew Channel"
msgstr "HBCへ"

msgid "Homebrew Launcher"
msgstr "Homebrewランチャー"

msgid "Hooktype"
msgstr "フックタイプ"

msgid "Hour"
msgstr "時間"

msgid "How to Shutdown?"
msgstr "終了方法の選択"

msgid "Import Categories"
msgstr "カテゴリをインポート"

msgid "Import operation successfully completed."
msgstr "インポートに成功しました"

msgid "Importing categories"
msgstr "カテゴリをインポート中です"

#, c-format
msgid "Incoming file %0.2fKB"
msgstr "ファイルを受信中 %0.2fKB"

#, c-format
msgid "Incoming file %0.2fMB"
msgstr "ファイルを受信中 %0.2fMB"

msgid "Individual"
msgstr "個別"

msgid "Information"
msgstr ""

msgid "Initializing Network"
msgstr "接続中・・・"

msgid "Insert Disk"
msgstr "ディスクを入れてください"

msgid "Insert a Wii or a GameCube Disc!"
msgstr "ゲームディスクを入れてください!"

msgid "Install"
msgstr "インストール"

msgid "Install Canceled"
msgstr "インストールを中止しました"

msgid "Install Directories"
msgstr "インストールフォルダ"

msgid "Install Error!"
msgstr "インストールエラー!"

msgid "Install Partitions"
msgstr "インストール領域"

msgid "Install a game"
msgstr "ゲームをインストール"

msgid "Install error - Cleaning incomplete data."
msgstr ""

msgid "Install finished"
msgstr "インストールが終了しました"

msgid "Installing GameCube Game..."
msgstr "GCゲームをインストール中..."

msgid "Installing content"
msgstr "コンテンツをインストール中"

msgid "Installing game:"
msgstr "ゲームをインストール中:"

msgid "Installing title..."
msgstr "タイトルをインストール中..."

msgid "Invalid IOS number entered. Number must be -1 for inherit or 200 - 255."
msgstr "不正なIOS番号です。200-255までの番号を入力してください"

msgid "Invalid WAD file."
msgstr "不正なWADファイルです"

msgid "It seems that you have some information that will be helpful to us. Please pass this information along to the DEV team."
msgstr "この情報は開発者までお知らせください"

msgid "Italian"
msgstr "イタリア語"

msgid "Jan"
msgstr "1月"

msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "日本語"

msgid "Japanese Patch"
msgstr ""

msgid "Joypad"
msgstr ""

msgid "July"
msgstr "7月"

msgid "June"
msgstr "6月"

msgid "KPAD Read"
msgstr ""

msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "キーボードのタイプ"

msgid "Korean"
msgstr "韓国語"

msgid "LED Activity"
msgstr ""

msgid "Language Files"
msgstr "言語ファイル"

msgid "Language change:"
msgstr "言語の変更"

msgid "Languagefiles Path"
msgstr "言語ファイル"

msgid "Languagepath changed."
msgstr "言語のパスを変更しました"

msgid "Launching Wii games with emulated NAND only works on d2x cIOS! Change game IOS to a d2x cIOS first."
msgstr ""

msgid "Launching emulated NAND channels only works on d2x cIOS! Change game IOS to a d2x cIOS first."
msgstr "エミュNANDチャンネルはd2x cIOSでないと動作しません!IOSをd2x cIOSに変更してください"

msgid "Left"
msgstr "左ボタンで"

msgid "Like SysMenu"
msgstr "Wiiメニュー風"

msgid "List on game launch"
msgstr "ゲーム起動時にリスト"

msgid "Load"
msgstr "はじめる"

msgid "Load from SD/USB"
msgstr "SD/USBからロード"

#, c-format
msgid "Load file from: %s ?"
msgstr "%sからファイルをロードしますか?"

msgid "Load this DOL as alternate DOL?"
msgstr "このDOLを代替DOLとしてロードしますか?"

msgid "Loader Settings"
msgstr "ローダーの設定"

msgid "Loaders IOS"
msgstr ""

msgid "Loading standard language."
msgstr "標準の言語に変更しますか"

msgid "Loading standard music."
msgstr "初期設定に戻しますか"

msgid "Lock Console"
msgstr "GXをロック"

msgid "Lock USB Loader GX"
msgstr "ロックする"

msgid "Locked"
msgstr "ロック中"

msgid "Log to file"
msgstr ""

msgid "Loop Directory"
msgstr "フォルダ内でループ"

msgid "Loop Music"
msgstr "ループさせる"

msgid "Loop Sound"
msgstr "ループさせる"

msgid "Low Quality"
msgstr "低品質"

msgid "Low/High"
msgstr "低/高"

msgid "MIOS (Default & Customs)"
msgstr "MIOS(公式&カスタム)"

msgid "Main DOL"
msgstr "main.dol"

msgid "Main GameCube Games Path"
msgstr "GCゲーム(メイン)"

msgid "Main GameCube Path"
msgstr "ゲームキューブ"

msgid "Main Path"
msgstr "メインパス"

msgid "Manual (40~120)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Mar"
msgstr "3月"

msgid "Mark New Games"
msgstr "Newマークの表示機能"

msgid "May"
msgstr "5月"

msgid "Memory Card Blocks Size"
msgstr ""

msgid "Memory Card Emulation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Memory Card with 2043 blocs has issues with Nintendont. Use at your own risk."
msgstr ""

msgid "Messageboard Update"
msgstr "Wii伝言板の更新"

msgid "Motion+ Video"
msgstr "モーション+説明ムービー"

msgid "Mount DVD drive"
msgstr "DVDを起動"

msgid "Mount USB at launch"
msgstr ""

msgid "Move File"
msgstr ""

msgid "Multiple Partitions"
msgstr "マルチ領域"

msgid "Music Loop Mode"
msgstr "ループ機能"

msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "BGMの音量"

msgid "NMM Mode"
msgstr ""

msgid "NAND Chan. Emulation"
msgstr "NANDチャンネルエミュ"

msgid "NAND Channels"
msgstr "Wii本体NANDチャンネル"

msgid "NAND Emu Channel Path"
msgstr "NANDエミュチャンネル"

msgid "NAND Emu Path"
msgstr "NANDエミュ"

msgid "NAND Emulation"
msgstr "NANDエミュ"

msgid "NAND emulation is only available on D2X cIOS!"
msgstr "NANDエミュはd2x cIOSのみで動作します!"

msgid "NAND emulation only works on FAT/FAT32 partitions!"
msgstr "NANDエミュはFAT/FAT32領域のみで動作します!"

msgid "NAND Saves Emulation"
msgstr "NANDセーブエミュ"

msgid "Native Controller"
msgstr ""

msgid "Neek"
msgstr ""

msgid "Neek NAND path selection failed."
msgstr ""

msgid "Neek kernel file not found."
msgstr ""

msgid "Neek kernel loading failed."
msgstr ""

msgid "Neek2o does not support 'EmuNAND Channel Path' on SD! Please setup Uneek2o instead."
msgstr ""

msgid "Neither"
msgstr "非表示"

msgid "Network is not initiated."
msgstr "ネットワークに接続されていません"

msgid "Next"
msgstr "右"

msgid "Nintendont"
msgstr ""

msgid "Nintendont Loader Path"
msgstr ""

msgid "No"
msgstr "いいえ"

msgid "No Cheatfile found"
msgstr "チートファイルが見つかりません"

msgid "No DOL file found on disc."
msgstr "ディスク内に.DOLがありません"

msgid "No Disc+"
msgstr ""

msgid "No Splitting"
msgstr "分割しない"

msgid "No URL or Path specified."
msgstr "URLかパスが指定されていません"

msgid "No WBFS or FAT/NTFS/EXT partition found"
msgstr "使用できる領域が見つかりません"

msgid "No Wiinnertag.xml found in the config path. Do you want an example file created?"
msgstr "Wiinnertag.xmlが設定パスにみつかりません。テンプレファイルを作成しますか?"

msgid "No change"
msgstr ""

msgid "No cheats were selected! Should the GCT file be deleted?"
msgstr "何も選ばれていません!(GCTファイルが削除された?)"

msgid "No data could be read."
msgstr "読み込みに失敗しました"

msgid "No disc inserted."
msgstr "ディスクが挿入されていません"

msgid "No favorites selected."
msgstr "お気に入りはありません"

msgid "No files missing!"
msgstr "必要ありません"

msgid "No games found on the disc"
msgstr "ディスクにゲームが見つかりません"

msgid "No language files to update on your devices! Do you want to download new language files?"
msgstr "更新する言語ファイルがありません!新しい言語ファイルをダウンロードしますか?"

msgid "No new updates."
msgstr "更新はありません"

msgid "No themes found on the site."
msgstr "テーマが見つかりません"

msgid "No themes found."
msgstr "テーマが見つかりません"

msgid "No WAD file found in this folder."
msgstr ""

msgid "NoSSL only"
msgstr ""

msgid "None"
msgstr "なし"

msgid "Normal"
msgstr "ワイド"

msgid "Not Initialized"
msgstr "初期化されていません"

msgid "Not a Wii or a GameCube Disc"
msgstr "ゲームディスクではありません"

msgid "Not a valid URL"
msgstr "無効なURLです"

msgid "Not a valid URL path"
msgstr "無効なパスです"

msgid "Not a valid domain"
msgstr "無効なドメインです"

msgid "Not enough free memory."
msgstr "空メモリが不足しています"

msgid "Not enough free space on device."
msgstr "デバイスの空き容量が足りません"

msgid "Not enough free space!"
msgstr "空き容量が不足しています!"

msgid "Not enough memory for FST."
msgstr "FST用メモリが足りません"

msgid "Not enough memory."
msgstr "メモリが足りません"

msgid "Not required"
msgstr "必要なし"

msgid "Unsupported format!"
msgstr "対応していない形式です!"

msgid "Nothing selected to delete."
msgstr "何も選ばれていません"

msgid "Nothing selected to install."
msgstr "何も選ばれていません"

msgid "Nov"
msgstr "11月"

msgid "OFF"
msgstr "使わない"

msgid "OFF (Extended)"
msgstr ""

msgid "OFF (Safe)"
msgstr ""

msgid "OK"
msgstr ""

msgid "ON"
msgstr "使う"

msgid "ON (Low)"
msgstr ""

msgid "ON (Medium)"
msgstr ""

msgid "ON (Multi)"
msgstr ""

msgid "ON (High)"
msgstr ""

msgid "OSReport"
msgstr ""

msgid "OSSleepThread"
msgstr ""

msgid "Ocarina"
msgstr "改造コード"

msgid "Ocarina is not supported with neek2o yet. Launch game anyway?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Oct"
msgstr "10月"

msgid "Official Site:"
msgstr "公式サイト:"

msgid "Offset"
msgstr "代替"

msgid "Ok"
msgstr ""

msgid "One Line A"
msgstr ""

msgid "One Line B"
msgstr ""

msgid "Only Game Partition"
msgstr "ゲーム領域のみ"

msgid "Only for Install"
msgstr "インストール中のみ"

msgid "Original"
msgstr "公式"

msgid "Original/Customs"
msgstr "公式を優先"

msgid "PAD Hook"
msgstr ""

msgid "PAL50 Patch"
msgstr ""

msgid "Parental Control"
msgstr "使用制限の設定"

msgid "Partial"
msgstr "部分的"

msgid "Partition"
msgstr "使用する領域"

msgid "Password"
msgstr "暗証番号"

msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr "暗証番号の変更"

msgid "Password has been changed"
msgstr "暗証番号を変更しました"

msgid "Patch Country Strings"
msgstr "国コードパッチ"

msgid "Path Changed"
msgstr "パスが変更されました"

msgid "Permission denied."
msgstr "権限がありません"

msgid "Pick from a list"
msgstr "リストから選択"

msgid "Pixels"
msgstr "ピクセル"

msgid "Play Count"
msgstr "プレイ回数"

msgid "Play Next"
msgstr "次へ"

msgid "Play Once"
msgstr "一度だけ再生"

msgid "Play Previous"
msgstr "前へ"

msgid "Playing Music:"
msgstr "再生中"

msgid "Please enter a valid address e.g. wiimmfi.de"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please wait"
msgstr "お待ちください"

msgid "Please wait..."
msgstr "しばらくお待ちください"

msgid "Power off the Wii"
msgstr "Wiiの電源を切る"

msgid "Prev"
msgstr "左"

msgid "Private Server"
msgstr ""

msgid "Process finished."
msgstr "プロセスが終了しました"

msgid "Progressive Patch"
msgstr ""

msgid "Prompts Buttons"
msgstr "ウインドウサイズ"

msgid "Published by"
msgstr "発売元:"

msgid "Quick Boot"
msgstr "クイック起動"

msgid "Random Directory Music"
msgstr "フォルダ内でランダム再生"

msgid "Real NAND"
msgstr "Wii本体NAND"

msgid "Receiving file from:"
msgstr "ファイルを受信中:"

msgid "Region Free"
msgstr ""

msgid "Region Patch"
msgstr "リージョンパッチ"

msgid "Released"
msgstr "発売日"

msgid "Reload SD"
msgstr "SDを再読み込み"

msgid "Reloading game list now, please wait..."
msgstr "ゲームリストを再読み込み中、お待ちください..."

msgid "Remember Last Game"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remember Unlock"
msgstr "ロック解除を記憶"

msgid "Remove Read Speed Limit"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove update"
msgstr "更新を取り除く"

msgid "Rename Game Title"
msgstr "ゲーム名を変更"

msgid "Rename category"
msgstr "カテゴリの名前を変更"

msgid "Reset"
msgstr "リセット"

msgid "Reset All Game Settings"
msgstr ""

msgid "Reset BG Music"
msgstr "BGMをリセット"

msgid "Reset Cached Titles"
msgstr ""

msgid "Reset Play Count"
msgstr "プレイ回数をリセット"

msgid "Reset to default BGM?"
msgstr "BGMを初期状態に戻しますか?"

msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "再起動します"

msgid "Return"
msgstr "もどる"

msgid "Return To"
msgstr "戻り先"

msgid "Return to Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wiiメニューへもどる"

msgid "Right"
msgstr "右ボタンで"

msgid "Rotating Disc"
msgstr "ディスク回転"

msgid "Round"
msgstr ""

msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "振動機能"

msgid "SChinese"
msgstr "簡体中国語"

msgid "SD"
msgstr ""

msgid "SD Card could not be accessed."
msgstr "SDカードにアクセス出来ません"

msgid "SD Card Mode"
msgstr ""

msgid "SD GameCube Games Path"
msgstr "SD GCゲーム"

msgid "SD GameCube Path"
msgstr "SD ゲームキューブ"

msgid "SD Path"
msgstr "SD パス"

msgid "SFX Volume"
msgstr "効果音の音量"

msgid "Save"
msgstr "保存"

msgid "Save Failed. No device inserted?"
msgstr "保存に失敗しました"

msgid "Save Game List to"
msgstr "リストを保存しますか"

msgid "Save List"
msgstr "リスト"

msgid "Save Path"
msgstr ""

msgid "Saved"
msgstr "保存しました"

msgid "Savegame might not exist for this game."
msgstr "このゲームのセーブはありません"

msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr "スクリーンセーバー"

msgid "Screenshot"
msgstr ""

msgid "Select"
msgstr "選択"

msgid "Select DOL Offset"
msgstr "代替DOLの選択"

msgid "Select a DOL"
msgstr "DOLを選択"

msgid "Select a DOL from game"
msgstr "ゲームからDOLを選択"

msgid "Select game categories"
msgstr "ゲームカテゴリを選択"

msgid "Select loader mode"
msgstr "ローダーモードを選択"

msgid "Select the EmuNAND path to use."
msgstr ""

msgid "Select titles sources."
msgstr "タイトルの読み込み元を選んでください"

msgid "Sept"
msgstr "9月"

msgid "Set Search-Filter"
msgstr "検索"

msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設定"

msgid "Settings File"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show Categories"
msgstr "カテゴリを表示"

msgid "Show Favorite on banner"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show Free Space"
msgstr "空き容量の表示"

msgid "Show Game Count"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show Play Count"
msgstr "プレイ回数の表示"

msgid "Show SD"
msgstr "SDを表示"

msgid "Shutdown System"
msgstr "シャットダウン"

msgid "Shutdown Wii"
msgstr "シャットダウン"

msgid "Skip Errors"
msgstr "エラーをスキップ"

msgid "Skip IPL"
msgstr ""

msgid "BBA Emulation"
msgstr ""

msgid "BBA Net Profile"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sneek Video Patch"
msgstr "SNEEK映像パッチ"

msgid "Sorry, the theme downloader menu is not working anymore because http://wii.spiffy360.com now requires user registration."
msgstr ""

msgid "Sort alphabetically"
msgstr "名前順に並び替え"

msgid "Sort by number of players"
msgstr "プレイヤー数順に並び替え"

msgid "Sort by rank"
msgstr "ランク順に並び替え"

msgid "Sort order by most played"
msgstr "プレイ回数が多い順に並び替え"

msgid "Sound"
msgstr "サウンド"

msgid "Sound Settings"
msgstr "サウンド設定"

msgid "Sound+BGM"
msgstr "サウンドとBGM"

msgid "Sound+Quiet"
msgstr "サウンドのみ"

msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "スペイン語"

msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "スペシャルサンクス:"

msgid "Split each 2GB"
msgstr "2GBごとに分割"

msgid "Split each 4GB"
msgstr "4GBごとに分割"

msgid "Standby"
msgstr "スタンバイ"

msgid "Start"
msgstr "はじめる"

msgid "Success"
msgstr "成功"

msgid "Success."
msgstr "成功しました"

msgid "Success:"
msgstr "成功:"

msgid "Successfully Saved"
msgstr "保存に成功しました"

msgid "Successfully Updated"
msgstr "更新しました"

msgid "Successfully copied"
msgstr "コピーしました"

msgid "Successfully deleted:"
msgstr "削除に成功しました"

msgid "Successfully extracted theme."
msgstr "テーマの解凍を完了しました."

msgid "Successfully installed:"
msgstr "このゲームをインストールしました"

msgid "Successfully updated."
msgstr "更新しました"

msgid "Switching to channel list mode."
msgstr "チャンネルリストモードに変更します"

msgid "Sync FAT32 FS Info"
msgstr "FAT32FS情報を同期"

msgid "Synchronizing..."
msgstr "同期中です..."

msgid "System Default"
msgstr "Wiiの初期値"

msgid "System Proxy Settings"
msgstr ""

msgid "TChinese"
msgstr "繁体中国語"

msgid "TXT Cheatcodes Path"
msgstr "テキストチート"

msgid "The .them file was not found in the zip."
msgstr ".themファイルがzip内にありません"

msgid "The Force Widescreen setting requires DIOS MIOS v2.1 or more. This setting will be ignored."
msgstr ""

msgid "The Miis will be extracted to your EmuNAND path and EmuNAND channel path. Attention: All existing files will be overwritten."
msgstr "MiiはエミュNAND(チャンネル)パスに書き出されます。すでに存在するファイルは上書きされます"

msgid "The No Disc+ setting requires DIOS MIOS 2.2 update2. This setting will be ignored."
msgstr ""

msgid "The SYSCONF file will be extracted to your EmuNAND path and EmuNAND channel path. Attention: All existing files will be overwritten."
msgstr "SYSCONFはエミュNAND(チャンネル)パスに書き出されます。すでに存在するファイルは上書きされます"

msgid "The application might crash if there is currently a read/write access to the SD card!"
msgstr "SDカードにアクセスしているとアプリがクラッシュします!"

msgid "The entered directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "フォルダがありません。作成しますか?"

msgid "The files will be extracted to your EmuNAND save and channel path. Attention: All existing files will be overwritten."
msgstr "ファイルはエミュNANDセーブ&チャンネルパスに書き出されます。すでに存在するファイルは上書きされます"

msgid "The game is on SD Card."
msgstr "ゲームはSDカードにあります"

msgid "The game is on USB."
msgstr "ゲームはUSBにあります"

msgid "The save game will be extracted to your EmuNAND path."
msgstr "セーブデータはエミュNANDパスに書き出されます"

msgid "The save games will be extracted to your EmuNAND save and channel path. Attention: All existing files will be overwritten."
msgstr "セーブはエミュNANDセーブ&チャンネルパスに書き出されます。すでに存在するファイルは上書きされます"

msgid "The WAD file was installed"
msgstr "WADがインストールされました"

#, c-format
msgid "The WAD installation failed with error %i"
msgstr "WADのインストールはエラー%iで失敗しました"

msgid "Theme Downloader"
msgstr "テーマをダウンロード"

msgid "Theme Menu"
msgstr "テーマ"

msgid "Theme Path"
msgstr "テーマ"

msgid "Theme Title:"
msgstr "テーマ名:"

msgid "Themes by www.spiffy360.com"
msgstr "テーマ…www.spiffy360.com"

msgid "This IOS is the BootMii IOS. If you are sure it is not BootMii and you have something else installed there than ignore this warning."
msgstr "このIOSはBootMiiのIOSです"

msgid "This IOS was not found on the titles list. If you are sure you have it installed than ignore this warning."
msgstr "このIOSはタイトルリストにありませんでした"

msgid "This Nintendont version does not support games on USB."
msgstr ""

msgid "This Nintendont version is not correctly supported. Auto boot disabled."
msgstr ""

msgid "This game has multiple discs. Please select the disc to launch."
msgstr ""

msgid "This path must be on SD!"
msgstr "このパスはSDにないといけません!"

msgid "This setting doesn't work in SD card mode."
msgstr ""

msgid "Time left:"
msgstr "残り時間:"

msgid "Timer Fix"
msgstr ""

msgid "Title Launcher"
msgstr "ランチャー"

msgid "Titles Path"
msgstr ""

msgid "Titles From"
msgstr ""

msgid "To run GameCube games from Disc you need to set the GameCube mode to MIOS in the game settings."
msgstr "GCゲームをディスク起動するには設定でGCモードをMIOSにしてください"

#, c-format
msgid "To run GameCube games with %s you need to place them on an USB FAT32 partition."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "To run GameCube games with %s you need to set your 'Main GameCube Path' on the first primary FAT32 partition."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "To run GameCube games with %s you need to set your 'Main GameCube Path' on the first primary partition of the Hard Drive."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "To run GameCube games with %s you need to set your 'Main GameCube Path' to an USB FAT32 partition."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "To run GameCube games with %s you need to use a 512 bytes/sector Hard Drive."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "To run GameCube games with %s you need to use a partition with 32k bytes/cluster or less."
msgstr ""

msgid "To run GameCube games with Devolution you need the loader.bin file in your Devolution Loader Path."
msgstr ""

msgid "To run GameCube games with Nintendont you need the boot.dol file in your Nintendont Loader Path."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "To use HID with %s you need the %s file."
msgstr ""

msgid "To use neek you need to set your 'EmuNAND Channel Path' on the first primary partition of the Hard Drive."
msgstr ""

msgid "To use neek you need to set your 'EmuNAND Channel Path' to a FAT32 partition."
msgstr ""

msgid "To use neek you need to use a 512 bytes/sector Hard Drive."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "To use ocarina with %s you need the %s file."
msgstr ""

msgid "Tooltip Delay"
msgstr "ヒントバルーンの遅延"

msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr "ヒントバルーン"

msgid "Transfer failed"
msgstr "転送に失敗しました"

msgid "Triforce Arcade Mode"
msgstr ""

msgid "Two Lines"
msgstr ""

msgid "USB"
msgstr ""

msgid "USB Device not initialized."
msgstr ""

msgid "USB Loader GX is protected"
msgstr "GXは保護されています"

msgid "USB Port"
msgstr "USBポート"

msgid "USB Port changing is only supported on Hermes cIOS."
msgstr "USBポートの切替機能は、Hermes cIOS使用時のみ有効です。"

msgid "USB-HID Controller"
msgstr ""

msgid "USBloaderGX couldn't verify Nintendont boot.dol file. Launch this boot.dol anyway?"
msgstr ""

msgid "USBloaderGX couldn't write Nintendont config file. Launch Nintendont anyway?"
msgstr ""

msgid "USBloaderGX r1218 is required for Nintendont Alpha v0.1. Please update your Nintendont boot.dol version."
msgstr ""

msgid "Use Game Header Cache"
msgstr ""

msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "アンインストール"

msgid "Uninstall Game"
msgstr "ゲームをアンインストール"

msgid "Uninstall Menu"
msgstr "アンインストール"

msgid "Uninstall all"
msgstr "全てアンインストール"

msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "不明"

msgid "Unlock USB Loader GX"
msgstr "ロックを解除"

msgid "Unlocked"
msgstr "ロック無し"

msgid "Unsupported format, try to extract manually TempTheme.zip."
msgstr "非対応の形式なのでTempTheme.zipを自己解凍してください"

msgid "Update"
msgstr "更新"

msgid "Update Files"
msgstr "すべて更新"

msgid "Update all Language Files"
msgstr "全言語ファイルを更新"

msgid "Update Failed"
msgstr "更新に失敗しました"

msgid "Update Successful"
msgstr "更新しました"

msgid "Updating Language Files:"
msgstr "言語ファイルを更新中:"

msgid "Uploaded ZIP file installed to homebrew directory."
msgstr "インストール済みディレクトリにZIPを転送しました"

msgid "Use System Font"
msgstr "システムフォントを使う"

msgid "Use global"
msgstr "基本設定を使う"

msgid "VBI (Default)"
msgstr "VBI(デフォルト)"

msgid "VIDTV Patch"
msgstr "映像パッチ"

msgid "Version:"
msgstr "バージョン:"

#, c-format
msgid "Version: %s"
msgstr "バージョン: %s"

msgid "Video Deflicker"
msgstr ""

msgid "Video Mode"
msgstr "映像の出力方法"

msgid "Video Scale Value"
msgstr ""

msgid "Video offset"
msgstr ""

msgid "Video scale"
msgstr ""

msgid "Video Width"
msgstr ""

msgid "Virtual Pointer Speed"
msgstr "ポインタの速度"

msgid "WDM Files Path"
msgstr "WDMファイル"

msgid "WIP Patches Path"
msgstr "WIPパッチ"

msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "待機中…"

msgid "Warning"
msgstr "警告"

msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "警告:"

msgid "What do you want to do?"
msgstr "何をしますか?"

msgid "What do you want to update?"
msgstr "更新の選択"

msgid "What should be deleted for this game title:"
msgstr "このゲームの何を削除しますか:"

msgid "What to extract from NAND?"
msgstr "何をNANDから書き出しますか?"

msgid "Where should the game be installed to?"
msgstr "どこにインストールしますか?"

msgid "Where to dump NAND?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Which device do you want to use for Nintendont files?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Which mode do you want to use?"
msgstr ""

msgid "WiFi Features"
msgstr "ネットワーク対応"

msgid "Widescreen Factor"
msgstr "ワイド画面の補正率"

msgid "Widescreen Fix"
msgstr "普通"

msgid "Wii Games"
msgstr "Wiiゲーム"

msgid "Wii Menu"
msgstr "Wiiメニューへ"

msgid "Wii Settings"
msgstr "データ管理"

msgid "WiiTDB.xml"
msgstr "ゲーム名リスト"

msgid "WiiTDB.xml is up to date."
msgstr "ゲーム名リストが更新されました"

msgid "WiiU Widescreen"
msgstr ""

msgid "Wiilight"
msgstr "スロット点灯機能"

msgid "Wiimmfi"
msgstr ""

msgid "Wiinnertag"
msgstr ""

msgid "Wiinnertag Path"
msgstr "Wiinnertag.xmlのパス"

msgid "Wiinnertag requires you to enable automatic network connect on application start. Do you want to enable it now?"
msgstr "Wiinnertagは自動ネット接続が有効になっている必要が有ります。有効にしますか?"

msgid "Wiird Debugger"
msgstr "WiiRDデバッガ"

#, c-format
msgid "Write error on file: %s"
msgstr "書き込みエラー: %s"

msgid "Writing GXGameCategories.xml"
msgstr "GXGameCategories.xmlを書き込み中です"

msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "暗証番号が違います"

msgid "Yes"
msgstr "はい"

msgid "You are trying to select a FAT32/NTFS/EXT partition with cIOS 249 Rev < 18. This is not supported. Continue on your own risk."
msgstr "rev17以前のcIOS249ではFAT32/NTFS/EXTに対応していません"

msgid "You can select or format a partition or use the channel loader mode."
msgstr "領域を選択・初期化したりチャンネルリストモードを使えます"

msgid "You cannot delete this category."
msgstr "このカテゴリは削除できません"

msgid "You need neek2o to load EmuNAND from sub-folders."
msgstr ""

msgid "You need to install DIOS MIOS Lite v1.2 or a newer version."
msgstr "DIOS MIOS Lite v1.2以降をインストールする必要があります"

msgid "You need to install an additional GameCube loader or select a different GameCube Mode to launch GameCube games from USB or SD card."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your current GameCube partition is not compatible. Please update Nintendont."
msgstr ""

msgid "Zoom Duration (Speed)"
msgstr "ズームの継続(速度)"

msgid "and translators for language files updates"
msgstr "/ K-M & Trickart …日本語化"

msgid "does not exist!"
msgstr "存在しません!"

msgid "does not exist!  Loading game without cheats."
msgstr "存在しないので チートなしで起動します"

msgid "files left"
msgstr "個で完了"

msgid "for FAT/NTFS support"
msgstr "…FATとNTFSへの対応"

msgid "for GameTDB and hosting covers / disc images"
msgstr "GameTDB…カバー・ディスク画像の保管"

msgid "for Ocarina"
msgstr "…Ocarinaを制作"

msgid "for diverse patches"
msgstr "…様々なパッチを制作"

msgid "for his awesome tool LibWiiGui"
msgstr "…LibWiiGuiを制作"

msgid "for hosting the themes"
msgstr "…テーマを配布"

msgid "for the USB Loader source"
msgstr "…ソースを制作"

msgid "for their work on the wiki page"
msgstr "…wikiページでの編集作業"

msgid "formatted!"
msgstr "初期化を完了しました!"

msgid "free"
msgstr "空き"

msgid "ms"
msgstr "ミリ秒"

msgid "not set"
msgstr "セットされていません"

msgid "of"
msgstr "中"

msgid "seconds left"
msgstr "秒で完了"

#~ msgid "Install WAD to EmuNAND"
#~ msgstr "WADをエミュNANDへインストール"

#~ msgid "WAD Installation"
#~ msgstr "WADインストール"

#~ msgid "GameTDB Path"
#~ msgstr "ゲーム名リスト"

#~ msgid "Anti"
#~ msgstr "アンチ"

#~ msgid "Error 002 fix"
#~ msgstr "Error002対策"

#~ msgid "Use Game Settings"
#~ msgstr "ゲーム設定を使う"

#~ msgid "Main tester:"
#~ msgstr "メインテスター:"

#~ msgid "USB Device not found."
#~ msgstr "USB機器が見つかりません"

#~ msgid "Boot/Standard"
#~ msgstr "使用するcIOS"

#~ msgid "DEVO MemCard Emulation"
#~ msgstr "DEVOメモカエミュ"

#~ msgid "DML Auto"
#~ msgstr "DML 自動"

#~ msgid "DML Debug"
#~ msgstr "DML デバッグ"

#~ msgid "DML Force Widescreen"
#~ msgstr "DML 強制ワイド化"

#~ msgid "DML Japanese Patch"
#~ msgstr "DML 日本向けパッチ"

#~ msgid "DML LED Activity"
#~ msgstr "DML LED点灯"

#~ msgid "DML NMM Mode"
#~ msgstr "DML NMM"

#~ msgid "DML No Disc+"
#~ msgstr "DML ディスクなし+"

#~ msgid "DML None"
#~ msgstr "DML なし"

#~ msgid "DML PAD Hook"
#~ msgstr "DML PADフック"

#~ msgid "DML Progressive Patch"
#~ msgstr "DML プログレッシブパッチ"

#~ msgid "DML Video Mode"
#~ msgstr "DML 映像モード"

#~ msgid "To run GameCube games with DIOS MIOS you need to place them on an USB FAT32 partition."
#~ msgstr "GCゲームをDIOS MIOSで起動するにはUSBをFAt32にしてゲームをおいてください"

#~ msgid "To run GameCube games with DIOS MIOS you need to set your 'Main GameCube Path' to an USB FAT32 partition."
#~ msgstr "GCゲームをDIOS MIOSで起動するにはパスの設定でゲームキューブをusb:/にする必要があります"

#~ msgid "To run GameCube games with Devolution you need the loader.bin file in your Devolution Path."
#~ msgstr "GCゲームをDevolutionで起動するにはloader.binがDevolutionのパスにある必要があります"

#~ msgid "You need to install Devolution or DIOS MIOS (Lite) to launch GameCube games from USB or SD card"
#~ msgstr "GCゲームをSDやUSB機器から起動するにはDevolutionかDIOS MIOS (Lite)をインストールしてください"

#~ msgid "DML No Disc"
#~ msgstr "DML ディスクなし"

#~ msgid "The No Disc setting is not used anymore by DIOS MIOS (Lite). Now you need to place a disc in your drive."
#~ msgstr "ディスクなし設定はDIOS MIOS(Lite)では使われていません。ドライブにディスクを入れてください"

#~ msgid "The Force Widescreen setting requires DIOS MIOS v2.2 or more. This setting will be ignored."
#~ msgstr "強制ワイド化設定はDIOS MIOS v2.2以降が必要です。この設定は無視されます"

#~ msgid "The GCT Cheatcodes Path and this game are not on the same partition. Run the game without Ocarina?"
#~ msgstr "GCTコードとこのゲームは同じ領域にありません。チートなしで起動しますか?"

#~ msgid "The GCT Cheatcodes Path must be on SD card. Run the game without Ocarina?"
#~ msgstr "GCTコードのパスはSDカードにないといけません。チートなしで起動しますか?"

#~ msgid "Custom Discarts"
#~ msgstr "カスタムレーベル"

#~ msgid "DML Installed Version"
#~ msgstr "DMLのバージョン"

#~ msgid "Full HQ Covers"
#~ msgstr "フルカバー(精細)"

#~ msgid "Full LQ Covers"
#~ msgstr "フルカバー(普通)"

#~ msgid "Original Discarts"
#~ msgstr "公式レーベル"

#~ msgid "The No Disc+ setting requires DIOS MIOS 2.2 update2 or a newer version. This setting will be ignored."
#~ msgstr "ディスクなし+機能はDIOS MIOS 2.2 update2以降が必要です。この設定は無視されます"

#~ msgid "You need to install DIOS MIOS to run GameCube games from USB or DIOS MIOS Lite to run them from SD card"
#~ msgstr "GCゲームをUSBから起動するにはDIOS MIOSが、SDから起動するにはDMLが必要です"

#~ msgid "v1.2 -> v2.1"
#~ msgstr "v1.2 ~ v2.1"

#~ msgid "v2.2+"
#~ msgstr "v2.2以降"

#~ msgid "GC Force Interlace"
#~ msgstr "GC インターレース強制"

#~ msgid "Rename Game on WBFS"
#~ msgstr "WBFS内のゲーム名を変更"

#~ msgid "Do you want to discart changes?"
#~ msgstr "変更を破棄しますか?"

#~ msgid "Successfully Updated thanks to www.techjawa.com"
#~ msgstr "更新しました www.techjawa.comに感謝!"

#~ msgid "Beginning"
#~ msgstr "前方一致"

#~ msgid "Content"
#~ msgstr "含む"

#~ msgid "Loader Mode"
#~ msgstr "ローダーモード"

#~ msgid "Search Mode"
#~ msgstr "検索方法"

#~ msgid "for hosting the update files"
#~ msgstr "…更新ファイルを配布"

#~ msgid "Insert a Wii Disc!"
#~ msgstr "Wiiディスクを入れて下さい!"

#~ msgid "Issue manager /"
#~ msgstr "問題管理者 /"

#~ msgid "No cheats were selected"
#~ msgstr "何も選ばれていません"

#~ msgid "Not a Wii Disc"
#~ msgstr "Wiiディスクではありません"

#~ msgid "The files will be extracted to your EmuNAND path. Attention: All existing files will be overwritten."
#~ msgstr "ファイルはエミュNANDパスに書き出されます 注意:すでにあるファイルは上書きされます"

#~ msgid "The save games will be extracted to your EmuNAND path. Attention: All existing saves will be overwritten."
#~ msgstr "セーブデータはエミュNANDパスに書き出されます 注意:すでにあるセーブは上書きされます"

#~ msgid ">> Deleting tickets..."
#~ msgstr ">> チケットを削除します"

#~ msgid ">> Deleting tickets...ERROR! "
#~ msgstr ">> チケットを削除 … 失敗!"

#~ msgid ">> Deleting tickets...Ok! "
#~ msgstr ">> チケットを削除 … 成功!"

#~ msgid ">> Deleting title ...ERROR! "
#~ msgstr ">> タイトルを削除 … 失敗!"

#~ msgid ">> Deleting title ...Ok!"
#~ msgstr ">> タイトルを削除 … 成功!"

#~ msgid ">> Deleting title contents..."
#~ msgstr ">> タイトルコンテンツを削除します"

#~ msgid ">> Deleting title contents...ERROR! "
#~ msgstr ">> タイトルコンテンツを削除 … 失敗!"

#~ msgid ">> Deleting title contents...Ok!"
#~ msgstr ">> タイトルコンテンツを削除 … 成功!"

#~ msgid ">> Deleting title..."
#~ msgstr ">> タイトルを削除します"

#~ msgid ">> Finishing installation..."
#~ msgstr ">> インストールを終了します"

#~ msgid ">> Installing content #"
#~ msgstr "インストール コンテンツ #"

#~ msgid ">> Installing ticket..."
#~ msgstr "チケットをインストール中 …"

#~ msgid ">> Installing title..."
#~ msgstr "タイトルをインストール中 …"

#~ msgid ">> Reading WAD data..."
#~ msgstr ">> WADデータを読込み中 …"

#~ msgid ">> Reading WAD data...ERROR! "
#~ msgstr ">> WADデータの読込 … 失敗!"

#~ msgid ">> Reading WAD data...Ok!"
#~ msgstr ">> WADデータの読込 … 成功!"

#~ msgid "Done!"
#~ msgstr "完了!"

#~ msgid "Error..."
#~ msgstr "エラー…"

#~ msgid "Finishing installation... Ok!"
#~ msgstr "インストールの完了...完了しました"

#~ msgid "Installing content... Ok!"
#~ msgstr "コンテンツをインストール...成功!"

#~ msgid "Installing ticket... Ok!"
#~ msgstr "チケットをインストール...成功!"

#~ msgid "Installing title... Ok!"
#~ msgstr "タイトルをインストール...成功!"

#~ msgid "Installing WAD"
#~ msgstr "WADをインストールします"

#~ msgid "Reading WAD data... Ok!"
#~ msgstr "WADデータの読み込み...成功!"

#~ msgid "Uninstalling WAD"
#~ msgstr "WADをアンインストール"

#~ msgid "The game installation is disabled under this IOS because of instability in usb write."
#~ msgstr "このIOSでのゲームの追加は不安定なため無効になっています"

#~ msgid "You are currently using IOS"
#~ msgstr "使用中のIOS:IOS"

#~ msgid "NAND Channel Emulation"
#~ msgstr "NANDチャンネルエミュ"

#~ msgid "New Disc Detected"
#~ msgstr "新しいディスクが検出されました"

#~ msgid "USB Device not found"
#~ msgstr "USB機器が見つかりません"

#~ msgid "You need to select or format a partition"
#~ msgstr "領域を選択するか初期化してください"

#~ msgid "GameTDB Files"
#~ msgstr "ゲーム名リスト"

#~ msgid "GameTDB is up to date."
#~ msgstr "ゲーム名リストが更新されました"

#~ msgid "Language File"
#~ msgstr "言語ファイル"

#~ msgid "Are you sure you want to import game categories from WiiTDB?"
#~ msgstr "WiiTDBからカテゴリをインポートしますか?"

#~ msgid "Titles from WiiTDB"
#~ msgstr "ゲーム名の日本語化"

#~ msgid "WiiTDB Files"
#~ msgstr "ゲーム名リスト"

#~ msgid "WiiTDB Path"
#~ msgstr "ゲーム名リスト"

#~ msgid "WiiTDB is up to date."
#~ msgstr "WiiTDBが更新されました"

#~ msgid "for WiiTDB and hosting covers / disc images"
#~ msgstr "WiiTDB…様々な画像を配布"