#include #include "StartUpProcess.h" #include "GUI/gui.h" #include "video.h" #include "audio.h" #include "input.h" #include "themes/CTheme.h" #include "gecko.h" #include "Controls/DeviceHandler.hpp" #include "wad/nandtitle.h" #include "SystemMenu/SystemMenuResources.h" #include "system/IosLoader.h" #include "utils/timer.h" #include "settings/CSettings.h" #include "settings/CGameSettings.h" #include "settings/CGameStatistics.h" #include "settings/CGameCategories.hpp" #include "settings/GameTitles.h" #include "usbloader/usbstorage2.h" #include "usbloader/MountGamePartition.h" #include "usbloader/GameBooter.hpp" #include "usbloader/GameList.h" #include "utils/tools.h" #include "sys.h" StartUpProcess::StartUpProcess() { //! Load default font for the next text outputs Theme::LoadFont(""); background = new GuiImage(screenwidth, screenheight, (GXColor) {0, 0, 0, 255}); GXImageData = Resources::GetImageData("gxlogo.png"); GXImage = new GuiImage(GXImageData); GXImage->SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); GXImage->SetPosition(screenwidth/2, screenheight/2-50); titleTxt = new GuiText("Loading...", 24, (GXColor) {255, 255, 255, 255}); titleTxt->SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); titleTxt->SetPosition(screenwidth/2, screenheight/2+30); messageTxt = new GuiText(" ", 22, (GXColor) {255, 255, 255, 255}); messageTxt->SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); messageTxt->SetPosition(screenwidth/2, screenheight/2+60); cancelTxt = new GuiText("Press B to cancel", 18, (GXColor) {255, 255, 255, 255}); cancelTxt->SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); cancelTxt->SetPosition(screenwidth/2, screenheight/2+90); trigB = new GuiTrigger; trigB->SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_B | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_B, PAD_BUTTON_B); cancelBtn = new GuiButton(0, 0); cancelBtn->SetTrigger(trigB); drawCancel = false; } StartUpProcess::~StartUpProcess() { delete background; delete GXImageData; delete GXImage; delete titleTxt; delete messageTxt; delete cancelTxt; delete cancelBtn; delete trigB; } int StartUpProcess::ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[]) { int quickBoot = -1; //! The arguments override for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { if(!argv[i]) continue; gprintf("Boot argument %i: %s\n", i+1, argv[i]); char *ptr = strcasestr(argv[i], "-ios="); if(ptr) Settings.cios = LIMIT(atoi(ptr+strlen("-ios=")), 200, 255); ptr = strcasestr(argv[i], "-usbport="); if(ptr) { Settings.USBPort = LIMIT(atoi(ptr+strlen("-usbport=")), 0, 2); } if(strlen(argv[i]) == 6 && strchr(argv[i], '=') == 0 && strchr(argv[i], '-') == 0) quickBoot = i; } return quickBoot; } void StartUpProcess::TextFade(int direction) { if(direction > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < 255; i += direction) { messageTxt->SetAlpha(i); Draw(); } messageTxt->SetAlpha(255); Draw(); } else if(direction < 0) { for(int i = 255; i > 0; i += direction) { messageTxt->SetAlpha(i); Draw(); } messageTxt->SetAlpha(0); Draw(); } } void StartUpProcess::SetTextf(const char * format, ...) { char * tmp = NULL; va_list va; va_start(va, format); if((vasprintf(&tmp, format, va) >= 0) && tmp) { TextFade(-40); gprintf(tmp); messageTxt->SetText(tmp); TextFade(40); } va_end(va); if(tmp) free(tmp); } bool StartUpProcess::USBSpinUp() { drawCancel = true; bool started = false; const DISC_INTERFACE * handle = Settings.USBPort == 1 ? DeviceHandler::GetUSB1Interface() : DeviceHandler::GetUSB0Interface(); Timer countDown; // wait 20 sec for the USB to spin up...stupid slow ass HDD do { started = (handle->startup() && handle->isInserted()); if(started) break; UpdatePads(); for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) cancelBtn->Update(&userInput[i]); if(cancelBtn->GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) break; messageTxt->SetTextf("Waiting for HDD: %i sec left\n", 20-(int)countDown.elapsed()); Draw(); usleep(50000); } while(countDown.elapsed() < 20.f); drawCancel = false; return started; } int StartUpProcess::Run(int argc, char *argv[]) { int quickGameBoot = ParseArguments(argc, argv); StartUpProcess Process; int ret = Process.Execute(); if(quickGameBoot != -1) return QuickGameBoot(argv[quickGameBoot]); return ret; } int StartUpProcess::Execute() { Settings.EntryIOS = IOS_GetVersion(); // Initialize to read the system menu resources ISFS_Initialize(); SetTextf("Loading system menu resources\n"); SystemMenuResources::Instance()->Init(); // Check MIOS version SetTextf("Checking installed MIOS... "); IosLoader::GetMIOSInfo(true); // Deinitialize ISFS ISFS_Deinitialize(); // Reload app cios SetTextf("Loading application cIOS\n"); if(IosLoader::LoadAppCios() < 0) { SetTextf("Failed loading any cIOS. USB Loader GX requires at least cIOS 222 or 245-250 to work properly.\n"); sleep(5); // We can allow now operation without cIOS in channel mode with AHPPROT // Sys_BackToLoader(); } SetupPads(); SetTextf("Initialize sd card\n"); DeviceHandler::Instance()->MountSD(); SetTextf("Initialize usb device\n"); USBSpinUp(); DeviceHandler::Instance()->MountAllUSB(false); SetTextf("Loading config files"); gprintf("\tLoading config...%s\n", Settings.Load() ? "done" : "failed"); gprintf("\tLoading language...%s\n", Settings.LoadLanguage(Settings.language_path, CONSOLE_DEFAULT) ? "done" : "failed"); gprintf("\tLoading game settings...%s\n", GameSettings.Load(Settings.ConfigPath) ? "done" : "failed"); gprintf("\tLoading game statistics...%s\n", GameStatistics.Load(Settings.ConfigPath) ? "done" : "failed"); if(Settings.cios != IOS_GetVersion()) { SetTextf("Loading cIOS %i\n", Settings.cios); // Unmount devices DeviceHandler::DestroyInstance(); USBStorage2_Deinit(); // Shut down pads WPAD_Shutdown(); // Loading now the cios setup in the settings IosLoader::LoadAppCios(); SetTextf("Reloading into cIOS %i R%i\n", IOS_GetVersion(), IOS_GetRevision()); // Re-Mount devices DeviceHandler::Instance()->MountSD(); USBSpinUp(); DeviceHandler::Instance()->MountAllUSB(false); // Start pads again SetupPads(); } if(!IosLoader::IsHermesIOS() && !IosLoader::IsD2X()) { Settings.USBPort = 0; } else if(Settings.USBPort == 1 && USBStorage2_GetPort() != Settings.USBPort) { SetTextf("Changing USB Port to %i\n", Settings.USBPort); DeviceHandler::Instance()->UnMountAllUSB(); DeviceHandler::Instance()->MountAllUSB(); } else if(Settings.USBPort == 2) { SetTextf("Mounting USB Port to 1\n"); DeviceHandler::Instance()->MountUSBPort1(); } // We only initialize once for the whole session ISFS_Initialize(); SetTextf("Loading resources\n"); // Do not allow banner grid mode without AHBPROT // this function does nothing if it was already initiated before if( !SystemMenuResources::Instance()->IsLoaded() && !SystemMenuResources::Instance()->Init() && Settings.gameDisplay == BANNERGRID_MODE) { Settings.gameDisplay = LIST_MODE; Settings.GameWindowMode = GAMEWINDOW_DISC; } gprintf("\tLoading game categories...%s\n", GameCategories.Load(Settings.ConfigPath) ? "done" : "failed"); gprintf("\tLoading font...%s\n", Theme::LoadFont(Settings.ConfigPath) ? "done" : "failed (using default)"); gprintf("\tLoading theme...%s\n", Theme::Load(Settings.theme) ? "done" : "failed (using default)"); if(Settings.CacheTitles) gprintf("\tLoading cached titles...%s\n", GameTitles.ReadCachedTitles(Settings.titlestxt_path) ? "done" : "failed (using default)"); //! Init the rest of the System Sys_Init(); InitAudio(); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C-UTF-8"); setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "C-UTF-8"); AdjustOverscan(Settings.AdjustOverscanX, Settings.AdjustOverscanY); return 0; } void StartUpProcess::Draw() { background->Draw(); GXImage->Draw(); titleTxt->Draw(); messageTxt->Draw(); if(drawCancel) cancelTxt->Draw(); Menu_Render(); } int StartUpProcess::QuickGameBoot(const char * gameID) { MountGamePartition(false); struct discHdr *header = NULL; for(int i = 0; i < gameList.size(); ++i) { if(strncasecmp((char *) gameList[i]->id, gameID, 6) == 0) header = gameList[i]; } if(!header) return -1; GameStatistics.SetPlayCount(header->id, GameStatistics.GetPlayCount(header->id)+1); GameStatistics.Save(); return GameBooter::BootGame(header); }