/**************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010 * by Dimok * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any * damages arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any * purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and * redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you * must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use * this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product * documentation would be appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and * must not be misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source * distribution. ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "CTheme.h" #include "GUI/gui.h" #include "settings/CSettings.h" #include "banner/OpeningBNR.hpp" #include "FileOperations/fileops.h" #include "SystemMenu/SystemMenuResources.h" #include "menu/menus.h" #include "wad/nandtitle.h" #include "FreeTypeGX.h" FreeTypeGX * fontSystem = NULL; static FT_Byte * customFont = NULL; static u32 customFontSize = 0; bool Theme::ShowTooltips = true; void Theme::Reload() { HaltGui(); mainWindow->Remove(bgImg); for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { char image[50]; snprintf(image, sizeof(image), "player%i_point.png", i+1); pointer[i]->SetImage(image); } delete btnSoundClick; delete btnSoundClick2; delete btnSoundOver; btnSoundClick = new GuiSound(Resources::GetFile("button_click.wav"), Resources::GetFileSize("button_click.wav"), Settings.sfxvolume); btnSoundClick2 = new GuiSound(Resources::GetFile("button_click2.wav"), Resources::GetFileSize("button_click2.wav"), Settings.sfxvolume); btnSoundOver = new GuiSound(Resources::GetFile("button_over.wav"), Resources::GetFileSize("button_over.wav"), Settings.sfxvolume); delete background; background = Resources::GetImageData(Settings.widescreen ? "wbackground.png" : "background.png"); delete bgImg; bgImg = new GuiImage(background); mainWindow->Append(bgImg); ResumeGui(); } void Theme::CleanUp() { ThemeCleanUp(); Resources::Clear(); ClearFontData(); } void Theme::SetDefault() { ShowTooltips = true; CleanUp(); strcpy(Settings.theme, ""); LoadFont(""); } bool Theme::Load(const char * theme_file_path) { bool result = LoadTheme(theme_file_path); if(!result) return result; Theme::ShowTooltips = (thInt("1 - Enable tooltips: 0 for off and 1 for on") != 0); FILE * file = fopen(theme_file_path, "rb"); if(!file) return false; char line[300]; char * Foldername = NULL; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) { char * ptr = strcasestr(line, "Image-Folder:"); if(!ptr) continue; ptr += strlen("Image-Folder:"); while(*ptr != '\0' && *ptr == ' ') ptr++; Foldername = ptr; while(*ptr != '\\' && *ptr != '"' && *ptr != '\0') ptr++; *ptr = '\0'; break; } fclose(file); if(!Foldername) return result; char theme_path[300]; snprintf(theme_path, sizeof(theme_path), theme_file_path); char * ptr = strrchr(theme_path, '/'); if(ptr) *ptr = '\0'; snprintf(theme_path, sizeof(theme_path), "%s/%s", theme_path, Foldername); if(!Resources::LoadFiles(theme_path)) { const char * ThemeFilename = strrchr(theme_file_path, '/')+1; char Filename[255]; snprintf(Filename, sizeof(Filename), ThemeFilename); char * fileext = strrchr(Filename, '.'); if(fileext) *fileext = 0; char * ptr = strrchr(theme_path, '/'); *ptr = 0; snprintf(theme_path, sizeof(theme_path), "%s/%s", theme_path, Filename); Resources::LoadFiles(theme_path); } //! Override font.ttf with the theme font.ttf if it exists in the image folder char FontPath[300]; snprintf(FontPath, sizeof(FontPath), "%s/font.ttf", theme_path); if(CheckFile(FontPath)) Theme::LoadFont(theme_path); return result; } bool Theme::LoadFont(const char *path) { char FontPath[300]; bool result = false; FILE *pfile = NULL; delete [] customFont; customFont = NULL; snprintf(FontPath, sizeof(FontPath), "%s/font.ttf", path); pfile = fopen(FontPath, "rb"); if (pfile) { fseek(pfile, 0, SEEK_END); customFontSize = ftell(pfile); rewind(pfile); customFont = new (std::nothrow) FT_Byte[customFontSize]; if (customFont) { fread(customFont, 1, customFontSize, pfile); result = true; } fclose(pfile); } bool isSystemFont = false; FT_Byte *loadedFont = customFont; u32 loadedFontSize = customFontSize; if(!loadedFont && Settings.UseSystemFont) { //! Default to system font if no custom is loaded loadedFont = (u8 *) SystemMenuResources::Instance()->GetSystemFont(); loadedFontSize = SystemMenuResources::Instance()->GetSystemFontSize(); if(loadedFont) isSystemFont = true; } if(!loadedFont) { loadedFont = (FT_Byte *) Resources::GetFile("font.ttf"); loadedFontSize = Resources::GetFileSize("font.ttf"); } delete fontSystem; fontSystem = new FreeTypeGX(loadedFont, loadedFontSize, isSystemFont); return result; } void Theme::ClearFontData() { if (fontSystem) delete fontSystem; fontSystem = NULL; if(customFont) delete [] customFont; customFont = NULL; }