/**************************************************************************** * DiscBrowser * USB Loader GX 2009 * * DiscBrowser.h ***************************************************************************/ #include "language/gettext.h" #include "libwiigui/gui.h" #include "libwiigui/gui_customoptionbrowser.h" #include "prompts/PromptWindows.h" #include "filelist.h" #include "menu.h" #include "usbloader/disc.h" #include "usbloader/fstfile.h" #include "usbloader/wdvd.h" #include "main.h" #include "sys.h" #include "settings/cfg.h" #include "memory.h" /*** Extern functions ***/ extern void ResumeGui(); extern void HaltGui(); /*** Extern variables ***/ extern GuiWindow * mainWindow; extern u8 shutdown; extern u8 reset; /******************************************************************************** *Game specific settings *********************************************************************************/ int DiscBrowse(struct discHdr * header) { bool exit = false; int ret, choice; u64 offset; ret = Disc_SetUSB(header->id); if (ret < 0) { WindowPrompt(tr("ERROR:"), tr("Could not set USB."), tr("OK")); return ret; } ret = Disc_Open(); if (ret < 0) { WindowPrompt(tr("ERROR:"), tr("Could not open disc."), tr("OK")); return ret; } ret = __Disc_FindPartition(&offset); if (ret < 0) { WindowPrompt(tr("ERROR:"), tr("Could not find a WBFS partition."), tr("OK")); return ret; } ret = WDVD_OpenPartition(offset); if (ret < 0) { WindowPrompt(tr("ERROR:"), tr("Could not open WBFS partition"), tr("OK")); return ret; } int *buffer = (int*)allocate_memory(0x20); if (buffer == NULL) { WindowPrompt(tr("ERROR:"), tr("Not enough free memory."), tr("OK")); return -1; } ret = WDVD_Read(buffer, 0x20, 0x420); if (ret < 0) { WindowPrompt(tr("ERROR:"), tr("Could not read the disc."), tr("OK")); return ret; } void *fstbuffer = allocate_memory(buffer[2]*4); FST_ENTRY *fst = (FST_ENTRY *)fstbuffer; if (fst == NULL) { WindowPrompt(tr("ERROR:"), tr("Not enough free memory."), tr("OK")); free(buffer); return -1; } ret = WDVD_Read(fstbuffer, buffer[2]*4, buffer[1]*4); if (ret < 0) { WindowPrompt(tr("ERROR:"), tr("Could not read the disc."), tr("OK")); free(buffer); free(fstbuffer); return ret; } free(buffer); WDVD_Reset(); //Disc_SetUSB(NULL); WDVD_ClosePartition(); u32 discfilecount = fst[0].filelen; u32 dolfilecount = 0; //int offsetselect[20]; customOptionList options3(discfilecount); for (u32 i = 0; i < discfilecount; i++) { //don't add files that aren't .dol to the list int len = (strlen(fstfiles(fst, i))); if (fstfiles(fst, i)[len-4] =='.' && fstfiles(fst, i)[len-3] =='d' && fstfiles(fst, i)[len-2] =='o' && fstfiles(fst, i)[len-1] =='l') { options3.SetName(i, "%i", i); options3.SetValue(i, fstfiles(fst, i)); //options3.SetName(i, fstfiles(fst, i)); dolfilecount++; } } if (dolfilecount <= 0) { WindowPrompt(tr("ERROR"), tr("No dol file found on disc."), tr("OK")); free(fstbuffer); return -1; } GuiSound btnSoundOver(button_over_pcm, button_over_pcm_size, SOUND_PCM, Settings.sfxvolume); GuiSound btnClick(button_click2_pcm, button_click2_pcm_size, SOUND_PCM, Settings.sfxvolume); char imgPath[100]; snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sbutton_dialogue_box.png", CFG.theme_path); GuiImageData btnOutline(imgPath, button_dialogue_box_png); snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sgamesettings_background.png", CFG.theme_path); GuiImageData settingsbg(imgPath, settings_background_png); GuiTrigger trigA; trigA.SetSimpleTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_A | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_A, PAD_BUTTON_A); GuiTrigger trigHome; trigHome.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_HOME | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_HOME, 0); GuiTrigger trigB; trigB.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_B | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_B, PAD_BUTTON_B); GuiText titleTxt(get_title(header), 28, (GXColor) {0, 0, 0, 255}); titleTxt.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); titleTxt.SetPosition(12,40); titleTxt.SetMaxWidth(356, GuiText::SCROLL); GuiImage settingsbackground(&settingsbg); GuiButton settingsbackgroundbtn(settingsbackground.GetWidth(), settingsbackground.GetHeight()); settingsbackgroundbtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); settingsbackgroundbtn.SetPosition(0, 0); settingsbackgroundbtn.SetImage(&settingsbackground); GuiText cancelBtnTxt(tr("Back"), 22, (GXColor) { THEME.prompttxt_r, THEME.prompttxt_g, THEME.prompttxt_b, 255}); cancelBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth()-30); GuiImage cancelBtnImg(&btnOutline); if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) { cancelBtnTxt.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); cancelBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); } GuiButton cancelBtn(&cancelBtnImg,&cancelBtnImg, 2, 3, 180, 400, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, &btnClick,1); cancelBtn.SetScale(0.9); cancelBtn.SetLabel(&cancelBtnTxt); cancelBtn.SetTrigger(&trigB); u8 scrollbaron = 0; if (dolfilecount > 9) scrollbaron = 1; GuiCustomOptionBrowser optionBrowser3(396, 280, &options3, CFG.theme_path, "bg_options_gamesettings.png", bg_options_settings_png, dolfilecount>9?1:0, 200); optionBrowser3.SetPosition(0, 90); optionBrowser3.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); HaltGui(); GuiWindow w(screenwidth, screenheight); w.Append(&settingsbackgroundbtn); w.Append(&titleTxt); w.Append(&cancelBtn); w.Append(&optionBrowser3); mainWindow->Append(&w); ResumeGui(); while (!exit) { VIDEO_WaitVSync(); if (shutdown == 1) Sys_Shutdown(); if (reset == 1) Sys_Reboot(); ret = optionBrowser3.GetClickedOption(); if (ret > 0) { char temp[100]; strncpy(temp, fstfiles(fst, ret), sizeof(temp)); choice = WindowPrompt(temp, tr("Load this dol as alternate dol?"), tr("OK"), tr("Cancel")); if (choice) { //ret = offsetselect[ret]; snprintf(alternatedname, sizeof(alternatedname), "%s", temp); exit = true; break; } } if (cancelBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { exit = true; ret = 696969; //break; } } HaltGui(); mainWindow->Remove(&w); ResumeGui(); //free not needed list buffer anymore free(fstbuffer); return ret; } int autoSelectDol(const char *id) { //still not done// //////////ID6///////////////// if (strcmp(id,"RF8E69") == 0) return 439;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RF8P69") == 0) return 463;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RF8X69") == 0) return 464;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RZTP01") == 0) return 952;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RZTE01") == 0) return 674;//from starstremr if (strcmp(id,"RMZX69") == 0) return 492;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RMZP69") == 0) return 492;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RMZE69") == 0) return 492;//starstremr if (strcmp(id,"REDP41") == 0) return 1957;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"REDE41") == 0) return 1957;//starstremr if (strcmp(id,"RSXP69") == 0) return 337;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RSXE69") == 0) return 337;//starstremr if (strcmp(id,"RNBX69") == 0) return 964;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RNFP69") == 0) return 1079;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RMLP7U") == 0) return 56;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RKMP5D") == 0) return 290;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RKME5D") == 0) return 290;//starstremr if (strcmp(id,"R5TP69") == 0) return 1493;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"R5TE69") == 0) return 1493;//starstremr if (strcmp(id,"R9OP69") == 0) return 1991;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"R9OE69") == 0) return 1973;//starstremr if (strcmp(id,"RVUP8P") == 0) return 16426;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RVUE8P") == 0) return 16405;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RJ8P64") == 0) return 8;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RHDP8P") == 0) return 149;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RHDE8P") == 0) return 149;//starstremr if (strcmp(id,"RJ8P64") == 0) return 8;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RJ8E64") == 0) return 8;//starstremr if (strcmp(id,"RHDP8P") == 0) return 149;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RMDP69") == 0) return 39;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RBOP69") == 0) return 657;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RBOE69") == 0) return 675;//starstremr if (strcmp(id,"RPYP9B") == 0) return 12490;//from isostar if (strcmp(id,"RM2X69") == 0)return 601;//dj_skual /* Tiger Woods10 R9OP69 1991 Virtual Tennis 2009 RVUP8P 16426 Fate of Atlantis"Indianer Jones" RJ8P64 8 Madden NFL07 RMDP69 39 Boogie RBOP69 657 Pangya! Golf with Sryle RPYP9B 12490 Grand Slam R5TP69 1493 Madden NFL08 RNFP69 1079 rboe69 = boogie ntsc = (675) 601 rm2x69 RZTE01 = WSR = 674 Fifa08 RF8P69 463 Fifa08 RF8X69 464 Wii Sports Resort RZTP01 952 Medal of Honor Heroes RMZX69 492 Medal of Honor Heroes RMZP69 492 Redsteel REDP41 1957 SSX RSXP69 337 NBA08 RNBX69 964 Metal Slug Anthology RMLP7U 56 Mortal Kombat RKMP5D 290 House of Dead 2+3 RHDP8P 149 Metroid Prime 1 and/or 2? listed on the alt dol list but not on lustar's site */ //if (strcmp(id,"") == 0) return ; //blank line for more dols return -1; }