/**************************************************************************** * libwiigui * * Tantric 2009 * * gui_image.cpp * * GUI class definitions ***************************************************************************/ #include "gui.h" /** * Constructor for the GuiImage class. */ GuiImage::GuiImage() { image = NULL; width = 0; height = 0; imageangle = 0; tile = -1; stripe = 0; widescreen = 0; xx1 = 0; yy1 = 0; xx2 = 0; yy2 = 0; xx3 = 0; yy3 = 0; xx4 = 0; yy4 = 0; imgType = IMAGE_DATA; } GuiImage::GuiImage(GuiImageData * img) { if (img) { image = img->GetImage(); width = img->GetWidth(); height = img->GetHeight(); } else { image = NULL; width = 0; height = 0; } imageangle = 0; tile = -1; stripe = 0; widescreen = 0; parentangle = true; xx1 = 0; yy1 = 0; xx2 = 0; yy2 = 0; xx3 = 0; yy3 = 0; xx4 = 0; yy4 = 0; imgType = IMAGE_DATA; } GuiImage::GuiImage(u8 * img, int w, int h) { image = img; width = w; height = h; imageangle = 0; tile = -1; stripe = 0; widescreen = 0; parentangle = true; xx1 = 0; yy1 = 0; xx2 = 0; yy2 = 0; xx3 = 0; yy3 = 0; xx4 = 0; yy4 = 0; imgType = IMAGE_TEXTURE; } GuiImage::GuiImage(int w, int h, GXColor c) { image = (u8 *) memalign(32, w * h * 4); width = w; height = h; imageangle = 0; tile = -1; stripe = 0; widescreen = 0; parentangle = true; xx1 = 0; yy1 = 0; xx2 = 0; yy2 = 0; xx3 = 0; yy3 = 0; xx4 = 0; yy4 = 0; imgType = IMAGE_COLOR; if (!image) return; int x, y; for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { this->SetPixel(x, y, c); } } int len = w * h * 4; if (len % 32) len += (32 - len % 32); DCFlushRange(image, len); } GuiImage::GuiImage(GuiImage &srcimage) : GuiElement() { width = srcimage.GetWidth(); height = srcimage.GetHeight(); int len = width * height * 4; if (len % 32) len += (32 - len % 32); image = (u8 *) memalign(32, len); memcpy(image, srcimage.GetImage(), len); DCFlushRange(image, len); imageangle = srcimage.GetAngle(); tile = -1; stripe = 0; widescreen = 0; parentangle = true; xx1 = 0; yy1 = 0; xx2 = 0; yy2 = 0; xx3 = 0; yy3 = 0; xx4 = 0; yy4 = 0; imgType = IMAGE_COPY; } GuiImage::GuiImage(GuiImage *srcimage) : GuiElement() { width = srcimage->GetWidth(); height = srcimage->GetHeight(); int len = width * height * 4; if (len % 32) len += (32 - len % 32); image = (u8 *) memalign(32, len); memcpy(image, srcimage->GetImage(), len); DCFlushRange(image, len); imageangle = srcimage->GetAngle(); tile = -1; stripe = 0; widescreen = 0; parentangle = true; xx1 = 0; yy1 = 0; xx2 = 0; yy2 = 0; xx3 = 0; yy3 = 0; xx4 = 0; yy4 = 0; imgType = IMAGE_COPY; } GuiImage &GuiImage::operator=(GuiImage & srcimage) { if ((imgType == IMAGE_COLOR || imgType == IMAGE_COPY) && image) { free(image); image = NULL; } width = srcimage.GetWidth(); height = srcimage.GetHeight(); int len = width * height * 4; if (len % 32) len += (32 - len % 32); image = (u8 *) memalign(32, len); memcpy(image, srcimage.GetImage(), len); DCFlushRange(image, len); imageangle = srcimage.GetAngle(); tile = -1; stripe = 0; widescreen = 0; parentangle = true; xx1 = 0; yy1 = 0; xx2 = 0; yy2 = 0; xx3 = 0; yy3 = 0; xx4 = 0; yy4 = 0; imgType = IMAGE_COPY; return *this; } /** * Destructor for the GuiImage class. */ GuiImage::~GuiImage() { if ((imgType == IMAGE_COLOR || imgType == IMAGE_COPY) && image) { free(image); image = NULL; } } u8 * GuiImage::GetImage() { return image; } void GuiImage::SetImage(GuiImageData * img) { LOCK( this ); if ((imgType == IMAGE_COLOR || imgType == IMAGE_COPY) && image) { free(image); image = NULL; } image = img->GetImage(); width = img->GetWidth(); height = img->GetHeight(); imgType = IMAGE_DATA; } void GuiImage::SetImage(u8 * img, int w, int h) { LOCK( this ); if ((imgType == IMAGE_COLOR || imgType == IMAGE_COPY) && image) { free(image); image = NULL; } image = img; width = w; height = h; imgType = IMAGE_TEXTURE; } void GuiImage::SetAngle(float a) { LOCK( this ); imageangle = a; } float GuiImage::GetAngle() { return imageangle; } void GuiImage::SetTile(int t) { LOCK( this ); tile = t; } void GuiImage::SetWidescreen(bool w) { LOCK( this ); widescreen = w; } void GuiImage::SetParentAngle(bool a) { LOCK( this ); parentangle = a; } GXColor GuiImage::GetPixel(int x, int y) { if (!image || this->GetWidth() <= 0 || x < 0 || y < 0) return ( GXColor ) { 0, 0, 0, 0}; u32 offset = (((y >> 2) << 4) * this->GetWidth()) + ((x >> 2) << 6) + (((y % 4 << 2) + x % 4) << 1); GXColor color; color.a = *(image + offset); color.r = *(image + offset + 1); color.g = *(image + offset + 32); color.b = *(image + offset + 33); return color; } void GuiImage::SetPixel(int x, int y, GXColor color) { LOCK( this ); if (!image || this->GetWidth() <= 0 || x < 0 || y < 0) return; u32 offset = (((y >> 2) << 4) * this->GetWidth()) + ((x >> 2) << 6) + (((y % 4 << 2) + x % 4) << 1); *(image + offset) = color.a; *(image + offset + 1) = color.r; *(image + offset + 32) = color.g; *(image + offset + 33) = color.b; } void GuiImage::SetGrayscale(void) { LOCK( this ); GXColor color; u32 offset, gray; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { offset = (((y >> 2) << 4) * width) + ((x >> 2) << 6) + (((y % 4 << 2) + x % 4) << 1); color.r = *(image + offset + 1); color.g = *(image + offset + 32); color.b = *(image + offset + 33); gray = (77 * color.r + 150 * color.g + 28 * color.b) / 255; *(image + offset + 1) = gray; *(image + offset + 32) = gray; *(image + offset + 33) = gray; } } int len = width * height * 4; if (len % 32) len += (32 - len % 32); DCFlushRange(image, len); } void GuiImage::SetStripe(int s) { LOCK( this ); stripe = s; } void GuiImage::SetSkew(int XX1, int YY1, int XX2, int YY2, int XX3, int YY3, int XX4, int YY4) { xx1 = XX1; yy1 = YY1; xx2 = XX2; yy2 = YY2; xx3 = XX3; yy3 = YY3; xx4 = XX4; yy4 = YY4; } void GuiImage::SetSkew(int *skew) { xx1 = *skew++; yy1 = *skew++; xx2 = *skew++; yy2 = *skew++; xx3 = *skew++; yy3 = *skew++; xx4 = *skew++; yy4 = *skew; } void GuiImage::ColorStripe(int shift) { LOCK( this ); int x, y; GXColor color; int alt = 0; for (y = 0; y < this->GetHeight(); y++) { if (y % 3 == 0) alt ^= 1; for (x = 0; x < this->GetWidth(); x++) { color = GetPixel(x, y); if (alt) { if (color.r < 255 - shift) color.r += shift; else color.r = 255; if (color.g < 255 - shift) color.g += shift; else color.g = 255; if (color.b < 255 - shift) color.b += shift; else color.b = 255; color.a = 255; } else { if (color.r > shift) color.r -= shift; else color.r = 0; if (color.g > shift) color.g -= shift; else color.g = 0; if (color.b > shift) color.b -= shift; else color.b = 0; color.a = 255; } SetPixel(x, y, color); } } int len = width * height * 4; if (len % 32) len += (32 - len % 32); DCFlushRange(image, len); } /** * Draw the button on screen */ void GuiImage::Draw() { LOCK( this ); if (!image || !this->IsVisible() || tile == 0) return; float currScale = this->GetScale(); int currLeft = this->GetLeft(); float currAngleDyn = this->GetAngleDyn(); if (currAngleDyn && parentangle) imageangle = currAngleDyn; if (tile > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < tile; i++) Menu_DrawImg(currLeft + width * i, this->GetTop(), zoffset, width, height, image, imageangle, widescreen ? currScale * 0.80 : currScale, currScale, this->GetAlpha(), xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, xx3, yy3, xx4, yy4); } else { // temporary (maybe), used to correct offset for scaled images if (scale != 1) currLeft = currLeft - width / 2 + (width * scale) / 2; Menu_DrawImg(currLeft, this->GetTop(), zoffset, width, height, image, imageangle, widescreen ? currScale * 0.80 : currScale, currScale, this->GetAlpha(), xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, xx3, yy3, xx4, yy4); } if (stripe > 0) for (int y = 0; y < this->GetHeight(); y += 6) Menu_DrawRectangle(currLeft, this->GetTop() + y, this->GetWidth(), 3, ( GXColor ) { 0, 0, 0, stripe}, 1); this->UpdateEffects(); }