/**************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2011 Dimok * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "GCGames.h" #include "FileOperations/fileops.h" #include "settings/GameTitles.h" #include "settings/CSettings.h" #include "prompts/GCDeleteMenu.h" #include "prompts/PromptWindows.h" #include "prompts/ProgressWindow.h" #include "language/gettext.h" #include "usbloader/wbfs/wbfs_fat.h" #include "utils/tools.h" #include "system/IosLoader.h" #include "menu.h" #include "gecko.h" GCGames *GCGames::instance = NULL; inline bool isGameID(const u8 *id) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (!isalnum((int) id[i])) return false; return true; } const char *GCGames::GetPath(const char *gameID) const { if(!gameID) return ""; for(u32 i = 0; i < HeaderList.size(); i++) { if(strncasecmp((const char *) HeaderList[i].id, gameID, 6) == 0) return PathList[i].c_str(); } return ""; } void GCGames::LoadGameList(const string &path, vector &headerList, vector &pathList) { struct discHdr tmpHdr; struct stat st; u8 id[8]; u8 disc_number = 0; char fpath[1024]; char fname_title[64]; DIR *dir_iter; struct dirent *dirent; dir_iter = opendir(path.c_str()); if (!dir_iter) return; while ((dirent = readdir(dir_iter)) != 0) { const char *dirname = dirent->d_name; if(!dirname) continue; if (dirname[0] == '.') continue; // reset id and title memset(id, 0, sizeof(id)); *fname_title = 0; bool lay_a = false; bool lay_b = false; int len = strlen(dirname); if (len >= 8) { if (Wbfs_Fat::CheckLayoutB((char *) dirname, len, id, fname_title)) { // path/TITLE[GAMEID]/game.iso lay_b = true; } else if (dirname[6] == '_') { // path/GAMEID_TITLE/game.iso memcpy(id, dirname, 6); if(isGameID(id)) { lay_a = true; snprintf(fname_title, sizeof(fname_title), "%s", &dirname[7]); } } } else if(len == 6 && isGameID((u8*)dirname)) { memcpy(id, dirname, 6); lay_a = true; } if(!lay_a && !lay_b) memset(id, 0, sizeof(id)); bool found = false; bool extracted = false; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { char name[50]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%.6s.%s", (i % 2) == 0 ? "game" : (char *) id, i >= 2 ? "gcm" : "iso"); snprintf(fpath, sizeof(fpath), "%s%s/%s", path.c_str(), dirname, name); if((found = (stat(fpath, &st) == 0)) == true) break; } // Check if only disc2.iso is present if(!found) { for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { char name[50]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "disc2.%s", (i % 2) == 0 ? "gcm" : "iso"); // allow gcm, though DM(L) require "disc2.iso" filename snprintf(fpath, sizeof(fpath), "%s%s/%s", path.c_str(), dirname, name); if((found = (stat(fpath, &st) == 0)) == true) { disc_number = 1; break; } } } if(!found) { snprintf(fpath, sizeof(fpath), "%s%s/sys/boot.bin", path.c_str(), dirname); if(stat(fpath, &st) != 0) continue; // this game is extracted extracted = true; } //! GAMEID was not found if(!lay_a && !lay_b) { // read game ID and title from disc header // iso file FILE *fp = fopen(fpath, "rb"); if (fp != NULL) { memset(&tmpHdr, 0, sizeof(tmpHdr)); fread(&tmpHdr, sizeof(struct discHdr), 1, fp); fclose(fp); if (tmpHdr.gc_magic == GCGames::MAGIC) { memcpy(id, tmpHdr.id, 6); snprintf(fname_title, sizeof(fname_title), "%s", tmpHdr.title); } } } // if we have titles.txt entry use that const char *title = GameTitles.GetTitle(id); // if no titles.txt get title from dir or file name if (strlen(title) == 0 && !Settings.ForceDiscTitles && strlen(fname_title) > 0) title = fname_title; if (*id != 0 && strlen(title) > 0) { string gamePath = string(path) + dirname + (extracted ? "/" : strrchr(fpath, '/')); memset(&tmpHdr, 0, sizeof(tmpHdr)); memcpy(tmpHdr.id, id, 6); strncpy(tmpHdr.title, title, sizeof(tmpHdr.title)-1); tmpHdr.magic = GCGames::MAGIC; tmpHdr.type = extracted ? TYPE_GAME_GC_EXTRACTED : TYPE_GAME_GC_IMG; tmpHdr.disc_no = disc_number; headerList.push_back(tmpHdr); pathList.push_back(gamePath); continue; } // else read it from file directly // iso file FILE *fp = fopen(fpath, "rb"); if (fp != NULL) { memset(&tmpHdr, 0, sizeof(tmpHdr)); fread(&tmpHdr, sizeof(struct discHdr), 1, fp); fclose(fp); if (tmpHdr.gc_magic == GCGames::MAGIC) { string gamePath = string(path) + dirname + (extracted ? "/" : strrchr(fpath, '/')); tmpHdr.magic = tmpHdr.gc_magic; tmpHdr.type = extracted ? TYPE_GAME_GC_EXTRACTED : TYPE_GAME_GC_IMG; headerList.push_back(tmpHdr); pathList.push_back(gamePath); // Save title for next start GameTitles.SetGameTitle(tmpHdr.id, tmpHdr.title); } } } closedir(dir_iter); } u32 GCGames::LoadAllGames(void) { PathList.clear(); HeaderList.clear(); sdGCList.clear(); sdGCPathList.clear(); if(strcmp(Settings.GameCubePath, Settings.GameCubeSDPath) == 0 || Settings.GameCubeSource != GC_SOURCE_SD) LoadGameList(Settings.GameCubePath, HeaderList, PathList); if(strcmp(Settings.GameCubePath, Settings.GameCubeSDPath) != 0 && (Settings.GameCubeSource != GC_SOURCE_MAIN)) { LoadGameList(Settings.GameCubeSDPath, sdGCList, sdGCPathList); for(u32 i = 0; i < sdGCList.size(); ++i) { if(Settings.GameCubeSource == GC_SOURCE_AUTO) { u32 n; for(n = 0; n < HeaderList.size(); ++n) { //! Display only one game if it is present on both SD and USB. if(memcmp(HeaderList[n].id, sdGCList[i].id, 6) == 0) { if(IosLoader::GetMIOSInfo() == DIOS_MIOS || IosLoader::GetMIOSInfo() == QUADFORCE_USB) // DIOS MIOS - Show only the game on USB { break; } else // replace the one loaded from USB with the same games on SD since we can load them directly { memcpy(&HeaderList[n], &sdGCList[i], sizeof(struct discHdr)); PathList[n] = sdGCPathList[i]; break; } } } // Not available in the main GC path if(n == HeaderList.size()) { HeaderList.push_back(sdGCList[i]); PathList.push_back(sdGCPathList[i]); } } else // GC_SOURCE_SD, or GC_SOURCE_BOTH (show duplicates) { HeaderList.push_back(sdGCList[i]); PathList.push_back(sdGCPathList[i]); } } } return HeaderList.size(); } bool GCGames::RemoveGame(const char *gameID) { const char *path = GetPath(gameID); if(*path == 0) return false; RemoveSDGame(gameID); if(strcmp(Settings.GameCubePath, Settings.GameCubeSDPath) == 0) return true; struct discHdr *header = NULL; for(u32 i = 0; i < HeaderList.size(); ++i) { if(strncmp(gameID, (char*)HeaderList[i].id, 6) == 0) { header = &HeaderList[i]; break; } } if(!header) return false; char filepath[512]; int result = 0; int ret; // the main path is the SD path as it is prefered, now delete USB char cIsoPath[256]; snprintf(cIsoPath, sizeof(cIsoPath), "%s", path + strlen(Settings.GameCubeSDPath)); if(header->type == TYPE_GAME_GC_IMG) { // Remove game iso snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s%s", Settings.GameCubePath, cIsoPath); ret = RemoveFile(filepath); if(ret != 0) result = -1; // Remove path char *pathPtr = strrchr(filepath, '/'); if(pathPtr) *pathPtr = 0; ret = RemoveFile(filepath); if(ret != 0) result = -1; } else if(header->type == TYPE_GAME_GC_EXTRACTED) { //! remove extracted gamecube game snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s%s", Settings.GameCubePath, cIsoPath); ret = RemoveDirectory(path); if(ret < 0) result = -1; } return (result == 0); } bool GCGames::RemoveSDGame(const char *gameID) { const char *path = GetPath(gameID); if(*path == 0) return false; struct discHdr *header = NULL; for(u32 i = 0; i < HeaderList.size(); ++i) { if(strncmp(gameID, (char*)HeaderList[i].id, 6) == 0) { header = &HeaderList[i]; break; } } if(!header) return false; char filepath[512]; int result = 0; int ret; if(header->type == TYPE_GAME_GC_IMG) { // Remove game iso snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s", path); ret = RemoveFile(filepath); if(ret != 0) result = -1; // Remove path char *pathPtr = strrchr(filepath, '/'); if(pathPtr) *pathPtr = 0; ret = RemoveFile(filepath); if(ret != 0) result = -1; } else if(header->type == TYPE_GAME_GC_EXTRACTED) { //! remove extracted gamecube game ret = RemoveDirectory(path); if(ret < 0) result = -1; } return (result == 0); } float GCGames::GetGameSize(const char *gameID) { const char *path = GetPath(gameID); if(*path == 0) return 0.0f; struct stat st; if(stat(path, &st) != 0) return 0.0f; return ((float) st.st_size / GB_SIZE); } bool GCGames::IsInstalled(const char *gameID, u8 disc_number) const { for(u32 n = 0; n < HeaderList.size(); n++) { if(memcmp(HeaderList[n].id, gameID, 6) == 0) { if(HeaderList[n].type == TYPE_GAME_GC_EXTRACTED || Settings.GCInstallCompressed) return true; // Multi-disc games in extracted form are currently unsupported by DML, no need to check further. if(HeaderList[n].disc_no == disc_number) // Disc number already in headerList. If Disc2 is loaded in headerList, then Disc1 is not installed yet { return true; } else if(disc_number == 1) // Check if the second Game Disc exists in the same folder than Disc1. { char filepath[512]; snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s", GetPath(gameID)); char *pathPtr = strrchr(filepath, '/'); if(pathPtr) *pathPtr = 0; snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s/disc2.iso", filepath); if(CheckFile(filepath)) return true; } } } return false; } bool GCGames::CopyUSB2SD(const struct discHdr *header) { const char *path = GetPath((char*)header->id); if(*path == 0) return false; int choice = WindowPrompt(tr("The game is on USB."), tr("Do you want to copy the game to SD or delete a game on SD?"), tr("Copy"), tr("Show SD"), tr("Cancel")); if(choice == 0) return false; const char *cpTitle = GameTitles.GetTitle(header); if(choice == 2) { GCDeleteMenu gcDeleteMenu; gcDeleteMenu.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); gcDeleteMenu.SetEffect(EFFECT_FADE, 20); mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DISABLED); mainWindow->Append(&gcDeleteMenu); gcDeleteMenu.Show(); gcDeleteMenu.SetEffect(EFFECT_FADE, -20); while(gcDeleteMenu.GetEffect() > 0) usleep(1000); mainWindow->Remove(&gcDeleteMenu); mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DEFAULT); if(!WindowPrompt(tr("Do you want to copy now?"), cpTitle, tr("Yes"), tr("Cancel"))) return false; } struct statvfs sd_vfs; if(statvfs(Settings.GameCubeSDPath, &sd_vfs) != 0) { WindowPrompt(tr("Error:"), tr("SD Card could not be accessed."), tr("OK")); return false; } u64 filesize = 0; if(header->type == TYPE_GAME_GC_IMG) { filesize = FileSize(path); } else if(header->type == TYPE_GAME_GC_EXTRACTED) { StartProgress(tr("Getting game folder size..."), tr("Please wait"), 0, true, true); ShowProgress(0, 1); filesize = FileSize(path); ProgressStop(); } while(((u64)sd_vfs.f_frsize * (u64)sd_vfs.f_bfree) < filesize) { choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Error: Not enough space on SD."), tr("Do you want to delete a game on SD?"), tr("Yes"), tr("Cancel")); if(choice == 0) return false; GCDeleteMenu gcDeleteMenu; gcDeleteMenu.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_MIDDLE); gcDeleteMenu.SetEffect(EFFECT_FADE, 20); mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DISABLED); mainWindow->Append(&gcDeleteMenu); gcDeleteMenu.Show(); gcDeleteMenu.SetEffect(EFFECT_FADE, -20); while(gcDeleteMenu.GetEffect() > 0) usleep(1000); mainWindow->Remove(&gcDeleteMenu); mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DEFAULT); statvfs(Settings.GameCubeSDPath, &sd_vfs); } const char *cIsoPath = path + strlen(Settings.GameCubePath); char destPath[512]; snprintf(destPath, sizeof(destPath), "%s%s", Settings.GameCubeSDPath, cIsoPath); int res = -1; if(header->type == TYPE_GAME_GC_IMG) { ProgressCancelEnable(true); StartProgress(tr("Copying GC game..."), cpTitle, 0, true, true); char *ptr = strrchr(destPath, '/'); if(ptr) *ptr = 0; CreateSubfolder(destPath); snprintf(destPath, sizeof(destPath), "%s%s", Settings.GameCubeSDPath, cIsoPath); res = CopyFile(path, destPath); } else if(header->type == TYPE_GAME_GC_EXTRACTED) { res = CopyDirectory(path, destPath); } // Refresh list GCGames::Instance()->LoadAllGames(); ProgressStop(); ProgressCancelEnable(false); if(res == PROGRESS_CANCELED) { if(header->type == TYPE_GAME_GC_IMG) { // remove file and path RemoveFile(destPath); char *ptr = strrchr(destPath, '/'); if(ptr) *ptr = 0; RemoveFile(destPath); } WindowPrompt(tr("Copying Canceled"), 0, tr("OK")); return false; } else if(res < 0) { if(header->type == TYPE_GAME_GC_IMG) { // remove file and path RemoveFile(destPath); char *ptr = strrchr(destPath, '/'); if(ptr) *ptr = 0; RemoveFile(destPath); } WindowPrompt(tr("Error:"), tr("Failed copying file"), tr("OK")); return false; } else { return WindowPrompt(tr("Successfully copied"), tr("Do you want to start the game now?"), tr("Yes"), tr("Cancel")); } }