#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mp3s.h" char filename[80]; //Files FILE* pFile; s32 my_reader(void *fp,void *dat, s32 size) { return fread(dat, 1, size, fp); } void StopMp3() { if(MP3Player_IsPlaying()) { MP3Player_Stop(); } } void CloseMp3() { if(MP3Player_IsPlaying()) { MP3Player_Stop(); } fclose(pFile); } void SetMp3Volume(u32 vol) { MP3Player_Volume(vol); } int PlayMp3(char * path) { if(!MP3Player_IsPlaying()) { MP3Player_Init(); } else { StopMp3(); } pFile = fopen (path, "r"); MP3Player_PlayFile(pFile, my_reader, NULL); return 1; } /* int PlayMp3(char * path) { if(!MP3Player_IsPlaying()) { MP3Player_Init(); } else { MP3Player_Stop(); } long lSize = 0; char * buffermp3 = NULL; size_t resultmp3; pFile = fopen (path, "r"); //Check that pFile exist if (pFile!=NULL) { // obtain file size: fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END); lSize = ftell (pFile); rewind (pFile); // allocate memory to contain the whole file: buffermp3 = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*lSize); if (buffermp3 == NULL) {fputs (" Memory error",stderr); exit (2);} // copy the file into the buffer: resultmp3 = fread (buffermp3,1,lSize,pFile); if (resultmp3 != lSize) {fputs (" Reading error",stderr); exit (3);} fclose (pFile); } if (buffermp3 != NULL) { MP3Player_PlayBuffer(buffermp3,lSize,NULL); return 1; } return 0; } */ int GetFiles(char * mp3path) { int countmp3 = 0; struct stat st; DIR_ITER* dir; dir = diropen (mp3path); if (dir == NULL) //If empty { return 0; } else { while (dirnext(dir,filename,&st) == 0) { if ((st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0) { // st.st_mode & S_IFDIR indicates a directory sprintf(mp3files[countmp3], "%s", filename); countmp3++; } } } return countmp3; }