#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "../settings/cfg.h" #include "fatmounter.h" #include "id.h" #include "isfs.h" #include "../gecko.h" #define MAX_TITLES 256 s32 Title_GetList(u64 **outbuf, u32 *outlen) { u64 *titles = NULL; u32 len, nb_titles; s32 ret; /* Get number of titles */ ret = ES_GetNumTitles(&nb_titles); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* Calculate buffer lenght */ len = round_up(sizeof(u64) * nb_titles, 32); /* Allocate memory */ titles = memalign(32, len); if (!titles) return -1; /* Get titles */ ret = ES_GetTitles(titles, nb_titles); if (ret < 0) goto err; /* Set values */ *outbuf = titles; *outlen = nb_titles; return 0; err: /* Free memory */ if (titles) free(titles); return ret; } s32 Title_GetTicketViews(u64 tid, tikview **outbuf, u32 *outlen) { tikview *views = NULL; u32 nb_views; s32 ret; /* Get number of ticket views */ ret = ES_GetNumTicketViews(tid, &nb_views); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* Allocate memory */ views = (tikview *)memalign(32, sizeof(tikview) * nb_views); if (!views) return -1; /* Get ticket views */ ret = ES_GetTicketViews(tid, views, nb_views); if (ret < 0) goto err; /* Set values */ *outbuf = views; *outlen = nb_views; return 0; err: /* Free memory */ if (views) free(views); return ret; } s32 Title_GetTMD(u64 tid, signed_blob **outbuf, u32 *outlen) { void *p_tmd = NULL; u32 len; s32 ret; /* Get TMD size */ ret = ES_GetStoredTMDSize(tid, &len); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* Allocate memory */ p_tmd = memalign(32, round_up(len, 32)); if (!p_tmd) return -1; /* Read TMD */ ret = ES_GetStoredTMD(tid, p_tmd, len); if (ret < 0) goto err; /* Set values */ *outbuf = p_tmd; *outlen = len; return 0; err: /* Free memory */ if (p_tmd) free(p_tmd); return ret; } s32 Title_GetVersion(u64 tid, u16 *outbuf) { signed_blob *p_tmd = NULL; tmd *tmd_data = NULL; u32 len; s32 ret; /* Get title TMD */ ret = Title_GetTMD(tid, &p_tmd, &len); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* Retrieve TMD info */ tmd_data = (tmd *)SIGNATURE_PAYLOAD(p_tmd); /* Set values */ *outbuf = tmd_data->title_version; /* Free memory */ free(p_tmd); return 0; } s32 Title_GetSysVersion(u64 tid, u64 *outbuf) { signed_blob *p_tmd = NULL; tmd *tmd_data = NULL; u32 len; s32 ret; /* Get title TMD */ ret = Title_GetTMD(tid, &p_tmd, &len); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* Retrieve TMD info */ tmd_data = (tmd *)SIGNATURE_PAYLOAD(p_tmd); /* Set values */ *outbuf = tmd_data->sys_version; /* Free memory */ free(p_tmd); return 0; } s32 Title_GetSize(u64 tid, u32 *outbuf) { signed_blob *p_tmd = NULL; tmd *tmd_data = NULL; u32 cnt, len, size = 0; s32 ret; /* Get title TMD */ ret = Title_GetTMD(tid, &p_tmd, &len); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* Retrieve TMD info */ tmd_data = (tmd *)SIGNATURE_PAYLOAD(p_tmd); /* Calculate title size */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < tmd_data->num_contents; cnt++) { tmd_content *content = &tmd_data->contents[cnt]; /* Add content size */ size += content->size; } /* Set values */ *outbuf = size; /* Free memory */ free(p_tmd); return 0; } s32 Title_GetIOSVersions(u8 **outbuf, u32 *outlen) { u8 *buffer = NULL; u64 *list = NULL; u32 count, cnt, idx; s32 ret; /* Get title list */ ret = Title_GetList(&list, &count); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* Count IOS */ for (cnt = idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { u32 tidh = (list[idx] >> 32); u32 tidl = (list[idx] & 0xFFFFFFFF); /* Title is IOS */ if ((tidh == 0x1) && (tidl >= 3) && (tidl <= 255)) cnt++; } /* Allocate memory */ buffer = (u8 *)memalign(32, cnt); if (!buffer) { ret = -1; goto out; } /* Copy IOS */ for (cnt = idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { u32 tidh = (list[idx] >> 32); u32 tidl = (list[idx] & 0xFFFFFFFF); /* Title is IOS */ if ((tidh == 0x1) && (tidl >= 3) && (tidl <= 255)) buffer[cnt++] = (u8)(tidl & 0xFF); } /* Set values */ *outbuf = buffer; *outlen = cnt; goto out; out: /* Free memory */ if (list) free(list); return ret; } s32 Uninstall_RemoveTicket(u64 tid) { static tikview viewdata[0x10] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32); u32 cnt, views; s32 ret; /* Get number of ticket views */ ret = ES_GetNumTicketViews(tid, &views); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } if (!views) { //printf(" No tickets found!\n"); return 1; } else if (views > 16) { //printf(" Too many ticket views! (views = %d)\n", views); return -1; } /* Get ticket views */ ret = ES_GetTicketViews(tid, viewdata, views); if (ret < 0) { //printf(" \n\tError! ES_GetTicketViews (ret = %d)\n", ret); return ret; } /* Remove tickets */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < views; cnt++) { ret = ES_DeleteTicket(&viewdata[cnt]); if (ret < 0) { //printf(" Error! (view = %d, ret = %d)\n", cnt, ret); return ret; } } //printf(" OK!\n"); return ret; } s32 Uninstall_DeleteTitle(u32 title_u, u32 title_l) { s32 ret; char filepath[256]; sprintf(filepath, "/title/%08x/%08x", title_u, title_l); /* Remove title */ ret = ISFS_Delete(filepath); return ret; } s32 Uninstall_DeleteTicket(u32 title_u, u32 title_l) { s32 ret; char filepath[256]; sprintf(filepath, "/ticket/%08x/%08x.tik", title_u, title_l); /* Delete ticket */ ret = ISFS_Delete(filepath); return ret; } //////savegame shit, from waninkoko. modified for use in this project /* Savegame structure */ struct savegame { /* Title name */ char name[65]; /* Title ID */ u64 tid; }; s32 Savegame_CheckTitle(const char *path) { FILE *fp = NULL; char filepath[128]; /* Generate filepath */ sprintf(filepath, "%s/banner.bin", path); /* Try to open banner */ fp = fopen(filepath, "rb"); if (!fp) return -1; /* Close file */ fclose(fp); return 0; } s32 Savegame_GetNandPath(u64 tid, char *outbuf) { s32 ret; char buffer[1024] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32); /* Get data directory */ ret = ES_GetDataDir(tid, buffer); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* Generate NAND directory */ sprintf(outbuf, "isfs:%s", buffer); return 0; } s32 __Menu_GetNandSaves(struct savegame **outbuf, u32 *outlen) { struct savegame *buffer = NULL; u64 *titleList = NULL; u32 titleCnt; u32 cnt, idx; s32 ret; /* Get title list */ ret = Title_GetList(&titleList, &titleCnt); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* Allocate memory */ buffer = malloc(sizeof(struct savegame) * titleCnt); if (!buffer) { ret = -1; goto out; } /* Copy titles */ for (cnt = idx = 0; idx < titleCnt; idx++) { u64 tid = titleList[idx]; char savepath[128]; /* Generate dirpath */ Savegame_GetNandPath(tid, savepath); /* Check for title savegame */ ret = Savegame_CheckTitle(savepath); if (!ret) { struct savegame *save = &buffer[cnt++]; /* Set title ID */ save->tid = tid; } } /* Set values */ *outbuf = buffer; *outlen = cnt; /* Success */ ret = 0; out: /* Free memory */ if (titleList) free(titleList); return ret; } s32 __Menu_EntryCmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { struct savegame *s1 = (struct savegame *)p1; struct savegame *s2 = (struct savegame *)p2; /* Compare entries */ return strcmp(s1->name, s2->name); } s32 __Menu_RetrieveList(struct savegame **outbuf, u32 *outlen) { s32 ret; ret = __Menu_GetNandSaves(outbuf, outlen); if (ret >= 0) qsort(*outbuf, *outlen, sizeof(struct savegame), __Menu_EntryCmp); return ret; } //carefull when using this function //it will force remove stuff even if something fails s32 Uninstall_FromTitle(const u64 tid) { s32 contents_ret, tik_ret, title_ret, ret; u32 id = tid & 0xFFFFFFFF, kind = tid >> 32; contents_ret = tik_ret = title_ret = ret = 0; if (kind == 1) { // Delete title and ticket at FS level. tik_ret = Uninstall_DeleteTicket(kind, id); title_ret = Uninstall_DeleteTitle(kind, id); contents_ret = title_ret; } else { // Remove title (contents and ticket) tik_ret = Uninstall_RemoveTicket(tid); contents_ret = ES_DeleteTitleContent(tid); title_ret = ES_DeleteTitle(tid); // Attempt forced uninstall if something fails if (tik_ret < 0 || contents_ret < 0 || title_ret < 0) { tik_ret = Uninstall_DeleteTicket(kind, id); title_ret = Uninstall_DeleteTitle(kind, id); contents_ret = title_ret; } } if (tik_ret < 0 && contents_ret < 0 && title_ret < 0) ret = -1; else if (tik_ret < 0 || contents_ret < 0 || title_ret < 0) ret = 1; else ret = 0; return ret; } /*------------------------------------------------------------- taken from anytitledeleter name.c -- functions for determining the name of a title Copyright (C) 2009 MrClick -------------------------------------------------------------*/ s32 __convertWiiString(char *str, u8 *data, u32 cnt) { u32 i = 0; for (; i < cnt; data += 2) { u16 *chr = (u16*)data; if (*chr == 0) break; // ignores all but ASCII characters else if (*chr >= 0x20 && *chr <= 0x7E) str[i] = *chr; else str[i] = '.'; i++; } str[i] = 0; return 0; } s32 getNameBN(char* name, u64 id) { // Terminate the name string just in case the function exits prematurely name[0] = 0; // Create a string containing the absolute filename char file[256] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))); sprintf(file, "/title/%08x/%08x/data/banner.bin", (u32)(id >> 32), (u32)id); // Bring the Wii into the title's userspace if (ES_SetUID(id) < 0) { // Should that fail repeat after setting permissions to system menu mode Identify_SysMenu(); if (ES_SetUID(id) < 0) return -1; } // Try to open file s32 fh = ISFS_Open(file, ISFS_OPEN_READ); // If a title does not have a banner.bin bail out if (fh == -106) return -2; // If it fails try to open again after identifying as SU if (fh == -102) { Identify_SU(); fh = ISFS_Open(file, ISFS_OPEN_READ); } // If the file won't open else if (fh < 0) return fh; // Seek to 0x20 where the name is stored ISFS_Seek(fh, 0x20, 0); // Read a chunk of 256 bytes from the banner.bin u8 *data = memalign(32, 0x100); if (ISFS_Read(fh, data, 0x100) < 0) { ISFS_Close(fh); free(data); return -3; } // Prepare the strings that will contain the name of the title char name1[0x41] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))); char name2[0x41] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))); name1[0x40] = 0; name2[0x40] = 0; __convertWiiString(name1, data + 0x00, 0x40); __convertWiiString(name2, data + 0x40, 0x40); free(data); // Assemble name sprintf(name, "%s", name1); if (strlen(name2) > 1) sprintf(name, "%s (%s)", name, name2); // Close the banner.bin ISFS_Close(fh); // Job well done return 1; } s32 getName00(char* name, u64 id, int lang) { /* languages 0jap 2eng 4german 6french 8spanish 10italian 12dutch */ // Create a string containing the absolute filename char file[256] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))); sprintf(file, "/title/%08x/%08x/content/00000000.app", (u32)(id >> 32), (u32)id); Identify_SU(); s32 fh = ISFS_Open(file, ISFS_OPEN_READ); // If the title does not have 00000000.app bail out if (fh == -106) return fh; // In case there is some problem with the permission if (fh == -102) { // Identify as super user Identify_SU(); fh = ISFS_Open(file, ISFS_OPEN_READ); } else if (fh < 0) return fh; // Jump to start of the name entries ISFS_Seek(fh, 0x9C, 0); // Read a chunk of 0x22 * 0x2B bytes from 00000000.app u8 *data = memalign(32, 2048); s32 r = ISFS_Read(fh, data, 0x22 * 0x2B); //printf("%s %d\n", file, r);wait_anyKey(); if (r < 0) { ISFS_Close(fh); free(data); return -4; } // Take the entries apart char str[0x22][0x2B]; u8 i = 0; // Convert the entries to ASCII strings for (; i < 0x22; i++) __convertWiiString(str[i], data + (i * 0x2A), 0x2A); // Clean up ISFS_Close(fh); free(data); // Assemble name if (strlen(str[lang]) > 1) { sprintf(name, "%s", str[lang]); if (strlen(str[lang+1]) > 1) sprintf(name, "%s (%s)", name, str[lang+1]); } else { sprintf(name, "%s", str[2]); if (strlen(str[3]) > 1) sprintf(name, "%s (%s)", name, str[3]); } // Job well done return 2; } s32 printContent(u64 tid) { char dir[256] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))); sprintf(dir, "/title/%08x/%08x/content", (u32)(tid >> 32), (u32)tid); u32 num = 64; static char list[8000] __attribute__((aligned(32))); ISFS_ReadDir(dir, list, &num); char *ptr = list; u8 br = 0; for (; strlen(ptr) > 0; ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1) { printf(" %-12.12s", ptr); br++; if (br == 4) { br = 0; printf("\n"); } } if (br != 0) printf("\n"); return num; } char *titleText(u32 kind, u32 title) { static char text[10]; if (kind == 1) { // If we're dealing with System Titles, use custom names switch (title) { case 1: strcpy(text, "BOOT2"); break; case 2: strcpy(text, "SYSMENU"); break; case 0x100: strcpy(text, "BC"); break; case 0x101: strcpy(text, "MIOS"); break; default: sprintf(text, "IOS%u", title); break; } } else { // Otherwise, just convert the title to ASCII int i =32, j = 0; do { u8 temp; i -= 8; temp = (title >> i) & 0x000000FF; if (temp < 32 || temp > 126) text[j] = '.'; else text[j] = temp; j++; } while (i > 0); text[4] = 0; } return text; } //giantpune's magic function to check for game saves //give a ID4 of a game and returns 1 if the game has save data, 0 if not, or <0 for errors int CheckForSave(const char *gameID) { if (ISFS_Initialize()<0) return -1; if (!ISFS_Mount()) return -2; struct savegame *saveList = NULL; u32 saveCnt; u32 cnt; if (__Menu_RetrieveList(&saveList, &saveCnt)<0) return -3; for (cnt=0;cnttid >> 32),(u32)(save->tid & 0xFFFFFFFF)))==0) { free(saveList); return 1; } } free(saveList); return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------- from any title deleter titles.c -- functions for grabbing all titles of a certain type Copyright (C) 2008 tona -------------------------------------------------------------*/ u32 __titles_init = 0; u32 __num_titles; static u64 __title_list[MAX_TITLES] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32); s32 __getTitles() { s32 ret; ret = ES_GetNumTitles(&__num_titles); if (ret <0) return ret; if (__num_titles > MAX_TITLES) return -1; ret = ES_GetTitles(__title_list, __num_titles); if (ret <0) return ret; __titles_init = 1; return 0; } s32 getTitles_TypeCount(u32 type, u32 *count) { s32 ret = 0; u32 type_count; if (!__titles_init) ret = __getTitles(); if (ret <0) return ret; int i; type_count = 0; for (i=0; i < __num_titles; i++) { u32 upper, lower; upper = __title_list[i] >> 32; lower = __title_list[i] & 0xFFFFFFFF; if ((upper == type)&& ((lower !=0x48414741)&&//this filters out haga,haaa, hafa. dupe factory channels that don't load (lower !=0x48414141)&&//since we dont care about apps that dont load for what we are doing (lower !=0x48414641))) type_count++; } *count = type_count; return ret; } s32 getTitles_Type(u32 type, u32 *titles, u32 count) { s32 ret = 0; u32 type_count; if (!__titles_init) ret = __getTitles(); if (ret <0) return ret; int i; type_count = 0; for (i=0; type_count < count && i < __num_titles; i++) { u32 upper, lower; upper = __title_list[i] >> 32; lower = __title_list[i] & 0xFFFFFFFF; if ((upper == type)&& ((lower !=0x48414741)&& (lower !=0x48414141)&& (lower !=0x48414641))) { titles[type_count]=lower; type_count++; } } if (type_count < count) return -2; __titles_init = 0; return 0; } //this function expects initialize be called before it is called // if not, it will fail miserably and catch the wii on fire and kick you in the nuts #define TITLE_ID(x,y) (((u64)(x) << 32) | (y)) s32 WII_BootHBC() { u32 tmdsize; u64 tid = 0; u64 *list; u32 titlecount; s32 ret; u32 i; ret = ES_GetNumTitles(&titlecount); if(ret < 0) return WII_EINTERNAL; list = memalign(32, titlecount * sizeof(u64) + 32); ret = ES_GetTitles(list, titlecount); if(ret < 0) { free(list); return WII_EINTERNAL; } for(i=0; ititle_version<255) { ret = tmd->title_version; } out: gprintf(" = %d",ret); return ret; // TITLE_ID(0x00000001,0x000000de) }