#include #include "GameTitles.h" #include "CSettings.h" #include "usbloader/GameList.h" #include "Channels/channels.h" #include "xml/GameTDB.hpp" #include "svnrev.h" #include "gecko.h" #define VALID_CACHE_REVISION 1148 CGameTitles GameTitles; void CGameTitles::SetGameTitle(const char * id, const char * title) { if(!id || !title) return; for(u32 i = 0; i < TitleList.size(); ++i) { if(strncasecmp(id, TitleList[i].GameID, 6) == 0) { TitleList[i].Title = title; return; } } GameTitle newTitle; snprintf(newTitle.GameID, sizeof(newTitle.GameID), id); newTitle.Title = title; newTitle.ParentalRating = -1; newTitle.PlayersCount = 1; newTitle.FromWiiTDB = 0; TitleList.push_back(newTitle); } const char * CGameTitles::GetTitle(const char * id) const { if(!id) return ""; for(u32 i = 0; i < TitleList.size(); ++i) { if(strncasecmp(id, TitleList[i].GameID, 6) == 0) return TitleList[i].Title.c_str(); } for(int i = 0; i < gameList.size(); ++i) { if(strncasecmp(id, (char *) gameList[i]->id, 6) == 0) return gameList[i]->title; } return ""; } const char * CGameTitles::GetTitle(const struct discHdr *header) const { if(!header) return ""; for(u32 i = 0; i < TitleList.size(); ++i) { if(strncasecmp((const char *) header->id, TitleList[i].GameID, 6) == 0) return TitleList[i].Title.c_str(); } return header->title; } int CGameTitles::GetParentalRating(const char * id) const { if(!id) return -1; for(u32 i = 0; i < TitleList.size(); ++i) { if(strncasecmp(id, TitleList[i].GameID, 6) == 0) return TitleList[i].ParentalRating; } return -1; } int CGameTitles::GetPlayersCount(const char * id) const { if(!id) return 1; for(u32 i = 0; i < TitleList.size(); ++i) { if(strncasecmp(id, TitleList[i].GameID, 6) == 0) return TitleList[i].PlayersCount; } return 1; } void CGameTitles::SetDefault() { TitleList.clear(); //! Free vector memory std::vector().swap(TitleList); } typedef struct _CacheTitle { char GameID[7]; char Title[100]; char FromWiiTDB; int ParentalRating; int PlayersCount; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED CacheTitle; u32 CGameTitles::ReadCachedTitles(const char * path) { std::string Cachepath = path; if(path[strlen(path)-1] != '/') Cachepath += '/'; Cachepath += "TitlesCache.bin"; //! Load cached least so that the titles are preloaded before reading list FILE * f = fopen(Cachepath.c_str(), "rb"); if(!f) return 0; u32 revision = 0; fread(&revision, 1, 4, f); if(revision < VALID_CACHE_REVISION) { fclose(f); return 0; } char LangCode[11]; memset(LangCode, 0, sizeof(LangCode)); fread(LangCode, 1, 10, f); //! Check if cache has correct language code if(strcmp(LangCode, Settings.db_language) != 0) { fclose(f); return 0; } u32 count = 0; fread(&count, 1, 4, f); std::vector CachedList(count); TitleList.resize(count); fread(&CachedList[0], 1, count*sizeof(CacheTitle), f); fclose(f); for(u32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { strcpy(TitleList[i].GameID, CachedList[i].GameID); TitleList[i].Title = CachedList[i].Title; TitleList[i].ParentalRating = CachedList[i].ParentalRating; TitleList[i].PlayersCount = CachedList[i].PlayersCount; TitleList[i].FromWiiTDB = CachedList[i].FromWiiTDB; } return count; } void CGameTitles::WriteCachedTitles(const char * path) { std::string Cachepath = path; if(path[strlen(path)-1] != '/') Cachepath += '/'; Cachepath += "TitlesCache.bin"; FILE *f = fopen(Cachepath.c_str(), "wb"); if(!f) return; CacheTitle Cache; u32 count = TitleList.size(); u32 revision = atoi(GetRev()); fwrite(&revision, 1, 4, f); fwrite(Settings.db_language, 1, 10, f); fwrite(&count, 1, 4, f); for(u32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { memset(&Cache, 0, sizeof(CacheTitle)); snprintf(Cache.GameID, sizeof(Cache.GameID), "%s", TitleList[i].GameID); snprintf(Cache.Title, sizeof(Cache.Title), "%s", TitleList[i].Title.c_str()); Cache.ParentalRating = TitleList[i].ParentalRating; Cache.PlayersCount = TitleList[i].PlayersCount; Cache.FromWiiTDB = TitleList[i].FromWiiTDB; fwrite(&Cache, 1, sizeof(CacheTitle), f); } fclose(f); } void CGameTitles::GetMissingTitles(std::vector &MissingTitles, bool removeUnused) { std::vector &FullList = gameList.GetFilteredList(); std::vector UsedCachedList(TitleList.size(), false); for(u32 i = 0; i < FullList.size(); ++i) { bool isCached = false; for(u32 n = 0; n < TitleList.size(); ++n) { if(strncasecmp(TitleList[n].GameID, (const char *) FullList[i]->id, 6) == 0) { UsedCachedList[n] = true; //! If the title is not from WiiTDB, try to reload it isCached = TitleList[n].FromWiiTDB; break; } } if(!isCached) { char gameID[7]; snprintf(gameID, sizeof(gameID), (const char *) FullList[i]->id); MissingTitles.push_back(std::string(gameID)); } } if(!removeUnused) return; for(u32 n = 0; n < TitleList.size(); ++n) { if(!UsedCachedList[n]) { TitleList.erase(TitleList.begin()+n); n--; } } } void CGameTitles::LoadTitlesFromGameTDB(const char * path, bool removeUnused) { if(!path || !Settings.titlesOverride) return; std::string Filepath = path; if(path[strlen(path)-1] != '/') Filepath += '/'; Filepath += "wiitdb.xml"; //! Read game list gameList.LoadUnfiltered(); //! Removed unused cache titles and get the still missing ones std::vector MissingTitles; GetMissingTitles(MissingTitles, removeUnused); if(MissingTitles.size() == 0) return; std::string Title; GameTDB XML_DB(Filepath.c_str()); XML_DB.SetLanguageCode(Settings.db_language); int Rating; std::string RatValTxt; for(u32 i = 0; i < MissingTitles.size(); ++i) { if(!XML_DB.GetTitle(MissingTitles[i].c_str(), Title)) continue; this->SetGameTitle(MissingTitles[i].c_str(), Title.c_str()); //! Title is loaded from WiiTDB, remember that it's good TitleList[TitleList.size()-1].FromWiiTDB = 1; Rating = XML_DB.GetRating(MissingTitles[i].c_str()); if(Rating < 0) continue; if(!XML_DB.GetRatingValue(MissingTitles[i].c_str(), RatValTxt)) continue; TitleList[TitleList.size()-1].ParentalRating = GameTDB::ConvertRating(RatValTxt.c_str(), GameTDB::RatingToString(Rating), "PEGI"); int ret = XML_DB.GetPlayers(MissingTitles[i].c_str()); if(ret > 0) TitleList[TitleList.size()-1].PlayersCount = ret; } }