#include #include #include "GUI/gui.h" #include "GUI/gui_optionbrowser.h" #include "prompts/PromptWindows.h" #include "language/gettext.h" #include "themes/CTheme.h" #include "FileOperations/fileops.h" #include "menu.h" #include "sys.h" #include "gct.h" /**************************************************************************** * CheatMenu ***************************************************************************/ int CheatMenu(const char * gameID) { int choice = 0; bool exit = false; int ret = 1; GuiImageData btnOutline(Resources::GetFile("button_dialogue_box.png"), Resources::GetFileSize("button_dialogue_box.png")); GuiImageData settingsbg(Resources::GetFile("settings_background.png"), Resources::GetFileSize("settings_background.png")); GuiImage settingsbackground(&settingsbg); GuiTrigger trigA; trigA.SetSimpleTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_A | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_A, PAD_BUTTON_A); GuiTrigger trigB; trigB.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_B | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_B, PAD_BUTTON_B); GuiText backBtnTxt(tr( "Back" ), 22, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows button text color")); backBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth() - 30); GuiImage backBtnImg(&btnOutline); GuiButton backBtn(&backBtnImg, &backBtnImg, 2, 3, -195, 400, &trigA, NULL, btnSoundClick2, 1); backBtn.SetLabel(&backBtnTxt); backBtn.SetTrigger(&trigB); GuiText updateBtnTxt(tr( "Update" ), 22, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows button text color")); updateBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth() - 30); GuiImage updateBtnImg(&btnOutline); GuiButton updateBtn(&updateBtnImg, &updateBtnImg, 2, 3, 0, 400, &trigA, NULL, btnSoundClick2, 1); updateBtn.SetLabel(&updateBtnTxt); GuiText createBtnTxt(tr( "Create" ), 22, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows button text color")); createBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth() - 30); GuiImage createBtnImg(&btnOutline); GuiButton createBtn(&createBtnImg, &createBtnImg, 2, 3, 195, 400, &trigA, NULL, btnSoundClick2, 1); createBtn.SetLabel(&createBtnTxt); char txtfilename[55]; snprintf(txtfilename, sizeof(txtfilename), "%s%s.txt", Settings.TxtCheatcodespath, gameID); GCTCheats gctCheats; int check = gctCheats.openTxtfile(txtfilename); int download = 0; switch (check) { case -1: WindowPrompt(tr( "Error" ), tr( "Cheatfile is blank" ), tr( "OK" )); break; case 0: download = WindowPrompt(tr( "Error" ), tr( "No Cheatfile found" ), tr( "Download Now" ), tr( "Cancel" )); if (download == 1) { download = CodeDownload(gameID); if (download < 0 || gctCheats.openTxtfile(txtfilename) != 1) break; } else break; case 1: int cntcheats = gctCheats.getCnt(); OptionList cheatslst; GuiOptionBrowser chtBrowser(400, 280, &cheatslst, "bg_options_settings.png"); chtBrowser.SetPosition(0, 90); chtBrowser.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP); chtBrowser.SetClickable(true); GuiText titleTxt(gctCheats.getGameName().c_str(), 28, ( GXColor ) {0, 0, 0, 255}); titleTxt.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP); titleTxt.SetMaxWidth(350, SCROLL_HORIZONTAL); titleTxt.SetPosition(12, 40); char gctPath[200]; snprintf(gctPath, sizeof(gctPath), "%s%.6s.gct", Settings.Cheatcodespath, gameID); u8 *gctBuf = NULL; u32 gctSize = 0; LoadFileToMem(gctPath, &gctBuf, &gctSize); for (int i = 0; i < cntcheats; i++) { cheatslst.SetValue(i, "%s", gctCheats.getCheatName(i).c_str()); // search after header and before footer if(gctBuf && gctCheats.IsCheatIncluded(i, gctBuf, gctSize)) cheatslst.SetName(i, tr("ON")); else cheatslst.SetName(i, tr("OFF")); } HaltGui(); GuiWindow w(screenwidth, screenheight); w.Append(&settingsbackground); w.Append(&titleTxt); w.Append(&backBtn); w.Append(&updateBtn); w.Append(&createBtn); w.Append(&chtBrowser); mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DISABLED); mainWindow->Append(&w); ResumeGui(); while (!exit) { usleep(100000); ret = chtBrowser.GetClickedOption(); if (ret >= 0) { const char *strCheck = cheatslst.GetName(ret); if (strCheck && strcmp(strCheck, tr("ON")) == 0) { cheatslst.SetName(ret, "%s", tr("OFF")); } else if (strCheck && strcmp(strCheck, tr("OFF")) == 0) { cheatslst.SetName(ret, "%s", tr("ON")); } } if (createBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { if (cntcheats > 0) { vector vActiveCheats; for (int i = 0; i < cntcheats; i++) { const char *strCheck = cheatslst.GetName(i); if (strCheck && strcmp(strCheck, tr("ON")) == 0) vActiveCheats.push_back(i); } if (vActiveCheats.size() == 0) { if(WindowPrompt(tr( "Error" ), tr( "No cheats were selected! Should the GCT file be deleted?" ), tr("Yes"), tr("Cancel"))) { RemoveFile(gctPath); w.Remove(&chtBrowser); for (int i = 0; i < gctCheats.getCnt(); i++) cheatslst.SetName(i, tr("OFF")); w.Append(&chtBrowser); } } else { CreateSubfolder(Settings.Cheatcodespath); gctCheats.createGCT(vActiveCheats, gctPath); WindowPrompt(tr( "GCT File created" ), NULL, tr( "OK" )); } } else WindowPrompt(tr( "Error" ), tr( "Could not create GCT file" ), tr( "OK" )); mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DISABLED); w.SetState(STATE_DEFAULT); createBtn.ResetState(); } if (backBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { backBtn.ResetState(); exit = true; break; } if(updateBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { download = CodeDownload(gameID); if (download >= 0 && gctCheats.openTxtfile(txtfilename) == 1) { w.Remove(&chtBrowser); cheatslst.ClearList(); cntcheats = gctCheats.getCnt(); for (int i = 0; i < cntcheats; i++) { cheatslst.SetValue(i, "%s", gctCheats.getCheatName(i).c_str()); // search after header and before footer if(gctBuf && gctCheats.IsCheatIncluded(i, gctBuf, gctSize)) cheatslst.SetName(i, tr("ON")); else cheatslst.SetName(i, tr("OFF")); } w.Append(&chtBrowser); } updateBtn.ResetState(); } } if(gctBuf) free(gctBuf); HaltGui(); mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DEFAULT); mainWindow->Remove(&w); ResumeGui(); break; } return choice; }