#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Controls/DeviceHandler.hpp" #include "settings/CSettings.h" #include "system/IosLoader.h" #include "lstub.h" #include "sys.h" #include "gecko.h" #define EXECUTE_ADDR ((u8 *) 0x92000000) #define BOOTER_ADDR ((u8 *) 0x93000000) #define ARGS_ADDR ((u8 *) 0x93200000) extern const u8 app_booter_bin[]; extern const u32 app_booter_bin_size; typedef void (*entrypoint) (void); extern "C" { void __exception_closeall(); } static u8 *homebrewbuffer = EXECUTE_ADDR; static u32 homebrewsize = 0; static std::vector Arguments; void AddBootArgument(const char *argv) { std::string arg(argv); Arguments.push_back(arg); } void AddBootArgument(const char *argv, unsigned int size) { std::string arg(argv, size); Arguments.push_back(arg); } int CopyHomebrewMemory(u8 *temp, u32 pos, u32 len) { homebrewsize += len; memcpy((homebrewbuffer) + pos, temp, len); return 1; } void FreeHomebrewBuffer() { homebrewbuffer = EXECUTE_ADDR; homebrewsize = 0; Arguments.clear(); } static inline bool IsDollZ (const u8 *buf) { return (buf[0x100] == 0x3C); } static int SetupARGV(struct __argv * args) { if (!args) return -1; bzero(args, sizeof(struct __argv)); args->argvMagic = ARGV_MAGIC; u32 argc = 0; u32 position = 0; u32 stringlength = 1; /** Append Arguments **/ for (u32 i = 0; i < Arguments.size(); i++) { stringlength += Arguments[i].size() + 1; } args->length = stringlength; //! Put the argument into mem2 too, to avoid overwriting it args->commandLine = (char *) ARGS_ADDR + sizeof(struct __argv); /** Append Arguments **/ for (u32 i = 0; i < Arguments.size(); i++) { memcpy(&args->commandLine[position], Arguments[i].c_str(), Arguments[i].size() +1); position += Arguments[i].size() + 1; argc++; } args->argc = argc; args->commandLine[args->length - 1] = '\0'; args->argv = &args->commandLine; args->endARGV = args->argv + 1; Arguments.clear(); return 0; } static int RunAppbooter() { if (homebrewsize == 0) return -1; ExitApp(); // Reload IOS 58 if available, else reload Entry IOS s32 ret = IosLoader::ReloadIosSafe(58); if(ret < 0 && Settings.EntryIOS != IOS_GetVersion()) IosLoader::ReloadIosKeepingRights(Settings.EntryIOS); gprintf("Reloaded to IOS%d\n", IOS_GetVersion()); struct __argv args; SetupARGV(&args); u32 cpu_isr; DCFlushRange(homebrewbuffer, homebrewsize); memcpy(BOOTER_ADDR, app_booter_bin, app_booter_bin_size); DCFlushRange(BOOTER_ADDR, app_booter_bin_size); ICInvalidateRange(BOOTER_ADDR, app_booter_bin_size); entrypoint entry = (entrypoint) BOOTER_ADDR; if (!IsDollZ(homebrewbuffer)) memcpy(ARGS_ADDR, &args, sizeof(struct __argv)); else memset(ARGS_ADDR, 0, sizeof(struct __argv)); DCFlushRange(ARGS_ADDR, sizeof(struct __argv) + args.length); u64 currentStub = getStubDest(); loadStub(); if (Set_Stub_Split(0x00010001, "UNEO") < 0) { if (Set_Stub_Split(0x00010001, "ULNR") < 0) { if (!currentStub) currentStub = 0x100000002ULL; Set_Stub(currentStub); } } gprintf("Exiting USBLoaderGX...\n\n"); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_SHUTDOWN, 0, 0); _CPU_ISR_Disable( cpu_isr ); __exception_closeall(); entry(); _CPU_ISR_Restore( cpu_isr ); return 0; } int BootHomebrew(const char * filepath) { FILE *file = fopen(filepath, "rb"); if (!file) return -1; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); u32 filesize = ftell(file); rewind(file); if (fread(homebrewbuffer, 1, filesize, file) != filesize) { fclose(file); DeviceHandler::DestroyInstance(); Sys_BackToLoader(); return -1; } homebrewsize = filesize; fclose(file); AddBootArgument(filepath); return RunAppbooter(); } int BootHomebrewFromMem() { return RunAppbooter(); }