#include #include #include #include "usbloader/wdvd.h" #include "usbloader/usbstorage2.h" #include "usbloader/disc.h" #include "usbloader/wbfs.h" #include "usbloader/partition_usbloader.h" #include "mload/mload_modules.h" #include "video.h" #include "audio.h" #include "menu.h" #include "fatmounter.h" #include "gecko.h" #include "sys.h" #include "wpad.h" #include "lstub.h" #include "wad/nandtitle.h" extern char game_partition[6]; extern u8 load_from_fs; //Wiilight stuff static vu32 *_wiilight_reg = (u32*)0xCD0000C0; void wiilight(int enable) { // Toggle wiilight (thanks Bool for wiilight source) u32 val = (*_wiilight_reg&~0x20); if (enable && Settings.wiilight) val |= 0x20; *_wiilight_reg=val; } /* Variables */ u8 shutdown = 0; u8 reset = 0; void __Sys_ResetCallback(void) { /* Reboot console */ reset = 1; } void __Sys_PowerCallback(void) { /* Poweroff console */ shutdown = 1; } void Sys_Init(void) { /* Initialize video subsytem */ //VIDEO_Init(); /* Set RESET/POWER button callback */ SYS_SetResetCallback(__Sys_ResetCallback); SYS_SetPowerCallback(__Sys_PowerCallback); } static void _ExitApp() { ExitGUIThreads(); StopGX(); ShutdownAudio(); UnmountNTFS(); SDCard_deInit(); USBDevice_deInit(); mload_set_ES_ioctlv_vector(NULL); mload_close(); } void Sys_Reboot(void) { /* Restart console */ _ExitApp(); STM_RebootSystem(); } int Sys_ChangeIos(int ios) { s32 prevIos = IOS_GetVersion(); SDCard_deInit(); USBDevice_deInit(); WPAD_Flush(0); WPAD_Disconnect(0); WPAD_Shutdown(); WDVD_Close(); USBStorage2_Deinit(); s32 ret = IOS_ReloadIOSsafe(ios); if (ret < 0) { ios = prevIos; } SDCard_Init(); if (ios == 222 || ios == 223) { load_ehc_module(); } USBDevice_Init(); PAD_Init(); Wpad_Init(); WPAD_SetDataFormat(WPAD_CHAN_ALL,WPAD_FMT_BTNS_ACC_IR); WPAD_SetVRes(WPAD_CHAN_ALL, screenwidth, screenheight); WBFS_Init(WBFS_DEVICE_USB); Disc_Init(); if (Sys_IsHermes()) { WBFS_OpenNamed((char *) &game_partition); } else { WBFS_Open(); } return ret; } int Sys_IosReload(int IOS) { s32 ret = -1; //shutdown SD and USB before IOS Reload in DiscWait SDCard_deInit(); USBDevice_deInit(); WPAD_Flush(0); WPAD_Disconnect(0); WPAD_Shutdown(); WDVD_Close(); USBStorage2_Deinit(); if (IOS == 249 || IOS == 222 || IOS == 223) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ret = IOS_ReloadIOSsafe(IOS); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (IOS == 222 || IOS == 223) load_ehc_module(); ret = WBFS_Init(WBFS_DEVICE_USB); if (!(ret < 0)) break; sleep(1); USBStorage2_Deinit(); } if (ret>=0) { ret = Disc_Init(); if (ret>=0) { ret = WBFS_Open(); } } else Sys_BackToLoader(); } PAD_Init(); Wpad_Init(); WPAD_SetDataFormat(WPAD_CHAN_ALL,WPAD_FMT_BTNS_ACC_IR); WPAD_SetVRes(WPAD_CHAN_ALL, screenwidth, screenheight); //reinitialize SD and USB SDCard_Init(); USBDevice_Init(); return ret; } #define ShutdownToDefault 0 #define ShutdownToIdle 1 #define ShutdownToStandby 2 static void _Sys_Shutdown(int SHUTDOWN_MODE) { _ExitApp(); WPAD_Flush(0); WPAD_Disconnect(0); WPAD_Shutdown(); /* Poweroff console */ if ((CONF_GetShutdownMode() == CONF_SHUTDOWN_IDLE && SHUTDOWN_MODE != ShutdownToStandby) || SHUTDOWN_MODE == ShutdownToIdle) { s32 ret; /* Set LED mode */ ret = CONF_GetIdleLedMode(); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 2) STM_SetLedMode(ret); /* Shutdown to idle */ STM_ShutdownToIdle(); } else { /* Shutdown to standby */ STM_ShutdownToStandby(); } } void Sys_Shutdown(void) { _Sys_Shutdown(ShutdownToDefault); } void Sys_ShutdownToIdel(void) { _Sys_Shutdown(ShutdownToIdle); } void Sys_ShutdownToStandby(void) { _Sys_Shutdown(ShutdownToStandby); } void Sys_LoadMenu(void) { _ExitApp(); /* Return to the Wii system menu */ SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0); } void Sys_BackToLoader(void) { if (hbcStubAvailable()) { _ExitApp(); exit(0); } // Channel Version Sys_LoadMenu(); } bool Sys_IsHermes() { return IOS_GetVersion() == 222 || IOS_GetVersion() == 223; } #include "prompts/PromptWindows.h" void ShowMemInfo() { char buf[255]; struct mallinfo mymallinfo = mallinfo(); sprintf((char *) &buf,"Total: %d, Used: %d, Can be freed: %d", mymallinfo.arena/1024, mymallinfo.uordblks/1024, mymallinfo.keepcost/1024); WindowPrompt("Mem info", (char *) &buf, "OK"); } s32 IOS_ReloadIOSsafe(int ios) { if( ios == 222 ) { s32 ios222rev = titles.VersionOf( 0x1000000deULL ); if( !ios222rev ) return -2; if( ios222rev != 4 && ios222rev != 5 && ios222rev != 65535 ) return -2; } else if (ios==223) { s32 ios223rev = titles.VersionOf( 0x1000000dfULL ); if( !ios223rev ) return -2; if( ios223rev != 4 && ios223rev != 5 && ios223rev != 65535 ) return -2; } else if (ios==249) { s32 ios249rev = titles.VersionOf( 0x1000000f9ULL ); if( !ios249rev ) return -2; if( ios249rev < 9 || ios249rev == 65280 ) return -2; } else if (ios==250) { s32 ios250rev = titles.VersionOf( 0x1000000faULL ); if( !ios250rev ) return -2; if( ios250rev < 9 || ios250rev == 65280 ) return -2; } s32 r = IOS_ReloadIOS(ios); if( r >= 0 ) { WII_Initialize(); } return r; } s32 CheckForCIOS() { gprintf("\tChecking for stub IOS\n"); s32 ret = 1; s32 ios222rev = titles.VersionOf( 0x00000001000000deULL ); s32 ios249rev = titles.VersionOf( 0x00000001000000f9ULL ); u8 ios222OK = !( ios222rev < 4 || ios222rev == 65280 ); u8 ios249OK = !( ios249rev < 9 || ios249rev == 65280 ); gprintf("222ok: %u\t 249ok: %u\n", ios222OK, ios249OK ); return 1; //if we don't like either of the cIOS then scram //if( !((ios222rev >= 4 && ios222rev < 65280) || (ios249rev >=9 && ios249rev < 65280))) if( ios222rev < 4 || ios222rev == 65280 || ios249rev < 9 || ios249rev == 65280 ) { printf("\x1b[2J"); if ((ios222rev < 0 && ios222rev != WII_EINSTALL) && (ios249rev < 0 && ios249rev != WII_EINSTALL)) { printf("\n\n\n\tWARNING!"); printf("\n\tUSB Loader GX needs unstubbed cIOS 222 v4 or 249 v9+"); printf("\n\n\tWe cannot determine the versions on your system,\n\tsince you have no patched ios 36 or 236 installed."); printf("\n\tTherefor, if loading of USB Loader GX fails, you\n\tprobably have installed the 4.2 update,"); printf("\n\tand you should go figure out how to get some cios action going on\n\tin your Wii."); printf("\n\n\tThis message will show every time."); sleep(5); } else { printf("\n\n\n\tERROR!"); printf("\n\tUSB Loader GX needs unstubbed cIOS 222 v4 or 249 v9+"); printf("\n\n\tI found \n\t\t222 = %d%s",ios222rev,ios222rev==65280?" (Stubbed by 4.2 update)":""); printf("\n\t\t249 = %d%s",ios249rev,ios249rev==65280?" (Stubbed by 4.2 update)":""); printf("\n\n\tGo figure out how to get some cIOS action going on\n\tin your Wii and come back and see me."); sleep(15); printf("\n\n\tBye"); USBDevice_deInit(); exit(0); } } return ret; } int LoadAppCIOS() { s32 ret = 1; /* Load Custom IOS */ SDCard_deInit();// unmount SD for reloading IOS USBDevice_deInit();// unmount USB for reloading IOS USBStorage2_Deinit(); if (Settings.cios == ios222 && IOS_GetVersion() != 222) { printf("\n\tReloading IOS to config setting (222)..."); ret = IOS_ReloadIOSsafe(222); printf("%d", ret); if (ret < 0) { Settings.cios = ios249; IOS_ReloadIOSsafe(249); } } if ((Settings.cios == ios249 && IOS_GetVersion() != 249) || (Settings.cios == ios250 && IOS_GetVersion() != 250)) { printf("\n\tReloading IOS to config setting (%d)...", (Settings.cios == ios249) ? 249 : 250); ret = IOS_ReloadIOSsafe((Settings.cios == ios249) ? 249 : 250); printf("%d", ret); if (ret < 0) { Settings.cios = ios222; ret = IOS_ReloadIOSsafe(222); } } SDCard_Init(); if(IOS_GetVersion() == 222) load_ehc_module(); USBDevice_Init(); return ret; } #include void ScreenShot() { time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; char buffer [80]; char buffer2 [80]; time ( &rawtime ); timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime ); //USBLoader_GX_ScreenShot-Month_Day_Hour_Minute_Second_Year.png strftime (buffer,80,"USBLoader_GX_ScreenShot-%b%d%H%M%S%y.png",timeinfo); sprintf(buffer2, "%s/config/%s", bootDevice, buffer); TakeScreenshot(buffer2); }