/* Code by blackb0x @ GBAtemp.net This allows the Wii to download from servers that use SNI. */ #include #include #include "../svnrev.h" #include "gecko.h" #include "https.h" #include "prompts/ProgressWindow.h" #include "settings/ProxySettings.h" #include "utils/base64.h" u8 loop; WOLFSSL_SESSION *session; int https_write(HTTP_INFO *httpinfo, char *buffer, int len, bool proxy) { int ret, pos = 0; int rlen = len > BLOCK_SIZE ? BLOCK_SIZE : len; u64 time = gettime(); while (ticks_to_millisecs(diff_ticks(time, gettime())) < READ_WRITE_TIMEOUT) { if (httpinfo->use_https && !proxy) ret = wolfSSL_write(httpinfo->ssl, &buffer[pos], rlen); else ret = net_write(httpinfo->sock, &buffer[pos], rlen); if (ret > 0) { pos += ret; rlen = len - pos > BLOCK_SIZE ? BLOCK_SIZE : len - pos; if (pos >= len) return pos; time = gettime(); } usleep(10000); } #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("The connection timed out (write)\n"); #endif return -ETIMEDOUT; } int https_read(HTTP_INFO *httpinfo, char *buffer, int len, bool proxy) { int ret = -ETIMEDOUT; u64 time = gettime(); if (len > BLOCK_SIZE) len = BLOCK_SIZE; while (ticks_to_millisecs(diff_ticks(time, gettime())) < READ_WRITE_TIMEOUT) { if (httpinfo->use_https && !proxy) ret = wolfSSL_read(httpinfo->ssl, buffer, len); else ret = net_read(httpinfo->sock, buffer, len); if (ret >= 0) return ret; usleep(10000); } #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("The connection timed out (read)\n"); #endif return -ETIMEDOUT; } int send_callback(__attribute__((unused)) WOLFSSL *ssl, char *buf, int sz, void *ctx) { int sent = net_write(*(int *)ctx, buf, sz); if (sent < 0) { if (sent == -EAGAIN) return WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_WANT_WRITE; else if (sent == -ECONNRESET) return WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_CONN_RST; else if (sent == -EINTR) return WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_ISR; else if (sent == -EPIPE) return WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_CONN_CLOSE; else return WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_GENERAL; } return sent; } int recv_callback(__attribute__((unused)) WOLFSSL *ssl, char *buf, int sz, void *ctx) { int recvd = net_read(*(int *)ctx, buf, sz); if (recvd < 0) { if (recvd == -EAGAIN) return WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_WANT_READ; else if (recvd == -ECONNRESET) return WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_CONN_RST; else if (recvd == -EINTR) return WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_ISR; else if (recvd == -ECONNABORTED) return WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_CONN_CLOSE; else return WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_GENERAL; } else if (recvd == 0) return WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_CONN_CLOSE; return recvd; } void https_close(HTTP_INFO *httpinfo) { if (httpinfo->use_https) { wolfSSL_shutdown(httpinfo->ssl); wolfSSL_free(httpinfo->ssl); wolfSSL_CTX_free(httpinfo->ctx); } net_close(httpinfo->sock); #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Closed socket and cleaned up\n"); #endif } bool get_header_value(struct phr_header *headers, size_t num_headers, char *dst, char *header) { for (size_t i = 0; i != num_headers; ++i) { if (strncasecmp(header, headers[i].name, headers[i].name_len) == 0) { strlcpy(dst, headers[i].value, headers[i].value_len + 1); return true; } } return false; } u64 get_header_value_int(struct phr_header *headers, size_t num_headers, char *header) { char header_value[30]; if (!get_header_value(headers, num_headers, header_value, header)) return 0; return strtoull(header_value, NULL, 0); } bool is_chunked(struct phr_header *headers, size_t num_headers) { char encoding[9]; if (!get_header_value(headers, num_headers, encoding, "transfer-encoding")) return false; return (strcasecmp(encoding, "chunked") == 0); } bool read_chunked(HTTP_INFO *httpinfo, struct download *buffer, size_t start_pos) { struct phr_chunked_decoder decoder = {0}; size_t rsize, capacity = 4096; ssize_t pret; int ret; decoder.consume_trailer = true; #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Data is chunked\n"); #endif do { if (buffer->show_progress) { if (ProgressCanceled()) return false; ShowProgress(start_pos, capacity); // Unknown size for chunked transfers } if (start_pos == capacity) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Increased buffer size\n"); #endif capacity *= 2; buffer->data = MEM2_realloc(buffer->data, capacity); if (!buffer->data) // A custom theme is using too much memory { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Out of memory!\n"); #endif errno = ENOMEM; return false; } } if ((ret = https_read(httpinfo, &buffer->data[start_pos], capacity - start_pos, false)) < 1) return false; rsize = ret; pret = phr_decode_chunked(&decoder, &buffer->data[start_pos], &rsize); if (pret == -1) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Parse error\n"); #endif return false; } start_pos += rsize; } while (pret == -2); buffer->size = start_pos; buffer->data = MEM2_realloc(buffer->data, buffer->size); return true; } bool read_all(HTTP_INFO *httpinfo, struct download *buffer, size_t start_pos) { size_t capacity = 4096; int ret; #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Data is not chunked\n"); #endif while (true) { if (buffer->show_progress) { if (ProgressCanceled()) return false; ShowProgress(start_pos, buffer->content_length); } if (start_pos == capacity) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Increased buffer size\n"); #endif capacity *= 2; buffer->data = MEM2_realloc(buffer->data, capacity); if (!buffer->data) // A custom theme is using too much memory { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Out of memory!\n"); #endif errno = ENOMEM; return false; } } if ((ret = https_read(httpinfo, &buffer->data[start_pos], capacity - start_pos, false)) == 0) break; if (ret < 0) return false; start_pos += ret; }; buffer->size = start_pos; buffer->data = MEM2_realloc(buffer->data, buffer->size); return (buffer->content_length > 0 && buffer->content_length == start_pos); } bool get_response(HTTP_INFO *httpinfo, HTTP_RESPONSE *resp, bool proxy) { int rret, minor_version; size_t msg_len, prevbuflen; const char *msg; while (true) { if ((rret = https_read(httpinfo, &resp->data[resp->buflen], 1, proxy)) < 1) return false; prevbuflen = resp->buflen; resp->buflen += rret; // Parse the response resp->num_headers = sizeof(resp->headers) / sizeof(resp->headers[0]); if ((resp->pret = phr_parse_response(resp->data, resp->buflen, &minor_version, &resp->status, &msg, &msg_len, resp->headers, &resp->num_headers, prevbuflen)) > 0) return true; else if (resp->pret == -1) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("pret error %i\n", resp->pret); #endif return false; } if (resp->buflen == sizeof(resp->data)) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("buflen error %lu\n", (unsigned long)resp->buflen); #endif return false; } } return false; } bool check_ip(char *str) { int partA, partB, partC, partD; char extra; // We avoid using regex because it increases the file size return (sscanf(str, "%d.%d.%d.%d%c", &partA, &partB, &partC, &partD, &extra) == 4); } bool connect_proxy(HTTP_INFO *httpinfo, char *host, char *username, char *password) { HTTP_RESPONSE response = {0}; char request[500]; char credentials[66]; char *auth; int len; if (username && password) { if (!snprintf(credentials, sizeof(credentials), "%s:%s", username, password)) return false; if (!(auth = base64(credentials, strlen(credentials), &len))) return false; len = snprintf(request, sizeof(request), "CONNECT %s:%i HTTP/1.1\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\nUser-Agent: curl/7.55.1\r\n\r\n", host, httpinfo->use_https ? 443 : 80, auth); MEM2_free(auth); } else len = snprintf(request, sizeof(request), "CONNECT %s:%i HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: curl/7.55.1\r\n\r\n", host, httpinfo->use_https ? 443 : 80); if (len > 0 && https_write(httpinfo, request, len, true) != len) return false; if (get_response(httpinfo, &response, true)) { if (response.status == 200) return true; } return false; } int connect(char *host, u16 port) { struct sockaddr_in sin; s32 sock, ret; u32 ipaddress; u64 time; #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Connecting to %s", host); #endif if ((ipaddress = check_ip(host) ? inet_addr(host) : getipbynamecached(host)) == 0) return -EFAULT; sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(port); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = ipaddress; #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK if (!check_ip(host)) gprintf(" (%s)", inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr)); #endif if ((sock = net_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP)) < 0) return sock; net_fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, 4); time = gettime(); while (ticks_to_millisecs(diff_ticks(time, gettime())) < CONNECT_TIMEOUT) { if ((ret = net_connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin))) < 0) { if (ret == -EISCONN) return sock; if (ret == -EINPROGRESS || ret == -EALREADY) { usleep(10000); continue; } net_close(sock); return ret; } } net_close(sock); return -ETIMEDOUT; } void downloadfile(const char *url, struct download *buffer) { HTTP_INFO httpinfo = {0}; // Always reset the size due to the image downloader looping buffer->size = 0; // Check if we're using HTTPS and set the path char *path; if (strncmp(url, "https://", 8) == 0) { httpinfo.use_https = 1; path = strchr(url + 8, '/'); } else if (strncmp(url, "http://", 7) == 0) { httpinfo.use_https = 0; path = strchr(url + 7, '/'); } else return; if (!path) return; // Get the host int domainlength = path - url - 7 - httpinfo.use_https; char host[domainlength + 1]; strlcpy(host, url + 7 + httpinfo.use_https, domainlength + 1); // Start connecting if (getProxyAddress() && getProxyPort() > 0) httpinfo.sock = connect(getProxyAddress(), getProxyPort()); else httpinfo.sock = connect(host, httpinfo.use_https ? 443 : 80); if (httpinfo.sock < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK if (httpinfo.sock == -ETIMEDOUT) gprintf("\nFailed to connect (timed out)\n"); else gprintf("\nFailed to connect (%i)\n", httpinfo.sock); #endif return; } #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("\nConnected\n"); #endif // Connect to a web proxy if (getProxyAddress() && getProxyPort() > 0) { if (!connect_proxy(&httpinfo, host, getProxyUsername(), getProxyPassword())) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Failed to connect to proxy (%s:%i)\n", getProxyAddress(), getProxyPort()); #endif https_close(&httpinfo); return; } session = NULL; // Resume doesn't work with a proxy #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Proxy is ready to receive\n"); #endif } // Setup for HTTPS if it's necessary if (httpinfo.use_https) { // Create a new SSL context // TLS 1.2 is slightly faster on Wii if ((httpinfo.ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new(wolfTLSv1_2_client_method())) == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Failed to create WOLFSSL_CTX\n"); #endif https_close(&httpinfo); return; } // Don't verify certificates wolfSSL_CTX_set_verify(httpinfo.ctx, WOLFSSL_VERIFY_NONE, 0); // Enable SNI if (wolfSSL_CTX_UseSNI(httpinfo.ctx, 0, host, strlen(host)) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Failed to set SNI\n"); #endif https_close(&httpinfo); return; } // Custom I/O is essential due to how libogc handles errors wolfSSL_SetIOSend(httpinfo.ctx, send_callback); wolfSSL_SetIORecv(httpinfo.ctx, recv_callback); // Create a new wolfSSL session if ((httpinfo.ssl = wolfSSL_new(httpinfo.ctx)) == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("SSL session creation failed\n"); #endif https_close(&httpinfo); return; } // Set the file descriptor if (wolfSSL_set_fd(httpinfo.ssl, httpinfo.sock) != SSL_SUCCESS) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Failed to set SSL file descriptor\n"); #endif https_close(&httpinfo); return; } // Attempt to resume the session if (session && wolfSSL_set_session(httpinfo.ssl, session) != SSL_SUCCESS) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Failed to set session (session timed out?)\n"); #endif session = NULL; } // Initiate a handshake u64 time = gettime(); while (true) { if (ticks_to_millisecs(diff_ticks(time, gettime())) > CONNECT_TIMEOUT) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("SSL handshake failed\n"); #endif https_close(&httpinfo); return; } if (wolfSSL_connect(httpinfo.ssl) == SSL_SUCCESS) break; usleep(10000); } // Check if we resumed successfully if (session && !wolfSSL_session_reused(httpinfo.ssl)) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Failed to resume session\n"); #endif session = NULL; } // Cipher info #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK /*char ciphers[4096]; wolfSSL_get_ciphers(ciphers, (int)sizeof(ciphers)); gprintf("All supported ciphers: %s\n", ciphers);*/ WOLFSSL_CIPHER *cipher = wolfSSL_get_current_cipher(httpinfo.ssl); gprintf("Using: %s - %s\n", wolfSSL_get_version(httpinfo.ssl), wolfSSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher)); #endif } // Save the session if (httpinfo.use_https) session = wolfSSL_get_session(httpinfo.ssl); // Send our request char request[2300]; int ret, len; len = snprintf(request, sizeof(request), "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "User-Agent: USBLoaderGX/%s\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n", buffer->gametdbcheck ? "HEAD" : "GET", path, host, GetRev()); if ((ret = https_write(&httpinfo, request, len, false)) != len) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("https_write error: %i\n", ret); #endif https_close(&httpinfo); return; } // Check if we want a response if (buffer->skip_response) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Sent request to %s and skipping response\n", host); #endif https_close(&httpinfo); return; } // Get the response HTTP_RESPONSE response = {0}; if (!get_response(&httpinfo, &response, false)) { https_close(&httpinfo); return; } // The website wants to redirect us if (response.status == 301 || response.status == 302) { https_close(&httpinfo); if (loop == REDIRECT_LIMIT) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Reached redirect limit\n"); #endif return; } loop++; char location[2049]; if (!get_header_value(response.headers, response.num_headers, location, "location")) return; #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Redirect #%i - %s\n", loop, location); #endif downloadfile(location, buffer); return; } // It's not 301 or 302, so reset the loop loop = 0; // Exit if it's a GameTDB HEAD request if (buffer->gametdbcheck) { buffer->gametdbcheck = get_header_value_int(response.headers, response.num_headers, "x-gametdb-timestamp"); https_close(&httpinfo); return; } // We got what we wanted if (response.status == 200) { buffer->data = MEM2_alloc(4096); memcpy(buffer->data, &response.data[response.pret], response.buflen - response.pret); // Determine how to read the data bool dl_valid; if (is_chunked(response.headers, response.num_headers)) dl_valid = read_chunked(&httpinfo, buffer, response.buflen - response.pret); else { buffer->content_length = get_header_value_int(response.headers, response.num_headers, "content-length"); dl_valid = read_all(&httpinfo, buffer, response.buflen - response.pret); } // Check if the download is incomplete if (!dl_valid || buffer->size < 1) { buffer->size = 0; MEM2_free(buffer->data); #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Removed incomplete download\n"); #endif https_close(&httpinfo); return; } // Finished https_close(&httpinfo); #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Download size: %llu\n", (long long)buffer->size); gprintf("------------- HEADERS -------------\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i != response.num_headers; ++i) gprintf("%.*s: %.*s\n", (int)response.headers[i].name_len, response.headers[i].name, (int)response.headers[i].value_len, response.headers[i].value); gprintf("------------ COMPLETED ------------\n"); #endif return; } // Close on all other status codes #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORK gprintf("Status code: %i - %s\n", response.status, url); #endif https_close(&httpinfo); }