/**************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2014 Cyan * Copyright (C) 2011 Dimok * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any * damages arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any * purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and * redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you * must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use * this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product * documentation would be appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and * must not be misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source * distribution. ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "HardDriveSM.hpp" #include "Controls/DeviceHandler.hpp" #include "settings/CSettings.h" #include "settings/meta.h" #include "prompts/PromptWindows.h" #include "language/gettext.h" #include "usbloader/GameList.h" #include "usbloader/wbfs.h" #include "prompts/ProgressWindow.h" #include "settings/GameTitles.h" #include "system/IosLoader.h" #include "wad/nandtitle.h" #include "utils/tools.h" static const char * OnOffText[] = { trNOOP( "OFF" ), trNOOP( "ON" ) }; static const char * InstallToText[] = { trNOOP( "None" ), trNOOP( "GAMEID_Gamename" ), trNOOP( "Gamename [GAMEID]" ) }; static const char * SplitSizeText[] = { trNOOP( "No Splitting" ), trNOOP( "Split each 2GB" ), trNOOP( "Split each 4GB" ), }; static inline bool IsValidPartition(int fs_type, int cios) { if (IosLoader::IsWaninkokoIOS(cios) && NandTitles.VersionOf(TITLE_ID(1, cios)) < 18) { return fs_type == PART_FS_WBFS; } else { return fs_type == PART_FS_WBFS || fs_type == PART_FS_FAT || fs_type == PART_FS_NTFS || fs_type == PART_FS_EXT; } } HardDriveSM::HardDriveSM() : SettingsMenu(tr("Hard Drive Settings"), &GuiOptions, MENU_NONE) { int Idx = 0; Options->SetName(Idx++, "%s", tr( "Game/Install Partition" )); Options->SetName(Idx++, "%s", tr( "Multiple Partitions" )); Options->SetName(Idx++, "%s", tr( "USB Port" )); Options->SetName(Idx++, "%s", tr( "Mount USB at launch" )); Options->SetName(Idx++, "%s", tr( "Install Directories" )); Options->SetName(Idx++, "%s", tr( "Game Split Size" )); Options->SetName(Idx++, "%s", tr( "Install Partitions" )); Options->SetName(Idx++, "%s", tr( "GC Install Compressed" )); Options->SetName(Idx++, "%s", tr( "GC Install 32K Aligned" )); Options->SetName(Idx++, "%s", tr( "Sync FAT32 FS Info" )); OldSettingsPartition = Settings.partition; OldSettingsMultiplePartitions = Settings.MultiplePartitions; NewSettingsUSBPort = Settings.USBPort; oldSettingsUSBAutoMount = Settings.USBAutoMount; SetOptionValues(); } HardDriveSM::~HardDriveSM() { //! if partition has changed, Reinitialize it if (Settings.partition != OldSettingsPartition || Settings.MultiplePartitions != OldSettingsMultiplePartitions || Settings.USBPort != NewSettingsUSBPort || Settings.USBAutoMount != oldSettingsUSBAutoMount) { WBFS_CloseAll(); if(Settings.USBPort != NewSettingsUSBPort) { DeviceHandler::Instance()->UnMountAllUSB(); Settings.USBPort = NewSettingsUSBPort; DeviceHandler::Instance()->MountAllUSB(); if(Settings.partition >= DeviceHandler::GetUSBPartitionCount()) Settings.partition = 0; // set -1 to edit meta.xml arguments NewSettingsUSBPort = -1; } WBFS_Init(WBFS_DEVICE_USB); if(Settings.MultiplePartitions) WBFS_OpenAll(); else WBFS_OpenPart(Settings.partition); //! Reload the new game titles gameList.ReadGameList(); gameList.LoadUnfiltered(); if(oldSettingsUSBAutoMount != Settings.USBAutoMount || NewSettingsUSBPort == -1) { // edit meta.xml arguments editMetaArguments(); } } } void HardDriveSM::SetOptionValues() { int Idx = 0; //! Settings: Game/Install Partition PartitionHandle * usbHandle = DeviceHandler::Instance()->GetUSBHandleFromPartition(Settings.partition); int checkPart = DeviceHandler::PartitionToPortPartition(Settings.partition); //! Get the partition name and it's size in GB's if(usbHandle) Options->SetValue(Idx++, "%s (%.2fGB)", usbHandle->GetFSName(checkPart), usbHandle->GetSize(checkPart)/GB_SIZE); else Options->SetValue(Idx++, tr("Not Initialized")); //! Settings: Multiple Partitions Options->SetValue(Idx++, "%s", tr( OnOffText[Settings.MultiplePartitions] )); //! Settings: USB Port if(NewSettingsUSBPort == 2) Options->SetValue(Idx++, tr("Both Ports")); else Options->SetValue(Idx++, "%i", NewSettingsUSBPort); //! Settings: Auto Mount USB at launch Options->SetValue(Idx++, "%s", tr( OnOffText[Settings.USBAutoMount] )); //! Settings: Install directories Options->SetValue(Idx++, "%s", tr( InstallToText[Settings.InstallToDir] )); //! Settings: Game Split Size Options->SetValue(Idx++, "%s", tr( SplitSizeText[Settings.GameSplit] )); //! Settings: Install partitions if(Settings.InstallPartitions == ONLY_GAME_PARTITION) Options->SetValue(Idx++, "%s", tr("Only Game Partition")); else if(Settings.InstallPartitions == ALL_PARTITIONS) Options->SetValue(Idx++, "%s", tr("All Partitions")); else if(Settings.InstallPartitions == REMOVE_UPDATE_PARTITION) Options->SetValue(Idx++, "%s", tr("Remove update")); //! Settings: GC Install Compressed Options->SetValue(Idx++, "%s", tr( OnOffText[Settings.GCInstallCompressed] )); //! Settings: GC Install 32K Aligned Options->SetValue(Idx++, "%s", tr( OnOffText[Settings.GCInstallAligned] )); //! Settings: Sync FAT32 FS Info Options->SetValue(Idx++, " "); } int HardDriveSM::GetMenuInternal() { int ret = optionBrowser->GetClickedOption(); if (ret < 0) return MENU_NONE; int Idx = -1; //! Settings: Game/Install Partition if (ret == ++Idx) { // Init the USB device if mounted after launch. PartitionHandle * usbHandle = DeviceHandler::Instance()->GetUSBHandleFromPartition(Settings.partition); if(usbHandle == NULL) DeviceHandler::Instance()->MountAllUSB(true); // Select the next valid partition, even if that's the same one int fs_type = 0; int ios = IOS_GetVersion(); int retries = 20; do { Settings.partition = (Settings.partition + 1) % DeviceHandler::GetUSBPartitionCount(); fs_type = DeviceHandler::GetFilesystemType(USB1+Settings.partition); } while (!IsValidPartition(fs_type, ios) && --retries > 0); if(fs_type == PART_FS_FAT && Settings.GameSplit == GAMESPLIT_NONE) Settings.GameSplit = GAMESPLIT_4GB; } //! Settings: Multiple Partitions else if (ret == ++Idx) { if (++Settings.MultiplePartitions >= MAX_ON_OFF) Settings.MultiplePartitions = 0; } //! Settings: USB Port else if (ret == ++Idx) { if(!IosLoader::IsHermesIOS() && !IosLoader::IsD2X()) { WindowPrompt(tr("ERROR:"), tr("USB Port changing is only supported on Hermes cIOS."), tr("OK")); NewSettingsUSBPort = 0; Settings.USBPort = 0; } else if (++NewSettingsUSBPort >= 3) // 2 = both ports NewSettingsUSBPort = 0; } //! Settings: Auto mount USB at launch else if (ret == ++Idx) { if (++Settings.USBAutoMount >= MAX_ON_OFF) Settings.USBAutoMount = 0; } //! Settings: Install directories else if (ret == ++Idx) { if (++Settings.InstallToDir >= INSTALL_TO_MAX) Settings.InstallToDir = 0; } //! Settings: Game Split Size else if (ret == ++Idx) { if (++Settings.GameSplit >= GAMESPLIT_MAX) { if(DeviceHandler::GetFilesystemType(USB1+Settings.partition) == PART_FS_FAT) Settings.GameSplit = GAMESPLIT_2GB; else Settings.GameSplit = GAMESPLIT_NONE; } } //! Settings: Install partitions else if (ret == ++Idx) { switch(Settings.InstallPartitions) { case ONLY_GAME_PARTITION: Settings.InstallPartitions = ALL_PARTITIONS; break; case ALL_PARTITIONS: Settings.InstallPartitions = REMOVE_UPDATE_PARTITION; break; default: case REMOVE_UPDATE_PARTITION: Settings.InstallPartitions = ONLY_GAME_PARTITION; break; } } //! Settings: GC Install Compressed else if (ret == ++Idx) { if (++Settings.GCInstallCompressed >= MAX_ON_OFF) Settings.GCInstallCompressed = 0; } //! Settings: GC Install 32K Aligned else if (ret == ++Idx) { if (++Settings.GCInstallAligned >= MAX_ON_OFF) Settings.GCInstallAligned = 0; } //! Settings: Sync FAT32 FS Info else if (ret == ++Idx ) { int choice = WindowPrompt(0, tr("Do you want to sync free space info sector on all FAT32 partitions?"), tr("Yes"), tr("Cancel")); if(choice) { StartProgress(tr("Synchronizing..."), tr("Please wait..."), 0, false, false); int partCount = DeviceHandler::GetUSBPartitionCount(); for(int i = 0; i < partCount; ++i) { ShowProgress(i, partCount); if(DeviceHandler::GetFilesystemType(USB1+i) == PART_FS_FAT) { PartitionHandle *usb = DeviceHandler::Instance()->GetUSBHandleFromPartition(i); if(!usb) continue; struct statvfs stats; char drive[20]; snprintf(drive, sizeof(drive), "%s:/", usb->MountName(i)); memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); memcpy(&stats.f_flag, "SCAN", 4); statvfs(drive, &stats); } } ProgressStop(); } } SetOptionValues(); return MENU_NONE; }