dimok321 f3ef9104b1 *Whole lot of cleanup in the cfg.c
*Moved all related global settings to a settings class. one for themes and individual games will follow. Probably broke some settings or theme loading, we can deal with that later and fix when someone discovers bugs.
2010-09-19 20:25:12 +00:00

445 lines
11 KiB

* Network Operations
* for USB Loader GX
* HTTP operations
* Written by dhewg/bushing modified by dimok
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ogcsys.h>
#include <ogc/machine/processor.h>
#include "prompts/PromptWindows.h"
#include "language/gettext.h"
#include "settings/CSettings.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "http.h"
#include "svnrev.h"
#include "buildtype.h"
#include "update.h"
#define PORT 4299
/*** Incomming filesize ***/
u32 infilesize = 0;
u32 uncfilesize = 0;
bool updateavailable = false;
s32 connection;
static s32 socket;
static bool updatechecked = false;
static bool networkinitialized = false;
static bool checkincomming = false;
static bool waitforanswer = false;
static char IP[16];
char incommingIP[50];
char wiiloadVersion[2];
static lwp_t networkthread = LWP_THREAD_NULL;
static bool networkHalt = true;
* Initialize_Network
void Initialize_Network( void )
if ( networkinitialized ) return;
s32 result;
result = if_config( IP, NULL, NULL, true );
if ( result < 0 )
networkinitialized = false;
networkinitialized = true;
* Check if network was initialised
bool IsNetworkInit( void )
return networkinitialized;
* Get network IP
char * GetNetworkIP( void )
return IP;
* Get incomming IP
char * GetIncommingIP( void )
return incommingIP;
* Get network IP
bool ShutdownWC24()
bool onlinefix = IsNetworkInit();
if ( onlinefix )
s32 kd_fd, ret;
STACK_ALIGN( u8, kd_buf, 0x20, 32 );
kd_fd = IOS_Open( "/dev/net/kd/request", 0 );
if ( kd_fd >= 0 )
ret = IOS_Ioctl( kd_fd, 7, NULL, 0, kd_buf, 0x20 );
if ( ret >= 0 )
onlinefix = false; // fixed no IOS reload needed
IOS_Close( kd_fd );
return onlinefix;
s32 network_request( const char * request, char * filename )
char buf[1024];
char *ptr = NULL;
u32 cnt, size;
s32 ret;
/* Send request */
ret = net_send( connection, request, strlen( request ), 0 );
if ( ret < 0 )
return ret;
/* Clear buffer */
memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) );
/* Read HTTP header */
for ( cnt = 0; !strstr( buf, "\r\n\r\n" ); cnt++ )
if ( net_recv( connection, buf + cnt, 1, 0 ) <= 0 )
return -1;
/* HTTP request OK? */
if ( !strstr( buf, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" ) )
return -1;
if ( filename )
/* Get filename */
ptr = strstr( buf, "filename=\"" );
if ( ptr )
ptr += sizeof( "filename=\"" ) - 1;
for ( cnt = 0; ptr[cnt] != '\r' && ptr[cnt] != '\n' && ptr[cnt] != '"'; cnt++ )
filename[cnt] = ptr[cnt];
filename[cnt+1] = '\0';
/* Retrieve content size */
ptr = strstr( buf, "Content-Length:" );
if ( !ptr )
return -1;
sscanf( ptr, "Content-Length: %u", &size );
return size;
s32 network_read( u8 *buf, u32 len )
u32 read = 0;
s32 ret = -1;
/* Data to be read */
while ( read < len )
/* Read network data */
ret = net_read( connection, buf + read, len - read );
if ( ret < 0 )
return ret;
/* Read finished */
if ( !ret )
/* Increment read variable */
read += ret;
return read;
* Download request
s32 download_request( const char * url, char * filename )
//Check if the url starts with "http://", if not it is not considered a valid url
if ( strncmp( url, "http://", strlen( "http://" ) ) != 0 )
return -1;
//Locate the path part of the url by searching for '/' past "http://"
char *path = strchr( url + strlen( "http://" ), '/' );
//At the very least the url has to end with '/', ending with just a domain is invalid
if ( path == NULL )
return -1;
//Extract the domain part out of the url
int domainlength = path - url - strlen( "http://" );
if ( domainlength == 0 )
return -1;
char domain[domainlength + 1];
strlcpy( domain, url + strlen( "http://" ), domainlength + 1 );
connection = GetConnection( domain );
if ( connection < 0 )
return -1;
//Form a nice request header to send to the webserver
char header[strlen( path )+strlen( domain )+strlen( url )+100];
sprintf( header, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\nReferer: %s\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", path, domain, url );
s32 filesize = network_request( header, filename );
return filesize;
void CloseConnection()
net_close( connection );
if ( waitforanswer )
net_close( socket );
waitforanswer = false;
* NetworkWait
int NetworkWait()
if ( !checkincomming )
return -3;
struct sockaddr_in sin;
struct sockaddr_in client_address;
socklen_t addrlen = sizeof( client_address );
//Open socket
socket = net_socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP );
if ( socket == INVALID_SOCKET )
return socket;
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_port = htons( PORT );
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl( INADDR_ANY );
if ( net_bind( socket, ( struct sockaddr* )&sin, sizeof( sin ) ) < 0 )
net_close( socket );
return -1;
if ( net_listen( socket, 3 ) < 0 )
net_close( socket );
return -1;
connection = net_accept( socket, ( struct sockaddr* ) & client_address, &addrlen );
sprintf( incommingIP, "%s", inet_ntoa( client_address.sin_addr ) );
if ( connection < 0 )
net_close( connection );
net_close( socket );
return -4;
unsigned char haxx[9];
//skip haxx
net_read( connection, &haxx, 8 );
wiiloadVersion[0] = haxx[4];
wiiloadVersion[1] = haxx[5];
net_read( connection, &infilesize, 4 );
if ( haxx[4] > 0 || haxx[5] > 4 )
net_read( connection, &uncfilesize, 4 ); // Compressed protocol, read another 4 bytes
waitforanswer = true;
checkincomming = false;
networkHalt = true;
return 1;
* Update check
int CheckUpdate()
if ( !networkinitialized )
return -1;
int revnumber = 0;
int currentrev = atoi( GetRev() );
if ( Settings.beta_upgrades )
revnumber = CheckForBetaUpdate();
struct block file = downloadfile( "" );
struct block file = downloadfile( "" );
char revtxt[10];
u8 i;
if ( != NULL )
for ( i = 0; i < 9 || i < file.size; i++ )
revtxt[i] =[i];
revtxt[i] = 0;
revnumber = atoi( revtxt );
free( );
if ( revnumber > currentrev )
return revnumber;
return -1;
* HaltNetwork
void HaltNetworkThread()
networkHalt = true;
checkincomming = false;
if ( waitforanswer )
// wait for thread to finish
while ( !LWP_ThreadIsSuspended( networkthread ) )
usleep( 100 );
* ResumeNetworkThread
void ResumeNetworkThread()
networkHalt = false;
LWP_ResumeThread( networkthread );
* Resume NetworkWait
void ResumeNetworkWait()
networkHalt = true;
checkincomming = true;
waitforanswer = true;
infilesize = 0;
connection = -1;
LWP_ResumeThread( networkthread );
* Networkthread for background network initialize and update check with idle prio
static void * networkinitcallback( void *arg )
while ( 1 )
if ( !checkincomming && networkHalt )
LWP_SuspendThread( networkthread );
if ( networkinitialized == true && updatechecked == false )
if ( CheckUpdate() > 0 )
updateavailable = true;
//suspend thread
updatechecked = true;
networkHalt = true;
checkincomming = false;
if ( checkincomming )
return NULL;
* InitNetworkThread with priority 0 (idle)
void InitNetworkThread()
LWP_CreateThread ( &networkthread, networkinitcallback, NULL, NULL, 16384, 0 );
* ShutdownThread
void ShutdownNetworkThread()
LWP_JoinThread ( networkthread, NULL );
networkthread = LWP_THREAD_NULL;