dimok321 05f7dcb368 *Added Unicode fix (thx to CDGod) (Chinese fix.) You might need another font for it. We won't include the Unicode font since its too big.
*Added some new Language Variables (check out Wiki)
*Added Languages to SVN
*Added titles.txt path changeable
*Changed CONFIGFILENAMES to GXGlobal.cfg, GXGameSettings.cfg and GXtheme.cfg !!!

Finnish (final v2 by JussiPik)
Dutch (final v2 by kedest, Adr990)
Spanish (final v1 tlozano)
French (final v1 by Amour)
T.Chinese (final v1 by kyogc)
2009-05-17 08:40:47 +00:00

173 lines
4.5 KiB

Specialthanksto = 特別感謝
t3Coverst = 3D 封面
AppLanguage = 程式語言
Areyousure = 確定?
AutoPatch = 自動修改
Back = 返回
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = 返回 HBC 或 Wii 系統選單
BacktoLoader = 返回 Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = 返回 Wii 系統選單
BootStandard = 啟動/標準
BothBoth = 全部
Cantcreatedirectory = 無法產生目錄
Cancel = 取消
Cantbeformated = 無法格式化
Cantdelete = 無法刪除:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = 點擊以下載封面
Clock = 時鐘
Continueinstallgame = 繼續安裝遊戲?
ConsoleDefault = 控制台預設
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = 解鎖控制台以開啟修改能力.
ConsoleLocked = 控制台鎖定
CorrectPassword = 密碼正確
Couldnotinitializenetwork = 無法啟動網路!
CouldnotopenDisc = 無法開啟光碟
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = 無法啟動 DIP 模組!
CoverDownload = 下載封面
CoverPath = 封面存放路徑
CoverpathChanged = 封面存放路徑已變更
Coverpathchange = 變更封面存放路徑
Credits = Credits
DiscImages = 光碟圖像
DiscimagePath = 光碟圖像存放路徑
DiscpathChanged = 光碟圖像存放路徑已變更
Discpathchange = 變更光碟圖像存放路徑
DiscDefault = 光碟預設
Display = 展示
Doyouwanttoformat = 是否格式化:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = 確定刪除:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 是否等待30秒重試?
Downloadingfile = 下載檔案:
DownloadBoxartimage = 下載外盒封面圖片?
Downloadfinished = 下載完成
Error = 錯誤 !
ErrorreadingDisc = 讀取光碟錯誤
ExitUSBISOLoader = 離開 USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = 正在啟動網路
InsertDisk = 插入光碟
InsertaWiiDisc = 插入 Wii 光碟!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = 插入 SD 卡下載封面.
InsertaSDCardtosave = 插入SD卡儲存.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = 所有 USB Loader GX 的功能未解鎖.
Installerror = 安裝錯誤!
Installagame = 安裝遊戲
Installinggame = 正在安裝遊戲:
Failedtoboot = 無法啟動:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = 掛載前端 SD 卡失敗
FailedtosetUSB = 無法設定 USB:
Failedformating = 格式化失敗
filesnotfoundontheserver = 伺服器中無此檔案!
filesleft = 剩下的檔案
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = 強制
Youneedtoformatapartition = 必須格式化一個磁區
Format = 格式化
Formattingpleasewait = 格式化中, 請稍候...
formated = 完成格式化!
free = 剩餘
FreeSpace = 剩餘空間
FullShutdown = 完全關機
GameID = 遊戲代碼
Games = 遊戲
Gameisalreadyinstalled = 已安裝過遊戲:
GameRegion = 區域
GameSize = 遊戲容量
GoBack = 返回
//GotoPage = 前往頁面
HowtoShutdown = 如何關機?
Language = 語言
Langchange = 變更語言
Left = 左
LikeSysMenu = 如同系統選單
LoadingincIOS = 以 cIOS249 載入
Lock = 鎖定
LockConsole = 鎖定控制台
MP3Menu = MP3 選單
Missingfiles = 遺失的檔案
Networkiniterror = 網路啟動錯誤
Neither = 皆否
Next = 下一步
No = 否
Nofilemissing = 沒有缺少的檔案!
NoHDDfound = 找不到硬碟!
NoSDcardinserted = 未插入 SD 卡!
Nopartitionsfound = 找不到磁區
NoUSBDevice = 沒有 USB 裝置
NoWBFSpartitionfound = 找不到 WBFS 磁區
NormalCovers = 一般封面
Normal = 一般
NotaWiiDisc = 不是 Wii 的光碟
NoUSBDevicefound = 找不到 USB 裝置.
Notenoughfreespace = 剩餘空間不足!
notset = 未設定
of = 的
OFF = 關閉
OfficialSite = 官方網站
ok = 確定
ON = 開啟
Parentalcontrol = 親子控制
Partition = 磁區
Password = 密碼
PasswordChanged = 密碼已變更
Passwordhasbeenchanged = 密碼已被變更
Passwordchange = 變更密碼
PowerofftheWii = 關閉Wii主機
Prev = 往前
PromptsButtons = 螢幕比例校正
ReloadSD = 重新載入SD卡
RenameGameonWBFS = 改變WBFS上的遊戲名稱
Restart = 重新啟動
Return = 返回
ReturntoWii = 返回Wii系統選單
Right = 右
Rumble = 震動
QuickBoot = 快速啟動
Save = 儲存
SaveFailed = 儲存失敗
Specialthanksto = 特別感謝
For = 為了
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = 正在釋放來源碼
secondsleft = 剩餘秒數
SelectthePartition = 選擇磁區
youwanttoformat = 是否格式化
settings = 設定
ShutdowntoIdle = 進入待機狀態
ShutdownSystem = 關閉系統
Success = 成功:
Successfullyinstalled = 成功的安裝:
Successfullydeleted = 成功的刪除:
SuccessfullySaved = 儲存成功
SystemDefault = 系統預設
ThemePath = 背景主題
ThemepathChanged = 背景主題路徑已變更
Themepathchange = 變更背景主題路徑
Try = 嘗試
Tooltips = 工具提示
Timeleft = 剩餘時間:
Unlock = 解鎖
Uninstall = 移除
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX 是被保護
USBDevicenotfound = 找不到 USB 裝置
VideoMode = 影像格式
Volume = 音量
Waiting = 等待中...
WaitingforUSBDevice = 等待 USB 裝置
WidescreenFix = 寬螢幕修正
WiiMenu = Wii 系統選單
WrongPassword = 密碼錯誤
Yes = 是
YoudonthavecIOS = 未安裝 cIOS222
Japanese = 日文
German = 德文
English = 英文
French = 法文
Spanish = 西班牙文
Italian = 義大利文
Dutch = 荷文
SChinese = 簡體中文
TChinese = 繁體中文
Korean = 韓文