dimok321 1913aea194 *Added custom Game Categories switchable in main menu and selected/adjustable in game settings menu. Own categories can be added and applied to games. A multiple category selection is supported in showing and assigning.
*Fix homebrew browser indicator counter (thx dj_skual)
*Fix We Dare anti piracy protection (thx oggzee)
*Fix Wip patching
*IOS reload block working with d2x v6 beta1+ with all filesystems
*Changed CheckBox Cross to squareroot sign
*Added auto detection of the usb port on start with Hermes cIOS (allowing startup without waiting 20s for USB port 1) (was build in in rodries ehcmodule, thx!)
*With new d2x v6 beta1+ sector sizes other than 512 bytes per sector should be supported on ext/ntfs (maybe fat too) (NOT TESTED, need feedback)
2011-06-03 20:31:09 +00:00

359 lines
9.3 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2011
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "CGameCategories.hpp"
#include "GameTitles.h"
#include "language/gettext.h"
#include "FileOperations/fileops.h"
#include "xml/xml.h"
#include "gecko.h"
#include "svnrev.h"
#define VALID_CONFIG_REV 1084
CGameCategories GameCategories;
: defaultCategory(1, 0)
const vector<unsigned int> &CGameCategories::operator[](const char *id) const
if(!id) return defaultCategory;
for(map<string, vector<unsigned int> >::const_iterator itr = List.begin(); itr != List.end(); itr++)
if(strncasecmp(itr->first.c_str(), id, 6) == 0)
return itr->second;
return defaultCategory;
static const char * XMLSaveCallback(mxml_node_t *node, int where)
const char *name = node->;
if (where == MXML_WS_BEFORE_OPEN)
if(!strcmp(name, "Revision") || !strcmp(name, "Categories") || !strcmp(name, "GameCategories"))
return "\n";
else if(!strcmp(name, "Game"))
return "\n\t";
else if(!strcmp(name, "Category"))
return "\n\t\t";
else if(where == MXML_WS_BEFORE_CLOSE)
if(!strcmp(name, "Categories") || !strcmp(name, "GameCategories"))
return "\n";
else if(!strcmp(name, "Game"))
return "\n\t";
return (NULL);
bool CGameCategories::Load(string filepath)
if(filepath.size() == 0)
return false;
if(filepath[filepath.size()-1] != '/')
filepath += '/';
filepath += "GXGameCategories.xml";
configPath = filepath;
u8 *buffer = NULL;
u64 filesize = 0;
LoadFileToMem(filepath.c_str(), &buffer, &filesize);
return false;
mxml_node_t *xmlfile = mxmlLoadString(NULL, (const char *) buffer, MXML_OPAQUE_CALLBACK);
return false;
mxml_node_t *node = mxmlFindElement(xmlfile, xmlfile, "Categories", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST);
return false;
node = mxmlFindElement(node, xmlfile, "Category", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST);
while(node != NULL)
const char * ID = mxmlElementGetAttr(node, "ID");
const char * Name = mxmlElementGetAttr(node, "Name");
if(ID && Name)
CategoryList.SetCategory(atoi(ID), Name);
node = mxmlFindElement(node, xmlfile, "Category", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND);
node = mxmlFindElement(xmlfile, xmlfile, "GameCategories", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST);
return false;
node = mxmlFindElement(node, xmlfile, "Game", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST);
while(node != NULL)
const char * gameID = mxmlElementGetAttr(node, "ID");
mxml_node_t *category = mxmlFindElement(node, xmlfile, "Category", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST);
while(category != NULL)
const char * categoryID = mxmlElementGetAttr(category, "ID");
if(gameID && categoryID)
SetCategory(gameID, atoi(categoryID));
category = mxmlFindElement(category, xmlfile, "Category", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND);
node = mxmlFindElement(node, xmlfile, "Game", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND);
return true;
bool CGameCategories::Save()
char filepath[300];
snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), configPath.c_str());
char * ptr = strrchr(filepath, '/');
ptr[0] = 0;
FILE * f = fopen(configPath.c_str(), "wb");
return false;
mxml_node_t *xmlfile = mxmlNewXML("1.0");
mxml_node_t *node = mxmlNewElement(xmlfile, "Revision");
mxmlNewInteger(node, atoi(GetRev()));
node = mxmlNewElement(xmlfile, "Categories");
mxml_node_t *category = mxmlNewElement(node, "Category");
mxmlElementSetAttrf(category, "ID", "%02u", CategoryList.getCurrentID());
mxmlElementSetAttr(category, "Name", CategoryList.getCurrentName().c_str());
node = mxmlNewElement(xmlfile, "GameCategories");
for(map<string, vector<unsigned int> >::iterator itr = List.begin(); itr != List.end(); itr++)
mxml_node_t *game = mxmlNewElement(node, "Game");
mxmlElementSetAttr(game, "ID", itr->first.c_str());
mxmlElementSetAttr(game, "Title", GameTitles.GetTitle(itr->first.c_str()));
for(u32 i = 0; i < itr->second.size(); ++i)
mxml_node_t *category = mxmlNewElement(game, "Category");
mxmlElementSetAttrf(category, "ID", "%02u", itr->second[i]);
mxmlElementSetAttr(category, "Name", CategoryList[itr->second[i]]);
mxmlSaveFile(xmlfile, f, XMLSaveCallback);
return true;
bool CGameCategories::ValidVersion(mxml_node_t *xmlfile)
if(!xmlfile) return false;
mxml_node_t *node = mxmlFindElement(xmlfile, xmlfile, "Revision", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST);
if(!node || !node->child || !node->child->value.opaque)
return false;
return atoi(node->child->value.opaque) >= VALID_CONFIG_REV;
bool CGameCategories::SetCategory(const char *gameID, unsigned int id)
if(!gameID) return false;
char gameID6[7];
snprintf(gameID6, sizeof(gameID6), gameID);
string stringGameID(gameID6);
return SetCategory(stringGameID, id);
bool CGameCategories::SetCategory(const string &gameID, unsigned int id)
List[gameID] = defaultCategory;
vector<unsigned int> tmpVect(List[gameID]);
for(u32 i = 0; i < tmpVect.size(); ++i)
if(tmpVect[i] == id)
return false;
return true;
bool CGameCategories::ReplaceCategory(const char *gameID, unsigned int id)
if(!gameID) return false;
char gameID6[7];
snprintf(gameID6, sizeof(gameID6), gameID);
List[string(gameID6)] = defaultCategory;
return true;
bool CGameCategories::ReplaceCategory(const string &gameID, unsigned int id)
List[gameID] = defaultCategory;
return true;
void CGameCategories::RemoveCategory(unsigned int id)
for(map<string, vector<unsigned int> >::iterator itr = List.begin(); itr != List.end(); itr++)
for(u32 i = 0; i < itr->second.size(); ++i)
if(itr->second[i] == id)
itr->second.erase(itr->second.begin()+ i);
void CGameCategories::RemoveGameCategories(const string &gameID)
for (map<string, vector<unsigned int> >::iterator itr = List.begin(); itr != List.end(); itr++)
if(gameID == itr->first)
void CGameCategories::RemoveCategory(const char *gameID, unsigned int id)
if(!gameID) return;
string gameID6;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
RemoveCategory(gameID6, id);
void CGameCategories::RemoveCategory(const string &gameID, unsigned int id)
for (map<string, vector<unsigned int> >::iterator itr = List.begin(); itr != List.end(); itr++)
if(gameID == itr->first)
for(u32 i = 0; i < itr->second.size(); ++i)
if(itr->second[i] == id)
itr->second.erase(itr->second.begin()+ i);
bool CGameCategories::isInCategory(const char *gameID, unsigned int id)
if(id == 0) //! ID = 0 means category 'All' so it is always true
return true;
if(!gameID) return false;
string gameID6;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
for (map<string, vector<unsigned int> >::iterator itr = GameCategories.List.begin(); itr != GameCategories.List.end(); itr++)
if(itr->first == gameID6)
for(u32 i = 0; i < itr->second.size(); ++i)
if(itr->second[i] == id)
return true;
return false;