mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 19:39:14 +01:00
*Fixed bug mounting a wbfs partition which was formatted from an ext partition *Rewrote the parental control feature. Removed loading pin or settings from the Wii Settings. Parental control is now completely managed in the loader from the settings selected and the password set. *Saving password in config file is now encrypted *Added loop to wait for usb when reloading the cIOS before game start The parental control feature is filtering games like following when usb loader is locked: level 0 (everyone 0+) > shows only games with lvl 0 level 1 (childs 7+) > shows games with lvl 0, 1 level 2 (teens 12+) > shows games with lvl 0, 1, 2 level 3 (mature 16+) > shows games with lvl 0, 1, 2, 3 level 4 (adults only 18+) > shows all games (lvl 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) level 4 is default when creating new configs
452 lines
14 KiB
452 lines
14 KiB
Load game information from XML - Lustar
- Mini-XML by Michael Sweet
- MiniZip adapted by Tantric
#include <malloc.h>
#include <zip/unzip.h>
#include "settings/CSettings.h"
#include "settings/CGameSettings.h"
#include "settings/GameTitles.h"
#include "xml/xml.h"
extern char game_partition[6];
/* config */
static char xmlcfg_filename[100] = "wiitdb";
static int xmlmaxsize = 1572864;
static char langlist[11][22] = { { "Console Default" }, { "Japanese" }, { "English" }, { "German" }, { "French" }, {
"Spanish" }, { "Italian" }, { "Dutch" }, { "S. Chinese" }, { "T. Chinese" }, { "Korean" } };
static char langcodes[11][5] = { { "" }, { "JA" }, { "EN" }, { "DE" }, { "FR" }, { "ES" }, { "IT" }, { "NL" },
{ "ZHCN" }, // People's Republic of China
{ "ZHTW" }, // Taiwan
{ "KO" } };
static char element_text[5000];
static mxml_node_t *nodetree = NULL;
static mxml_node_t *nodedata = NULL;
static mxml_node_t *nodeid = NULL;
static mxml_node_t *nodeidtmp = NULL;
static mxml_node_t *nodefound = NULL;
static mxml_index_t *nodeindex = NULL;
static mxml_index_t *nodeindextmp = NULL;
int xmlloadtime = 0;
char * get_nodetext(mxml_node_t *node, char *buffer, int buflen);
bool xml_loaded = false;
/* load renamed titles from proper names and game info XML, needs to be after cfg_load_games */
bool OpenXMLDatabase(char* xmlfilepath, char* argdblang, bool argJPtoEN, bool openfile, bool loadtitles, bool keepopen)
if (!xml_loaded)
bool opensuccess = false;
char pathname[200];
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s", xmlfilepath);
if (xmlfilepath[strlen(xmlfilepath) - 1] != '/') snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s/", pathname);
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s%s_%s.zip", pathname, xmlcfg_filename, game_partition);
if (openfile) opensuccess = OpenXMLFile(pathname);
if (!opensuccess)
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s", xmlfilepath);
if (xmlfilepath[strlen(xmlfilepath) - 1] != '/') snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s/", pathname);
snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%swiitdb.zip", pathname);
if (openfile) opensuccess = OpenXMLFile(pathname);
if (!opensuccess && openfile)
return false;
if (loadtitles) LoadTitlesFromXML(argdblang, argJPtoEN);
if (!keepopen) CloseXMLDatabase();
if (loadtitles) LoadTitlesFromXML(argdblang, argJPtoEN);
if (!keepopen) CloseXMLDatabase();
return true;
void CloseXMLDatabase()
/* free memory */
if (xml_loaded)
xml_loaded = false;
void GetTextFromNode(mxml_node_t *currentnode, mxml_node_t *topnode, const char *nodename, const char *attributename,
char *value, int descend, char *dest, int destsize)
*element_text = 0;
nodefound = mxmlFindElement(currentnode, topnode, nodename, attributename, value, descend);
if (nodefound != NULL)
if (attributename != NULL)
strlcpy(dest, mxmlElementGetAttr(nodefound, attributename), destsize);
get_nodetext(nodefound, element_text, sizeof(element_text));
strlcpy(dest, element_text, destsize);
strcpy(dest, "");
bool OpenXMLFile(char *filename)
//if (xmldebug) dbg_time1();
if (xml_loaded) return false;
nodedata = NULL;
nodetree = NULL;
nodeid = NULL;
nodeidtmp = NULL;
nodefound = NULL;
char* strresult = strstr(filename, ".zip");
if (strresult == NULL)
/* Load XML file */
FILE *filexml;
filexml = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (!filexml) return false;
nodetree = mxmlLoadFile(NULL, filexml, MXML_OPAQUE_CALLBACK);
/* load zipped XML file */
unzFile unzfile = unzOpen(filename);
if (unzfile == NULL) return false;
unz_file_info zipfileinfo;
unzGetCurrentFileInfo(unzfile, &zipfileinfo, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
int zipfilebuffersize = zipfileinfo.uncompressed_size;
if (zipfilebuffersize >= xmlmaxsize)
return false;
char * zipfilebuffer = (char *) malloc(zipfilebuffersize);
memset(zipfilebuffer, 0, zipfilebuffersize);
if (zipfilebuffer == NULL)
return false;
unzReadCurrentFile(unzfile, zipfilebuffer, zipfilebuffersize);
nodetree = mxmlLoadString(NULL, zipfilebuffer, MXML_OPAQUE_CALLBACK);
if (nodetree == NULL) return false;
nodedata = mxmlFindElement(nodetree, nodetree, "datafile", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
if (nodedata == NULL)
return false;
//if (xmldebug) xmlloadtime = dbg_time2(NULL);
xml_loaded = true;
return true;
char *GetLangSettingFromGame(char *gameid)
int langcode;
GameCFG *game_cfg = GameSettings.GetGameCFG((u8*) gameid);
if (game_cfg)
langcode = game_cfg->language;
//langcode = CFG.language; // for Configurable Loader
langcode = Settings.language; // for Loader GX
char *langtxt = langlist[langcode];
return langtxt;
/* convert language text into ISO 639 two-letter language code (+ZHTW/ZHCN) */
const char *ConvertLangTextToCode(char *languagetxt)
// do not convert if languagetext seems to be a language code (can be 2 or 4 letters)
if (strlen(languagetxt) <= 4) return languagetxt;
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
if (!strcasecmp(languagetxt, langlist[i])) // case insensitive comparison
return langcodes[i];
return "";
char ConvertRatingToIndex(char *ratingtext)
int type = -1;
if (!strcmp(ratingtext, "CERO"))
type = 0;
if (!strcmp(ratingtext, "ESRB"))
type = 1;
if (!strcmp(ratingtext, "PEGI"))
type = 2;
return type;
int ConvertRating(const char *ratingvalue, const char *fromrating, const char *torating)
if (!strcmp(fromrating, torating))
int ret = atoi(ratingvalue);
if(ret < 7)
return 0;
else if(ret < 12)
return 1;
else if(ret < 16)
return 2;
else if(ret < 18)
return 3;
return 4;
int type = -1;
int desttype = -1;
type = ConvertRatingToIndex((char *) fromrating);
desttype = ConvertRatingToIndex((char *) torating);
if (type == -1 || desttype == -1) return -1;
/* rating conversion table */
/* the list is ordered to pick the most likely value first: */
/* EC and AO are less likely to be used so they are moved down to only be picked up when converting ESRB to PEGI or CERO */
/* the conversion can never be perfect because ratings can differ between regions for the same game */
char ratingtable[12][3][5] =
{ { "A" }, { "E" }, { "3" } },
{ { "A" }, { "E" }, { "4" } },
{ { "A" }, { "E" }, { "6" } },
{ { "A" }, { "E" }, { "7" } },
{ { "A" }, { "EC" }, { "3" } },
{ { "A" }, { "E10+" }, { "7" } },
{ { "B" }, { "T" }, { "12" } },
{ { "D" }, { "M" }, { "18" } },
{ { "D" }, { "M" }, { "16" } },
{ { "C" }, { "T" }, { "16" } },
{ { "C" }, { "T" }, { "15" } },
{ { "Z" }, { "AO" }, { "18" } },
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= 11; i++)
if (!strcmp(ratingtable[i][type], ratingvalue))
int ret = atoi(ratingtable[i][desttype]);
if(ret < 7)
return 0;
else if(ret < 12)
return 1;
else if(ret < 16)
return 2;
else if(ret < 18)
return 3;
return 4;
return -1;
void LoadTitlesFromXML(char *langtxt, bool forcejptoen)
/* langtxt: set to "English","French","German", to force language for all titles, or "" to load title depending on each game's setting */
/* forcejptoen: set to true to load English title instead of Japanese title when game is set to Japanese */
if (nodedata == NULL) return;
bool forcelang = false;
if (strcmp(langtxt, "")) forcelang = true;
char langcode[10] = "";
if (forcelang) strcpy(langcode, ConvertLangTextToCode(langtxt)); /* convert language text into ISO 639 two-letter language code */
/* create index of <id> elements */
nodeindex = mxmlIndexNew(nodedata, "id", NULL);
nodeid = mxmlIndexReset(nodeindex);
*element_text = 0;
char id_text[10];
char title_text[200] = "";
char title_text_EN[200] = "";
/* search index of id elements, load all id/titles text */
while (nodeid != NULL)
nodeid = mxmlIndexFind(nodeindex, "id", NULL);
if (nodeid != NULL)
strcpy(title_text, "");
strcpy(title_text_EN, "");
get_nodetext(nodeid, element_text, sizeof(element_text));
snprintf(id_text, 7, "%s", element_text);
// if language is not forced, use game language setting from config
if (!forcelang)
langtxt = GetLangSettingFromGame(id_text);
strcpy(langcode, ConvertLangTextToCode(langtxt));
/* if enabled, force English title for all games set to Japanese */
if (forcejptoen && (strcmp(langcode, "JA")) == 0) strcpy(langcode, "EN");
/* load title from nodes */
nodefound = mxmlFindElement(nodeid, nodedata, "locale", "lang", "EN", MXML_NO_DESCEND);
if (nodefound != NULL)
GetTextFromNode(nodefound, nodedata, "title", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND, title_text_EN,
nodefound = mxmlFindElement(nodeid, nodedata, "locale", "lang", langcode, MXML_NO_DESCEND);
if (nodefound != NULL)
GetTextFromNode(nodefound, nodedata, "title", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND, title_text, sizeof(title_text));
/* fall back to English title if prefered language was not found */
if (!strcmp(title_text, ""))
strcpy(title_text, title_text_EN);
snprintf(id_text, 7, "%s", id_text);
GameTitles.SetGameTitle(id_text, title_text);
// free memory
//if (xmldebug) xmlloadtime = dbg_time2(NULL);
void GetPublisherFromGameid(char *idtxt, char *dest, int destsize)
/* guess publisher from company list using last two characters from game id */
nodeindextmp = mxmlIndexNew(nodedata, "company", NULL);
nodeidtmp = mxmlIndexReset(nodeindextmp);
*element_text = 0;
char publishercode[3];
sprintf(publishercode, "%c%c", idtxt[4], idtxt[5]);
while (strcmp(element_text, publishercode) != 0)
nodeidtmp = mxmlIndexFind(nodeindextmp, "company", NULL);
if (nodeidtmp != NULL)
strlcpy(element_text, mxmlElementGetAttr(nodeidtmp, "code"), sizeof(element_text));
if (!strcmp(element_text, publishercode))
strlcpy(dest, mxmlElementGetAttr(nodeidtmp, "name"), destsize);
strcpy(dest, "");
// free memory
char *MemInfo()
char linebuf[300] = "";
char memtotal[20];
char memused[20];
char memnotinuse[20];
char memcanbefreed[20];
struct mallinfo mymallinfo = mallinfo();
sprintf(memtotal, "%d", mymallinfo.arena / 1024);
sprintf(memused, "%d", mymallinfo.uordblks / 1024);
sprintf(memnotinuse, "%d", mymallinfo.fordblks / 1024);
sprintf(memcanbefreed, "%d", mymallinfo.keepcost / 1024);
snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "all:%sKB used:%sKB notused:%sKB canfree:%sKB", memtotal, memused, memnotinuse,
char *minfo[300];
*minfo = linebuf;
return *minfo;
/* get_nodetext() - Get the text for a node, taken from mini-mxml example mxmldoc.c */
char * get_nodetext(mxml_node_t *node, char *buffer, int buflen) /* O - Text in node, I - Node to get, I - Buffer, I - Size of buffer */
char *ptr, *end; /* Pointer into buffer, End of buffer */
int len; /* Length of node */
mxml_node_t *current; /* Current node */
ptr = buffer;
end = buffer + buflen - 1;
for (current = node->child; current && ptr < end; current = current->next)
if (current->type == MXML_TEXT)
if (current->value.text.whitespace) *ptr++ = ' ';
len = (int) strlen(current->value.text.string);
if (len > (int) (end - ptr)) len = (int) (end - ptr);
memcpy(ptr, current->value.text.string, len);
ptr += len;
else if (current->type == MXML_OPAQUE)
len = (int) strlen(current->value.opaque);
if (len > (int) (end - ptr)) len = (int) (end - ptr);
memcpy(ptr, current->value.opaque, len);
ptr += len;
*ptr = '\0';
return (buffer);