dimok321 53574d6bc5 *threw out mxml because it is pissed on every little crap that is wrong in the xml and stops parsing the whole xml. Changed everything to use official TinyXML now (nice C++ classes). A lot of problems with categories and probably Wiinnertag now should be solved.
*fixed Theme Downloader to actually list the themes (wonder why no one reported that its broken)
*fixed freeze on 0 games and gameGrid
*added a "Sneek Video Patch" mode. According to WiiPower it can come in handy for some games. (Thanks to WiiPower)
*made showing categories on game details screen limited by the space available
*removed alt dol prompt on "default" setting for d2x users
*Added a Block SD Reload option
2011-06-25 19:50:57 +00:00

294 lines
8.6 KiB

#include "menu/menus.h"
#include "menu/WDMMenu.hpp"
#include "mload/mload.h"
#include "mload/mload_modules.h"
#include "system/IosLoader.h"
#include "Controls/DeviceHandler.hpp"
#include "usbloader/disc.h"
#include "usbloader/apploader.h"
#include "usbloader/usbstorage2.h"
#include "usbloader/wdvd.h"
#include "usbloader/GameList.h"
#include "settings/CGameSettings.h"
#include "usbloader/frag.h"
#include "usbloader/wbfs.h"
#include "usbloader/playlog.h"
#include "usbloader/MountGamePartition.h"
#include "usbloader/AlternateDOLOffsets.h"
#include "settings/newtitles.h"
#include "network/Wiinnertag.h"
#include "patches/fst.h"
#include "patches/gamepatches.h"
#include "patches/wip.h"
#include "system/IosLoader.h"
#include "banner/OpeningBNR.hpp"
#include "wad/nandtitle.h"
#include "menu/menus.h"
#include "memory/memory.h"
#include "GameBooter.hpp"
#include "sys.h"
//appentrypoint has to be global because of asm
u32 AppEntrypoint = 0;
struct discHdr *dvdheader = NULL;
extern int mountMethod;
int GameBooter::BootGCMode()
gprintf("\nLoading BC for GameCube");
return WII_LaunchTitle(0x0000000100000100ULL);
u32 GameBooter::BootPartition(char * dolpath, u8 videoselected, u8 alternatedol, u32 alternatedoloffset)
gprintf("booting partition IOS %u r%u\n", IOS_GetVersion(), IOS_GetRevision());
entry_point p_entry;
s32 ret;
u64 offset;
/* Find game partition offset */
ret = Disc_FindPartition(&offset);
if (ret < 0)
return 0;
/* Open specified partition */
ret = WDVD_OpenPartition(offset);
if (ret < 0)
return 0;
/* Setup low memory */
/* Setup video mode */
/* Run apploader */
ret = Apploader_Run(&p_entry, dolpath, alternatedol, alternatedoloffset);
if (ret < 0)
return 0;
return (u32) p_entry;
int GameBooter::FindDiscHeader(const char * gameID, struct discHdr &gameHeader)
if(mountMethod == 0 && !gameList.GetDiscHeader(gameID))
gprintf("Game was not found: %s\n", gameID);
return -1;
else if(mountMethod && !dvdheader)
gprintf("Error: Loading empty disc header from DVD\n");
return -1;
memcpy(&gameHeader, (mountMethod ? dvdheader : gameList.GetDiscHeader(gameID)), sizeof(struct discHdr));
delete dvdheader;
dvdheader = NULL;
return 0;
void GameBooter::SetupAltDOL(u8 * gameID, u8 &alternatedol, u32 &alternatedoloffset)
if(alternatedol == ALT_DOL_ON_LAUNCH)
alternatedol = ALT_DOL_FROM_GAME;
alternatedoloffset = WDMMenu::GetAlternateDolOffset();
else if(alternatedol == ALT_DOL_DEFAULT)
alternatedol = ALT_DOL_FROM_GAME;
alternatedoloffset = defaultAltDol((char *) gameID);
if(alternatedol == ALT_DOL_FROM_GAME && alternatedoloffset == 0)
alternatedol = OFF;
int GameBooter::SetupDisc(u8 * gameID)
if (mountMethod)
gprintf("\tloading DVD\n");
return Disc_Open();
int ret = -1;
if(IosLoader::IsWaninkokoIOS() && IOS_GetRevision() < 18)
ret = Disc_SetUSB(gameID);
gprintf("%d\n", ret);
if(ret < 0) return ret;
gprintf("Loading fragment list...");
ret = get_frag_list(gameID);
gprintf("%d\n", ret);
if(ret < 0) return ret;
ret = set_frag_list(gameID);
if(ret < 0) return ret;
gprintf("\tUSB set to game\n");
ret = Disc_Open();
gprintf("%d\n", ret);
return ret;
bool GameBooter::LoadOcarina(u8 *gameID)
if (ocarina_load_code(gameID) > 0)
return true;
return false;
int GameBooter::BootGame(const char * gameID)
if(!gameID || strlen(gameID) < 3)
return -1;
if (mountMethod == 2)
return BootGCMode();
gprintf("\tSettings.partition: %d\n", Settings.partition);
struct discHdr gameHeader;
//! Find disc header in the game list first
int ret = FindDiscHeader(gameID, gameHeader);
if(ret < 0)
return ret;
//! Remember game's USB port
int partition = gameList.GetPartitionNumber(;
int usbport = DeviceHandler::PartitionToUSBPort(partition);
//! Setup game configuration from game settings. If no game settings exist use global/default.
GameCFG * game_cfg = GameSettings.GetGameCFG(;
u8 videoChoice = game_cfg->video == INHERIT ? Settings.videomode : game_cfg->video;
u8 languageChoice = game_cfg->language == INHERIT ? Settings.language : game_cfg->language;
u8 ocarinaChoice = game_cfg->ocarina == INHERIT ? Settings.ocarina : game_cfg->ocarina;
u8 viChoice = game_cfg->vipatch == INHERIT ? Settings.videopatch : game_cfg->vipatch;
u8 sneekChoice = game_cfg->sneekVideoPatch == INHERIT ? Settings.sneekVideoPatch : game_cfg->sneekVideoPatch;
u8 iosChoice = game_cfg->ios == INHERIT ? Settings.cios : game_cfg->ios;
u8 fix002 = game_cfg->errorfix002 == INHERIT ? Settings.error002 : game_cfg->errorfix002;
u8 countrystrings = game_cfg->patchcountrystrings == INHERIT ? Settings.patchcountrystrings : game_cfg->patchcountrystrings;
u8 alternatedol = game_cfg->loadalternatedol;
u32 alternatedoloffset = game_cfg->alternatedolstart;
u8 reloadblock = game_cfg->iosreloadblock == INHERIT ? Settings.BlockIOSReload : game_cfg->iosreloadblock;
u64 returnToChoice = game_cfg->returnTo ? NandTitles.FindU32(Settings.returnTo) : 0;
//! Prepare alternate dol settings
SetupAltDOL(, alternatedol, alternatedoloffset);
//! This is temporary - C <-> C++ transfer
//! Reload game settings cIOS for this game
if(iosChoice != IOS_GetVersion())
gprintf("Reloading into game cIOS: %i...\n", iosChoice);
if(MountGamePartition(false) < 0)
return -1;
//! Setup disc in cIOS and open it
ret = SetupDisc(;
if (ret < 0)
//! Load BCA data for the game
gprintf("Loading BCA data...");
ret = do_bca_code(;
gprintf("%d\n", ret);
//! Setup IOS reload block
if (IosLoader::IsHermesIOS())
if(reloadblock == ON)
if (gameList.GetGameFS( == PART_FS_WBFS)
reloadblock = 0;
else if(reloadblock == AUTO)
iosinfo_t * iosinfo = IosLoader::GetIOSInfo(IOS_GetVersion());
if(!iosinfo || iosinfo->version < 6)
reloadblock = 0;
//! Now we can free up the memory used by the game list
//! Load main.dol or alternative dol into memory, start the game apploader and get game entrypoint
AppEntrypoint = BootPartition(Settings.dolpath, videoChoice, alternatedol, alternatedoloffset);
//! No entrypoint found...back to HBC/SystemMenu
if(AppEntrypoint == 0)
//! Do all the game patches
gprintf("Applying game patches...\n");
gamepatches(videoChoice, languageChoice, countrystrings, viChoice, sneekChoice, ocarinaChoice, fix002, reloadblock, iosChoice, returnToChoice);
//! Load Ocarina codes
bool enablecheat = false;
if (ocarinaChoice)
enablecheat = LoadOcarina(;
//! Shadow mload - Only needed on some games with Hermes v5.1 (Check is inside the function)
gprintf("Shutting down devices...\n");
//! Flush all caches and close up all devices
if(Settings.USBPort == 2)
//! Reset USB port because device handler changes it for cache flushing
//! Modify Wii Message Board to display the game starting here
Playlog_Update((char *), BNRInstance::Instance()->GetIMETTitle(CONF_GetLanguage()));
//! Jump to the entrypoint of the game - the last function of the USB Loader
gprintf("Jumping to game entrypoint: 0x%08X.\n", AppEntrypoint);
return Disc_JumpToEntrypoint(enablecheat, WDMMenu::GetDolParameter());