
635 lines
18 KiB

#include <gctypes.h>
#include <ogc/machine/processor.h>
#include "IosLoader.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "Controls/DeviceHandler.hpp"
#include "usbloader/usbstorage2.h"
#include "usbloader/disc.h"
#include "usbloader/wbfs.h"
#include "usbloader/wdvd.h"
#include "wad/nandtitle.h"
#include "mload/mload_modules.h"
#include "settings/CSettings.h"
#include "wad/nandtitle.h"
#include "mload/mload.h"
#include "mload/modules/ehcmodule_5.h"
#include "mload/modules/dip_plugin_249.h"
#include "mload/modules/odip_frag.h"
#include "utils/tools.h"
#include "gecko.h"
#define MEM2_PROT 0x0D8B420A
#define ES_MODULE_START ((u16 *)0x939F0000)
#define ES_MODULE_END (ES_MODULE_START + 0x4000)
#define ES_HACK_OFFSET 4
extern u32 hdd_sector_size[2];
* Buffer variables for the IOS info to avoid loading it several times
static int currentIOS = -1;
static iosinfo_t *currentIOSInfo = NULL;
static int currentMIOS = -1;
static int currentDMLVersion = -1;
* Public Methods:
* Check if the ios passed is a Hermes ios.
bool IosLoader::IsHermesIOS(s32 ios)
return (ios == 222 || ios == 223 || ios == 224 || ios == 225 || ios == 202);
* Check if the ios passed is a Waninkoko ios.
bool IosLoader::IsWaninkokoIOS(s32 ios)
if(ios < 200 || ios > 255)
return false;
return !IsHermesIOS(ios);
* Check if the ios passed is a d2x ios.
bool IosLoader::IsD2X(s32 ios)
iosinfo_t *info = GetIOSInfo(ios);
return false;
bool res = (strncasecmp(info->name, "d2x", 3) == 0);
return res;
* Loads CIOS (If possible the one from the settings file).
* @return 0 if a cios has been successfully loaded. Else a value below 0 is returned.
s32 IosLoader::LoadAppCios(u8 ios)
u32 activeCios = IOS_GetVersion();
s32 ret = -1;
// We have what we need
if((int) activeCios == ios)
return 0;
u8 ciosLoadPriority[] = { ios, 249, 250, 222, 223, 245, 246, 247, 248 }; // Ascending
for (u32 i = 0; i < (sizeof(ciosLoadPriority)/sizeof(ciosLoadPriority[0])); ++i)
u32 cios = ciosLoadPriority[i];
if (activeCios == cios)
ret = 0;
if ((ret = ReloadIosSafe(cios)) > -1)
// Remember working cios
Settings.LoaderIOS = cios;
return ret;
* Loads a CIOS before a game start.
* @return 0 if a cios has been successfully loaded. Else a value below 0 is returned.
s32 IosLoader::LoadGameCios(s32 ios)
if(ios == IOS_GetVersion())
return 0;
s32 ret = -1;
// Unmount fat before reloading IOS.
ret = ReloadIosSafe(ios);
// Remount devices after reloading IOS.
return ret;
* Reloads a certain IOS under the condition, that an appropriate version of the IOS is installed.
* @return a negative value if a safe reload of the ios was not possible.
s32 IosLoader::ReloadIosSafe(s32 ios)
s32 iosRev = NandTitles.VersionOf(TITLE_ID(1, ios));
if((iosRev < 4 || iosRev > 6) && iosRev != 65535)
return -11;
else if(IsWaninkokoIOS(ios))
s32 iosRev = NandTitles.VersionOf(TITLE_ID(1, ios));
if((iosRev < 9 || iosRev > 30000) && iosRev != 65535) //let's see if Waninkoko actually gets to 30
return -22;
else if(ios < 200) // use AHB Access
s32 iosRev = NandTitles.VersionOf(TITLE_ID(1, ios));
return -33;
return -44;
s32 r = ReloadIosKeepingRights(ios);
if(r >= 0) WII_Initialize();
IosLoader::LoadIOSModules(IOS_GetVersion(), IOS_GetRevision());
return r;
* Reloads a certain IOS and keeps the AHBPROT flag enabled if available.
s32 IosLoader::ReloadIosKeepingRights(s32 ios)
// Reload IOS. MEM2 protection is implicitly re-enabled
return IOS_ReloadIOS(ios);
void IosLoader::PatchAHB()
if (CheckAHBPROT())
static const u16 ticket_check[] = {
0x685B, // ldr r3, [r3, #4] ; Get TMD pointer
0x22EC, 0x0052, // movs r2, 0x1D8 ; Set offset of access rights field in TMD
0x189B, // adds r3, r3, r2 ; Add offset to TMD pointer
0x681B, // ldr r3, [r3] ; Load access rights. We'll hack it with full access rights!!!
0x4698, // mov r8, r3 ; Store it for the DVD video bitcheck later
0x07DB // lsls r3, r3, 0x1F ; check AHBPROT bit
// Disable memory protection
write16(MEM2_PROT, 0);
for (u16 *patchme = ES_MODULE_START; patchme < ES_MODULE_END; patchme++)
if (!memcmp(patchme, ticket_check, sizeof(ticket_check)))
gprintf("PatchAHB: Found TMD access rights check at %p\n", patchme);
/* Apply patch */
patchme[ES_HACK_OFFSET] = 0x23FF; // li r3, 0xFF ; Set full access rights
/* Flush cache */
DCFlushRange(patchme+ES_HACK_OFFSET, 2);
// Enable memory protection
write16(MEM2_PROT, 1);
* Check if MIOS is DIOS MIOS, DIOS MIOS Lite or official MIOS.
u8 IosLoader::GetMIOSInfo()
if(currentMIOS > -1)
return currentMIOS;
if(isWiiU()) // vWii users
return currentMIOS;
u8 *appfile = NULL;
u32 filesize = 0;
// "title/00000001/00000101/content/" contains DM/DML version and built date, but is not always accurate.
// so we are looking inside to find the correct version.
NandTitle::LoadFileFromNand("/title/00000001/00000101/content/", &appfile, &filesize);
for(u32 i = 0; i < filesize-4; ++i)
if((*(u32*)(appfile+i)) == 'DIOS' && (*(u32*)(appfile+i+5)) == 'MIOS')
if((*(u32*)(appfile+i+10)) == 'Lite')
gprintf("DIOS MIOS Lite ");
currentDMLVersion = GetDMLVersion((char*)(appfile+i+31));
currentMIOS = DIOS_MIOS;
gprintf("DIOS MIOS ");
currentDMLVersion = GetDMLVersion((char*)(appfile+i+27));
else if((*(u32*)(appfile+i)) == 'Quad' && (*(u32*)(appfile+i+4)) == 'Forc')
char* QF_version = (char*)(appfile+i+10);
gprintf("QuadForce v%.1f \n", atof(QF_version));
if(atof(QF_version) >= 4.0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_QUAD_4_0;
else if(atof(QF_version) == 3.0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_QUAD_3_0;
else if(atof(QF_version) == 2.0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_QUAD_2_0;
else currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_QUAD_0_1;
else if((*(u32*)(appfile+i)) == 'GCLo' && (*(u32*)(appfile+i+4)) == 'ader')
// QuadForce USB v4.1 binary doesn't have QF version, checking: GCLoader....Built : %s %s.....May 26 2013.00:15:28
if((*(u32*)(appfile+i+32)) == 'May ' && (*(u32*)(appfile+i+44)) == '00:1' && (*(u32*)(appfile+i+48)) == '5:28')
gprintf("QuadForce USB v4.1\n");
currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_QUAD_4_1;
if(currentMIOS == DEFAULT_MIOS)
gprintf("MIOS / cMIOS \n");
return currentMIOS;
u8 IosLoader::GetDMLVersion(char* releaseDate)
if(currentDMLVersion > -1)
return currentDMLVersion;
currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_MIOS;
// Older versions - not working with USBloaderGX
if(strncmp(releaseDate, "t: ", 3) == 0)
return currentDMLVersion;
// Current installed version
gprintf("built on %s\n", releaseDate);
struct tm time;
strptime(releaseDate, "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
time_t unixTime = mktime(&time);
if(currentMIOS == DIOS_MIOS)
// Timestamp of DM 2.0
strptime("Jun 23 2012 19:43:21", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_0_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.1
strptime("Jul 17 2012 11:25:35", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_1_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.2 initial release
strptime("Jul 18 2012 16:57:47", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_2_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.2 update2
strptime("Jul 20 2012 14:49:47", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_2_2_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.3
strptime("Sep 24 2012 15:51:54", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_3_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.4
strptime("Oct 21 2012 22:57:12", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_4_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.5
strptime("Nov 9 2012 21:18:52", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_5_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.6.0
strptime("Dec 1 2012 01:52:53", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_6_0_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.6.1
strptime("Dec 1 2012 16:42:34", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_6_1_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.7
strptime("Feb 20 2013 14:54:33", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_7_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.8
strptime("Feb 24 2013 14:17:03", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_8_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.9
strptime("Apr 5 2013 18:29:35", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_9_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.10
strptime("May 24 2013 21:22:22", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_10_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DM 2.11
strptime("Jul 2 2014 10:31:15", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dm_2_11_time = mktime(&time);
if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_11_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_11;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_10_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_10;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_9_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_9;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_8_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_8;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_7_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_7;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_6_1_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_6_1;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_6_0_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_6_0;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_5_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_5;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_4_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_4;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_3_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_3;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_2_2_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_2_2;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_2_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_2;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_1_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_1;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dm_2_0_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DM_2_0;
else if(currentMIOS == DIOS_MIOS_LITE)
// Timestamp of DML r52
strptime("Mar 7 2012 19:36:06", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_r52_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 1.2
strptime("Apr 24 2012 19:44:08", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_1_2_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 1.4b
strptime("May 7 2012 21:12:47", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_1_4b_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 1.5
strptime("Jun 14 2012 00:05:09", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_1_5_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 2.2 initial release
strptime("Aug 6 2012 15:19:17", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_2_2_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 2.2 update1
strptime("Aug 13 2012 00:12:46", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_2_2_1_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 2.3 mirror link
strptime("Sep 24 2012 13:13:42", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_2_3m_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 2.3 main link
strptime("Sep 25 2012 03:03:41", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_2_3_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 2.4
strptime("Oct 21 2012 22:57:17", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_2_4_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 2.5
strptime("Nov 9 2012 21:18:56", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_2_5_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 2.6
strptime("Dec 1 2012 16:22:29", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_2_6_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 2.7
strptime("Feb 21 2013 03:13:49", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_2_7_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 2.8
strptime("Feb 24 2013 13:30:29", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_2_8_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 2.9
strptime("Apr 5 2013 18:20:33", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_2_9_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 2.10
strptime("May 24 2013 18:51:58", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_2_10_time = mktime(&time);
// Timestamp of DML 2.11
strptime("Jul 2 2014 10:31:06", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time);
const time_t dml_2_11_time = mktime(&time);
if(difftime(unixTime, dml_2_11_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_2_11;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_2_10_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_2_10;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_2_9_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_2_9;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_2_8_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_2_8;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_2_7_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_2_7;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_2_6_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_2_6;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_2_5_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_2_5;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_2_4_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_2_4;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_2_3_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_2_3;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_2_3m_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_2_3m;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_2_2_1_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_2_2_1;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_2_2_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_2_2;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_1_5_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_1_5;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_1_4b_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_1_4b;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_1_2_time) > 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_1_4;
else if(difftime(unixTime, dml_1_2_time) == 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_DML_1_2;
else if (difftime(unixTime, dml_r52_time) >= 0) currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_R52;
else currentDMLVersion = DML_VERSION_R51;
return currentDMLVersion;
* Check if selected IOS is compatible with Emulated NAND and user's settings
bool IosLoader::is_NandEmu_compatible(const char *NandEmuPath, s32 ios)
// TODO: Check features against cIOS revision
// rev17: 1st FAT32 partition of a 512 bytes/sector HDD, NandEmuPath must be on root, Full EmuNAND only
// rev18: adds Partial EmuNAND mode
// rev21: adds EmuNAND paths
// rev21 d2x beta: adds partition selection. officially supported in d2x v3
// d2x v4: adds 4096 bytes/sector support
// Check IOS
return true;
if(!IsWaninkokoIOS(ios) || NandTitles.VersionOf(TITLE_ID(1, ios)) < 17)
return false;
// Check all path restrictions when using rev17+
// Check if EmuNAND Path location is on root
const char *NandEmuFolder = strchr(NandEmuPath, '/');
if(!NandEmuFolder || strlen(NandEmuFolder) > 1)
return false;
// Check if EmuNAND partition is on USB devices
if(strncmp(NandEmuPath, "usb", 3) == 0)
int part_num = atoi(NandEmuPath+3);
int usbport = DeviceHandler::PartitionToUSBPort(part_num-USB1);
// Check if this is the first FAT32 partition on the drive
for(int dev = USB1; dev <= part_num; dev++)
if(strncmp(DeviceHandler::GetFSName(dev), "FAT", 3) == 0)
if(dev == part_num)
return false;
// Check if the partition is primary
// EmuNAND works with Primary and Extended partitions, no need to check the PartitionTableType
// Check HDD sector size. Only 512 bytes/sector is supported by d2x < v4
if(hdd_sector_size[usbport] != BYTES_PER_SECTOR)
return false;
return true;
* Private/Protected Methods:
void IosLoader::LoadIOSModules(s32 ios, s32 ios_rev)
//! Hermes IOS
const u8 * ech_module = NULL;
int ehc_module_size = 0;
const u8 * dip_plugin = NULL;
int dip_plugin_size = 0;
ech_module = ehcmodule_5;
ehc_module_size = size_ehcmodule_5;
dip_plugin = odip_frag;
dip_plugin_size = odip_frag_size;
gprintf("Loading ehc v5 and opendip module\n");
load_modules(ech_module, ehc_module_size, dip_plugin, dip_plugin_size);
//! Waninkoko IOS
else if(IsWaninkokoIOS(ios))
// Init ISFS for d2x check
iosinfo_t *info = GetIOSInfo(ios);
if(ios_rev >= 18 && (!info || info->version < 6))
if(mload_init() >= 0)
gprintf("Loading dip module for Waninkoko's cios\n");
mload_module((u8 *) dip_plugin_249, dip_plugin_249_size);
* Reads the ios info struct from the .app file.
* @return pointer to iosinfo_t on success else NULL. The user is responsible for freeing the buffer.
iosinfo_t *IosLoader::GetIOSInfo(s32 ios)
if(currentIOS == ios && currentIOSInfo)
return currentIOSInfo;
currentIOSInfo = NULL;
currentIOS = ios;
char filepath[ISFS_MAXPATH] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(0x20);
u64 TicketID = ((((u64) 1) << 32) | ios);
u32 TMD_Length;
s32 ret = ES_GetStoredTMDSize(TicketID, &TMD_Length);
if (ret < 0)
return NULL;
signed_blob *TMD = (signed_blob*) memalign(32, ALIGN32(TMD_Length));
if (!TMD)
return NULL;
ret = ES_GetStoredTMD(TicketID, TMD, TMD_Length);
if (ret < 0)
return NULL;
snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "/title/%08x/%08x/content/", 0x00000001, (unsigned int)ios, (unsigned int)(*(u8 *)((u32)TMD+0x1E7)));
u8 *buffer = NULL;
u32 filesize = 0;
NandTitle::LoadFileFromNand(filepath, &buffer, &filesize);
return NULL;
iosinfo_t *iosinfo = (iosinfo_t *) buffer;
if(iosinfo->magicword != 0x1ee7c105 || iosinfo->magicversion != 1)
return NULL;
iosinfo = (iosinfo_t *) realloc(buffer, sizeof(iosinfo_t));
iosinfo = (iosinfo_t *) buffer;
currentIOSInfo = iosinfo;
return iosinfo;