strtoul 63631b8028 *added ability to boot main.dol directly for channels (real and emu). The launcher method can be setup in the loader setting.
*added channel hooking (real and emu).
*proper catch of none existing cheats on server if file is not found
*added back channel nand emulation mode and per game nand emu settings for channels (emulation mode can't be set to OFF for emu channels)
*improved handle of cached titles. (on first boot of this revision the cache title file will be renewed)
*settings title, keyboard text and key color can be changed by themes now
*added optional background image for list/carousel/grid layouts. The files do not actually exist in the loader. They are loaded if they exists otherwise the default background image is used.See here for filenames:
*add flush of homebrew memory before launching app_booter
*change: if titles from wiitdb is not enabled the title will be read from game disc header on /title [ID6]/[ID6].wbfs (iso/ciso) pattern. Title caching can still be used and is recommended in that case.
*added keep of AHBPROT flag on IOS Reload. Homebrews booted now have AHBPROT. (thanks davebaol)
*fixed loading ocarina files from SD when doing nand emulation from SD
*fix port libs includes reference in Makefile
2012-01-08 18:24:46 +00:00

168 lines
4.3 KiB

#include "GUI/gui_gamebrowser.h"
#include "GUI/gui_searchbar.h"
#include "utils/ThreadedTask.hpp"
class GameBrowseMenu : public GuiWindow
virtual ~GameBrowseMenu();
static int Execute();
void ReloadBrowser();
int MainLoop();
int OpenClickedGame();
int GetSelectedGame() { return (gameBrowser ? gameBrowser->GetSelectedOption() : -1); }
void UpdateGameInfoText(const u8 * gameId);
void LoadCover(struct discHdr *header);
void CheckDiscSlotUpdate();
void UpdateFreeSpace(void *arg);
void UpdateClock();
static void UpdateCallback(void * e);
TCallback<GameBrowseMenu> HDDSizeCallback;
u32 DiscDriveCoverOld;
int returnMenu;
int gameSelectedOld;
int gameClicked;
int GridRowsPreSearch;
time_t lastrawtime;
bool show_searchwindow;
wchar_t searchChar;
std::vector<GuiButton *> ToolBar;
GuiGameBrowser * gameBrowser;
GuiSearchBar * searchBar;
GuiImageData * listBackground;
GuiImageData * carouselBackground;
GuiImageData * gridBackground;
GuiImageData * btnInstall;
GuiImageData * btnInstallOver;
GuiImageData * btnSettings;
GuiImageData * btnSettingsOver;
GuiImageData * btnpwroff;
GuiImageData * btnpwroffOver;
GuiImageData * btnhome;
GuiImageData * btnhomeOver;
GuiImageData * btnsdcardOver;
GuiImageData * btnsdcard;
GuiImageData * imgfavIcon;
GuiImageData * imgfavIcon_gray;
GuiImageData * imgsearchIcon;
GuiImageData * imgsearchIcon_gray;
GuiImageData * imgabcIcon;
GuiImageData * imgrankIcon;
GuiImageData * imgplayCountIcon;
GuiImageData * imgplayersSortIcon;
GuiImageData * imgarrangeGrid;
GuiImageData * imgarrangeGrid_gray;
GuiImageData * imgarrangeCarousel;
GuiImageData * imgarrangeCarousel_gray;
GuiImageData * imgarrangeList;
GuiImageData * imgarrangeList_gray;
GuiImageData * imgdvd;
GuiImageData * imgdvd_gray;
GuiImageData * imgLock;
GuiImageData * imgLock_gray;
GuiImageData * imgUnlock;
GuiImageData * imgUnlock_gray;
GuiImageData * imgCategory;
GuiImageData * imgCategory_gray;
GuiImageData * imgLoaderMode;
GuiImageData * homebrewImgData;
GuiImageData * homebrewImgDataOver;
GuiImageData * gameCover;
GuiTrigger * trigA;
GuiTrigger * trigHome;
GuiTrigger * trig1;
GuiTrigger * trig2;
GuiImage * installBtnImg;
GuiImage * installBtnImgOver;
GuiImage * settingsBtnImg;
GuiImage * settingsBtnImgOver;
GuiImage * homeBtnImg;
GuiImage * homeBtnImgOver;
GuiImage * poweroffBtnImg;
GuiImage * poweroffBtnImgOver;
GuiImage * sdcardImg;
GuiImage * sdcardImgOver;
GuiImage * favoriteBtnImg;
GuiImage * favoriteBtnImg_g;
GuiImage * searchBtnImg;
GuiImage * searchBtnImg_g;
GuiImage * sortBtnImg;
GuiImage * listBtnImg;
GuiImage * listBtnImg_g;
GuiImage * gridBtnImg;
GuiImage * gridBtnImg_g;
GuiImage * carouselBtnImg;
GuiImage * carouselBtnImg_g;
GuiImage * lockBtnImg;
GuiImage * lockBtnImg_g;
GuiImage * unlockBtnImg;
GuiImage * unlockBtnImg_g;
GuiImage * dvdBtnImg;
GuiImage * dvdBtnImg_g;
GuiImage * categBtnImg;
GuiImage * categBtnImg_g;
GuiImage * loaderModeBtnImg;
GuiImage * homebrewImg;
GuiImage * homebrewImgOver;
GuiImage * gameCoverImg;
GuiText * usedSpaceTxt;
GuiText * gamecntTxt;
GuiText * clockTimeBack;
GuiText * clockTime;
GuiText * GameRegionTxt;
GuiText * GameIDTxt;
GuiButton * gamecntBtn;
GuiButton * installBtn;
GuiButton * settingsBtn;
GuiButton * homeBtn;
GuiButton * poweroffBtn;
GuiButton * sdcardBtn;
GuiButton * gameInfo;
GuiButton * favoriteBtn;
GuiButton * searchBtn;
GuiButton * sortBtn;
GuiButton * listBtn;
GuiButton * gridBtn;
GuiButton * carouselBtn;
GuiButton * lockBtn;
GuiButton * dvdBtn;
GuiButton * categBtn;
GuiButton * loaderModeBtn;
GuiButton * homebrewBtn;
GuiButton * DownloadBtn;
GuiButton * idBtn;
GuiTooltip * installBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * settingsBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * homeBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * poweroffBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * sdcardBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * favoriteBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * searchBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * sortBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * listBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * gridBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * carouselBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * lockBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * dvdBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * categBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * loaderModeBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * homebrewBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * DownloadBtnTT;
GuiTooltip * IDBtnTT;