e.bovendeur a09abe355f * Added FAT support (Issue 1054)
* Fixed issue 1058
* Menus splitted to several smaller files, to reduce compile time

This version has FAT support. You can change the used partition in the game load options. Default WBFS will be used, if found. Otherwise the first FAT partition with games will be used. FAT will only work when using Hermes cios (222/223)!!!
2009-11-15 19:52:58 +00:00

211 lines
4.6 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ogcsys.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <new>
#include "usbloader/disc.h"
#include "usbloader/wbfs.h"
#include "prompts/PromptWindows.h"
#include "libwbfs/libwbfs.h"
#include "language/gettext.h"
#include "bannersound.h"
struct IMD5Header
u32 fcc;
u32 filesize;
u8 zeroes[8];
u8 crypto[16];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct IMETHeader
u8 zeroes[64];
u32 fcc;
u8 unk[8];
u32 iconSize;
u32 bannerSize;
u32 soundSize;
u32 flag1;
u8 names[7][84];
u8 zeroes_2[0x348];
u8 crypto[16];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct U8Header
u32 fcc;
u32 rootNodeOffset;
u32 headerSize;
u32 dataOffset;
u8 zeroes[16];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct U8Entry
u32 fileType : 8;
u32 nameOffset : 24;
u32 fileOffset;
u32 fileLength;
u32 numEntries;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct LZ77Info
u16 length : 4;
u16 offset : 12;
} __attribute__((packed));
static char *u8Filename(const U8Entry *fst, int i)
return (char *)(fst + fst[0].numEntries) + fst[i].nameOffset;
inline u32 le32(u32 i)
return ((i & 0xFF) << 24) | ((i & 0xFF00) << 8) | ((i & 0xFF0000) >> 8) | ((i & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
inline u16 le16(u16 i)
return ((i & 0xFF) << 8) | ((i & 0xFF00) >> 8);
static u8 *uncompressLZ77(const u8 *inBuf, u32 inLength, u32 &size)
u8 *buffer = NULL;
if (inLength <= 0x8 || *((const u32 *)inBuf) != 0x4C5A3737 /*"LZ77"*/ || inBuf[4] != 0x10)
return NULL;
u32 uncSize = le32(((const u32 *)inBuf)[1] << 8);
const u8 *inBufEnd = inBuf + inLength;
inBuf += 8;
buffer = new(std::nothrow) u8[uncSize];
if (!buffer)
return buffer;
u8 *bufCur = buffer;
u8 *bufEnd = buffer + uncSize;
while (bufCur < bufEnd && inBuf < inBufEnd)
u8 flags = *inBuf;
for (int i = 0; i < 8 && bufCur < bufEnd && inBuf < inBufEnd; ++i)
if ((flags & 0x80) != 0)
const LZ77Info &info = *(const LZ77Info *)inBuf;
inBuf += sizeof (LZ77Info);
int length = info.length + 3;
if (bufCur - info.offset - 1 < buffer || bufCur + length > bufEnd)
return buffer;
memcpy(bufCur, bufCur - info.offset - 1, length);
bufCur += length;
*bufCur = *inBuf;
flags <<= 1;
size = uncSize;
return buffer;
const u8 *LoadBannerSound(const u8 *discid, u32 *size)
return NULL;
wbfs_disc_t *disc = WBFS_OpenDisc((u8 *) discid);
WindowPrompt(tr("Can't find disc"), 0, tr("OK"));
return NULL;
wiidisc_t *wdisc = wd_open_disc((int (*)(void *, u32, u32, void *))wbfs_disc_read, disc);
WindowPrompt(tr("Could not open Disc"), 0, tr("OK"));
return NULL;
u32 opening_bnr_size = 0;
u8 * opening_bnr = wd_extract_file(wdisc, &opening_bnr_size, ALL_PARTITIONS, (char *) "opening.bnr");
//WindowPrompt(tr("ERROR"), tr("Failed to extract opening.bnr"), tr("OK"));
return NULL;
const U8Entry *fst;
const IMETHeader *imetHdr = (IMETHeader *)opening_bnr;
if ( imetHdr->fcc != 0x494D4554 /*"IMET"*/ )
WindowPrompt(tr("IMET Header wrong."), 0, tr("OK"));
return NULL;
const U8Header *bnrArcHdr = (U8Header *)(imetHdr + 1);
fst = (const U8Entry *)( ((const u8 *)bnrArcHdr) + bnrArcHdr->rootNodeOffset);
u32 i;
for (i = 1; i < fst[0].numEntries; ++i)
if (fst[i].fileType == 0 && strcasecmp(u8Filename(fst, i), "sound.bin") == 0)
if (i >= fst[0].numEntries)
/* Not all games have a sound.bin and this message is annoying **/
//WindowPrompt(tr("sound.bin not found."), 0, tr("OK"));
return NULL;
const u8 *sound_bin = ((const u8 *)bnrArcHdr) + fst[i].fileOffset;
if ( ((IMD5Header *)sound_bin)->fcc != 0x494D4435 /*"IMD5"*/ )
WindowPrompt(tr("IMD5 Header not right."), 0, tr("OK"));
return NULL;
const u8 *soundChunk = sound_bin + sizeof (IMD5Header);;
u32 soundChunkSize = fst[i].fileLength - sizeof (IMD5Header);
if ( *((u32*)soundChunk) == 0x4C5A3737 /*"LZ77"*/ )
u32 uncSize = NULL;
u8 * uncompressed_data = uncompressLZ77(soundChunk, soundChunkSize, uncSize);
if (!uncompressed_data)
WindowPrompt(tr("Can't decompress LZ77"), 0, tr("OK"));
return NULL;
if(size) *size=uncSize;
return uncompressed_data;
u8 *out = new(std::nothrow) u8[soundChunkSize];
memcpy(out, soundChunk, soundChunkSize);
if(size) *size=soundChunkSize;
return out;